I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 215 Only Obedience

Chapter 215 Only Obedience
But if we look at old Europe, when they were still in the feudal rule period, the kings of various countries were basically related to each other, especially before World War I. The kings of various countries were basically related to each other by blood. And before that, for example, in the dark Middle Ages in Europe, for a full thousand years, there was basically no communication between the European aristocracy and the European civilian class. In other words, the aristocracy has always been aristocracy, and the civilians have always been civilians. The society was extremely dark and lifeless.

Compared to the Dragon Kingdom, which had a major feudal dynasty change every 300 years or so, with large numbers of grassroots people turning over and becoming masters, and the Dragon Kingdom's territory growing larger and larger, Europe was increasingly divided, and eventually became so many small countries. Isn't the reason behind this worth our deep consideration?

In fact, if you want to understand this problem, it is very simple. Just look at the differences between Dragon Kingdom mythology and Greek mythology and you will suddenly realize it.

The source of European culture is Greek culture, and Greek culture started from Greek mythology. The gods in Greek mythology were born gods, rather than becoming gods through other means of cultivation.

Therefore, Greek mythology indirectly conveys to the world that the reason why gods are gods is because they have divine blood, so bloodline is particularly important in Greek mythology. Only Zeus's illegitimate children or sons have supreme divine power, and no matter how hard mortals try, it will be in vain.

Therefore, after Greek mythology was used by later European rulers, they claimed to be the spokespersons of God and that they had the blood of God. Under the influence of mythology, everyone believed this. And because there were many ancient Greek city-states at that time, when they united, they found that everyone had a variety of gods.

So they began to make up stories, saying that the gods of their tribes had a special relationship with Zeus, which was why Zeus had so many illegitimate children and so many erotic pasts. And because those tribes were related to Zeus, they obtained the bloodline of the gods and the corresponding status.

It can be said that the development of mythology and the development of history are closely related.

The myths of Dragon Country are just the opposite. The gods in Dragon Country’s myths do not rely on bloodline, but on their own efforts. Even monsters can become gods through hard practice. Even stones can make the Jade Emperor sleepless after absorbing the essence of heaven and earth and visiting famous teachers to learn skills. Therefore, this myth system is equivalent to telling all Dragon Country people: as long as you are willing to work hard, even if you are an ugly duckling, you can become a white swan.

Therefore, starting from Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, there have been such bold words as "only kings, princes, generals and ministers are of different species". Such thoughts are not innate in people, but are definitely due to the subtle influence of local culture, which has led to such historical development.

Therefore, when the Dragon people, who were influenced by the Dragon myth, saw that the current rulers were corrupt, they would definitely rise up and fight to build a new world. However, the Europeans, who were influenced by Greek mythology and the theory of bloodline, could only submit to those who were superior to them, because their status was determined at birth, and no matter how hard they worked, it would be useless.

Therefore, it is not surprising at all that Jack and his friends have the idea and practice of doing whatever Wang Luo says. After all, in their eyes, Wang Luo is a god. How can mortals rebel against a god?

"Okay, let him down. Remember, don't think about resisting. Just work for me honestly. If anyone works more actively, I might bring him some benefits, such as women or something. Do you understand?"

"Understood, my respected master. Thank you for your kindness to Douglas. Praise you!"

"Okay, stop nagging, I'll come over later!"

After saying this, Wang Luo once again soared into the sky to their shock, turned into a pterosaur and flew away.

"Come on, Douglas, drink some water. Our work tonight is very difficult. All our comrades are here, and we must explain it to them. Otherwise, they may end up like you, or even worse!"

Someone untied the rope, someone handed him water, and Douglas finally moved his wrists and took a breath. He would never dare to resist Wang Luo again. "Hiss, Jack, you are still alive? Where am I?"

When Wang Luo was checking the equipment and items inside the submarine, Smith and others finally woke up. They saw Jack and others sitting on the side through the firelight and quickly sat up.

"Sir, you're awake. I'm sorry, except for Harden who had an accident, everyone is alive. It's just that we encountered some situations. Now I will tell you everything I know. Please follow me..."

He took Smith and other people who had woken up to see the gold in the cave, and told them everything in one go.

"Are you telling the truth?"

After hearing what Jack and others said, Smith and others couldn't believe it. Is there really a God in this world?

"Of course it's true. We've all seen it, and this gold is the evidence. We came to this world because of God. Don't you know how you got here? I have to advise you all to settle down and don't resist. Douglas has been punished by God.

But it’s okay, at least we don’t have to worry about our lives now. God needs servants to work for him, so I believe we will have no problem eating and drinking, and surviving, and maybe we will even have women in the future.”

Jack consoled.

"This is unbelievable, this is unbelievable. I didn't expect that we would encounter such a thing. The grain in the little notebook and the case of the theft from the bank have not been solved yet. Now there is an explanation, but I still can't believe it is true!"

Smith covered his head and said painfully. The faces of others were also confused. Do they think there is a God? Some think there is, some think there is not, but Jack and others' explanations are convincing. So much gold disappeared inexplicably and came to this world. Only God can do it.

"I think it won't be long before you see God. He has already gone to the submarine to move things!"

Just as Jack finished speaking, he heard a "plop" sound outside, and a large bag of supplies wrapped in a bed sheet fell from the sky.

"God is coming, everyone go and greet him!"

Jack shouted immediately, and everyone rushed out of the cave. Under the moonlight, a pterosaur flapping its huge wings fell to the ground in an instant, and then transformed into a human form and appeared in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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