I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 352: Rescue at Tiger Garden

Chapter 352: Rescue at Tiger Garden
I'll go to the second-hand shops to have a look. There are a lot of treasures there, and the main thing is that you don't need receipts. In particular, there are said to be a lot of classic things for sale. It's a good opportunity to go shopping. My Jurassic World does have some cameras, but they are all popular products with poor quality. They only became popular after they applied microelectronics to digital cameras. So now the best cameras should be the German Leica, the most classic one.

"Wow, that giant panda is so cute, Brother Xiao Luo, take a picture quickly, take a picture quickly!"

When Yang Wenyan and two other little girls arrived at the Giant Panda Pavilion and saw the giant pandas for the first time, they were immediately excited. There was nothing they could do about it; the charm of this national treasure appeals to people of all ages.

So Wang Luo raised his camera, and after they stood still, he took a picture of the three of them and a giant panda.

Although it is forbidden to hunt giant pandas now, they are not yet considered a first-class protected animal in the country, and they have not even been given the title of national treasure. It was not until 1988 that the country promulgated a law to make it a national treasure and a first-class protected animal. Before that, they relied on self-reliance to support themselves, and once appeared on the Spring Festival Gala to perform juggling to please the audience.

There are now two giant pandas in the Beijing Zoo, both of which were captured from the wild in Baoxing County, Sichuan Province. They are "Pipi" and "Lili". They are purely wild, and because artificial breeding has not yet been successful, people cannot even grasp the most basic habits of giant pandas.

The birth of the first artificially bred giant panda was quite dramatic. In April 1963, Pipi and Lili mated naturally. After that, experts began to manage and study Lili. In early September, Lili had a poor appetite and abnormal behavior. Although the experts took good care of her, they unfortunately missed the opportunity to observe the birthing process.

On September 9, the experts were surprised to find a small "meat ball" in Lili's arms. They were very surprised because no one had seen a newborn giant panda before. For an animal as large as a giant panda, the cub should weigh several kilograms. However, what they saw was a skinned mouse, translucent, weighing only 9- grams, so they initially judged it to be a miscarriage or premature birth, which made them very disappointed.

They thought it was an aborted embryo, so they arranged for He Guangxin to observe it from the side, ready to pick up the embryo when "Lili" was not paying attention, so as not to pollute the giant panda enclosure. However, what he didn't expect was that "Lili" would hold it tightly and not let go for a moment. The experts had no choice but to move into the giant panda delivery room with their blankets rolled up, waiting for the giant panda. His bed was only two or three meters away from the iron railings that isolated the giant pandas, so he could observe the giant panda "Lili"'s every move with his eyes open.

After careful observation, the expert found that the little thing began to move. At first, the expert thought it was "Lily" moving. Later, the little thing cried out, and the cry became louder and louder. The movement became larger and larger, and it even sucked milk. The expert was so happy that he cried and couldn't help shouting: "The giant panda's cub is alive!"

The successful breeding of the “first panda” naturally attracted great attention from experts, who hoped that it would grow up healthily and have a bright future, so they named it “Mingming”.

The zoo decided to arrange personnel to stay in the giant panda delivery room to monitor the mother and child at night. With the experience of observation, the relevant personnel began to observe and record the behavior of the mother and child, and do odd jobs such as feeding and changing water. "Lili" has a strong maternal instinct. She holds "Mingming" in her arms all day and all night, licking him constantly. After observation, it was concluded that this is to transfer the mother's body temperature to the baby and help the baby's blood circulation. Another phenomenon was discovered. Even when "Lili" was sleeping, she always put "Mingming"'s body under her nose, so that the hot air she exhaled could keep the baby warm.

Because Lily was protecting her cubs, she was very alert and could not get close to strangers. But after getting familiar with people, she became very docile. Whenever the relevant staff returned to the animal house after get off work, Lily would come over to get close to them. To everyone's relief, during the two months of guarding the delivery room, the mother and the cub had no accidents. The relevant staff were very happy to see Mingming slowly growing fur under their care, with the fur color changing from light to dark, and starting to crawl all over the ground.

When Mingming grew up, it was found to be a male. Unfortunately, it was born with only one testicle. It had no offspring and was transferred to Changsha Zoo in 1985. It died on August 1989, 8 at the age of 23.

"Please don't call it a giant panda. You should call it GunGun. What a cute name!"

According to the teachings of later generations, Wang Luo shouted out the name of the giant panda in public for the first time.

"Rolling? You know what, this name really suits it. It's round and plump, just right. Uncle Xiao Luo, you really know how to name things. Oh, I really want to take one home and raise it!"

When Wang Qing saw the cute giant pandas, her eyes lit up and she wanted to run into the panda house immediately, pick one up and run away.

"Raise it? Haha, do you understand it? Can you afford it? Wang Qing, don't be fooled by its cute and round appearance. You can't just look at its appearance. It's actually very scary. It's a bear with a very strong bite force, even stronger than tigers and lions. It not only eats bamboo and bamboo shoots, but also meat. With your little arms and legs, if it goes crazy, it can eat you too.

Do you know what the mount of Chi You, a legendary figure in the Dragon Kingdom, was? Let me tell you, it was this thing, nicknamed the Iron-eating Beast. Just look at this nickname, would you dare to keep one?

Of course, the exception is the people of Sichuan Province. They each have a Rolling Dog, just like everyone in our area has a puppy. There is no other way, they have the conditions, and the Rolling Dog itself comes from them. "

Wang Luo was bragging to a few good friends, and he was talking with great relish. There was a large group of onlookers watching him, after all, what he said was very interesting.

A bunch of little kids are eager to try and are ready to ask their parents for a giant panda to keep as a plaything.

"Don't talk nonsense. No household in Sichuan Province keeps giant pandas, even if the giant pandas come from Sichuan Province!"

At this time, a Sichuan accent came over.


This remark immediately caused everyone to laugh.

In this way, everyone walked and listened to Wang Luo bragging. Wang Luo knew all kinds of animals by heart, including their habits, where they came from, what they like to eat, and some little stories. After all, these animals have been seen on the Internet in later generations. Just because people today don't know them, it doesn't mean that Wang Luo doesn't know them. Unconsciously, a large group of people followed him, mainly because he spoke well and everyone was happy to listen.

"Ah! my child!"

"A child has fallen into the tiger enclosure!"

"Go notify the administrator and bring a gun!"

"Everyone throw stones, don't let the tiger get close to the children!"

Wang Luo spoke with great interest and everyone listened with great interest, but at this moment there was suddenly a noisy noise coming from the tiger garden in front. A child was not paying attention and fell into the semi-underground tiger garden and was injured. There were several tigers in it. Immediately, a noise was heard, and then someone hurried to look for someone. The child's mother was also crying heartbreakingly, begging everyone to help save her child.

"Fuck, get out of the way! I'll do it!"

When Wang Luo heard this, he immediately became anxious. He quickly separated the crowd and rushed forward with a group of people.

When they arrived at the tiger park, the people inside were already in chaos. As the administrator had not yet come with the tranquilizer gun, several tigers had already seen the child fall and were surrounding the area, intending to have a meal. People nearby took off their shoes, took soda bottles and other objects in their hands and threw them into the tiger park in a hurry to prevent the tigers from approaching.

"Young man, what are you doing? Are you going to kill yourself? That's a tiger. The child is already in danger. Do you want to risk your life?"

When he saw Wang Luo coming, he jumped into the tiger park to save people without saying a word. An old man nearby was quick-witted and grabbed Wang Luo and stopped him from going down.

"Uncle, look at my face, does it look familiar to you? They are just a few kittens, what can they do to me! Hurry up, otherwise the child will really die! Saving lives is the most important thing!" Wang Luo pointed to his face and said to the old man.

"I don't care who you are. This is dangerous. Let's delay it and don't let the tiger get close. The administrator will be here soon!"

The old man's accent didn't sound like someone from the capital, but rather had a southern accent. He just held Wang Luo and wouldn't let him go.

"It's the tiger-fighting hero Wang Luo. It's the tiger-fighting hero Wang Luo. Thank God, sir, please don't pull him. I guess he's the only one who can save the child now!"

Someone nearby had already recognized Wang Luo and immediately shouted loudly.


The old man looked puzzled. How could a tiger-fighting hero suddenly appear?

"That's too late!"

Before the old man could recover from his shock, Wang Luo broke free, leaped up, and did three jumps like a swallow, landing steadily next to the children in the tiger park.

Before he could pick up the child and run upstairs, several tigers surrounded them. Wang Luo opened his arms to protect the child and stared at the tigers.

"Hey, today's feeding is very rich. We gave a small one and it's not enough. A big one came. The big one is still alive and kicking. It dares to face us directly without even looking at who we are. We are the king of beasts. Are you here to provoke us?"

This is the tigers' monologue.

At this time, the people above, including the child’s parents, were all shocked. Wow, there are people who dare to look a tiger in the eye.

Everyone in the capital knew that Wang Luo killed a tiger with his bare hands, but no one had seen with their own eyes how he killed it. Moreover, he only killed one tiger, not several. He should have stopped the tiger when he jumped down just now, otherwise the child might not have been saved, and maybe another life would have been lost.


Faced with Wang Luo's provocation, the tiger king became completely furious. After a howl, he leaped up, opened his big mouth, and was about to pounce on Wang Luo!

Everyone was so frightened that their faces turned pale and they covered their eyes, not wanting to see the bloody scene that was to follow.

"How brave!"

Wang Luo shouted loudly, caught the tiger's front paw with both hands, swung it into a circle and threw it out. The tigers behind him were dissatisfied when they saw their boss being swung out. They thought their chance had come and rushed towards Wang Luo one after another.

How could Wang Luo spoil them? He had seen monsters as big as dinosaurs. To him, these little tigers were just kittens at best. He went straight up to them, attracted the tigers' attention, and moved swiftly. He grabbed a tiger and threw it into the tiger group. After throwing it, he took the opportunity to catch a tiger and slapped it on the head. He was so strong that he made the tiger faint on the ground with just two slaps. ...

After hearing no cries of pain, the people above also took down their hands that were covering their faces. They truly witnessed the live broadcast of the battle between man and tiger, and truly saw what it meant to be a tiger-fighting hero.

By the time the administrator came hurriedly with the tranquilizer gun, the fight was over. All four tigers in the tiger park had been knocked unconscious by Wang Luo and were lying on the ground basking in the sun. It was a short period of time, and there was no need to describe the fighting scenes. After all, Wang Luo was strong and agile. The tigers' tricks were nothing in front of him. He had experience!
"it's over?"

The administrator held a tranquilizer gun, wiped his eyes in disbelief, looked at the tigers staggering around in the tiger garden, and Wang Luo who was holding up the unconscious child and preparing to jump up, and talked to himself.

"Of course not. Hero Xiao Wang will knock your tiger down with just three punches and two kicks."

"Today I really got to see a great battle between a man and a tiger. It was worth the trip!"

"Well done, Hero Xiao Wang! Let's applaud!"

I guess everyone in the park had gathered around at this point. It was simply a huge crowd. When they saw the tiger being knocked down and the child being rescued, they all applauded excitedly. The enthusiasm was beyond words.

Amidst everyone's astonishment and warm applause, Wang Luo jumped up again and rushed directly to the ground.


When Wang Luo brought the child up, the child's mother knelt down in front of Wang Luo on the spot, kowtowed and expressed her gratitude.

"Hurry up, sister-in-law, let me check on the child first. What if something happens after falling from such a high place? Everyone, make way and leave some space. I will check on the child first!"

Wang Luo did not help the child's mother either. The key now was to check the child's safety first.

She started taking the child's pulse on the spot. After that, she took out silver needles from her bag and gave the child a few injections. After a while, the child opened his eyes and started crying for his mother.

"The brain is not injured. Apart from being a little frightened, there are some soft tissue contusions. The most serious one is the fracture of the right hand. It has been fixed. I will go to the hospital later. He is young and will recover. There will be no impact in the future. You don't have to worry. The zoo should add steel fences to the tiger garden and don't make it so open. Also, parents must be careful not to hold their children so close to these beasts. This time it's okay. If it happens in the future, people may die!"

After examining the child, he was handed directly to the child's mother, and some instructions were given to the zoo and the parents who were watching the fun.

(End of this chapter)

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