Daily life of slaying demons in the government

Chapter 31 Li Mazi's Admiration

Chapter 31 Li Mazi's Admiration
How much money can Miao Ji Liquor Store make?

The turnover of the Nine Golds can be recovered within two years, and the rest is net profit. This income is beyond the reach of most small shops. It is completely qualified to be called "a little rich".

Li Mazi had received a promise from Yang Qian that once Linghong passed the shopkeeper's test, he would get a share of the money, and if the money was not enough, he could make up for it later. Linghong's wages would be calculated separately.

This promise was quite generous, and it also gave Li Mazi a lot of confidence.

Yes, although I, Li Mazi, am a scoundrel, I was not born a scoundrel! Before I had pockmarks on my face, I was also a handsome young man in the surrounding area!
Master Yang is right. Why can't I, Li Mabu, Li Deng, change the way I live?
Accompanying Yang Qian to check the accounts behind the wine shop, and then to the wine yard for a look, Li Mazi finally took Yang Qian to see the new house that had been decorated for more than half. When they returned to their own townhouse, it was already dark.

"Have you eaten? If not, I'll cook you a bowl of noodles." A woman was sitting in the main room, calculating accounts on an abacus. She turned her head to look at Li Mazi who had just entered the room.

"Yes, it's the臊子面 that Master Yang treated me to. It's at Liu's Noodle Shop in the East Market."

The woman frowned slightly and said, "Why is it Master Yang who invited you again? Didn't he give you money? Didn't you gamble with it again?"

"Hey, Master Yang thinks highly of me. I didn't even argue with him. Master Yang said it was too embarrassing to argue with him over a bowl of noodles, and he also said if he was going to treat him, he should treat him to a good meal in the future. Look, aren't all the coins you gave me this morning here?"

Li Mazi was not at all resentful about finding a housekeeper for himself, but was happy in his heart. He felt that he had lived a reasonable life for the past forty years. People should not be too willful, they need to be restrained, otherwise they will easily become unable to live.

Besides, Li Mazi knows his own limitations when it comes to managing money. If he were to take charge, he might not be able to resist and lose all the money in gambling one day.

The woman had moved in with Li Mazi for more than two months. She had moved in before Li Mazi pestered Yang Qian to run the wine shop. There was a boy at home, but he had gone to learn the craft from the winemaker these days, and now he was living and eating in the wine garden.

"Did Master Yang really tell you that?" The woman raised her eyebrows, somewhat surprised.

"Then there is still a holiday?"

"That's strange. What on earth does Master Yang see in you?"

The woman's full name is Shen Linghong. She changed her surname back to her original surname after the man she was with died. Although she is now with Li Mazi, she has not changed her surname to follow her husband's like before.

Li Mazi smiled and said, "Master Yang looks fierce and acts decisively, but he is a rare person who cherishes old friendships. He saved my life back then, and I ran errands for him a few times. I did everything for him properly every time, and that's why I liked him.

This time I helped Master Yang to deal with the Liu family, and Master Yang rewarded me with an extra ten taels of silver. Moreover, afterward the Liu family was gone, and Master Yang became the head of the police. There must have been a great contribution in this, and I, Li Mazi, must have contributed to it!
Master Yang must remember this friendship, otherwise why would he agree to the wine shop so readily? Before, you were worried that Master Yang would burn his bridges after crossing the river, but now you know that I, Li Mazi, have some reason to judge people, right?

Besides, it's not surprising that Master Yang likes me. He has a keen eye! Hehe, don't you also like a lowly person like me?"

Shen Linghong raised her lips slightly, and said unhappily: "How dare you say that! If you weren't so shameless, would I be interested in you? Humph! You, don't be so complacent. If Master Yang is really repaying your kindness with the wine shop incident this time, then it's all repaid. On the contrary, it's you who owe him a favor. Let's see how you repay him in the future!"

Li Mazi didn't care and said, "Wife, I have a worthless life, and I will not be vague if Master Yang needs me. If it weren't for him this time, you would never have had this job and the share of the wine shop. What's the point of selling my life to him?" His words were met with a pair of rolled eyes from Shen Linghong.

"You still think it's the same as before? When you die, you lie on the street, and the people from the charity wrap you up with straw mats and drag you to the mass grave outside the city and shovel a few shovels of dirt on you, and that's it? You want me to be a widow again?"

Li Mazi's face changed when he heard this, and he kept saying no. He really couldn't bear to die now. He had been a bachelor for half his life, and now he had a wife, and he was thinking about having a big fat boy in the future. Wouldn't it be a loss if he died?
"Don't talk nonsense, my wife. How can I bear to abandon you?"

"Then stop talking about your life being a disaster all the time!"

"Hehe, that's just what I said. I'll change it. By the way, today Master Yang also told me to change the way I live. From now on, I, Li Mazi, must learn to live a more precious life!"

Shen Linghong nodded and said, "Master Yang is your benefactor, and he looks capable, young, and lucky. He will definitely be able to climb higher in the future. You must hold on to him tightly!"

"Of course! I've been in this business for over 20 years and this is the first time I've gotten to eat noodles side by side with a captain of police. How could I not hold him tight?
But after this favor is over, I don’t know how to get close to Master Yang in the future, I have to think about it carefully. "

Speaking of this, Li Mazi also became serious. He understood how rare the relationship between him and Yang Qian was, and it was even more precious to someone like him. But if he wanted to maintain it, what else could he do besides working hard for the other party? But it was not appropriate to say this to Shen Linghong now.

So Li Mazi had no idea either.

However, Shen Linghong put down the pen in her hand, turned around, looked at Li Mazi who was sitting at the table and said, "Li Deng, you are not a lowly person now. If you want Master Yang to appreciate you, you need more than just your rotten life. You need to have other abilities!"

"But apart from drinking, gambling and playing dirty, I can't do anything else." Li Mazi scratched his head.

Shen Linghong didn't think so. She had been thinking about this matter for a long time, from the day she decided to follow Li Mazi. Fortunately, Li Mazi was not as stubborn as her previous husband and was willing to listen to her.

"Li Deng! Although what you know is not good enough, your status is unmatched by others. Master Yang doesn't lack people to run errands for him, what he lacks is people who can help him make money and manage his business. You can definitely give it a try!"

"Me? What kind of identity do I have? I'm still running a business. I'm lucky enough that I don't lose money. You, my wife, are better at this." Li Mazi laughed and didn't take it seriously. He thought that his wife was just trying to cheer him up.

Shen Linghong said, "Li Deng, you are a disciple of Uncle Yu who has been admitted to the sect by the Blood Wine. You are one of the "insiders" of Masheng Lane! Some businesses cannot be done just by having brains, but also require a status like yours. Do you understand what I am saying?"

Li Mazi's face changed, and he said in surprise: "Wife, are you talking about those unconventional businesses?"

"No, it's a transitional business between the side business and the main business! Don't tell me you don't know what Uncle Yu's most profitable business was in the past."

"You mean private candy!?"

(End of this chapter)

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