I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 301 Liu Haizhong's Officialdom and Zhang's Family

Chapter 301 Liu Haizhong becomes an official and returns to his hometown
When Liu Haizhong saw Wang Luo coming in, he happily came over and pulled a chair for Wang Luo.

"Why, Second Master? You look so happy. Is there something happy going on?"

"Xiao Luo, you figured it out too? Just now when I came over, your second uncle was also so enthusiastic, so I asked him about it, and he said he wanted to keep it a secret. If he didn't tell me, even your master and your uncle Yi were asked to keep it a secret, hehe."

Yan Bugui interrupted.

"It seems like this is quite a happy event, Second Uncle, now that everyone is here, let's not keep you in suspense. Talk about it, so you don't have to hold it back and feel uncomfortable."

Wang Luo was making a little joke.

"It's not a big happy event, just a small happy event. I've been through so many years, and the factory leaders think highly of me. I've become a team leader in the workshop now, haha."

"Hey, hey, Second Uncle, this is not easy, this is not easy. After many years of being a daughter-in-law, you have finally become a mother-in-law and an official. Even if you are just a team leader, you are still an official. This is a good start. Congratulations, congratulations."

Wang Luo quickly bowed and congratulated Liu Haizhong.

"It's not easy, Lao Liu. How did you get promoted so suddenly? Congratulations. Come on, tell us what happened?"

Yan Bugui, who loves to bicker with Liu Haizhong the most, said to Liu Haizhong with a smile.

"Haha, I think the biggest reason for being promoted to team leader is my continuous progress. As everyone knows, I have a low level of education. Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, I had no education. Thanks to the country, I finally got rid of illiteracy and learned a few characters. That's not enough. I really wanted to be an official before, and you all know the bad things I did, which made everyone laugh at me. But after Wang Luo came, he told us that it's not okay to be uneducated, and it's not okay to beat children. You can't clean up the world if you can't even clean up your own room. You can't even make sense. Why should I let you take a leadership position? I thought about it and it's the same.

Look at your brother-in-law Zhuzi. He used to be a rough man who would rather use his hands than his mouth. Now he has changed, except for his bad mouth. Xu Damao has also changed, and even Jia Zhangshi has changed, not to mention the current He Daqing, who can even shake hands with Zulong. I can't fall behind. I think I can do it, so I also learn culture. I don't have anything to do with those little bastards at home. I read some books at home. Hehe, anyway, I treat them the same now, let them do whatever they want. I will take the lead first. Look, I learn culture and read books. Hey, the more I read, the more I think the principles in the books are good. I persisted and became what's called it?"

Liu Haizhongdao didn't feel like talking about the reason why he was promoted, but he was stuck at the critical moment.

"Second Master, if you have a heart full of poetry and books, you will be elegant."

Wang Luo interrupted with a smile.

"Yes, yes. It is said that Wang Luo knows more. A person with a heart full of poetry and books is naturally elegant. This is the truth. When the leader saw that I am capable, my knowledge is constantly improving, and I am constantly studying and learning. I not only study technical issues, but also cultural issues. I also teach my apprentices seriously, so he directly made me the team leader."

"Today's wine is a double celebration. Auntie is getting better, and uncle is expected to get promoted. These are good things, so we should celebrate. But uncle, we must not be proud. The old people said that humility makes people progress, and pride makes people fall behind. In the future, we should humbly ask for advice from those who are better than us, guide our apprentices well, and study technology seriously. You can continue to make progress. Who knows, when your factory conducts technical assessment in a while, you may also be able to enter the ranks of eighth-level workers. If you tell others that two eighth-level technicians have emerged in the same compound, then you will not only be the pride of your compound, but even the pride of the whole alley and the neighborhood committee."

The second uncle Liu Haizhong used to be a complete official-crazy person. Although he had a low level of education and insufficient ability, he always had a heart that was greedy for power.

At the same time, as a father, the second uncle has always been domineering and self-centered towards his two younger sons. When it comes to disciplining his children, he acts only according to his own mood and likes and dislikes, without any principles or reason at all.

Especially when the turmoil came, the second uncle not only regarded the neighbors of the courtyard as stepping stones to gain power, but also became more arrogant after gaining power. At the same time, those who had conflicts with him were retaliated without any mercy.

In the process, he also showed his greedy nature and used his power to embezzle the property of Lou Xiao'e's family. He also wanted to use his power to force the female workers in the factory to marry his son and become the daughter-in-law of his old Liu family.

Although he was finally caught by the more sinister Xu Damao and was brought down, the ugly face he displayed in the process is still chilling.

Even though the Second Uncle and his wife were supported by Sha Zhu and Qin Huairu in the end because of his son's unfilial behavior, he still did not feel the slightest bit of gratitude.

When he and the old man had a disagreement due to differences in opinions, he resolutely stopped accepting Sha Zhu's help, and tried to make money by cooperating with Xu Damao, using money to restore the broken family relationship.

Although in the end, nothing happened, but the greedy behavior of the second uncle who only cared about interests and not feelings in the process is not enough to describe the evil of his human nature as selfish.

According to Wang Luo's evaluation of him, the second uncle is just an illiterate and uncultured man. The same goes for Sha Zhu, who is also a reckless man, but at least he is reasonable and has a soft side. But Liu Haizhong is different. This man is uneducated and suddenly he has seized the power that does not belong to him. He is like a villain who wants to see far ahead by climbing up the ladder. When he succeeds, he becomes arrogant.

Last year, Wang Luo let him know why he couldn't be an official. At that time, he was just trying to fool him, but he didn't expect that he actually listened to him and took the initiative to learn culture. This is simply, I can't say it.

Now that he has become the team leader based on his own ability, it means that he is capable now. Promotion at this time is not a noisy period. One cannot climb up by just one person or a word.

That requires the support of the workers, the inspection of the factory's scientific affairs, and technical ability. Only when these three are combined can he have a chance of being promoted. This is also good. Since he is a team leader, he must appear in the manner of a manager, which will increase his experience and will not be so great later in chaotic times. Even if he causes trouble during chaotic times, there is no need to be afraid. I believe Liu Haizhong still has some self-awareness. He knows very well who he dares to offend and who he dare not to offend.

"Of course, Wang Luo, I tell you, I understand now, being an official is not that easy. First of all, you need to make your subordinates obey you. It's not about beating or scolding them. That's useless. They will only obey you on the surface, but they will still scold you behind your back. You need to bring benefits to them. For example, I am now the leader of the blacksmith team. How did I get that? It's because I taught my apprentices seriously this year. I taught them everything I know without reservation, so that they passed the assessment, got a raise, and improved their family life.

In this way, if one of my groups has achieved results, the leaders are not blind. If they don't promote me, I don't know about other things, but my apprentices will disagree. Why don't you promote my master when he has improved the performance of the entire group? This is unfair. This is a cycle. I set an example and the better I do my work, the smoother my path to promotion will be. I now understand that the masses, technology, and culture are my greatest reliance. Without these, no matter how much you flatter them, it will be useless. They will only laugh you off in person. "

Liu Haizhong said with some emotion. "Snap, snap, snap..."

Wang Luo took the lead in applauding him, and the others also applauded him.

"Old Liu, I really didn't expect that you are secretly learning culture now. Now you have realized life. You are almost fifty years old and finally understand this truth. You should look at people with new eyes after not seeing them for three days!"

Yan Bugui gave his old friend a thumbs up.

No matter what, ordinary people have their own happiness. Just like Liu Haizhong, being a team leader and understanding what is the most important thing these days is also his blessing. It's a good thing.

That's the same as in later generations. Liu Haizhong's idea is still applicable now, and it is very applicable. What matters now is that if you have the ability, you come, and if you don't have the ability, you should not occupy the toilet without doing anything. The people are the greatest, the masses are the greatest, this is the fundamental thing. If this happened in later generations, Liu Haizhong's behavior would be called not knowing how to behave as a human being and having low emotional intelligence. There is no way. If you work in a company and don't have any vision and are not afraid of your leader's flattery, then you can only live at the bottom of the society, and your salary will also be the lowest.

So the author would like to interject, young people born after Dandan, you have done a great job, you have no desires and no demands. I am just individualistic. I just won’t flatter your leader, I just won’t work overtime, what can you do about it? Having no desires and no demands is the most powerful. You have taught us, the post-80s generation, a solid lesson. Thumbs up.

As for what to do if Liu Haizhong is the same as in the TV series, and gets power and becomes arrogant, haha, don't worry about others, but just don't offend Wang Luo and his friends and family. During this period of turmoil, you can't say he is bad, nor can you say he is good. This is a game of the upper class and a general trend. No matter what happens to Wang Luo, he only cares about making this country strong.

. . . . . .

"Come on, Brother Li, Wang Luo, it's a rare occasion for you to come to my house for a meal. Your Aunt Yi, my two children and I would like to express our gratitude for your help. Brother Li has also made me understand a lot. Xiao Luo has given your Aunt Yi a second life. It's all in the wine. I'll drink it."

After the banquet was served, Yi Zhonghai picked up the wine glass a little excitedly, said a few words, and then drank it all in one gulp.

"Why are you saying this? We are neighbors, that's the only relationship I have. Can I not help you? Drink slowly. You want to drink all the wine and not leave any for us."

Wang Luo was joking.

"That's impossible. Haha, come on, let's drink and eat. Let's drink and eat."

Yi Zhonghai was extremely polite. He was already at this age and had adopted a son and a daughter, so he had successors and was no longer bothered about the issue of retirement. Especially after having been with Auntie through ups and downs for decades, he had come to terms with it. He knew she would be his companion in his old age, and Auntie's health was getting better day by day, which made him sincerely happy.

. . . . . .

In the yard, everyone ate and talked. They talked about national affairs, children's education, future life and work. It was very lively. Except for Wang Luo, the drunkard, everyone drank enough in the lively atmosphere and then dispersed and went home.

In the following days, Wang Luo was busy. Besides staying at the pig farm, he would go to the nearby mechanical technical secondary school to attend mechanical courses, or go to the steel rolling mill to learn machine operation from a group of old masters. Occasionally, he would follow Ye Guizong to play the role of an old Chinese medicine doctor. Anyway, it was not an easy life, but a simple and busy one. . . . .

"Professor Yang, why are you here?"

Wang Luo was squatting in the pigsty, watching the old sows in the school's breeding farm give birth to piglets. Professor Yang from the Agricultural University came over and said he wanted to find Pleurotus eryngii spores for him. Wang Luo quickly wiped his hands and went to meet him.

"You raise pigs that are better than ours. No wonder our aquaculture major keeps coming to you. Great! Well, the King Oyster Mushroom spores you asked for have been sent to you from Yunnan Province. It's spring now and the weather is getting warmer. Should we go to your hometown and try growing some?"

Professor Yang first praised the pigs raised by Wang Luo before explaining the purpose of his visit.

"I'll tell our teacher first, and then we'll go home and pack our bags, and then we'll set off. We'll also have your school's teacher in charge of fruit trees and the teacher in charge of breeding. We'll go together, and the formalities have already been approved, and our hometown is waiting for us to go over there now!"

"Okay, then, let's go tomorrow. We'll leave by train tomorrow!"

"Then it's settled. Don't bring any food with you. I'll take care of it. Don't worry, you won't starve!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Luo first went to tell his head teacher and the principal, and then rode his bike back home.

"Master, I have to go back to my hometown in the near future. It has been many days. I am ready now, otherwise the villagers will be anxious. Don't go this time. It is inconvenient to go back and forth. There are food, drinks and fun at home. By the way, please tell my Master Ye that I will not go."

"Go and do your own thing. You don't have to worry about me at home. For meals, I'll either go to Zhuzi's house or your sister Qin's house. I may also go directly to your Master Ye and Master Xiang's house to eat. I won't starve!

"You should be more careful outside, don't be so irritable, and don't shout and kill at every turn, okay?"

"I know, I know. You don't understand me. If others don't provoke me, I won't provoke others either. I'll call my sister Qin and the others over to have a meal together. We'll set off tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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