I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 277 Diagnosis

Chapter 277 Diagnosis
"Oh, it turns out that being too fat is not good. I used to think being fat was good. I have to be careful in the future. Fortunately, my family is full of thin people. Fortunately, Lao Liu, you look fat too. If you don't like it, let Xiao Luo take a look at you. It will be good for you."

Yan Bugui patted his chest and said with a smug look on his face that at this moment he felt that being stingy did have certain benefits.

"You are just stingy. With your appearance, it would be strange for your family to get fat. But you are right. I think I should let Wang Luo take a look at me to see if I also have a rich man's disease. Come, Xiao Luo, please take a look at me."

Jia Zhang stood up and gave her her seat, and Liu Haizhong sat down immediately. As long as she didn't need to take any medicine or get any injections, Jia Zhang was relieved. It was just housework, so she could just do it. Alas, she only cared about enjoying herself before, thinking that she had finally become a mother-in-law. She didn't expect that not working and not being active was not a good thing.

"Second uncle, there's nothing wrong with you. You may be fat, but your job is there. Dynamic work can only make you strong, not fat. Don't worry, you can eat and drink when you get home."

"Thank you, thank you. I was scared. I didn't expect that everything is fine."

"That's what I said, but I'm just a novice. If I feel unwell, I still have to go to the hospital for a check-up, take medicine if necessary, and get an injection if necessary."

"Got it!"

Liu Haizhong felt relieved when he heard that he was fine.

"Xiao Luo, why don't you take care of your aunt during this time? She has been seeing many doctors but none of them have helped her. She has been taking medicine all year round."

Uncle Yi Zhonghai pulled an old lady over, intending to ask Wang Luo to take a look. Regardless of whether Wang Luo's diagnosis was accurate or not, they were desperate to try any possible cure. Since no one else could cure them, why not look for another method?

"No problem, but I can't guarantee that I can see it accurately. You should be mentally prepared."

"I don't blame you, I don't blame you. Anyway, this is just an old problem of mine. Just tell me and treat it as you like."

The aunt answered immediately.

"Okay, come, let me take your pulse."

"Auntie, I have to tell you the truth."

Wang Luo felt the patient's pulse, frowned and said.

"Just tell me, I'm prepared."

"Well, let me be honest. You have a big problem. There is something wrong with your uterus. It is cold and accompanied by fallopian tube blockage. This is why you have never had children. In addition, you have a heart problem. After strenuous activities, you usually have angina pectoris. This is an early symptom of coronary heart disease. This is because it was discovered early. If you wait until you are older, it will be an emergency and it will be too late to save you. You will die."

"Can this disease be cured? I have taken a lot of medicine, but it can only relieve the symptoms, not cure the root cause, no matter whether it is Chinese or Western medicine." An old lady asked Wang Luo anxiously.

"I don't know how far Western medicine has come in our country. At present, Chinese medicine can only treat with acupuncture, which can relieve pain and possibly cure the root of the disease, but it takes too long. Chinese medicine focuses on the five elements, so it may take a lifetime to treat with Chinese medicine. Western medicine requires surgery, but it is unlikely to be achievable in reality. A heart surgery alone is a big problem, and it also requires specific surgical equipment, which is very difficult."

For coronary heart disease, Chinese medicine relies on acupuncture, or herbal medicine to slowly treat it, which may take several years or even more than ten years. It is slow to take effect, and there is no way to treat it quickly. As for Western medicine, a heart stent is needed, which is quick, but Wang Luo knows that this thing has not been invented until the early 80s when it was invented by an Argentine doctor. It was not officially used in our country until 84.

Moreover, heart stents are very scientific, especially the materials, which are extremely difficult to make. The main materials are stainless steel, nickel-titanium alloy or cobalt-chromium alloy, which are extremely complex. It was not until 2020 that China fully achieved large-scale localization, and the price dropped from 700 yuan to yuan. Therefore, it is too early to talk about heart bypass surgery now. Besides, Wang Luo does not know Western medicine. He can know Chinese medicine, but not Western medicine. This requires upgrading.

"What should I do? I've had enough of taking medicine all day, but the problem is that the medicine doesn't work. Sigh."

One aunt sighed and said that when she didn't have children, she felt that life was meaningless and that death would be the end of it. But now that she has adopted Shanshan and Longlong, she has a new understanding of life and realizes the joy of having children around her. She also wants to see her two children grow up and have grandchildren. She doesn't want to die now and would rather live as long as she can.

"Can you please bring me the prescription for the medicine you took before? In theory, Chinese medicine should be used. Although it takes a long time to take effect, your condition is in the early stages and should still be within control. As long as you don't get angry and keep a good attitude, you will be no different from an ordinary person."

"That's convenient. I'll go get it right away."

The old man immediately turned around and went home to get the prescription and handed it to Wang Luo.

"Hey, this is a prescription from Tong Ren Tang. The calligraphy is really good. You are an old doctor. The calligraphy is regular small regular script."

Wang Luo looked at the handwritten prescription and admired that the doctors of this era really served the people. Western medicine was not clear, but the Chinese medicine prescriptions were definitely written in clear and distinct handwriting. Ordinary people who could read could understand them at a glance. It was nothing like the later generations, where prescriptions were written like ghost paintings. In order to sell the medicine, what could be written? Alas, they wanted to prescribe all the medicine to you, no matter whether it was useful or not, as long as it made money quickly.

"4 qian of Adenophora australis, 4 qian of Glehnia littoralis, 4 qian of Radix Ophiopogonis, 2 qian of Schisandrae Chinensis, 2 qian of Cinnamon Twig, 6 qian of Radix Rehmanniae, 5 qian of Salvia miltiorrhiza, 3 qian of Ligusticum chuanxiong, 3 qian of Leonurus japonicus. This is the Qi-Yin-Nourishing and Meridian-Unblocking Decoction. It nourishes Qi and Yin, removes blood stasis and dredges the meridians. Well, this prescription is correct, but in my opinion, it's a little off.

But I don't have the ability to prescribe medicine for you. How about we take this opportunity to go to Tong Ren Tang and talk to the doctor about my idea to see if it is suitable and let them check it out."

I am currently in practice, and given Li Jun's advice, it is impossible for me to prescribe medicine for others. But it does not prevent me from discussing it with other doctors and letting them check it. If it works, then use it. If not, forget it. I have nothing to do anyway.

"Xiao Luo, a few days ago I said I would find a master for you to learn from, but I don't know if you were just impulsive or something, and I never took it seriously. I didn't expect you to be able to check everyone's pulse today. It seems that you really want to learn this. Well, it happens that I have an old friend who has this skill passed down from generation to generation. Many people came to him for medical treatment back then, and his medical skills are very good. By the way, I will take you directly to see him.

The first is to see if he can accept you as his apprentice, and the second is that your Aunt Yi's health has not improved. We are neighbors, so I want to see if I can ask him to help out!"

Li Jun said on the side.

(End of this chapter)

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