I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 276 Medical Practice

Chapter 276 Medical Practice
"Okay, I'll listen to you. Then I'll add a diet. Maybe I can also taste tiger meat and bear paws. I didn't get to eat any of the bear you killed last time. Now it's up to you!"

Uncle Chen was quite open-minded and agreed immediately.

"They are just bears. Wait until autumn when they are at their fattest and I will make sure you get to eat them. Now you just need to rest and wait for treatment."

Seeing that Uncle Chen was very tired and Aunt Fu also looked sad, the three of them chatted for a few words, and then comforted Aunt Fu and left.

"Is your diet reliable?"

On the way home, Liu Yue asked Wang Luo.

"How do I know if it's reliable? Uncle Chen is now overdrawn. He is almost at the point of running out of energy. He doesn't lack medical treatment. Not to mention Chinese medicine, as long as Western medicine has any special medicine, the country will find a way to get it from abroad. As for this food therapy, it all depends on God's will. It's just our filial piety as a younger generation!"

Wang Luo shook his head and answered helplessly.

He is just a dabbler now, with almost no practice, but when he felt the pulse, he knew that it was impossible to treat the patient under the current medical conditions. If it could be treated, the medical masters of Dragon Country would have thought of it before him.

Therefore, he could only conduct experiments using Jurassic animals and plants, and whether it would be successful depended on fate, so he used diet therapy to give it a try.

"Wife, maybe it really works. In the past, we chefs had the practice of making medicinal food. Many high-ranking officials ate this. We should try it to see if it works. Maybe Xiao Luo will be able to cure the disease!"
Even if he can't be cured, at least Uncle Chen can have something good to eat. He has fought wars all his life, and even now that peace has come, he has never been idle, and he is still doing things for the country. It would be good for him to take this opportunity to rest more and enjoy life."

"Bah, you crow's mouth, you can't cure it, Uncle Chen will definitely recover!"

Liu Yue was so angry that he slapped Sha Zhu on the back.

"Yes, yes, yes, wife, you are right. I am a crow's mouth. I was wrong. Hehe, well, Xiao Luo, don't you know Chinese medicine? Hurry up and take your sister's pulse and see how your little nephew is doing!"

Sha Zhu quickly admitted his mistake and said that it was his own fault. His wife is the most important in the world and Sha Zhu is impeccable in loving his wife. He is showing concern for her again.

"I'll show you when I get back!"

Wang Luo was not polite. He just took the pulse and did not prescribe any medicine. If he really wanted to study medicine, he could just ask Li Jun to find a good teacher and learn from him. Li Jun had many friends in the world, so it was not surprising that he knew some of them who knew medical skills.

When he got home, he went straight into the house, sat on a chair and began to take Liu Yue's pulse seriously. Everyone in the room was watching TV in his house, and those who were keeping warm also gathered around to watch the fun. They only knew that Wang Luo liked to learn medical skills when he had nothing to do, but they didn't expect that he actually learned it?
"Sister, you are twins. The pulse shows that, and it is a boy and a girl. This is what I think. Go to the hospital later to see if what I see is true!"

Wang Luo let go of Liu Yue's wrist and said.

"Xiao Luo, is this true? Yueyue is really a twin?"

When He Daqing heard this, he immediately stood up excitedly. In this era, giving birth to twins, a boy and a girl, was truly a rare thing. It would be strange if he wasn't excited.

"It feels like this, but you know, I'm just a novice, I'm just here for fun, if you want to be more accurate, I suggest you go to the hospital for a check-up." "Zhu Zi, what are you waiting for, go to the hospital and get your wife checked!"

He Daqing slapped Shazhu on the head as he was laughing foolishly, and asked him to take Liu Yue for a check-up.

"Go right now, go right now!"

Without saying a word, he carefully supported Liu Yue and went out. When Liu Yue heard this, he was excited and curious. He wanted to see if what Wang Luo said was true, so he followed him.

"Xiao Luo, don't think you can treat people just by reading a few medical books. You can just guess and it will be fine. You must not prescribe medicine for people, understand?"

Li Jun gave Wang Luo a reminder at the right time.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. I'm just taking your pulse for fun. I won't do anything else!"

Wang Luo nodded. He knew that Li Jun was trying to prevent him from making a mistake. Treating someone carelessly could easily result in death.

"Brother Li, don't be too harsh on him. Maybe Xiao Luo is really good. It just so happens that I've been in pain all over these days and I can't muster any strength. I was thinking of getting some painkillers. Since Xiao Luo can take my pulse, why don't you check it for me? Just for fun!"

Jia Zhang immediately stood up to persuade him and told him her own story.

"Come on, let's just treat it as an experiment on this kid. Xiao Luo, let your Aunt Zhang see it."

The pulse is a little weak, but overall there is nothing serious wrong. However, Aunt Zhang, you don't have to worry too much. You said that you often have body pains. Do you sometimes have headaches, fatigue or restlessness, arrhythmia, tinnitus, etc.? "

"Yes, yes, that's right. Sometimes I just can't stand the pain, so I take painkillers. I used to take one a day, but now I have to take three. What's wrong with me? Bang Geng did persuade me a few times, but I was in so much pain that I couldn't bear it. Xiao Luo is really accurate!"

"Yes, Wang Luo, what disease does my mother have? Does she need to be hospitalized?"

Qin Huairu also asked quickly with concern.

"Hahaha, it's okay, it's okay, don't worry too much. Aunt Zhang doesn't have a serious problem. She's just too fat. Don't think being fat is a good thing. This is a disease called affluence disease. According to Western medicine, it's high blood pressure. If you eat all day and don't move, your blood will become thick and you will get this disease."

"What about my mother? Does she need any medicine?"

"In my opinion, this disease is not a big deal. You just need to take care of it. This care does not mean eating good food, but strengthening exercise. Aunt Zhang should not eat too much eggs, fatty meat and the like in the future. These things have too high fat and protein content. Eating them will only accelerate the disease. Eat more coarse grains, cornmeal, dried sweet potatoes, sorghum flour and so on. These things are the most nourishing. Also, Aunt Zhang, don't stay at home all day. You should move around, go out for a walk in the morning, and it's best to do more work at home. This way you will lose weight and your high blood pressure will be gone.

Also, I think you should stop taking the painkillers. They are addictive and have a serious dependency. If you take them three times a day now, you will suffer in the future. Stop taking them quickly. It will pass if you bear with it. If it doesn't work, go to the hospital for a checkup. I'm just playing around and can't prescribe any medicine. That's all. Everything else is fine."

(End of this chapter)

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