I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 214: 1 Catch All and Douglas Surrenders

Chapter 214: Catch Them All and Douglas Surrenders
"Jack, what happened when we fainted? And what exactly is the Supreme God of the East? Can our Zeus compare to it?"

After Wang Luo left, a group of people surrounded him and started asking questions.

"After you fainted, the master appeared and flew up straight away. He was about four or five meters high. High jumpers are nothing in front of him. Don't be surprised that he can turn into a pterosaur. In fact, before him, he turned into a butterfly and a bullosaurus. The bullosaurus weighed several tons and was so huge that it could swallow us in one bite. He has shown these three changes in front of us. If we follow the logic, the Mosasaur on the seabed that brought us to this time and space might also be transformed by him. These are the four forms. As for the other changes, I don't know.

You all know that my brother once participated in the Korean War, was captured, and stayed in a prisoner-of-war camp for two full years. During these two years, he studied the gods of the East. He once told me that there are many gods in the East, who are in charge of various aspects and have very powerful abilities, including the ability to destroy the world. As for changing into other forms, it is just a small matter for them.

Look, Zeus is already powerful enough in our cognition, but unfortunately, they only exist in books and legends, while our master has actually demonstrated his abilities in front of us, so it is conceivable that Zeus becomes nothing in front of him.

So, if we want to survive, we have no choice but to respect him, worship him, and treat him as the real master. Mortals cannot compete with gods. Once he gets angry, we will be in great trouble. Our dear Douglas is an example. You don’t also want to be turned into a pterosaur by your master, carried to the sky, and then thrown to the ground and turned into a pool of meat, do you?

Alas, I hope Smith and his men won't put up any unnecessary resistance when facing the master, otherwise we won't see them anymore. Don't forget what he did in the little notebook. Why should we mortals challenge him? Okay, let's quickly hang the idiot Mr. Douglas on the roof, otherwise the master will be unhappy if he doesn't see us carrying out his orders when he comes back!"

Jack talked a lot, then he found some straw ropes from the cabin and, together with his comrades, tied up Douglas and hung him on the roof of the house to bask in the sun.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, God, please forgive me! Jack, Owen, save me!"

When Dokras woke up again, he saw himself hanging under the eaves, exposed to the sun, swaying left and right with a slight breeze. He immediately started crying with snot and tears. While crying, he looked around and saw his comrades-in-arms breaking corn, but the so-called god Wang Luo was not there, so he immediately began to pray.

"Sorry, Douglas, we dare not put you down without the master's permission. That would anger the master!"

Jack helplessly poured the harvested corn onto the open ground, then spread his hands and said.

They have now been completely conquered by Wang Luo, not to mention that Jack, the imaginary man, has done homework for his comrades. To them now, Wang Luo is a god.

"Where is God? Where has God gone? Call him out. I will admit my mistake to him. I will kneel down and lick his toes. I will never dare to resist him again. From now on, he will be my master and I will be his slave. Please, call him out. Look, my arms are about to be torn off. The sun is so strong and I am severely dehydrated. I am about to die!"

Douglas cried out, hoping his comrades would help him.

"The master is not here. He should be on the submarine now. Smith and his men will soon join us. I hope they won't resist. Douglas, you better be patient. Without the master's order, we can't do anything."

"He's not here. For the sake of our friendship as comrades on the same boat, please at least give me a sip of water!"

"No, the master said this is a punishment for you. Who dared to resist him? Even if he is not here, I dare not help you. I am afraid that he will watch us in the dark. After all, he comes and goes without a trace. He is the real supreme god. Okay, you continue. I have to harvest corn. This is the task the master just assigned, and this is also our future food. We don't want to starve to death here. Thank you for the master's kindness to us slaves and for giving us food and drink! Praise the master!"

Jack and the others put their hands over their hearts and prayed.

After saying this, he took his tools and went back to his farm work, leaving Douglas hanging under the eaves wailing.

What Jack said was right. Wang Luo was indeed trying to find a way to capture all the people on the submarine. After all, this submarine needed to be quickly brought back to Longguo, which played a vital role in Longguo's naval construction.

However, there were still many people on the submarine, and the environment was closed, and there were guns, so it was difficult for him to take action. He had to wait until night fell, then he would sneak into the submarine, take away all their guns and ammunition, and then defeat them one by one and pull them back to the farm house.

"I don't know what happened to Jack and the others. They haven't come back yet, and we can hear gunshots all the time. It seems like they are in big trouble!"

Smith used the telescope to look towards the cave, but he couldn't see anything clearly due to the obstruction of the trees.

"Maybe they encountered some large animals, or there may be humans over there and they resisted. How about sending another group of people over?" Doug looked at Smith and said.

"No, we can't send more people now. The situation is unclear. If we send more people over there, we will just be walking into a tiger's mouth. Let's wait. If they don't respond within 24 hours, we will find a way to go over there and explore."

Smith shook his head. Jack's exploration team was just the vanguard. The situation depended entirely on the news they sent back. If they continued to divide their forces and really encountered the enemy, no one might survive. Waiting was the best solution at the moment.

Wang Luo heard the entire conversation between the two people. He immediately turned into a cockroach, lurked in from the entrance of the submarine, and waited for the night to fall.

At midnight, Smith and his crew still did not receive any response from Jack, so they had no choice but to close all the entrances and exits and returned to the submarine. Everyone was sleepy. They had been too frightened today, and they were tired and nervous. They had no choice but to go back to the cabin to sleep.

To prevent accidents, they also arranged sentries to squat at the entrance of the hatch, and as soon as they received the news that Jack and the others had returned, they would let them in immediately.

After sneaking in, the little cockroach that Wang Luo turned into had already begun to basically understand the layout of the entire submarine along the various pipelines and nooks. It was nothing more than those few cabins, a total distance of more than ten meters. The speed of this little cockroach was quite fast.

These submarine soldiers are basically in the sailors' cabin, officers' cabin, command tower, control room, power cabin, weapons cabin and other places at this point. However, the power cabin and weapons cabin are useless now. Except for the personnel on duty, most of them are sleeping.

"Hello, gentlemen, it's time for bed, snap!"

After a few slaps, all the personnel on duty in the command tower were knocked unconscious, and their weapons were taken away and lost again. This process continued until more than 60 people were knocked unconscious in their sleep. Then the hatch was opened, and they were dragged out one by one and taken to the other side of the cave.

"Your name is Jack. Look, your comrades are back. When they wake up, give them a lesson and tell them the current situation. Don't think about running away, otherwise they will all die. Do you understand?"

Wang Luo thought that this boy was good and sensible, so he stood with his hands behind his back and looked majestically at the soldiers who came out to greet him and stood in a row even in the middle of the night.

"Yes, your servant will absolutely obey your orders!"

Jack stroked his chest and spoke respectfully to Wang Luo.

"Very good, that's it, keep it up!"

Wang Luo nodded with satisfaction.

"Master, Master, I am your servant Douglas. Please, let me go. I will never dare to disobey your orders again!"

When he was about to go back and pack up the daily necessities, food, drinks and other items in the submarine, suddenly a hoarse voice mixed with a weak pleading sounded behind Jack.

Wang Luo looked and thought, hey, isn't this the guy who was hung up in the sun? I almost forgot about him. He can't die, otherwise where can I find a big animal to work for me? Come on, this is completely convinced. After all, it's been almost a day. Not only has he been in the sun, but he hasn't eaten or drunk water. No matter how strong he is or how hot-tempered he is, he has to bow his head.

"Master, this is Douglas who rebelled against you. We strictly followed your instructions. Not only did we hang him up in the sun, we also didn't give him a single bite of food or a drop of water!"

Jack is not stupid. He is a servant and a servant should have the awareness of a servant, which means he cannot have his own thoughts. He just needs to strictly follow Wang Luo's orders. So he can only explain, but cannot plead for Douglas.

This shows the difference in Eastern and Western philosophies. If Jack and the others were Orientals, they wouldn't care about gods or no gods. As long as you don't want me to live a good life, I'm sorry, I would rather die than be under your control. Otherwise, how did the saying "Are kings, princes, generals, and ministers different in kind?" come about?
It is precisely because of this theoretical basis that we believe that the Qin Emperor, Han Wudi, Tang Zong and Song Zu were all great, and that the change of dynasties was a normal phenomenon. Therefore, there is no real "royal bloodline" in the Dragon Kingdom. The ruler of the world is the one with virtue, just as Sun Wukong said, "The emperor takes turns to sit, and next year it will be my turn."

(End of this chapter)

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