Chapter 209: Sky-high Price

Ever since Yang Qian went to Jizhou Prefecture and was promoted to the chief officer of the Patrol Case Division, there would often be smiling people popping up from nowhere and coming to the Yang Mansion in Sandai City with enthusiastic greetings. They almost all had the same reason: to meet Old Madam Yang.

Xu Ying always pouted. She was quite nervous at the beginning, worried that an old woman like her who couldn't even read a few words would bring shame to her son, so she didn't dare to go to receive the guests.

But later Xu Yingcai realized that the other person was not there to pay her a visit, but to give her a gift for the very reason of paying her a visit!
Is it a good gift? It looks good.

In fact, the gift was full of hooks.

Xu Ying didn't know much about this, but Yang Xun knew a lot. When he was a street vendor in Yicheng, Changzhou Prefecture, he had done a lot of fighting and killing, and even more dirty work for others, a large part of which was given as gifts to some bigwigs in the government.

Many times, once you receive a gift, it is not easy to get rid of it later.

Besides, is the Yang family short of money now?
There is definitely no shortage of it. The income from Yang Xun's "Shenyan" shop alone is enough to make the Yang family well-off.

But it is not appropriate to close the door and not see guests.

So Xu Ying would always show up, say a few words, and then be sent out with his belongings on the pretext of "feeling unwell."

This kind of thing becomes boring and troublesome when done too much. The fake smile, fake politeness, and fake enthusiasm make Xu Ying feel tired. Every time she receives a visiting card, she feels helpless and irritated.

Every time at this moment, Xu Ying would think of her dead husband. If he were still alive, he would definitely enjoy receiving these people. After all, that man loved to show off his son and accept compliments from others.

It’s a pity that he died too early.

"You're coming so late? Just say that the old lady at home is used to going to bed early and is ready to rest, so it's inconvenient to see guests." Yang Xun handed the visiting card to his mother, turned around and told the servants to ask the visitor to go back.

It's not the right time. Who would choose a time after dinner to visit someone? Do you really think you're visiting someone in the village?
Another reason was that the name on the visiting card was a business name. What was a business name? Yang Xun refused without any psychological burden.

"Second Master, Mr. Chen and Mr. Ye from the Household Department are also waiting outside the door."

Yang Xun didn't expect the servant to say this. His expression changed. He immediately understood that this business must be extraordinary. It was the way of the state capital, but it asked two big figures from the government office to help accompany it when it came down three cities. This was a big deal!
Xu Ying said: "Please ask them to come in."

Xu Ying also heard that this was inevitable. After she finished speaking, she went back to her room to fix her makeup and asked Yang Xun to greet the guests first.

Yang Xun arrived at the main hall and first greeted the two officials from Sandao City whom he had met before, and then looked at Wu Zhong from Hongyunfa Carriage and Horse Company.

The man was of medium build, had a bit of a belly, dark skin, a bald head, and looked to be in his early forties, with a smile in his eyes.

But Yang Xun sensed a hint of well-hidden ferocity from the warm and flattering Wu Zhong, which reminded him of the killers he used to deal with when he was on the streets. When they were pretending, they looked harmless, and people who were not familiar with this were most likely to be fooled.

Yang Xun knew in his heart that Manager Wu was probably not a clean person.

After some greetings, Xu Ying came over. He was still wearing simple clothes, but he had changed into a robe and had some ornaments on his head.

Xu Ying had already accepted the greetings from the visitor skillfully. Then the topic came up: giving gifts and refusing. However, today's scene was somewhat unexpected for the mother and son of the Yang family.

It didn't look like they were here to give gifts, but the things they brought out were truly astonishing.

“Madam, Mr. Yang, our boss has traveled extensively throughout the years and has met many businessmen and tycoons, but after seeing Mr. Yang’s “divine face” shop, he was astounded and said that Mr. Yang is a rare business genius in the world.

Moreover, our boss even said that under the management of Mr. Yang, "Shenyan" will definitely become the top brand in the rouge and powder business of the Hongwu Dynasty! It is not impossible to even go beyond the Hongwu Dynasty and enter the surrounding countries to make a lot of money.

So this time he specifically told me to meet Master Yang and help him in person to show my admiration!"

It was the first time that Xu Ying and Yang Xun heard a visitor come up and directly ignore the eldest son Yang Qian, and all his words were about following the second son Yang Xun's way?

Wow! He is a business genius and admires him so much that he actually stood up and bowed to Yang Xun who was accompanying him. It seems that he is really coming for Yang Xun?
"Manager Wu, I don't deserve your praise for my ability. I just run a small business to make a living. Besides, many ideas in this shop were taught to me by my elder brother. At best, I am just running errands. In terms of ability, I am far inferior to my elder brother.

If your boss is really curious about the business methods of "Shenyan", you can talk to my eldest brother. He happens to be in Jizhou City. I believe your boss will get what he wants. "

What Yang Xun meant was that he was not the Yang family's top man, so it was useless to praise him.

Wu Zhong smiled and said, "Second Master Yang is too modest. Although Lord Yang is very capable, you are definitely better at business. In addition to showing our boss's admiration for you, Second Master, I also hope to ask you for something."

Yang Xun was puzzled, and Xu Ying was confused.

People come to give gifts and you are the only one who asks for things?

"Oh? I wonder what your boss is interested in? It can't be my small business, right?"

"Haha, Master Yang, you are really too modest. The Shenyan business will only have unlimited potential in Master Yang's hands. But our boss also hopes to contribute to your business. I only ask for a small percentage, and I hope you will agree."

Yang Xun rolled his eyes and was about to refuse. After all, "Shenyan" was the most profitable business of the Yang family at present, and it had unlimited potential. He didn't want an inexplicable Hongyunfa Carriage and Horse Company to come and share the benefits at the beginning.

However, before Yang Xun could speak, Wu Zhong first quoted a price that made everyone in the room dumbfounded except himself.

"Second Master Yang, our boss is very sincere. One group of members is willing to pay 500 gold! And promise to help Second Master Yang build a cargo distribution network for all the cities in the Hongwu Dynasty in the future!"

Everyone gasped.

Five hundred gold coins for only one molecule?! In other words, in the eyes of the owner of Hongyunfa Horse and Carriage Company, Yang Xun's "Shenyan" rouge and powder shop is now worth five thousand gold coins?!
What does five thousand gold mean? After the Song family of Song Qixun, the cancer in Sandao City, was confiscated, the total wealth converted was only more than nine hundred gold. Even if the part secretly taken into account, it would be less than two thousand gold when doubled.

It was just a shop, but a business in Jizhou Prefecture gave an estimated price of five thousand gold, which is equivalent to two and a half Song families?

(End of this chapter)

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