Daily life of slaying demons in the government

Chapter 233 It’s the right time

Chapter 233 It’s the right time

Early in the morning, Yang Qian saw Zhao Chen returning outside the government office.

"Greetings, sir! I have done my duty!"

"You're back just in time." Yang Qian nodded, opened the door, and led Zhao Chen into the house.

As soon as he sat down, Yang Qian took a note from Zhao Chen. Zhao Chen said that this was the gain from his trip to Yicheng, Changzhou Prefecture.

"Sir, this time we are very grateful for the help of Mr. Yang, who introduced many local people, and they are all brave and hardworking men. Otherwise, it would probably take more than twice as long."

Zhao Chen's face was full of smiles. His words were not just flattery, but sincere. This time when he went to Yicheng, the situation there was much more complicated than he had expected. The official, underground, and street were mixed together, and it was difficult to do things there and check things with just the badge in hand.

Just to find the target, Zhao Chen didn't dare to think how long it would take him without the help of the local tyrants, not to mention the series of changes that occurred later.

"Du Tangming is dead?" Yang Qian read the beginning, frowned slightly, then continued reading before his brows slowly relaxed.

Finally, he took out an envelope tucked at the back of the notebook.

It was a very ordinary yellow envelope, with no signature on it. Inside was a suicide note of more than a thousand words? The signature was Du Tangming.

Putting down the envelope, Yang Qian leaned back in his chair and asked Zhao Chen, "Where did you find this letter?"

"Hehe, sir, to be honest, when I learned that Du Tangming had died of illness, my head was buzzing and I was almost angry to death. Later, with the help of Mr. Yang's friends, I continued to dig deeper into Du Tangming's relatives in Yicheng, and finally found out what happened before and after Du Tangming's death.

This letter was obtained from Du Tangming's nephew."

"What about Du Tangming's death? Did you find any problems?"

"To answer your question, I really don't have any. After Du Tangming returned to Yicheng, he was said to be a little suspicious. Especially when no one was around, he would always mutter something to himself, and he would often wake up from nightmares at night.

This state is obviously a guilty conscience, or in the words of a doctor, it is excessive worry that will lead to illness over time.

Later it was said that he had caught a cold, and Du Tangming fell ill and eventually died. It wasn't someone else who killed him, it was he who killed himself."

"Then how did this letter get into the hands of his nephew?"

"Sir, didn't Du Tangming open a restaurant after returning to Yicheng? He has good skills and his business has been good from the beginning, but for some reason he never married or had children. He taught his nephew hand in hand and regarded him as his successor.

After his death, it was his nephew who cleaned up his belongings, and this letter was found among them.”

Combining Zhao Chen's narration with the contents of his notes and suicide note, Yang Qian now had a complete idea in his mind.

Du Tangming worked as a chef in the police station in Jizhou Prefecture. He became friends with Yao Geng, who also loved food. They often studied food together and drank and chatted together.

Later, someone found Du Tangming and handed him a black pill, asking him to trick Yao Geng into eating it. Yao Geng fell for it, and after eating the black pill, he became like a puppet, carrying a brazier to the evidence building, which led to the fire in the evidence building.

The whole thing becomes clear after this analysis. It is not complicated in fact. It basically confirms Yang Qian's guess: the evidence building did not catch fire, but was set on fire by someone in order to destroy some physical evidence, files, and confessions stored there.

Now it seems that Yao Geng was the most innocent. Not only was he burned to death, but he also bore a bad reputation after his death, helping his murderer to bear the crime of burning the building. Du Tangming deserved to die. He was greedy for money and even deceived his good friend, killing him directly.

As for the mastermind behind this, just from the mention of the "black pill" in Du Tangming's suicide note, one can guess that it would not be an ordinary method.

Poison? There is no such mysterious poison in the world.

Even if it causes hallucinations, there is no way to control what the "hallucinations" are exactly, nor can it be like Yao Geng, who behaves like a puppet, seemingly normal but actually abnormal.

If it's not poison, then what is it?
Yang Qian didn't even need to guess, he just threw the black pill at the evil means and that was it.

They dared to kill prisoners in the dungeon and wanted to assassinate the chief officer of the patrol department. It is not surprising that they did such a heinous thing as burning the evidence building.

A suicide note is not a crucial thing in this case. The other party can deny it if they want to. But it is still of great significance. At least it can prove that the fire in the evidence building was not caused by Yao Geng's negligence, but someone deliberately set the fire with evil means, and just made it look like a negligent fire.

However, there are other gains in the suicide note.

Du Tangming is not a fool. Why would he just go ahead and do it when someone comes to him out of nowhere and offers him benefits and asks him to harm his friend?

Only when there is someone Du Tangming knows and who can suppress many of Du Tangming's concerns will Du Tangming believe it and eventually commit the evil act of murdering his friend.

This man was called Chen Yao, and was a close follower of Bai Yuan from the Zuofu Yamen.

Isn't this a reconnection?
And the hole was found just right. Not too deep or too shallow, it just hit Bai Yuan's soft spot, making it impossible for him to avoid it, and he had no excuse to block it.

After all, Bai Yuan was a powerful official in the Left Office of Jizhou Prefecture, and he could not be easily moved, but Bai Yuan's followers did not need to worry so much. With this suicide note, they could bring him back for interrogation.

"Take my warrant and go to the backyard to find Deputy Attendant Hu An first, and ask him to arrange a few good men for you, and then take two of the guards left by the Lord of the Palace to serve as your left and right, and immediately go to the government office of the Left Palace Office to bring Chen Yao back. Remember, don't make a fuss, and come back immediately after taking the person, and make sure it is clean and neat.

If you encounter an obstruction, just rush through it without hesitation. As long as you move quickly enough, no one will dare to pull a knife on you. At most, it will just cause you some trouble.

Do you have confidence? "

Zhao Chen suppressed his pounding heart and bowed his head, saying, "I will definitely bring the person back!"

The opportunity is coming!

Zhao Chen understood that he had been suppressed in the Patrol Case Division for so many years, and he had finally waited for the opportunity to see the light of day after suffering so much. It all depended on whether he could and dared to catch the criminal.

Yang Qian said yes, and then began to write the warrant. After a cup of tea, Zhao Chen left his office with the warrant.

Immediately afterwards, five imperial guards followed Zhao Chen out of the backyard of the Patrol Office, accompanied by two of the palace lord's personal guards, and headed straight towards the government office.

During the whole process, except for Juan, the leader of the Internal Guard who was in charge here, no one else knew what Zhao Chen was going to do.

(End of this chapter)

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