Daily life of slaying demons in the government

Chapter 194 The atmosphere is a bit cold

Chapter 194 The atmosphere is a bit cold

Although Yang Qian has not been working as a detective for a long time, he is very efficient in solving cases. In his opinion, everything has cause and effect.

Bad consequences must have bad causes!

Moreover, many times the bad consequences and bad causes are intertwined with each other, confusing people's eyes and hearts like a tangled mess, and require patience and carefulness to distinguish them slowly.

The Wang family's case in Yong'an City had just begun, but Yang Qian had already experienced the "evil nature" mentioned in the file.

The evil nature of this incident involving the Wang family is not only revealed in the way these members of the Wang family died, and the inexplicable murder of the constables and yamen runners who were investigating the case, but also in the Wang family's reaction to this incident.

So many people died, even if it looked like an "accident", the first person who cut his face and jumped into the well didn't look like an accident, right? They didn't report it to the authorities, but just kept it under wraps until he died.

This is totally irrational and very weird.

Yang Qian dared to guarantee that the Wang family knew the cause of this matter. At least the head of the Wang family who had suppressed the incident and forbidden the police from reporting it must have known it.

This can be seen from the vague clues in the study.

An old scholar can write with his handwriting out of body. This is definitely not because his hands are unskilled, but because his mind is confused!
As for the "Seven Trees Temple", it is even more interesting.

An old scholar, disturbed by the strange death of a person in his family, turned his attention to the temple that advised people to do good and deterred evil thoughts. Does this mean that he wanted to seek help from the "Seven Trees Temple"? But why did he think that the "Seven Trees Temple" could save his family?
Chen Yu led Yang Qian and his party to a moon gate and stopped.

"Sir, this garden is where the young lady and the eldest master live. I dare not go in there."

"Why don't you dare to come in?"

"That's because almost everyone who went in there died. The old butler was like that, and so were the previous officers. I'm timid and don't dare to go in."

"Oh, there is such a saying? But from what you said, there are people who went in and survived? Who is it?"

"A maid and a few servants. They were the ones who dealt with the bodies inside."

"Okay, you just wait outside." Yang Qian was about to lift his leg when he smiled and said to Deng Dian, "Master Deng, can you help me watch outside? I'm worried that some strangers will come and disturb us."

Deng Dian quickly bowed in response, and when he lowered his head, one could see a flash of relief on his face.

"Come on, follow me in and see how evil it is in here." Yang Qian smiled and took Hu Feng with him and entered the Moon Gate together.

As I stepped into the yard, what hit me was nothing but an inexplicable chill.

Yang Qian subconsciously looked up at the bright sunshine above his head and muttered to himself that there was something wrong with the chilly weather in this yard.

It was already close to noon, and even if it wasn't hot, it definitely wasn't cold. This was Yang Qian's physique, and an ordinary person would probably shiver at this time.

"Sir, why do I feel so cold in here?" Hu Feng also felt the chill, and even subconsciously grasped the hilt of the knife at his waist. He obviously noticed something unusual in this courtyard.

Yang Qian shook his head and did not answer, but walked around the yard first.

A very typical small courtyard garden layout.

There are two rows of houses, one vertical and one horizontal, and the garden is opposite. The house and the garden are embedded together. At this time, the flowers in the courtyard are drooping, probably affected by the coldness in the courtyard. I am afraid they will not live long. There is a well on the north side of the courtyard. The diameter is less than two feet, which is a small well. But it is still no problem for a person to jump straight in. The young lady of the Wang family jumped into the well and died here.

Yang Qian walked to the well and looked inside. It was pitch black and he could not see anything. He threw a stone into the well and heard the sound of water. The ripples created by the splashes reflected some light and he saw that the surface of the well was about ten and a half feet high.

"Interesting!" Yang Qian raised the corners of his mouth and exclaimed.

If he was still unsure when he entered the yard, the chill that rushed out of the well now made him sure of the source of the inexplicably familiar feeling in his heart.

When Yang Qian settled the massacre in Sandai City and took Zhang Yue's head back for sacrifice, he sensed a gloomy ghost standing on incense and candles at the foot of the grave, as if accepting the sacrifice and watching the evil consequences of his enemy at the same time.

Then the ghost sank into the ground and disappeared.

That was Yang Qian's first encounter with a ghost. It was also that time that made him realize that the ghosts mentioned in "Ten Yuan Yi Zhi" were not fictional, but real things.

However, whether it is Yang Qian’s personal experience or the description of ghosts in "Ten Yuan Strange Stories", they have one thing in common: they are rare.

According to "Ten Yuan Yi Zhi", for a ghost to take shape, having an extremely violent rage is only the basic condition. It also needs to be combined with a lot of complex factors such as the time and place of death, and only when all of them are met can it become a ghost.

After all, life and death are the laws of nature, and ghosts are beings that escape these laws, so it is extremely difficult for them to escape. It is not surprising that ghosts are so rare.

So even though Yang Qian had witnessed so many deaths, so many tragedies, and even knew from looking at the corpses that these people must have been extremely angry before they died, it was all in vain. It was extremely difficult to break free from the laws of life and death of heaven and earth.

In other words, Yang Qian used to have an old saying in another world: I will not let you go even if I become a ghost!
If this were said in today's world, it would become a joke.

Being a ghost? Are you worthy?

Although Yang Qian had only seen a ghost once, it still left a deep impression on him. At least he knew the characteristics of a ghost.

That is, the cold air will directly affect a certain range of the surrounding area. And that kind of cold air will not only make you feel cold physically, but will also penetrate your soul and make you cold from the inside out.

At least for now, Yang Qian had only experienced this characteristic in his own Heavenly Cold Force and ghosts. And the Heavenly Cold Force was very different from the one in front of him, so Yang Qian was sure it was not the one, so the only thing left was the ghost.

Taking into account the strange situations in the Wang family, Yang Qian now feels that this place might really be a scene of a killing between humans and ghosts.

The basic condition for the formation of ghosts is "rebelliousness", combined with the characteristics of the "Seven Trees Temple" that encouraged good and punished evil found in the study of the Wang family's head. This seems to say one thing: the Wang family not only encountered ghosts, but also had ghosts in their hearts!

"Sir, have you found anything?" Hu Feng asked hurriedly when he heard Yang Qian mumbling to himself.

Yang Qian smiled, turned his head and looked at Hu Feng and said, "Many people who have entered here have died, including one constable of the Tianzi Banner. Are you afraid?"

Hu Feng's cheeks twitched, but he said, "I'm not afraid! I've already put my life at risk in order to solve the case!"

"Very good. Then go and push that door open, and we'll go in and take a look."


Hu Feng looked at the tightly closed door of the hall on the left and felt a little scared for no reason.

(End of this chapter)

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