Daily life of slaying demons in the government

Chapter 234 The Veins Are Connected

Chapter 234 The Veins Are Connected
"Sir, save me!"

A shrill cry broke the tranquility in the Zuofu Yamen Affairs Office. Even the people who were sitting and waiting in the tea room were frightened by the cry and ran out to check, but were quickly met with vicious looks.

Finally, a figure flashed past the window. The man in front was wearing a robe with a black background and red patterns, with a ring embroidered on the chest. This told the people watching the fun in the teahouse that the person coming was from the Jeju Police Station's Patrol Office.

A shrill scream just started and then turned into a whimper.

If you look closely, you can see a middle-aged man in a gray robe in the crowd, his hands twisted behind his back, and a walnut-studded gag stuffed into his mouth. He was crying and whimpering, and it was obvious that he was extremely scared.

Isn’t this person Chen Yao, Chen’s personal follower?
How dare these people from the Patrol Office arrest even Chen's personal attendant? Don't they know that he is Mr. Bai's confidant?

Suddenly, many people remembered the rumors a few days ago, saying that a strong man broke into the prison at night and was killed by the chief officer of the patrol department. He was an extremely powerful person.

Tsk! They’ve arrested everyone here, Lord Bai. How can that not be impressive?

The people in the teahouse were not ordinary people. Those who could come to the state capital to see Bai Yuan were all big shots from all over the place. Seeing this extremely explosive thing in front of them, they were full of doubts. Sensitive people even smelled intriguing signs.

The people in the tea room were still able to keep their composure, but the screams made the guards in the courtyard of the Zuofu Yamen feel as if they were facing a great enemy.

"Stop! Let go of Chen Qinsui!"

There were no less than fifty normal guards in the Affairs Office of the Zuofu Yamen, and all of them were good fighters, equipped with crossbows. They were shocked to see that the Patrol Office actually came to arrest people directly. Previously, these people from the Patrol Office said that they were here to deliver something, but they came in from the back door and went straight to the backyard of the Affairs Office and arrested Chen Yao.

If we let him go like this, all the guards in the courtyard will no longer have to work here.

Seeing the obstruction, Zhao Chen strictly followed the instructions given to him by Yang Qian and rushed forward directly. He didn't believe that the guards in front of him would dare to draw their swords and use crossbows against them.

What's more, there are five imperial guards traveling with them. All of them are masters at the level of minor immortal masters. Would they be afraid of being stopped by these guards?

However, just when Zhao Chen was about to break through the obstruction, a loud shout came from behind him, and he knew from the voice that Bai Yuan was coming.

Wait for Bai Yuan to come?
Wait a minute!

Zhao Chen was not stupid. If Bai Yuan had confronted them, he would have had plenty of excuses to ask them to keep Chen Yao. It would be strange if Chen Yao could survive until the next day. The case would have to end here. If that was the case, Zhao Chen didn't know how much anger he would have to endure from Lord Yang.

"Everyone, ignore the obstacles and rush forward! But don't kill anyone."

"Hehe, don't worry, Brother Zhao, these little kids won't be difficult to deal with." The answer came from a middle-aged man from the Imperial City's inner guards.

After saying that, the five inner guards joined forces and used their magic. A wind tornado rose up out of thin air, which swept up a fine dust and blinded their eyes, making it impossible for them to stand steadily. Then, they used a series of earth-binding techniques to easily break through the dozen people in front of them and leave.

Only Bai Yuan, whose hair was disheveled in the wind, and a middle-aged scholar following behind him were left behind.

Just now Bai Yuan was meeting a guest in the government office. When he heard that his close follower was forcibly taken away, he rushed out to stop it. However, who would have thought that the other party clearly heard his voice but pretended not to hear it, and actually rushed out so arrogantly and ran away!
Bai Yuan was so angry that he blew his beard and glared, but he could do nothing. He felt a strong sense of crisis that he hadn't felt for a long time. Chen Yao was his confidant, and the Patrol Office's move on Chen Yao was clearly aimed at him.

Thinking of the post-battle scene where Yang Qian killed the evil cultivator with a sword a few days ago, Bai Yuan became more and more annoyed.

This Yang Qian exceeded my expectations time and time again. Now he is difficult to deal with.

Bai Yuan was so angry that he was burning with rage, but the middle-aged scholar who followed him out of the government office looked at the direction where the people from the Patrol Case Office went away, his mouth corners slightly raised, and he nodded slightly.

In just one meal, such explosive news spread throughout the government office and spread throughout the entire Jizhou city as fast as wings. Immediately, everyone turned their attention to two places.

One is with Liu Chuan, the lord of Jizhou Prefecture, and the other is the Broken Mirror Lake Manor, which is dozens of miles away from Jizhou Prefecture.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that this was another offensive launched by Palace Master Liu Chuan against Prince Yue. Or was it that this offensive had begun long before the previous Chief of the Patrol Case Division, Xiao Yun, was beheaded, and now, within a year, the situation was about to reach a fever pitch?

Except for those who have close interests, the rest of the people watched and dared not act rashly. Even though most people were more optimistic about Yue Wang, after all, how many people had come and gone over the years? Who could really do anything to Yue Wang?

Yuewang, Yuewang, Yue means mountain!

Trying to stop a chariot with a mantis arm is a joke, let alone trying to move a mountain with a mantis arm?
But it is impossible for Liu Chuan to fight against Yue Wang in Jizhou Prefecture for so long without some ability. He must have the support of the temple.

Therefore, the majority of people are waiting and watching, and those who are in a hurry to take sides or have no choice are the ones who are really anxious.

Zhao Chen didn't care how big the waves behind him were, and he didn't care whether Bai Yuan went to Liu Chuan to complain or to Yue Wang. What he had to do was to nail the case down quickly. From Chen Yao's eyes along the way, he was sure that this guy was definitely not a tough guy, and was even a softie.

As a result, Zhao Chen's judgment was verified as soon as he entered the torture chamber of the Patrol Case Division.

"What a stinky smell! What's that?"

"Hey, the old guy peed!"

People are like this. You can't tell whose bones are hard and whose bones are soft just by looking at their appearance. The torture room is the most intuitive place to measure the hardness of bones.

As soon as I stepped in, I peed.

In less than half an hour, Chen Yao told Bai Yuan all the illegal things that had been done by his close follower over the years.

Only abuse of power? No corruption? Really not.

In Chen Yao's words, Bai Yuan did not need to engage in corruption, as what Prince Yue behind him gave him was enough to make Bai Yuan and his family rich.

Chen Yao also confessed to being the matchmaker for Du Tangming.

"Is it the black pill arranged by Lord Bai? I don't know what it is. It smells good, but it doesn't look good. Du Tangming claimed it was a secret pastry and tricked Yao Geng into eating it."

Huang Yuan, Du Tangming, Chen Yao, plus the wrongly accused Liao Yong, the burned evidence building, and the many suspicious points in the more distant case of "Wu Youliang raping a woman and killing her son" are now basically all connected together.

Although the physical evidence and confessions in the case were lost, the subsequent case of Liao Yong being wrongly accused of embezzlement provided a roundabout way to continue the clues.

After Yang Qian received Chen Yao's confession urgently delivered by Zhao Chen, he had two choices.

First, ask Liu Chuan directly for a warrant to arrest Bai Yuan.

Secondly, hold off for the time being and let the other side be in chaos for a while, giving yourself time to capture the source of everything, that is, Wu Youliang, the young master of Hongyunfa Carriage and Horse Company, and then close the net.

(End of this chapter)

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