Chapter 193: A Strange Death
The next morning, Deng Dian took Yang Qian and Hu Feng to Wangjiazhuangzi outside the city.

The surname Wang was a common surname in the Hongwu Dynasty. Families with the surname Wang gathered in various places and eventually opened farms to form a group.

There is Wangzhuang in Sandao City, the one whose family was wiped out by Zhang Yue. There is also Wangzhuang around Jizhou Prefecture City.

But it is different from the Wangzhuang in Yong'an City. Because the Wangzhuang here looks more like a market.

"This place is also called Wangjiaji. It was built by the three generations of the Wang family. At that time, it was to give scholars in the city an opportunity to display their talents. Poetry gatherings or academic debates were organized here regularly.

Over time, many scholars who came here for its reputation gathered here. So there were more businesses. Paintings and calligraphy, cultural relics, and some small things like the four treasures of the study.

In addition, there is a Red Moon Flower Valley behind it, and every year there are lantern festivals and flower viewing events, which attract men and women to come and join in the fun."

As he spoke, he entered the village.

Seeing Yang Qian and his party, many people cast strange looks at him. Especially when they saw Yang Qian's martial arts robe with golden sleeves, they had a sense of expectation, but also a little worry.

The Wang family, the wealthy family that had the accident, was located behind the manor, in a large house. It was said that there were originally 60 to 70 people living there, including servants. Now, some died and some fled, and there were less than 20 people left.

"They are all well-connected people. The timid ones have gone home, but they are all on file in the police station. After several checks, there is no problem and they can come at any time."

As he said this, Deng Dian led Yang Qian and Hu Feng into the Wang family's yard.

From early morning to afternoon, Yang Qian was wandering around the Wang family's house.

The person who received Yang Qian and his party was the new housekeeper of the Wang family, a man in his thirties, whose surname was Chen and whose name was Chen Yu.

"After the young master died, the main family disappeared. Several uncles from distant relatives wrote to say that they were looking after the family business, but they haven't come back yet. Now we servants are the only ones looking after the family."

"How many of your servants died?"

"The old housekeeper died, and no one died after that. Otherwise, no one would dare to look after the house here." Chen Yu could only smile bitterly when talking about this. He also said that he was able to become a housekeeper because no one was willing to take the job, and he was forced to take the job.

"With so many people dead, why didn't you report it to the police? In the end, it was the old housekeeper who had to report it to the police?"

"At first, everyone thought it was an accident. Later, the master forbade us to report it to the police. Finally, the old butler saw that the master was dead and the young master was sick in bed. He had no choice but to report it to the police. As a result, the old butler also died the next day."

Speaking of this, Yang Qian happened to be standing outside the door of a room in the garden.

"here it is?"

"It is the master's study."

Hearing this, Yang Qian pushed the door open and walked in. The Wang family was now a crime scene inside and out, and the owner was not there for the time being, so Yang Qian's identity naturally allowed him to move freely inside. Even if he wanted to see the Wang family's storage, he could go.

Pushing open the door, I found that the study was not small, but it was full of furnishings.

Three large bookcases fill two walls, and the remaining wall with windows has inlaid shelves that hold many antiques and ornaments.

There is also a large flower vase around it, which is filled with scrolls of calligraphy and paintings.

There is a big table in front. The table is also filled with things in an orderly manner. There are books, paper and pens, paperweights, ornaments, and even a small potted plant that likes shade.

Pick up any book and you can find traces of reading inside it. It can be seen that the books here are not just for display, but have been carefully studied by someone.

There were many titles, including chess books, poetry collections, various serious classics, and travel essays. Yang Qian even saw several of the most popular new vernacular novels on one bookshelf.

"How did your master die?" "He died in the bedroom. Yes, he died by swallowing a cup." After Chen Yu said this, a trace of fear flashed across his face, as if he recalled the scene at that time.

Yang Qian didn't react for a moment, and asked in confusion: "Swallow the cup?"

"My Lord, he broke a set of porcelain teacups into pieces, swallowed the pieces piece by piece, and cut his stomach and died."

Yang Qian was a man who had seen many big scenes, and had personally participated in the beheading of hundreds of bandits, but hearing about this kind of death still sent a chill down his spine. One could imagine how painful it would be to die in this way. It would probably hurt for a long time or even longer before one could die, right?
Yang Qian would never believe that someone would kill himself in this way if they had a choice.

Unless forced, or for other reasons.

Sitting at the desk, Yang Qian looked around and found a wastebasket under the desk with a lot of discarded paper balls in it. So he picked up the wastebasket.

"Did anyone move the things?"

"No. The adults from the state government looked at it before, but didn't search it. They said someone would come to check later and asked us not to touch anything in the room."

Yang Qian then nodded and began to flip through the waste paper inside.

Most of them were excerpts of scriptures or poems, and they were discarded because the characters were not well-shaped. But since they were from a family of scholars, a simple stroke could be seriously distorted, so that even someone like Yang Qian, who didn't know calligraphy, could see it, which was a bit outrageous.

It is like a calligraphy enthusiast who has been writing for more than ten or twenty years, but suddenly his writing of both large and small characters becomes out of character, which is very abnormal.

“When are these waste papers from?”

"It was a month ago, right? After the young mistress got into trouble, the master didn't allow anyone to enter the study. Then things happened one after another, and the family was in a panic, so they had no time to pay attention to this place. Only the master would sit in there for a whole night from time to time."

While listening, Yang Qian continued to pick up the waste paper in the wastebasket. One of the pieces made him curious because it was the only piece of waste paper that did not contain any poems or verses, and the words on it were written very beautifully, and did not seem to be thrown away because of poor writing.

Three words on the paper: Qishu Temple.

"What's the origin of the Seven Trees Temple? Is it related to the Seven Trees Sea?" Yang Qian asked Deng Dian who was standing next to him.

Deng Dian replied, "To answer your question, yes, the Seven Trees Temple is located in the southern part of this city, and the one enshrined in it is the Treasure Tree Immortal of the Seven Trees Sea."

"Will the immortal master from Qishuhai come to Yong'an City to settle down?"

"Hey, no, no, it's just a name. This temple is not big in this city, and there are not many believers. But the things it says are encouraging people to do good and avoid evil, saying that evil deeds will eventually be punished, and it also uses some storybooks to scare people with ghosts.

My wife believed in them and often went to listen to the teachings. She also dragged me to listen a few times, so I know. "

Upon hearing this, Yang Qian said, "So that's how it is," and that was all.

Coming out of the study, Yang Qian asked Chen Yu again, "Is the young lady you just mentioned the first person to die in the Wang family?"

"Yes sir."

"How did you die?"

"The young lady died by jumping into a well. But she cut off her own face before jumping into the well." Chen Yu's face turned a little ugly after he said this. It's hard for him to survive in this family until now. None of these ways of death are normal. Just the sound of them is definitely wrong.

"Let's go and take a look at your young mistress' bedroom."

(End of this chapter)

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