I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 254: Holiday is Coming Soon

Chapter 254: Holiday is Coming Soon

"I also regretted being born many years later, haha."

Everyone was chatting and laughing as they tied the prepared ropes to the wild boar, and then everyone carried it down the mountain happily, chatting and laughing.

"We caught a wild boar. We caught a wild boar. Let's eat meat today. Let's eat meat today."

Before we entered the village, a group of children whose faces were already red from the cold but who were reluctant to leave started shouting.

"We have gained so much. Why couldn't we kill these beasts before?"

The village chief also came out after hearing the news.

"Stop talking. Our method was wrong. We only succeeded thanks to the method of Xiao Wang. Otherwise, it would have been in vain. Today, we can enjoy a good meal."

"As expected of a man who can kill a tiger with his bare hands, even catching a wild boar is extraordinary. So, have you learned the methods of the hero Xiao Wang?"

The village chief asked with concern, the main thing is that these wild boars are not just a group, there are many of them, not only wild boars, but also wolves and the like.

"I have learned it. They have taught us. Uncle Village Chief, hunting wild boars is just like how we used to fight the Japanese. We still need to work together and encircle them. We used to fight alone and chase them. No matter how fast we run, we can't outrun them. We are just stupid. How could we forget our original profession?"

Captain Liu was whispering with the village chief, talking about his experiences in hunting wild boars and catching rabbits.

"I still haven't come to my senses. How could we know these things before? The Japs are human beings after all, but now I don't expect that they are no different from animals."

Everyone was excited about the arrival of the wild boar. They hadn't eaten pork many times this year in the village. Even if it was wild boar meat, they didn't care about the smell. Meat was a good thing. Only during the New Year could the village kill a pig to taste the meat. The rest were free pigs and had to be handed over. This pig was so skinny. People couldn't even eat enough, so they fed the pigs. At most, they could let the village pigherds let the pigs eat some grass. There was no food.

The village butcher, cook and other people had been waiting in the threshing ground for a long time. Even in the howling northwest wind, they could not resist the temptation of pork. All the young and old in the village came together to watch.

Everybody gathered around to watch the fun, and Wang Luo was no exception. He was originally invited to the house to drink water, but he liked this lively scene. Such collective life did not exist in later generations. Everyone only cared about themselves and everything was about money. They did not have so much free time to care about others, so he just wanted to gather around to watch. It was just that he did not have a camera. If he had, he could have taken pictures so he could recall them in later generations.

Wang Luo was smoking a cigarette and sipping hot water from a large teacup while watching the butcher slaughtering a pig.

"Captain Liu, is this butcher a pig butcher in your village? Ordinary people can't do this job."

Wang Luo asked for the sake of conversation. Anyway, in the capital, pigs were slaughtered by professionals. Sha Zhu in his own yard was also a cook, so it would be no problem for him to slaughter a pig or a sheep.

"No, we don't have a professional butcher here. He would starve to death if he did. This butcher was a militiaman before, but he retired when he got old. He usually farms at home. He is brave and has good knife skills, so he is usually given the job when there is a job involving a knife in the village."

Listening to Captain Liu's words, Wang Luo couldn't help but fall into deep thought. It seemed that when he was in his hometown in his previous life, the grandfathers and uncles in the village all had special skills, such as carpentry, stonemasonry, and building houses. Generally, villagers came to help, and they never invited outsiders. They just provided cigarettes, alcohol and meals. Everyone helped each other, as if in his memory they knew everything and understood everything. They were simply all-rounders. Think about whether this is the case in your own memory.

In fact, farmers are not born omnipotent. Since they have to dig food from the land and sweat drops on the ground, their income is limited, so they have to use their personal intelligence to the fullest. Farmers make all the production tools and daily necessities they need for farming and life by themselves when it is cloudy and rainy or when they are not busy. The purpose is very clear, which is to reduce unnecessary expenses.

China is a large agricultural country. In this era, farmers engaged in agricultural production. Except for large agricultural tools such as various vehicles, plows, and hoes for planting, which were solved by the collective, the remaining small agricultural tools were all purchased or made by farmers themselves, and in most cases, they were made by themselves.

They are illiterate, but apart from being able to do all the farm work in the countryside, they can weave baskets, string baskets together, weave straw mats for rural people to sleep on with hemp ropes, and many other daily necessities needed by farmers. They have even learned the technique of giving massage to people. The so-called "farmers are omnipotent", but if they are not omnipotent in life, they need to pay for it. If they are short of money, they can only think of other ways to solve the problem.

Under the conditions of material scarcity and extremely limited income for farmers, making and repairing farm tools is a necessary skill for everyone engaged in agricultural production. If one does not know how to do it, one needs to ask others for help. It is easy to ask for help but difficult to ask for it. It is okay once or twice, but if it happens too many times, it will become annoying.

In the absence of popularization of industrial products and technologies, farmers relied on simple production tools to farm the land. They used their flesh and blood to fight against the sky and the earth, which was endless fun. However, after all the fun, they still had to face the cruel reality.

Wang Luo grew up in the countryside in his previous life. As he got older, he got to know his parents and grandparents better. He knew how the rural people solved the problems of food, clothing, housing and transportation, and he also knew a little about the production tools and production and process of daily necessities of farmers. Young people who grew up in the countryside are influenced by their environment and learn to make and repair simple production tools and simple daily necessities as long as they pay a little attention. As the saying goes, many skills are good, and it is difficult for a person to do one less skill.

Generally speaking, under the conditions of primitive farming, since there were very few machines needed for agricultural production, small farm tools, daily necessities for farmers, including clothes, shoes and socks, were all made by farmers. If you are not versatile, you will have to eat thin and wear rotten clothes. With the development of urbanization and industrialization, various specialized agricultural service organizations and institutions have emerged, and farmers do not need omnipotent. Farmers can solve their problems from planting to harvesting, including field management, as long as they need it, a phone call can solve their problems.

Even though we live in the city and think we have learned a lot of knowledge, in some aspects we are really not as good as them. Wang Luo couldn't say whether this kind of social development is good or bad. In short, there are basically not many all-rounders like our parents among the young people in later generations.

Wang Luo admires an expert on rural areas. He is not a self-proclaimed expert. He is a real expert. He is not just a sheep in sheep's clothing. He is Professor Wen Moujun. He said something very thought-provoking, that is, "A village is a small society. There are all kinds of people in the village, such as ironworkers, farmers, pig farmers, etc. In wars, they are basically not affected much because they can be self-sufficient, but people in cities cannot. So when wars break out, it is not unreasonable for people in cities to run to the countryside."

Now Wang Luo looks at these villagers and recalls what Old Wen said, which really makes sense, because they know a little bit about everything, and survival is not a problem, but their life is not very good. After the reform and opening up, when he becomes a big boss, he must help the farmers. He cannot let down the farmers who are now carrying the entire country forward, not enjoying many benefits, and facing a huge industrial scissors gap.

"What are you thinking about? You're so absorbed in it. The cigarette is about to burn your fingers."

Captain Liu touched Wang Luo, and Wang Luo rubbed his hands.

"I didn't think much about it. I just felt the greatness of our country's farmers. When I learn something in the future, I must help my fellow farmers more."

"Hey, why are you saying this? No matter how much you help us, we are still farmers. Growing food for the country is our job. What's great or not? You educated people use your brains, and the soldiers use guns to defend the country. We farmers grow crops, but the division of labor is different. It's good enough now, don't think too much."

The pig was slaughtered, and the village chef did not waste any of the pig bones and offal. He put them directly into the big pot that was used to run the canteen a few days ago, and added some cabbage, potatoes and the like. At noon that day, everyone had a good meal. Some children were greedy for meat, and they kept stuffing their mouths with food even when their stomachs were full. Some of them even vomited. Then the father slapped them on the buttocks and said, "You are useless. Such a good thing was wasted by you."

There's really no way to explain this. This is the situation. Don't think it's an exaggeration. He's heard this from his mother. His mother was born in 57, which happened to be the year of such a harvest. At that time, every household ate either sweet potatoes or cornmeal. Each person had a bowl of sweet potatoes. The smell of sweet potatoes would make your stomach turn sour. There were all kinds of sweet potato porridge, sweet potato pancakes, and sweet potato steamed buns. Only during the Chinese New Year would they steam a pot of steamed buns, and they were all made of white flour. Some were made of sorghum flour, which were black. There were no electric lights at that time. When the steamed buns were ready, he would climb down from the bed naked, quickly grab one, not knowing what it was, and eat it under the quilt. As a result, it was made of sorghum flour.

There is also boiled meat, which is only cooked during the Chinese New Year so that the children can have a good meal. Some children are so greedy that they even eat themselves to death. The boiled meat soup is not wasted. When guests come during the Chinese New Year, we just cook some kelp, cabbage, etc. and serve it on the table. This is a delicious dish to entertain guests. We were really poor.

The ability to eat white flour buns properly and no longer rely on various grains to maintain food and clothing was not solved until 82 when we went our own way. I say this to let everyone know that our life is hard-earned. I hope everyone will develop some good habits of cherishing food, and educate the next generation not to throw away food you don’t like. This is simply a crime. Even if we have a good life, we should not do this. These are all created for us by our older generation after decades of hard work.

"Don't be so formal, hero Xiao Wang. It's mainly because we are poor that we finally get to eat meat thanks to you. Hahaha."

The village chief warmly entertained Wang Luo with wine and meat, while explaining things to him.

"It's nothing. We all know that the villagers are poor, but I still want everyone to be careful. Usually there is not much oil and water. Eating too much meat will easily cause diarrhea. Don't be too weak in the afternoon."

"I know, I know. Let's eat less at noon and share the rest with everyone. Also, you take the biggest wild boar back to school and improve the students' diet. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be able to catch the wild boar."

"No need for that. Our school is close to Changping, and there are many old forests around. I can just take a walk in the forest and kill some wild boars. You can pickle them and have meat dumplings for New Year's Day."

Looking at the appearance of the people in this village, I feel really embarrassed to take it. Anyway, they can fight for it. There are some more in the pigpen. The country has not let the students starve. Even in the most difficult times, the technical secondary school, junior college and undergraduate students have not been wronged.

The lunch break ended like this. At around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Luo came to the reservoir with everyone. After taking a look at the situation, he said, "Closing the internet."

Following Wang Luo’s shout, everyone got busy. Several oxen pulled the winch hard. As the first fish emerged from the water, other fish also came up one after another. This net lasted until after 7 o’clock in the evening. The result was very good, a big harvest. This net caught at least 6 kilograms of fish. . . . .

After being busy for a while, he finally helped everyone catch all the fish. Wang Luo also finished his task and returned to school. After returning to school, people from many units kept visiting him. Because Wang Luo caught so many fish, each unit shared some of them. Some units even dug wells after drinking water. Everyone knew that Wang Luo was good at fishing, so they brought a lot of things to send to him. The things they sent were also varied, including canned food from the food factory and cloth from the cotton mill. Anyway, there was everything. This time, when Principal Jiao saw the full warehouse, he was so happy that his back teeth were exposed. After several years, he was finally going to have a good year this year. It was not easy.

This is sustainable development. Since Wang Luo is so capable, after we establish a good relationship with him, we will need his help next year. We can't just do a one-time deal and be stingy, otherwise he won't help us next year.

After fishing, it was time for the midterm exam. Holding the wax-stamped test paper, Wang Luo wrote furiously. The test questions were too easy for him. He finished them, handed in the paper, and left. It took him less than half an hour.

The invigilator knew how capable Wang Luo was, so there was no need to remind him to check his work like he did with other students. He just waved his hand and let him leave the examination room. The teacher then took his test paper and started looking at it, nodding his head as he read.

(End of this chapter)

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