Chapter 30 Five Beast Sculptures

There were three stalls in total, with seven people. The stall where Yang Qian bought the Broken Knife was not counted.

The seven people searched through the box in Yao Fang's house one by one. They were all nervous at first, but soon relaxed because they knew more or less what was in the box.

Those who cheat are not fools. After listening to Yang Qian's words and looking at the things in the box in front of them, they can guess roughly. They know that the young captain in front of them is trying to force them to tell the truth, not to kill them sincerely.

So I don't panic.

Just say what you know. Maybe you will not only avoid being punished, but also become familiar to others. What if you make a contribution?

Because they were being tried separately, none of the seven dared to hide anything. They racked their brains under the stare of the yamen runners with whips at the side. In the end, seven confessions, each with more than 10,000 words, were placed in front of Yang Qian.

Yang Qian did not look through it first, but let the people below speak first. He was the supervisor, not the investigator.

"Master Yang, most of the things in Yao Fang's box have been identified. Seventy percent of them are fakes made by these people who specialize in imitating antiques. Things that are only a few years old have been made to look decades or even hundreds of years old.

Their jargon is called "killing the body". If you are not an expert, even if you often play with old things, it is difficult to tell the real from the fake. "

This means that Yao Fang is actually just a self-righteous fat sheep. Most of the things he collected are fakes, but they are made to look more real. I wonder if Yao Fang would be so angry that he would crawl out of his grave if he knew that he had been a fool for so many years.

"Have you found out who produced all the things you recognized?"

"We found him. We have sent someone to capture him and interrogate him. We will have an explanation by the afternoon at the latest."

"Did anyone guess that these things belonged to Yao Fang?"

"Yes, Yao Fang is a well-known player in Sandao City. People in the industry have probably heard about what he bought."

"Any doubts?"

"Yes. Three people mentioned that Yao Fang bought a kit from a man named Wu Qing about half a year ago. He spent a lot of money on it, more than 60 silver coins, which was Yao Fang's savings for several years. Yao Fang's neighbor said that Yao Fang had a quarrel with his wife before the incident, and it must be that his wife knew about this.

But we searched Yao Fang's home and did not find the kit that the three men mentioned."


Upon hearing this, Yang Qian picked out three confession books and asked Zhao Qian to turn to the records of this section and read them carefully.

"Five animal sculptures? Snake, turtle, eagle, tiger, and elephant."

"Yes, Master Yang, the story is the same. It is said that Wu Qing asked someone to imitate the five-headed beast, but the carving is very fine and the "killing body" is made extremely realistic. So Yao Fang spent a lot of money to buy it even though he knew it was probably a fake."

Yang Qian became interested and asked in a deep voice, "So, the Five Beasts Sculpture was taken away by someone? Do you think the person who took the Five Beasts Sculpture was the murderer who killed the entire Yao Fang family?"

"Master Yang, your opinion is excellent. I think this possibility is very high."

"Tell me."

"Master Yang, Yao Fang is a kind person with a clean background. He doesn't normally have any enemies, let alone such a big enemy that would wipe out his entire family. So the possibility of a vendetta is not high. The case was left unsolved before because it didn't seem like there was anything else in Yao Fang's family that could cause trouble. Now if the Five Beasts Eagle has anything to say, the situation will be different.

It is completely reasonable to expose one's wealth and lead to the destruction of the whole family. It also fits the idea of ​​acquaintances committing crimes."

At this point, the case has already found a direction for investigation. Although Zhao Qian's ability is not very strong, he still has the ability to investigate further after finding a direction. Basically, his idea is the same as Yang Qian's.

"Catch Wu Qing as soon as possible and interrogate him.

What about the four people I asked you to keep an eye on before? Have they been acting strangely these past two days?" "In reply to Master Yang, those four people have been acting strangely these past two days. Especially the brothers Zhou Qi and Zhou Shou, who made many mistakes in the restaurant yesterday and were scolded by the shopkeeper and had their wages deducted. Today, the two even took leave and stayed in the townhouse.

The other few people also had no smiles on their faces. They all had tense expressions. When they heard someone calling their names, they would subconsciously tremble, as if they were frightened.

In the opinion of my subordinates, these four people are all guilty.

Master Yang, do you think we can bring them back for a proper trial? These people will definitely not be able to hide anything in the torture chamber."

Yang Qian waved his hand and said, "Don't be so anxious. Let's spread the news that we are already checking the items in Yao Fang's home and suspect that Yao Fang's death is related to something missing from his home.

Let’s get this news out and see how they react.”

Zhao Qian's method is actually simpler and more direct. Besides, ordinary people really cannot keep any secrets in the face of torture in the police station. Even if they have committed the crime of murder, they cannot hide it. When they are tortured, they will only ask for a quick death. What can't they say?
But wouldn't Yang Qian's publicity for himself come to an abrupt end? So the rumors had to continue. If the murderer was caught in the future, these "strategic" decisions could be turned into stories and spread out.

Zhao Qian naturally had no idea what his captain was thinking. He just thought that the captain didn't like to act recklessly, so he didn't insist on his own ideas and just did what the captain said.

Besides, if the head of the police hadn't noticed that Yao Fang's hobbies might be closely related to the murder, there would be no clue to the case. Therefore, Zhao Qian consciously kept his opinions to himself and followed the head of the police's opinion.

"Don't worry, Master Yang. I will have people keep an eye on those four people. But should we release the seven people we captured today or keep them in prison first?"

"Lock him up first. If you let him out, he'll start gossiping and things will change."

"My subordinate understands."

After Zhao Qian and his companions left, Yang Qian did not stay in the guardhouse for long. He left the police station and went to Miaoji Wine Shop.

The shop had been in Yang Qian's hands for several days. The business had never been interrupted, and even the employees were still the same. The only difference was that the shopkeeper had been replaced by a 40-year-old woman with a plump figure and a fierce personality.

Standing outside the store, there were still many people coming in and out of the store. Most of them were carrying jars and cans. Some even carried large wine jars that could hold 30 to 50 kilograms of wine at a time.

Outside the door, squatting on the street corner, there was a pockmarked man holding a handful of beans, throwing them into his mouth with a sly grin, his eyes curved as he stared at the women who were welcoming and seeing off guests in the shop.

Yang Qian found this funny, thinking that Li Mazi, this bastard, also knew that his appearance was not presentable, so he didn't bring him to the shop for fear of affecting business?

"Why don't you go in?"

"Hey! Master Yang, you're here?" Li Mazi stood up quickly and put the beans in his hand back into his pocket. The sly smile on his face immediately turned into a flattering look.

"Okay, why don't you go in? What are you squatting here looking at?"

"Hey, Master Yang, although my reputation is not well-known, it is still very bad. If I go into the shop, won't it affect the business? It's better to just watch from outside. It won't be too late to go over if there is any trouble."

Yang Qian smiled and said, "You are quite self-aware. But you can't hide forever, can you? Your lover is quite capable. I have checked the accounts these days. Compared with the previous period, not only has it not dropped, but it has even increased a bit.

If nothing unexpected happens, she will be the owner of this shop. I will also transfer a portion of the share to you. So you, Li Mazi, will soon no longer be a lowly person.

You should also consider changing the way you live your life.

And women, although they may not say it, they still like their men to look good, just like men like women who know how to dress up.

Take care of yourself. You can't get rid of the pockmarks on your face, but at least don't be so filthy, right? "

(End of this chapter)

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