Chapter 210 Too Many Guests
Yang Xun had seen big scenes before, and he quickly recovered from his surprise.

Five thousand gold is indeed a sky-high price. At least Yang Xun himself did not dare to estimate the price of his shop at such a high price.

To be honest, this price is somewhat outrageous.

You have to know that although "Shenyan" has strong earning power and huge potential, the threshold for things like rouge and powder is not high. In addition to business strategies and gimmicks, the miraculous effects of the goods themselves are the key to long-term prosperity.

This means that it will not be easy for "Shenyan" to open branches, as the supply volume alone will be a bottleneck.

In this way, the scale could not be expanded to the extent that it spread throughout the Hongwu Dynasty.

Moreover, five thousand gold is the current estimated value, and it is unknown how many years it will take to make so much net money by relying on "divine face", ten years or twenty years? This span is too big, and there are too many changes.

To put it bluntly, what if some disaster happens next year and the "God's Face" collapses? Wouldn't it make the estimated price of 5,000 gold go to waste?

Therefore, no matter how confident Yang Xun was in his business and how much he thought it had great potential, he could easily figure out after calming down that this "five hundred gold for one part of the molecule" was definitely not a gift from the other party as they boasted about the business. It was estimated that 90% or all of it was for his elder brother Yang Qian, who was not mentioned but was bound to be there.

Something weird!

Yang Xun became more alert and said, "Manager Wu, I am really ashamed of what you said! It's just a small shop that my family can use to make a living. How can it be worth so much money? It's too overestimated, too overestimated!"

Yang Xun was "ashamed" and "modest" for a while, then changed the subject and said, "However, this business has always been run by my eldest brother, and he owns 70% of the shares. He also made it clear that this business is the foundation of the family and the foundation cannot be disturbed.

So, Manager Wu, I appreciate your kindness. If I want to sell any members in the future, I will definitely give priority to your company!"

It is no exaggeration to say that a business that can spend 500 gold at a time is a business giant. How can a horse and carriage business have such strength? It must be more than that. The owner behind it must have other industries. In addition, a manager can have two big figures from Sandao City accompany him. This identity is definitely unfathomable.

"Master Yang, if you are not satisfied with the price, we can still negotiate. How about 600 gold per share?"

The two officials from the three cities nearby had stiff faces. They came here just to go through the motions and to maintain a good relationship with the Hongyunfa Carriage and Horse Company. But they didn't expect to see such an exaggerated thing.

A shop that had only been open for two months was valued at 5,000 gold! And they were rejected even though they only wanted to buy 10% of the molecules? Later, they raised the price to 600 gold 10%, saying that the price was negotiable. What was they trying to do?
Are rouge and powder made of gold now? Is it worth so much money?
The second son of the Yang family still chose to refuse Wu Zhong's price increase. At the same time, Xu Ying also expressed his gratitude and said that he was not feeling well and could not keep them for tea, which meant that he was sending them away.

Several people wanted to save their face, so they stood up with a smile and said they were sorry for disturbing them but would leave now.

But before leaving, Wu Zhong added something for no reason, saying, "Second Master, our company has a lot of strength in all aspects and can help you solve a lot of problems. I will wait in Fu Man Lou for five days. If you change your mind, you can come to find me there.

The price will be negotiable by then, and I will definitely not let you down."

What could Yang Xun say? He just smiled and politely sent the other person away.

When he returned home again, Xu Ying was still sitting in the main hall. Seeing his second son coming back, he asked, "Second son, what do you think the man from Hongyunfa Horse and Carriage Company means? He spent so much money just for a share of our family? It doesn't seem right no matter how I look at it. Could it be that he is targeting your brother?"

"Mom, could he really be here for business other than my brother? Although our shop is very profitable, it's ridiculous to estimate the price to several thousand gold right away. He must have come here for my brother in a different way.

I just don't know what the origin of this Hongyunfa Horse Racing Company is. It doesn't look simple. By the way, mother, don't go out these days, just stay at home."

Xu Ying looked over in confusion.

Yang Xun explained: "The Wu Zhong just now didn't look like a good person. He was ruthless and looked very similar to the guy I used to play with.

Moreover, when I listened to what Wu Zhong said before leaving, I always felt that he was leaving a way for me, as if he was sure that I would definitely go find him.

Mother, listen to me these few days and don't go out. I'll write another letter to my eldest brother to ask about the situation first."

Xu Ying nodded, without any resistance in her heart. She had long been accustomed to this kind of thing. When she was in Yicheng before, Yang Xun made a lot of money outside, and she sometimes had to hide it. Now it is much better than before.

But neither mother nor daughter realized that the danger this time was unlike anything they had experienced or heard of before.

That night, Xu Ying felt cold all the time when she slept, from her back to her feet. Even wrapping herself in a thick blanket on the bed didn't help. She tossed and turned all night without sleeping.

The next day, Xu Ying fell ill. She felt weak and cold all the time, just like she had caught a cold.

At noon, Yang Xun called a doctor to see him. The doctor prescribed some medicine and said it was not serious. If he took the medicine and rested well, he would recover in a few days.

But that night, the condition did not improve, but became worse. The high fever did not subside, which frightened the maid, who quickly called Yang Xun over and then went to find a doctor. The doctor boiled medicine and applied cold compresses until dawn, when Xu Ying finally calmed down and fell asleep with smooth breathing.

But the situation repeated itself again as night fell. It was exactly the same as the night before.

The doctors were confused. The pulse looked fine except for a little weakness, so how could it suddenly become as dangerous as a cold? It was useless to take medicine, and he had to wait until dawn to get better. If this continued, even if Xu Ying was in good health, he would not be able to withstand this kind of torture, and it would definitely be fatal if it was delayed for too long!
The doctor was anxious, and Yang Xun was even more anxious.

"Why does my mother's illness keep recurring and not getting better?"

"Master Yang, I don't understand either. The old lady's pulse is obviously fine. At most, she is weak from the torture in the past two days. It is not a sign of an acute illness such as a cold. I don't understand. I have never seen such a disease before."

The doctor who said this was the best doctor in Sandao City, and had seen countless patients over the decades. But now he had no idea what Xu Ying's illness was, and he was quite ashamed of his words.

He does not mean that.

Yang Xun suddenly felt a sudden chill in his heart and thought of a possibility: What if my mother is in such a serious condition because of a disease?

At this time, the family servant came to report:

"Second Master, there is a guest outside the door. He brought a visiting card and said he is your friend."

(End of this chapter)

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