I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 351 Li Jun is addicted to fishing and goes to the zoo with his classmates

Chapter 351 Li Jun is addicted to fishing and goes to the zoo with his classmates

The single-cylinder tractor project was considered finished. All that was needed was to hand over the drawings to various factories for production and then push them into rural areas for use. Wang Luo could also put the project aside for a few days and have a get-together with some good friends from junior high school. Zhou Changli had also graduated from junior high school and would sign up to join the army in the fall. It was a good opportunity to have some fun in his spare time. He would have no time when he joined the army and would have to go back to his hometown. There were still many things to do next. The life of a salted fish was gone forever, and the ideal of becoming a landlord should be considered over. But in this era, even if he struggled, he would have endless energy.

"Xiao Luo, I'm back! Hey, I have to trouble you with something again!"

I just drove back home and saw my third uncle Yan Bugui, who was watering the flowers at the door. Now he doesn't flatter every person who comes and goes to see what they have and take advantage of them. After all, now that his eldest son can make money, he can also make money and have some extra income. His life is good and he can even afford to eat meat now, but out of habit for many years, he still likes to stand at the door and watch the people coming and going.

"Uncle, don't laugh. If you laugh or say the word 'trouble' again, I'll know you're up to no good!"

Wang Luo joked.

"How can you say that about your Third Uncle? Your Third Uncle is not stingy now. It's just that you've been away from home a lot recently. Your Master went fishing with me, and I paid for his cigarettes. By the way, I even went to have a drink with him. We are not the same as before. People always have to change!"

What Yan Bugui said was right, and Wang Luo knew it too. Apart from teaching the little kids in the yard how to read and talk about life, Li Jun would follow Yan Bugui to the river to fish. Fishing is truly an addictive sport, especially when the fish eats the bait and you feel the "whoosh" sound of the fishing line when you pull it up. Li Jun is no exception, he is addicted, and he feels uncomfortable if he doesn't cast a few casts every day.

When they went fishing, Yan Bugui, who was a teacher and had summer vacation, became his best partner. When they had nothing to do, the two of them would take the children in the yard to go fishing by the river together. Yan Bugui was also sensible. After all, he was a teacher. Although he was a bit stingy, he also made sense. Otherwise, he would not have picked up scraps to make money to help Sha Zhu in the TV series.

The good life of their family was brought to them by Wang Luo, especially Yan Jiecheng's job and his own extra income, so the cigarettes that Li Jun smoked while fishing were all bought by him, and Li Jun told him this.

"Well, thank you for taking care of my master. Tell me, what's the matter? Do you want to borrow gold or silver?"

Wang Luo was still teasing him.

"What are you talking about? The thing is, the bait formula you gave me has been researched by others, and now they can make it themselves, so now few people come to me to exchange bait. You know a lot, can you come up with a good bait for your uncle, especially one that is not easily imitated and has a better effect."

What Wang Luo gave Yan Bugui at the beginning was a universal bait, a simple version of kneaded bait made from sweet potatoes, cornmeal, and white flour. In an era when most people use earthworms as universal bait, this bait blended with grains is unique, so fish can be caught very quickly, because fish also need a change of taste. It is not surprising that it is now imitated by others.

"Hey, your requirements are quite high. Okay, I still have a lot of formulas here. However, your requirements are too high, so the cost of the raw materials is also high. If you are willing to spend, I dare to prepare it for you!"

"Why would you be reluctant to give it up? The cost is high, and I have a lot of things to exchange for it. You can't catch a wolf without sacrificing a lamb. The more you give, the more you get back. That's what you told me at the beginning. Tell me what you need, and I'll get it for you."

As they talked, the two of them walked into the house.

Li Jun was teaching calligraphy to the children. When he saw Yan Bugui following Wang Luo in, he knew what Yan Bugui meant. Wang Luo was not at home these days and directly found a dormitory to live in at the University of Technology. Yan Bugui's bait exchange tickets were decreasing day by day. He was so anxious that he scratched his ears and cheeks, and was restless. He couldn't even sit still when fishing. He had asked him several times when Wang Luo would come back.

"Xiao Luo, hurry up and make a bait formula for your uncle. He can't wait. I'm waiting to use it too. I don't know if it's because of the hot weather or something else, but your original bait obviously doesn't catch fish very well. I haven't caught a decent fish in several days. Now that your formula is out, I'll go fishing again."

"Master, you are really addicted. However, with your fishing skills, you can only catch a few crucian carp at most. You are a novice but still addicted. I am talking about fishermen like you!"

When it comes to fishing, Li Jun is a novice. He has just started and is now fascinated by it.

"What are you talking about, you idiot? I've also caught big fish before, but I just haven't caught any recently. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future."

Li Jun said stubbornly.

"Your period is called the novice protection period. Once the novice period is over, your skills will be revealed. Come on, I'm too lazy to say anything to you. I'll just give you some good stuff to make you awesome. Banggeng, go to your uncle Zhuzi's house and ask your aunt Yueyue for some MSG. Shanshan, go to the clinic at the corner of the street to buy some vitamin B2, and bring back a bottle of loose wine and some fruits!"

After Wang Luo took out the money and handed it to them, he went to the kitchen to look for other things, such as corn kernels, brown sugar and so on.

Seeing Wang Luo's arrangements and the things he took out, Yan Bugui was a little dumbfounded. My goodness, you have medicine, brown sugar, and white wine. What are you doing? We are mixing bait, how do you get these things? They all require money and are very expensive. Even brown sugar is not easy to buy. Usually, when someone's family has a baby, they would bring a few taels of brown sugar to visit, and that would be a very high-end gift.

"Hey, this, Xiao Luo, your cost is really a bit high!"

Yan Bugui was a little at a loss.

"I just told you that the cost is a bit high, but you still didn't believe me. Now you know, right? But I tell you, it is really useful, especially for the current situation. The weather is so hot now, and the air pressure alone is high enough. Not to mention the fish, people can't stand the heat, and even can't breathe. They won't open their mouths to eat. So what's the use of it? So the simplest way is to make the fish open their mouths to eat. This bait is aimed at this situation, and most people can't imitate it. Even if they have the conditions, they don't know how to mix it. Just wait and see!"

After listening to what Wang Luo said, Yan Bugui could only shake his head helplessly. Well, he could only comfort himself by saying that if you give up something, you will gain something.

After the kids brought the things back, Wang Luo started to prepare it on the spot. He first threw the corn into the pot and started to cook it. Then he ground the vitamin B2 into powder and threw it into a can with MSG, white wine, a little brown sugar, etc. He then added cold boiled water and peach juice. Finally, he threw in the cooked corn that was about % done, stirred it, and covered it with a lid.

"Alright, leave it there for 24 hours, then open it up and start fishing. I can't say anything about other things, but carp, grass carp, silver carp, bighead carp, etc. should be fine. You better watch carefully, I'm not hiding anything from you. Of course, peach juice can be replaced with other fruits, but you have to add it in, understand?"

“Why add this?”

“It contains fruit acid, which is a trace element. It targets the problem of fish opening their mouths. Don’t think it’s expensive. This big bottle is enough for you to use for many days. You can exchange it with others, even by the grain. As long as the corn is not damaged and the taste is still there, one grain of this stuff can be used for a day.” The bait Wang Luo used was the same bait sold by some merchants in later generations, but now he has to mix it himself. There may be differences, but not much, especially now that there are more fish to catch, it is definitely useful.

"Come on, Master Li, let's go give it a try tomorrow and see if it's really as powerful as Xiao Luo said!"

Yan Bugui took it with both hands and said to Li Jun.

"Okay, let's try it tomorrow!"

The two of them made an appointment to continue fishing tomorrow.

Now I feel that it's good that Li Jun can go fishing. Otherwise, apart from teaching a few kids to recognize words, there is nothing else he can do. He is so old, he can't do anything else. Everyone has some hobbies. This is why Wang Luo is willing to prepare bait for Yan Bugui. As long as Li Jun is happy, everything else is secondary.

After looking around at home, Wang Luo drove He Yushui and picked up Wang Qing, and Yang Wenyan went to find Wang Yadong and Zhou Changli.

"Good fellows, I haven't seen you for a while. You two have become so strong. In the future, one of you will join the army and the other will join the security system. All the villains will be easily captured by you two. Kneel down and beg for mercy immediately!"

After seeing Wang Yadong and Zhou Changli, Wang Luo punched them on the chest a few times.

"We have never forgotten what we learned in the military training last year. We have persisted in practicing so that we can play our roles in the workplace. But we are no match for you. You are both civil and military, and you even drive a car. I heard that you are getting a salary now?"

"I've been messing around and have made some achievements recently. Let's go, let's go eat first, and then we'll go to the zoo. It won't be long before autumn comes, and Changli will also go to the army. Maybe I don't know what to do by then, and time doesn't allow. Today's meal and party may be to see Changli off."

"Wang Luo, I'm lucky to have met you. You changed me. Otherwise, I might still be living on the streets. Now I finally know what I need. Thank you so much!"

Zhou Changli was very grateful to Wang Luo. He was just a child from an ordinary family. He used to often stop some people and fight with the children of various compounds. It was only after he met Wang Luo that he changed his past and became more goal-oriented. Otherwise, according to history, he might have died on the street and been beaten to death.

"Don't be polite, we are brothers. You have to fight for the rest of your life. I can't help you. When you get to the army, train actively and try to carve out your own path."

"Yes, I will!"

Zhou Changli nodded.

Wang Luo was very happy that he could change his fate. His previous bravery and aggressiveness were completely useless. Otherwise, with Wang Luo's martial arts skills, he would have made a name for himself long ago. The world of martial arts is not about fighting and killing. You have to be strong yourself. Everything else is in vain.

We went to Quanjude together, had a meal of roast duck, and then drove to the Beijing Zoo.

The zoo in Beijing was an agricultural experimental site of the Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce of the Qing Dynasty. The original intention was to learn advanced Western experience, "open up the atmosphere and revitalize agriculture". After its completion, the agricultural experimental site covers an area of ​​about 71 hectares. In addition to many exquisite buildings, it also has laboratories, agricultural tool rooms, fertilizer rooms, silkworm rooms, greenhouses, farmer's houses, etc. All kinds of crops are divided into five major groups for testing, namely "grain and wheat test, sericulture test, vegetable test, fruit tree test, and flower test.

Later, it became a paid admission for visiting various animals and plants. At that time, there were already quite a lot of animals here, not only domestic animals, but also various rare animals donated, exchanged, and purchased through diplomacy. Universities including the Agricultural University have set up special laboratories here with complete equipment.

Of course, there is no clothing wholesale city nearby now, and no bustling crowds of people from all over the country shopping. There are only people who come here with their elderly and children to visit and have fun.

After parking the car and buying a ticket, I went directly to the Agricultural University’s research institute here.

"Xiao Luo, why are you here? Are you here to hunt tigers or black bears in the zoo? That won't do. These animals all have owners. You can't just kill them casually!"

Wang Luo often went to the Agricultural University. Almost all the teachers and students knew him as the tiger-fighting hero who had been reported in the newspapers. When the busy teacher saw Wang Luo coming over, he joked.

"I just finished my work at the University of Technology, so I took some time to rest. Today, I came here with my sister and classmates to play. I came to you to ask if you have a camera here? I want to take a few photos as a souvenir!"

"Yes, wait, I'll get it for you, but you have to buy the film yourself. The camera is free, but the film costs money!"

"no problem!"

"Wang Luo, you are really amazing now. You know people everywhere you go. That's awesome!"

Seeing the Seagull camera in Wang Luo's hand, everyone was envious. It was a great thing. Normally, people didn't have the chance to take pictures. At most, they could take a picture in a photo studio. Moreover, the price was very expensive. A black and white photo cost more than 7 cents, and a color photo cost several dollars.

"The main reason is that we often go there. Let's buy some more film today and take more pictures. We'll develop them later and give them to you as a souvenir. It's also a memory of our youth. When we get older, we can tell our descendants about the interesting things we're doing now. How interesting!"

At this point, Wang Luo suddenly wanted to get a camera of his own, mainly to take some pictures of the current local customs and some buildings that have not yet been demolished, so that he could take them out and keep them as a souvenir in the future, which would be a very interesting thing.

(End of this chapter)

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