I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 253: Catch some fish and hunt a wild boar

Chapter 253: Catch some fish and hunt a wild boar
There are some little tricks here. For such tricks, the fish head calls it "looking at flowers". The flowers here are not flowers, but bubbles spit out by fish, also called fish flowers.

We all know that fish breathe with their gills. When water enters the fish's mouth, it first passes through the gill filaments. Then the oxygen dissolved in the water seeps into the capillaries in the gill filaments, and the carbon dioxide waste gas in the blood is discharged from the body through the gill filaments. Because carbon dioxide cannot be completely dissolved in water, it forms a string of bubbles, which is what the fish boss calls fish flowers.

It can be seen from this that as long as fish flowers can be found, it means that there are most likely fish schools nearby, but the fish boss who has suffered losses will still observe carefully again.

In fact, fish flowers can be divided into two types, one is called new flower and the other is called old flower.

The so-called new flowers refer to living bubbles, that is, bubbles that can still move in the water, which means that these bubbles have just appeared not long ago. The old flowers are just the opposite. They are bubbles that have appeared for a long time, and some are even frozen in ice.

Generally speaking, if it is an old flower, it only means that there were fish schools here before. As for whether there are still fish schools now, it is hard to say. Therefore, many fish leaders give priority to setting nets in new flowers. Finally, when there is really no other place to set nets, they will choose old flowers. Whether fish can be caught in the end depends on luck and weather.

In addition to looking at fish flowers, some fish also look at grass flowers.

The so-called grass flowers refer to the bubbles that come out when underwater plants breathe. The characteristics of grass flowers are different from those of fish flowers. When observing grass flowers, you should pay attention to the shape of the bubbles, which are in a string, especially when they are frozen in ice.

If there are dense clusters of small bubbles on the ice, it means there is a plant community under the water, and fish usually stay in the plant community, which is not only warm but also has abundant food.

It is worth mentioning that if you find two grass flowers, one close to the shore and the other far away from the shore, you should give priority to choosing the grass flowers far away from the shore to cast the net and catch fish, because fish like to stay on the lower side of the lake slope in winter, so there are more fish on the lower side than on the upper side.

The most important thing is that when the fish are frightened, they will usually run downstream. In this way, even if there is no net on the uphill side, as long as the fish heads to the upper side and use tools to drive them away, the fish on the other side will swim down. This way, fish from two places can be caught with one net.

"Here, here, and in these places, prepare your weapons and start drilling holes."

After walking around, Wang Luo pointed at these places and spoke to them.

This time it was a big net, just like the one in the Northeast. All the young and middle-aged men came together and started digging holes in the net. This time all the equipment was ready, all prepared according to what Wang Luo said. Even the old oxen from the production team were brought over, just waiting to be used to pull the net. Otherwise, it would not work if only people were pulling it, as the net was too big.

After digging a hole in the ice, the net was lowered, and then there was a long wait. While waiting, Wang Luo was invited to a nearby village to eat and rest.

This place is the same as the Huojia Village where I went to help farmers. Except for a landlord's family in the village that had a tiled house, all the others were adobe houses. The roofs were covered with a mixture of wheat straw and mud. They were short and ugly. There were small doors and windows, and the windows were covered with window paper or newspaper. These were all good. Some even had torn window paper, and it was really unbearable to bear in the winter when the wind blew in.

In my previous life, I heard my mother talk about this era and thought it was no big deal. But when I really came to this era, I realized how hard life was for the common people. Especially in the past three years, grain production decreased and no one had enough to eat. All the edible things were stuffed into their stomachs. Some even ate something called roof grass, which was rotten wheat straw on the roof. Just think about it, how could anyone swallow this thing?

What they wore were also tattered. Young and middle-aged men working outside should have the best clothes, but they were still patched up, just those black wide-waisted cotton trousers, which they wore naked. Autumn clothes, autumn trousers, and thermal underwear were their dreams for the future, and they had none of them. If there was someone in the army at home, they could send home a military uniform or something like that and wear it, which was absolutely awesome.

Wang Luo was entertained at the home of the village chief, an old demobilized soldier. He was genuinely happy that Wang Luo could come and help them fish. This way, every household in their village could get some fish, which would improve their lives.

"Erdan, we have guests coming to our house. Ask your mother to catch our chicken and feed it to the guests."

After exchanging polite words with Wang Luo and the others, the village chief arranged for his own children to kill the chicken.

The chicken was killed mainly for Wang Luo to eat, because Wang Luo was invited and was the most respected guest. The other township cadres who came with them could not do that, because they would not be allowed to eat for free. If you eat at an ordinary person's home, you need to pay for food, food coupons and the like, and you have to give more, because firewood is also rationed, and corn stalks for burning also need to be distributed by the village collectively according to the number of people and the centimeter.

In my hometown in my previous life, many elderly people still kept this tradition. They picked up manure and raked leaves in the morning. After the crops were harvested, they dragged corn stalks and the like back home, chopped them into a pile, and waited to be used for burning. This was the daily life in rural areas in the early years. It was after 08 that the country vigorously rectified the environment and connected natural gas, and firewood stoves were not allowed to be used in many places. But to be honest, the meat stewed on a firewood stove is really delicious, which cannot be compared with natural gas and the like.

"Village chief, please don't kill that chicken. Keep it for laying eggs. Otherwise, if I give you all the eggs, your family might even run out of salt."

Wang Luo looked at the skinny hen and thought that they were going to kill it for him to eat. A man with a conscience would not bear it. It was too conscienceless. He didn't know how Xu Damao could have the heart to eat other people's chickens when he went to the countryside to show movies.

"It's okay. It's my duty to give you food. Don't worry, Mr. Wang, the public society will make it up to them later."

A commune cadre said.

"No, no, please don't do this. I might as well not eat here. I'll just endure it and go back to eat."

"How can this be? You are helping our commune by coming to catch fish, which is a great help to us. Why can't you even have a meal? If people tell others, they will say that we Miyun people are unreasonable."

It seems that people of this era are all enthusiastic. Even if their families are poor, their mental outlook is impeccable.

"There's really no need to do this. It's just a meal. How about this? Can you lend me your militia's gun? I'll go out and get you some game. I'm sure you know my hunting skills. Now is a good time to catch rabbits. Maybe we can catch a big one."

Being courteous to each other is not a solution. This side is a mountainous area, and Miyun is a mountainous area. There is no shortage of game these days. My Type 38 rifle is in Jurassic World, so I can just borrow one. Who doesn't have a gun these days?

"Well, we are just showing off our swords in front of Guan Gong. It's really easy for you to eat some meat. You can fight tigers and black bears with your bare hands. We are making a fool of ourselves by taking out a skinny chicken. It's simply unacceptable. It's easier to use guns. Captain Liu, lend one of your militia company's guns to Comrade Wang Luo. I will approve 100 rounds of bullets and replenish them for you later."

After the commune cadre said something, the captain of the militia company went out and came back with a gun for Wang Luo, which was the familiar Type 38 rifle.

Wang Luo took the gun, skillfully pulled the bolt and looked at it, then glanced at the rifling. The gun was well maintained. It seemed that the owner took good care of it and often took it out for maintenance.

"As expected of Xiao Wang, this gun-wielding posture is definitely a master, he would be ranked top even in the army."

As soon as Captain Liu saw Wang Luo's posture, he knew that Wang Luo was a good gun user. This could be seen from the way he pulled the bolt and inspected the gun.

"I also use the Type 38 rifle when I go hunting in the mountains. I'm very familiar with it, and my marksmanship is pretty good. Otherwise, how could I kill so many wild animals? It's so tiring to hunt with bare hands, so I usually use a gun.

Dear leaders, it's still some time before lunch, and the sun is shining brightly, so why don't we go to the mountain and have a look to improve our food?"

"That's good, you don't know, there are a lot of wild boars in the mountains these years. Whenever the crops are ripe, the wild boars come down to hunt. Although we have guns, we can't do anything about these beasts. At most, we can scare them away with guns, but they will come down again after a while. We have organized several hunting expeditions, but the results are very limited. Our village is counting on you to get rid of them so that we can harvest more food next year."

The village chief was filled with gratitude. He had never expected that someone would finally come to help deal with the wild boars that were causing trouble for the village. And it was an expert at that. He could beat them all with all his might. This was purely an unexpected gain.

"Then let's use Wang Luo's help as a master to kill the wild boar and improve our food supply. So, Captain Liu, you should organize the idle soldiers in your militia company and round them up to solve the problem in one go."

"Okay, I'll call someone right away..."

After shouting a few times, the militia company gathered with their weapons and a few skinny hunting dogs from the village, and they set off in a mighty procession on the thick snow.

Sixty years later, in China, except for the prairie, all kinds of wild animals were basically extinct. As for tigers, there were not even a few hairs left. The most numerous were probably the subspecies such as the Zhou tiger. But now it is completely different. There are more wolves and tigers than dogs in China. Nowadays, if hikers go camping in the wilderness, they don’t need to look for them once they lose contact. If they do, they will only find a pile of bones. Even for fully armed soldiers, it is very dangerous to go into the mountains at night. If you are not careful, you may die, or you will be gnawed by wolves until only a pile of bones are left!
It’s not that these villagers don’t want to eat meat, but they really don’t dare to do it. Hunting must be led by an experienced hunter, otherwise it will be in vain. So hunting now is not something you can do casually. If you don’t have the skills, you may not only fail to catch the prey, but also lose your life.

Probably only a pervert with a golden finger like Wang Luo and a big shot like Liu Yue who doesn't care about his own life would dare to enter such an old forest alone.

Crunch. . . . .

Everyone continued to walk forward on the thick snow. In some places the snow was very thick, almost above the calves. It can be seen that the winter at that time was really incomparable to that of later generations. Except for the Northeast, it was rare to see such heavy snow in later generations. Even in some places in the north, there was no snow for a year.

"With so many of us, it won't work. The target is too big. The wild boar will probably run away in fear from a long distance. Let's split up into groups of several and look for fresh wild boar feces. Once we find it, we can spread out and surround it. This way, we have a better chance of catching the wild boar."

"Okay, I'll listen to you. You're an old hand, and we don't have many ways to deal with wild boars."

Captain Liu and his team readily agreed. They first followed the rugged mountain road and, with the help of two hunting dogs, found the feces left by the wild boar.

"The feces looks very fresh. There must be a group of wild boars around. Everyone, be careful and stay safe. Don't let these guys get in your way."

Wang Luo picked up the frozen pig manure and said to everyone.

"Understood. Next we just need to follow the hounds."

Everyone scattered, a few people with good marksmanship set up an ambush circle, and then the others brought dogs to drive the wild boars into the ambush circle and started fighting.

Wang Luo understood everything clearly, so he naturally became the commander-in-chief. After pointing out the positions of the other people, Captain Liu left with the hunting dogs.

Creak, creak, creak~
Wang Luo and several gunmen walked towards their ambush position in the snow, and the others also dispersed.

Soon the two came to a hillock and stopped next to an oak tree. From here they had a commanding view and could see the scenery not far away.

Soon, Captain Liu will drive the wild boars into the valley on the left front.

One of the militiamen was lying on Wang Luo's left, checking his gun like Wang Luo did: "Comrade Wang, why do we need to talk about tactics when hunting? It's so troublesome."

"What's the problem? Hunting is a tradition that has existed since ancient times."

Wang Luo said: "If we don't do encircled hunting, do we still have to do chase hunting? I have no problem doing it myself, but I can't kill all the wild boars by myself. It's safer to do encircled hunting. Did you chase wild boars all over the mountains before? Aren't you exhausted?"

"Hehe, that's how we hunted wild boars in the past. Wild boars really can run fast. No wonder we couldn't catch them."

The militiamen couldn't help but feel terrified when they thought of the scene at that time. There were no roads in the mountains and forests, and the area was rugged and uneven. There were big trees, bushes, and weeds everywhere, and the branches hit their faces so hard that it hurt.

And maybe there is a snake or something like that hiding in the grass. That would be scary.

Of course, we had to chase it. It was very uncomfortable to watch the wild boar run away right at the edge of the village.

Lying on the snow, the chatterbox militiaman kept talking: "Looking outside like this, it feels a bit like when we fought the Japanese back then."

"That should be about right... Watch out, the wild boars are coming!"

Wang Luo raised his gun and aimed. The cold wind blew into his sleeves, but he remained motionless.


"My dear~"


The sound of huge running and the chaotic cries of wild boars were heard, followed by the barking of hunting dogs and the gunfire of Captain Liu and his men.


A bullet grazed the back of a wild boar, leaving a bloody mark on its back, and then hit a pine tree in the distance.

The herd of wild boars ran very fast, and Captain Liu and his men at the back could not catch up at all. Even Shouba Laji's hunting dogs had a hard time.


Fearing that the hunting dog would be hit by stray bullets, Captain Liu whistled from behind. The hunting dog was very obedient and immediately gave up the chase and ran back. Captain Liu and his other dogs also followed.

Dogs also have a herd mentality.

At this time.

To the front right, Wang Meng, who was a hundred meters away from the wild boar herd, fired one of the militiamen in ambush. Two bullets tore through the air and shot towards the wild boars.

One of them missed his shot, and the other shot hit a wild boar's belly. The militia was very confused because they were clearly aiming at the wild boar's head.

A second shot was fired in a very short time, this time one hit the pig's leg and the other hit the pig's ear.

The wild boars were frightened, stopped and changed direction to escape, and the direction they escaped was towards the left front.

bang bang bang
The people who rushed back to the ambush position opened fire together, and the wild boars were stunned in an instant. The boar meat, leaving behind three injured and dead boars, turned around again, this time running towards Wang Luo.

"I don't want to be a pig in my next life."

Wang Luo aimed at a wild boar's head and pulled the trigger.

The bullet flew out of the muzzle and hit the wild boar's eye directly. The bullet entered directly from the left eye and exited from the right eye, killing the boar with one shot.

This time the wild boar let out a wail, then fell to the ground with a plop and died. Drops of red liquid soaked the white snow.


bang bang bang
Captain Liu and his hunting dogs kept shouting, threatening, and even firing their guns as they drove towards Wang Luo. The wild boars were going crazy. Why were there hunters everywhere? They began to run wildly in all directions without paying attention. For a while, the snow was flying and many bushes were broken.

But anyone who ran to Wang Luo's side was shot dead, just like shooting at a target.


When the dust settled, only some of the half-grown pigs escaped, while the remaining adult pigs and a small number of half-grown pigs remained on the snow.

"It's a good harvest. Basically, not many adult pigs escaped, so there is no threat to the crops for the time being. Leave some piglets, and when they grow up, you can hunt them according to this method. Don't kill them all, otherwise it would be unkind."

"I see. Hehe, how can we kill them all? Otherwise, we won't have pork to eat in the future. Now we can eat wild boar meat every year."

Captain Liu said with a smile.

"Come on, let's get the pigs back and have a good meal. Today we are all blessed by Comrade Wang Luo, otherwise we wouldn't be able to kill so many wild boars. But your marksmanship is really good. Look at these wild boars that were basically killed by you, and all of them were killed with one shot. No wonder you dared to go into the mountains alone to hunt tigers and black bears. If it was before the founding of the People's Republic of China, you would definitely be a good fighter against the Japanese."

(End of this chapter)

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