Chapter 28 Fame
After Fang Chen had been away for a long time, several figures gradually and quickly came running towards him.

And when they saw the destroyed mountain, they all couldn't help but shiver violently, with extreme shock and horror in their eyes.

“This mountain was split open by someone.”

"I was wondering why there was such a big earthquake just now. I could feel it dozens of miles away."

"Looking at the knife marks, it must have been done with just one knife. He was able to split a mountain with just one knife. This person's strength is unfathomable. He must be at least a Grandmaster!"

"Senior Luo Kuang, you have been in the martial arts world for decades, and you are a master of swordsmanship. You have roamed the country for many years. Can you tell which school or sect this sword belongs to? Is it a master of Daqian who has been famous for a long time?"

An old man with sparse black and white hair and beard stared at the collapsed mountain in front of him, touched his goatee, and had a frown on his face.

"My dear nephew Ouyang, your question really embarrasses me. Although I have traveled a lot for many years, I have not seen all the knife masters in Daqian.

This man's swordsmanship is so domineering that I have never heard of anyone like him. Even the masters of swordsmanship in the martial arts world would be slightly inferior to him."

Everyone's hearts trembled.

"Senior Luo, could it be that this person is a swordsmanship expert who has never been revealed in the martial arts world?"

Luo Kuang nodded.

"That should be the case. Everyone knows that a thousand years ago, when good and evil fought each other, many immortal sects went into seclusion. However, there were a few powerful people who left their inheritance when they died, or lived in seclusion in the mountains. When they were inspired, they would choose to pass on their lifelong learning.

If what I expected is true, this person is most likely a disciple inherited from a master who lived thousands of years ago, or a lucky person who inherited the legacy of his ancestors by chance.

But no matter which situation it is, it means that Daqian now has another great sword master! "

"Before the martial arts conference, a great master who has never been seen before appeared. It seems that this martial arts conference will be even more lively."

The sky in the east began to turn pale, and soon, golden light pierced through the darkness like a sharp sword and shone over.

Everyone was silent, just staring at the collapsed mountain in a trance. Some were envious, some were fantasizing, some were confused, and some were jealous.
Grandmaster, that is the dream that many people pursue throughout their lives?
Even the pursuit is impossible.

And now, a great master has appeared here. How can these people not be filled with shock, yearning and curiosity?
There were also martial arts masters rushing towards this side continuously, trying to figure out what was going on.

The news that a great master had appeared again in Daqian Chuzhou was also spreading rapidly.

At dawn, a Shenwu Guard from the Zhenwu Division, dressed in eagle feather uniform, quickly stepped into the temporary bedroom of the Crown Prince of Chuzhou Prefecture.

When he arrived at the door, he showed a token and the guard at the door did not stop him and let him in.

When he arrived in front of a room, the maid immediately stepped forward and said:
"His Royal Highness is resting."

"Please inform Auntie. I have a few important matters to report."

The maid was about to say something else when a voice came from the room.

"Let him in."

With permission, the Divine Guard quickly pushed the door open and entered the room. Once inside, he knelt directly on the floor. On the bed, the prince tucked in the corners of the quilt to hide the two snow-white figures beside him.

"Has the Fourth Prince arrived at Linyuan City?"

"Your Highness, the Fourth Prince arrived at Linyuan City late last night and has already started setting up a hot pot to cook porridge for the victims."

The prince nodded.

"Now that the Fourth Prince has arrived in Linyuan City, there is no need to worry about floods in several cities." "I have another matter."


"Late last night, I came back from Linyuan City and passed by Canglan Mountain. I got a piece of great information. Does Daqian have another great swordsmanship master?"

"What did you say?"

Hearing the word "Grand Master", the prince immediately sat up from the bed. The beauty hiding under the quilt let out a cry of surprise and immediately shrank her head back into the quilt.

However, the Divine Guards did not dare to raise their heads.

"Daqian has another great swordsmanship master."

"Is this news accurate?"

“It’s absolutely true. At that time, it wasn’t just my subordinates who went to Canglan Mountain. There were also many famous people in the martial arts world. They saw with their own eyes that Canglan Mountain was split in half and collapsed.

Crazy Knife Luo Kuang personally asserted that the knife technique used by that person was unprecedented in the entire Daqian, very domineering, and even possibly derived from an ancient method thousands of years ago. "

"Go and investigate. You must find this person. Your Highness will reward you handsomely."


The Divine Guards retreated, and the white-haired old man walked out of the darkness again, his eyes shining.

"Your Highness, you should write a memorial to His Majesty about this matter, instead of acting arbitrarily and trying to use it for your own benefit."

The prince chuckled.

"Master, you must know that my good brothers are secretly building up their own power, right?
Take Lao Shi for example. Almost all the officials in Chuzhou Prefecture listen to him. The followers of the other brothers are spread all over Daqian. The whole world is under their control. If I don’t take action, I will be the fish on the chopping board.”

“His Majesty will certainly pave the way for you if he appoints you as the Crown Prince. He even hands over the government affairs to you.

Your biggest trump card is His Majesty. You should not forget His Majesty in order to build up your own power. You know, His Majesty likes you the most, but he also hates others who are hypocritical and disobedient. "

"The heart of an emperor is the most unpredictable. Maybe my father would like me to be more domineering and more like him! If I am cowardly, maybe I will really disappoint him.

"Your Highness can no longer sit and wait for death. I have to build up my own power. My father is extremely talented, and sooner or later he will break through that realm. By that time, no one will be able to protect me. The only person I can trust is myself!"


The old man sighed and retreated into the darkness again.

At the same time, outside the city gate, there were people coming and going and a lot of traffic.

"It seems that the Chuzhou Prefecture's martial arts conference is really not a boast. There are so many masters from all over the world coming to participate."

Fang Chen stood outside the city and looked towards the city gate. It was the first time he saw so many people since he came to this world.

What’s even more amazing is that there are very few ordinary people among these people, most of them are people with some cultivation.

Among them, most are naturally beginners and acquired masters, with one or two early innate masters occasionally mixed in.

(End of this chapter)

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