I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 281: Formal Apprenticeship to Study Medicine

Chapter 281: Formal Apprenticeship to Study Medicine
"You know nothing, kid. Western medicine only treats the symptoms, not the root cause. Our Chinese medicine is slow to take effect, but it can cure the root cause of your disease. Besides, Western medicine has only been developed for a few years. Those Western medicines are chemical ingredients, and they are three-point poisons. After taking them, you will develop dependence. I really mean well but end up doing something bad. You didn't understand when you were young, and you still don't understand now that you are this old. Haven't you seen that the neighbors come to me for treatment when they are sick or have disasters? Alas."

Old Master Ye felt a little down at the moment. Even his closest people didn't believe in his ancestral medical skills. How could he seek justice?

"Brother Ye, let me be fair. You are really wrong in this matter. I agree with what the old man said. Don't think that just because we have gone to college or have a higher level of education, we think that what our ancestors passed down is feudal superstition. Let me tell you, Chinese medicine is something that cannot be explained by science at all.

Although I am not a medical student and I am just practicing martial arts now, I have read a lot of medical books out of curiosity. As for Western medicine, if you ask me, it is just rubbish compared to Chinese medicine. Western medicine has only been developed for a few years, less than a hundred years at most. Do you know how Western medicine treated diseases before the invention of relevant chemical agents? Let me tell you, bloodletting. No matter what the disease is, they just make an incision and bleed to treat it. This is their traditional way of treating diseases.

At that time, our ancestors already knew how to treat diseases with dialectical methods. What is dialectics? It is what you call the feudal superstition of the Five Elements. This is the early dialectics of traditional Chinese medicine. There are many things to pay attention to. The treatment methods adopted for patients with the same symptoms are slightly different. It is very complicated. But Western medicine does not care about these. It only uses the same method and takes the same medicine. It does not care about dialectics or not. It is useless to them. If the foot is sick, they treat the foot, and if the hand is sick, they treat the hand. As for how the disease came about and what the root cause is, they don’t care at all. They prescribe the right medicine for the disease, and the treatment cycle is short, which is generally just "treating the symptoms."

Why has traditional Chinese medicine existed for thousands of years? There must be a need for its existence. If you ask me, it's not that traditional Chinese medicine is unscientific. On the contrary, it is too advanced. It is so advanced that it cannot be explained by science at all. And you think that only Western medicine has surgery? Traditional Chinese medicine also has it. The bone scraping and healing of Guan Yu in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms is a surgical operation. It's just that our ancestors were given by our parents, so they would not use surgery if the problem could be solved with a knife. You, you were born in a family of traditional Chinese medicine in vain. You can't even understand such a simple truth, and you're still a college student.

Also, our Chinese medicine does not necessarily require soup medicine, there are also Chinese patent medicines, such as Yunnan Baiyao, Liuwei Dihuang Pills, Angong Niuhuang Pills, which are all medical treasures. If I were born in a family like yours, I would have studied medicine seriously a long time ago. Alas, the end of Western medicine is Chinese medicine, and the end of Chinese medicine is metaphysics. It is so sad and lamentable. "

In this era, some people have begun to stand up and, in light of the current situation, from a philosophical perspective, proposed abolishing the Five Elements Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Although they did not mention that Traditional Chinese Medicine is unscientific, there were signs of opposition to Traditional Chinese Medicine, especially some people who returned to China. They felt that Western medicine was good and the most scientific, and began to vigorously promote Western medicine. However, the country at that time did not fully accept this point, but still took a path of mutual combination. While promoting Western medicine, it also vigorously promoted Traditional Chinese Medicine. For example, it built a number of professional schools of Traditional Chinese Medicine, because the country knew that ordinary people had no money, and compared to the high price of Western medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine was what met the needs of the people.

It was only later that various factors occurred, mainly the fact that Western medicine is easy to learn. It takes at least four years to train a Western medicine undergraduate practitioner, and the money can be made. In addition, the vigorous promotion and introduction of external imported drugs, and the various limitations of traditional Chinese medicine, especially the troublesome training of talents, may not be able to complete all traditional Chinese medicine courses in a lifetime, led to the decline of traditional Chinese medicine and the rise of Western medicine. If it had been taken seriously at this time, perhaps traditional Chinese medicine could really rise. Didn't you see that it was foreigners who kept saying that traditional Chinese medicine was unscientific, but in fact they believed in it more than we do. That is, many fools like Ye Xun were influenced by the outside world and believed in the evil of Western medicine.

"Look at this, look at this, no wonder Wang Luo is so powerful, he has made a great name for himself at such a young age, this only shows that he is knowledgeable and talented, and what he says makes me, an old man, feel inspired. Unlike you, you can't tell the difference between the four and six, you are simply unfilial, hum."

"Grandpa, please don't praise me. Ye Xun was just hurt, and he was young at that time, so he had a hidden shadow in his heart. If you had popularized Chinese medicine knowledge to him earlier and didn't force him to learn, maybe he would have inherited your legacy. If you force it on him blindly, he will only resist. Young people are like this, and I am the same. When I was a child, my sister asked me to practice martial arts. I didn't understand it at that time and was very disgusted. Later, I probably figured it out, so I started to learn martial arts on my own initiative, and also learned a lot of my master's famous boxing techniques. Interest is the greatest teacher."

Wang Luo saw that Grandpa Ye had calmed down and stopped scolding Ye Xun. He slowly explained to him, "I have to say that the older generation is like this. They don't care whether you agree or not, whether you like it or not. As long as they think it is a good thing, they will force you to learn it. If you don't want to learn it, they will force you to learn it. This alone has caused many young people and children to develop a rebellious mentality."

"Haha, he's so old now, I guess he won't be interested anymore, I'm too lazy to waste my energy, if you want to learn, then learn, if not, forget it, come, Wang Luo, kowtow to me, and then offer me a bowl of tea, from now on you will be my apprentice, some people don't want to learn, I will always find someone who is willing to learn, that person, Xiao Luo, is ten or a hundred times better than you, I will pass all my skills to him in the future, then you just wait and go back!"

Old Master Ye looked at Wang Luo with satisfaction, and then made a few comments about his grandson Ye Xun. He was very satisfied with Wang Luo. Not only could he teach himself Chinese medicine, but he also learned it very well, especially the basics, which were quite solid. All he needed was a good master to guide him and take the last step to become a very good Chinese medicine practitioner. It just so happened that he was that person. If such a disciple came to him on his own, he would wake up laughing in his dreams at night, and he would grab him immediately.

"What are you waiting for, little brat? Hurry up! There will be no such shop after this one!"

Li Jun was quick-witted and kicked him from behind.

"I, Wang Luo, greet my master. Master, please have some tea!"

(End of this chapter)

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