I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 12 Becoming a matchmaker

Chapter 12 Being a Matchmaker
"Hey, Uncle Li, after careful observation, I found a good marriage for my sister Liu Yue. Do you think this is a happy event?"

Wang Luo said this with a grin, his expression looked particularly mean and he deserved a beating.

"You have found a good marriage for your sister Liu Yue, but forget it. How can you do what we can't do? Get out of here now. I have to go to a meeting. Don't make fun of me!"

Uncle Li Da patted him on the head and was about to drive him away.

"Don't worry, I'm telling the truth. Just because you can't do it doesn't mean I can't do it. Yes, I'm young, but that doesn't mean I don't have the ability. My sister Liu Yue just didn't have the destiny to meet that person. Now the destiny has arrived, right? Don't jump to conclusions too early. Just listen to it first. Anyway, let's take a shot. What if it works out? Right?"

I quickly grabbed him and explained.

"Okay, let me tell you what's going on."

Seeing that Wang Luo was serious about what he said and it didn't seem like a joke, Uncle Li Da, who was about to leave, sat down again.

"It's like this. His brother, a classmate of ours, is two years younger than my sister Liu Yue. He works as a cook at the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill. His current salary is 37.5 yuan. He is also the inheritor of the early Tan family cuisine. His cooking skills are impeccable. He is tall and in good health. He owns his own house, which has three main rooms and a side room. These conditions are considered good in the capital. A cook will not starve to death in a famine, so my sister Liu Yue will not starve if she marries him and will live a good life."

Wang Luo first explained Sha Zhu’s basic living conditions.

"Stop, stop, stop trying to fool me. His conditions seem good, but why is he still single at the age of 25? Is he the type who has a child and his wife is dead? This won't do. Your sister Liu Yue can't be someone else's stepmother. You are leading your sister Liu Yue into trouble. He treats you well."

He was about to continue speaking when Uncle Li Da interrupted him.

"What are you talking about? Am I that kind of person? If my wife died and I had to take care of the kids, I wouldn't have made this trip today. There are many reasons why he didn't get married at the age of 45. In 51, his mother died of complications during childbirth when she gave birth to his sister. In , when our country had not yet implemented public-private partnership, his father was the head chef at the Red Star Steel Mill. For some unknown reason, he fell in love with a widow and ran away to Baoding.

From that time on, he lived with his two younger sisters, who were not orphans. They were just adults at that time, and the two children had no food to eat, especially his sister, who cried loudly due to hunger. My grandfather even provided him with a few meals.

The two of them depended on each other for survival, and later they settled down after working in a steel rolling mill. There was no elder in the family, so education was a little difficult. He was a bit stubborn and cared about his reputation, so he developed a habit of foul language and violence. But on the whole, he was a kind-hearted person and not a bad person.

After all, there are only two children here, and they live in a courtyard house. Unlike me, I don't have uncles like you and my father there to protect me, so no one dares to touch me. If he is not like this, his survival will be a problem, and there are even cases of his entire family being wiped out.

The Siheyuan is a big family, with all kinds of people and all kinds of personalities. They are just a group of ordinary people. It is impossible to help someone in need, and it is impossible to add icing on the cake. If you live a good life and he lives a bad life, he will be jealous of you. In addition, he offends people with his foul mouth and likes to fight. So, as soon as he finds a partner, there will be people who say bad things about him behind his back. It is so devastating that it has been delayed until now."

Uncle Li Da did not speak immediately, but rubbed his chin and thought about what Wang Luo said.

"Uncle Li, even though there are no parents, isn't this better? We don't have to worry about the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. My sister Liu Yue's personality, do you think she is someone who can swallow her anger? If she suffers any grievance, she can't stand it. And his sister is the same age as me, she can just get married when the time comes, and it won't cause any trouble. What's more, his sister has a very good personality and is a little soft, so she is definitely easy to get along with. She is probably my only friend of almost the same age in the whole courtyard!" Wang Luo then analyzed the pros and cons.

"It looks like he's in good condition. If you put it that way, the problem of him not being able to find a partner can be solved. But his love of violence is a big problem!"

"Uncle Li, are you kidding me? My sister Liu Yue is someone who can beat a tiger. She would be afraid to fight him and beat the shit out of his ass. Besides, this guy has principles and will never lay hands on a woman. He is definitely a Beijing man."

After listening to Uncle Li Da's words, Wang Luo almost sprained his waist. Whoever dared to attack the "female tiger" would only prolong his life.

"Ah, I forgot. I only thought that your sister Liu Yue was a girl, but forgot who she was. Well, I'm busy in a meeting today and don't have time. I'll send someone to inquire about the specific situation and then ask your sister Liu Yue. Then I'll let them meet. Whether it succeeds or not depends on fate."

Uncle Li Da smiled embarrassedly.

"Okay, I'll go back and have a good chat with my classmate's brother. Mission accomplished, I'm leaving now, you can go do your thing!"

Just stand up and leave.

"Wait, don't leave so quickly. Someone gave me some candy, but no one at home wants to eat it. Take it home. If you have any problems, come to me. Don't be embarrassed. Also, you can skip school, but you can't fall behind in your studies. I have to take care of you when your parents are not around."

After saying that, he took out a small cloth bag from the cupboard and handed it to Wang Luo.

"No problem, I promise I won't fall behind. You can look at my results later. I'm leaving now!"

"let's go."

Just like that, carrying the candy, Wang Luo left the military compound.

This was the method Wang Luo thought of to take revenge on Yi Zhonghai. He would just find a partner for Sha Zhu, one with extremely high fighting power, to cut off his future path at the root.

Throughout the TV series, the theme revolves around the issue of elderly care, especially Yi Zhonghai, the extinct family. It was because of him that all the subsequent events happened, causing unrest in the entire courtyard. So, Wang Luo took the initiative and gave his choice of elderly care to him first. You still want to take care of the elderly and enjoy the fruits of others' labor? You can just take care of a Der. This is the biggest revenge and blow to him.

In fact, Sha Zhu is suitable to find a woman with a strong personality like Sister Liu Yue as his wife. He is a man without any ideas, but he cares about his face. If he is not careful, he will be framed by others for the sake of his face. Now he dare not do that because he has a strong wife, especially since Sister Liu Yue is very beautiful and he cannot wait to love her.

(End of this chapter)

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