I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 300 Everything is changing, which is good

Chapter 300 Everything is changing, which is good
Wang Luo came back and knew about Huaihua's birth before he even entered the yard. She didn't care about it. Liu Yue handled everything clearly and he didn't have to worry about it at all.

"Xiao Luo is back!"

At the door, Aunt Yi was coaxing her child. When she saw Wang Luo coming home, she greeted him.
"Aunt Yi, you look much better than a few days ago. It seems that the prescription I prescribed for you is still effective. Are you still drinking it?"

"It works, it works. I've been drinking it according to your instructions. I have to thank you. After taking a few doses of the medicine, my chest seems to be less stuffy and I feel much more comfortable. Before, I couldn't breathe after a little activity. Come over for dinner tonight. I'll cook a few dishes and ask Uncle Yi to accompany you for a few drinks."

"As long as it works, you're welcome. Take this prescription first. I'll check your pulse and give you a new one. I estimate that it won't take long before your coronary heart disease is almost cured."

"That's great. Come on in. Your master just came home from a walk. Don't forget to come over for dinner. You must come."

"Okay, you guys go ahead and have fun, I'll go in now."

. . . . . .

After saying hello, he entered the yard, put down his bicycle, and looked inside the house. As a result, he didn't see Li Jun, so he guessed that he was at Sha Zhu's house, so he entered the middle courtyard.

Before I even entered the middle courtyard, I heard someone hitting clothes with a wooden mallet, "hmmmm."

"Hey, Aunt Zhang, are you doing the laundry?"

Looking closely, it turned out to be Jia Zhang who was washing clothes.

"Ah, it's Xiao Luo. I didn't listen to you. Can't people stay active? I have nothing to do and Huaihua is asleep. It's just a good opportunity for me to take some time to wash the dirty clothes at home. Your sister-in-law just gave birth to a child. How can she do this? I will help if I can."

Jia Zhang said with a smile.

"I haven't even congratulated you yet. You have a granddaughter now. Granddaughters are great. They are well-educated, well-mannered, and caring. When you are old, she will definitely be filial to you. We can't favor boys over girls.

As for your illness, it's right to think like this. As the saying goes, walk a hundred steps after a meal and you will live to be ninety-nine. People need to move around regularly. Just squatting will only make you useless. What's the matter? Have you been taking painkillers recently?"

"Yes, but only occasionally. I will stop eating gradually. I feel that food tastes better and I feel more energetic recently."

"Then it works, keep it up, haha."

"Okay, thank you."

"You're welcome. If my sister-in-law is back to work after her confinement, let me know and I'll take her there. I guarantee no one will dare bully her."

"This is a great relationship, this is a great relationship. When our granddaughter's full moon comes, you must come over for the feast."

When Jia Zhang heard that Wang Luo was willing to stand up for Qin Huairu and take her to work, she was delighted and kept expressing her gratitude. She knew that Wang Luo would come forward to ensure that those villains in the steel mill would not dare to bully her daughter-in-law.

"Aunt Zhang, please be busy. I'm going into the house."

"go Go."

Seeing Jia Zhang pounding her clothes vigorously, Wang Luo felt that Jia Zhang had changed so much. After saying goodbye, he went into the house and closed the door.

"This auntie has changed a lot!" Wang Luo said with a smile after sitting down.

"Life is comfortable now, who wouldn't change? You, always look at things from an unexpected angle. No one in the yard bullies the Jia family now, everyone is helping them, the grandson is sensible, the job is stable, the family conditions have improved, then just be down-to-earth!"

Li Jun rolled his eyes at him and said.

"When Qin Huairu came back, I went to her house. She was eating brown sugar eggs on the bed. She kept thanking you in private. She said that when she gave birth to Banggeng, she hadn't had brown sugar eggs or even white flour buns when she was a kid. She also had to work in the fields. This time, she didn't expect that because of your help, Uncle Li would bring Banggeng to his side to educate him. Suddenly, she was a little uncomfortable with the changes at home."

Liu Yue also said on the side.

"There's something even more exaggerated. You're not at home all day, so you don't know. This is hilarious. Third Uncle told me that after you took Aunt Zhang's pulse, she was really scared. She also knew that you were studying medicine and had a disciple. She was afraid that you would fool her. Third Uncle secretly told me that Aunt Zhang went to the hospital early the next morning. The doctor diagnosed her as being too fat and having high blood pressure after hearing what she said. It's a problem to have enough food these days, and she actually has high blood pressure. He told her that she would be prone to soreness and pain all over her body if she didn't exercise for a long time. The doctor suggested that Aunt Zhang do some light housework."

"My goodness, Aunt Zhang started to get busy right after returning from the hospital. She first swept the yard with a big broom, cleaning it inside and out. The neighbors passing by the yard were all confused. They asked, "Did the sun rise from the west? Didn't you notice? Hahaha, I was so happy. From then on, I became more active than anyone else, for fear that I would die immediately."

As a joke, Sha Zhu told Wang Luo the recent interesting stories about Jia Zhang.

If Sha Zhu hadn't said that, he really wouldn't have noticed who cleaned the yard. In the past, each household took turns cleaning it, but he didn't expect that it had now become the exclusive job of Jia Zhang.

"It's good this way. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law support each other. Only then can this family be considered a home and life can go on."

Li Jun said experiencedly.

"Where's Uncle He? How's he doing in the food factory lately? If he's not doing well, find him another job!"

After chatting for a while, He Daqing was no longer at home.

"He went to work. My dad is very active in his work now. He is the first one to go and the last one to come back. Sometimes he even lives in the factory. Ever since he met Zulong and shook hands with him, he would think about food when he got home and kept shouting about making contributions to the country. I didn't expect my dad to become like this now. He was always lazy before."

Sha Zhu shook his head helplessly.

They were still talking when Yi Zhonghai knocked on the door and invited them to their home for dinner.

"Old Yi, why are you being so polite to a junior? There's really no need to be like this. Since he knows a little bit about medicine, it's okay for him to help."

Li Jun spoke on behalf of Wang Luo.

"Let's put things in perspective. If Xiao Luo hadn't come to check on her health, she wouldn't know how much suffering she would have endured. Come, you must come. The dishes are ready. I want to thank you very much tonight. Thank you, Xiao Luo. Zhuzi and Yueyue can come too."

Yi Zhonghai took Wang Luo and Li Jun's hands and dragged them to his home, being extremely enthusiastic.

"Uncle Yi, my husband and I and Yu Shui won't go over. It's inconvenient for me to go with my big belly, and Zhuzi has to take care of me. Let Xiao Luo and Uncle Li go over. Yu Shui, there are salted duck eggs in the kitchen, they are all cooked, take them out and bring a few to Xiao Luo as a snack."

Liu Yue knew that Sha Zhu and his sister were still unwilling to pay attention to Yi Zhonghai, so he did not go because of his poor health.
Unable to endure it, Wang Luo and Li Jun had no choice but to follow Yi Zhonghai to their home. When they arrived, Yan Bugui and Liu Haizhong, the masters of the courtyard, were already there, as well as Mingming's grandfather, Old Li, and several other old men from the courtyard.

"Come, come, Brother Li and Xiao Luo, come and sit down."

(End of this chapter)

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