I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 280 Mr. Ye’s Sad Story

Chapter 280 Mr. Ye’s Sad Story

"Yes, from the pulse I took of Aunt Yi, I found that the earlier prescription only treats Yin deficiency and cannot achieve the complementary effect of Yin and Yang deficiency, so I changed the prescription to 1.8 qian of Haier Shen, 1.8 qian of Danshen, 1.2 qian of Angelica sinensis, 0.6 qian of Chuanxiong, 1.8 qian of Shengdi, 1.8 qian of Chishao, 1.8 qian of Baishao, 1.8 qian of Taoren, 1 qian of Safflower, 1.8 qian of Poria, 1 qian of Aucklandia, 0.6 qian of Tangerine peel, and 0.6 qian of Zhigancao. This is a Ningxin Decoction. The method of taking it is the same as before. First stabilize the condition, and then keep changing the medicine for treatment. By the way, when you go to get the medicine, buy some Tongrentang's Angong Niuhuang Pills. Aunt Yi's heart disease is a big problem. Keeping a few pills of this thing on hand can save your life at a critical moment."

Wang Luo spoke his thoughts frankly.

"Not bad, not bad, very thoughtful, it's a good recipe!"

After listening to this, Ye Guizong pondered for a while, then stroked his beard and nodded with satisfaction. He was very satisfied. He didn't expect that Wang Luo had learned very well on his own. The prescriptions he prescribed were better than those of the doctors at Tongrentang. He was indeed a smart child.

"Well, Wang Luo, look, can your Aunt Yi's infertility be cured?"

Yi Zhonghai touched his head a little embarrassedly. There was nothing he could do. He was already this old and it was a bit embarrassing to ask these questions.

Wang Luo did not answer Yi Zhonghai's question, but looked at Ye Guizong. There was nothing he could do. This was the big boss and he had to learn skills from him. With this old man around, he didn't dare to speak casually.

"Just say it, no need to look at me!"

Ye Guizong waved his hand and spoke casually.

"Yes, Uncle Yi wants another child, which is human nature. But Uncle Yi, I don't recommend you to have one. Aunt Yi is so old, she's already fifty, and her menstruation is almost gone. Besides, this is her first child, and she has heart disease, and she's an elderly mother. Even if she gets pregnant, it could be two deaths. You two have supported each other for decades, don't you want to see something like this happen? Raising two children at home peacefully is better than anything else. Don't worry, there are so many neighbors in the courtyard taking care of them, and with their education from a young age, Shanshan and Longlong will definitely take care of you in your old age when they grow up."

Wang Luo quickly replied.

"I was overthinking it. I was overthinking it. You're right. Aunt Yi and I have come this far. We are already old. Why should I still think about that? Thank you very much."

It is understandable that Yi Zhonghai wants his own child, but the old lady's physical age does not allow her to have children. Wang Luo's words probably made Yi Zhonghai see things more clearly. When it comes to choosing between his wife and children, he finally chooses his partner. Besides, what can it do even if she is pregnant? Wang Luo has already said that it is a matter of two lives, one corpse. Why bother? It's just that he looks a little lonely now. There is nothing he can do. Nothing is perfect in life.

"Old Yi, you are possessed. We will help you keep an eye on you from now on. Don't worry."

Li Jun patted Yi Zhonghai's arm and said, although there are often quarrels in the yard because of trivial matters, everyone is an ordinary citizen and a neighbor. There is no overnight hatred. It is right to take care of each other.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'll just wait to raise the two children. When I'm old, they will take care of me. Thank you Mr. Ye, thank you Brother Li, and thank you Xiao Luo!"

"now it's right."

Li Jun also made great efforts to make Yi Zhonghai realize his situation and change his previous ideas. Seeing his answer now, it was worthwhile for Li Jun to teach him a lesson. "Very good, very good, Master Li is immortal. Your disciple is not only able to teach himself to be a doctor, but also has a chivalrous heart in his work. He is a good candidate for studying medicine. Since he came to me today, it is also a fate. I will accept this disciple and pass on my lifelong learning to him. Alas, if you hadn't brought him here, maybe I would have taken my Chinese medicine skills to my grave!"

Speaking of this, Ye Guizong looked very lonely.

"Old Master Ye is not going to die. You shouldn't do this. I learned this martial art because firearms are the new fashion now. No one is willing to endure the hardship and study it. Plus, I have no offspring. If it weren't for a few old friends in the capital posting about this brat being very powerful, our Yanzi Sect would have probably disappeared from this world.

Your case is different. No one in this world is free from illness. Besides, you have several sons, and now you probably have several grandsons and granddaughters. How can you take your medical skills with you into your coffin? It doesn't make sense, does it?"

Li Jun was a little confused about this.

"Haha, who says it's not true? Our Ye family is a medical family. My grandfather's generation has been studying medicine, but my descendants are not interested in my family's studies.

Damn it, I wanted my eldest grandson to learn it, but he said, Grandpa, don't just blame me. What family tradition? I think your stuff is not scientific at all. Now everyone talks about science. Your acupuncture, massage, and insects and herbs have no scientific basis. You see, now even my dad has to learn how to perform surgeries in the hospital. Your Chinese medicine alone is not reliable. Not only am I not interested in it, I guess my younger brothers and sisters are not interested either. And those soup recipes and the five elements and meridians, I think they are feudal superstitions. I'd better learn Western medicine. So I went to learn Western medicine!

You are worried because of the emergence of firearms. I am worried about the emergence of Western medicine. This good thing passed down by our ancestors is about to be lost. I am heartbroken, but I can't do anything about it. It's really ridiculous. Science, what is science? How can something that can save lives and heal the wounded be unscientific? Western barbarians don't know shit!"

Speaking of this, Ye Guizong really wanted to beat his grandson to death.

I didn't expect it. I didn't expect that Ye Guizong, who comes from a family of traditional Chinese medicine, would not believe in traditional Chinese medicine himself, and even belittled his grandfather's traditional Chinese medicine skills as feudal superstition. Is this a distortion of the world or a loss of morality? Wang Luo was shocked.

"Grandpa, what are you saying about me behind my back again? We have guests here. Sorry, sorry!"

At this time, a well-mannered young man wearing glasses came in. When he saw Wang Luo, Li Jun and the others, he quickly greeted them and was very polite.

"Hmph, you little brat, you don't want to learn our family tradition? If you don't want to learn, then don't learn. I don't care. I have an apprentice now, and a smarter one at that. Let me introduce you. This is Master Li. You can just call him Grandpa Li. This is my upcoming apprentice, Wang Luo, the tiger-fighting hero Wang Luo. Look, someone is willing to learn from me, and you are not a big deal!"

"Hello, Grandpa Li, hello, Wang Luo, oh, you tiger-killing hero, Little Hero Wang, haha, I finally meet you in person. Tell me how you killed the tiger later. If you have time, take me with you to kill the tiger once!
Grandpa, this is not my fault. I don’t know about other things, but at least when I was a child, I had pneumonia. You made Chinese medicine for me all day long, and gave me acupuncture and other things. But did I get better? It was not until you had no choice that you found a Western doctor and gave me Western medicine. How long did you treat me? How long did he treat me? From then on, I was tired of taking medicine and swore that I would never believe in Chinese medicine again. It’s useless. Ordinary people don’t have money. If ordinary people have money, who would see a Chinese doctor? They would go to big hospitals to see Western doctors. So I think Chinese medicine is pseudoscience.”

Upon hearing Wang Luo's name, the young man from Ye Xun suddenly became excited. After greeting Wang Luo and Li Jun, he made a bitter face and explained the reason why he did not study Chinese medicine.

Ye Xun spoke so confidently, no wonder, it turned out that the root of the problem was here. Ye Xun was injured by drinking medicine when he was a child, so he thought that Chinese medicine was not very useful. To sum up, Chinese medicine was not as effective as Western medicine. In addition, his parents also majored in Western medicine in the hospital, so he had a misunderstanding of Chinese medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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