Under One Person: One Person Goes

Chapter 106 The rapidly changing situation

Chapter 106 The rapidly changing situation
Wang Yi was in a bad mood. After struggling for a long time, he unexpectedly let Liu Wei, the young shopkeeper of the Jianghu inn, come true as he was told. He was stabbed in the back by his master Liu the Face Man.

The dough maker Liu woke up from his dream. Without caring about the burning pain on his face, he got up from the bed and pointed at Wang Yi.

"You, you, you...how did you do it? You can even enter Granny Liu's dream?"

"I didn't enter the dream of that Quan Xing Liu Pozi. It was your dream. Dreams are interconnected, especially when connected with others."

Wang Yi sat on the armchair in a bad mood, looking at Liu the dough man who was caught red-handed, and didn't know how to react for a moment.

However, You Baiyun, who had witnessed all of Wang Yi's magical skills, quickly played the good guy.

"Master Liu, I advise you to tell the truth. Forget about calling for help in the dream. Yige knows how to pull people into the inner scene better than a sorcerer like me. Without Yige's help in the inner scene, it would not be so easy for me to figure out that you were plotting against him behind his back. I also know that you are Quan Xing. My grandparents have also told me about the bad things you Quan Xing did. But I have been with you for more than a month. You are not that bad by nature. It will be better for everyone if you speak out."

Wang glanced at You Baiyun. This guy is really talking without any pain. He really thinks that there is no price for him to enter the inner scene.

According to the practice of the Zhuge Wuhou lineage among sorcerers, if one wants to allow a non-sorcerer to enter a sorcerer's inner world, one needs to determine the so-called central palace, and then assign the three wonders, six instruments, eight gates, nine stars, and eight gods to their respective positions. Among them, the three wonders must include three people, corresponding to the three attributes of Yi wood, Bing fire, and Ding fire respectively, in order to allow a non-sorcerer to enter the sorcerer's inner world.

Under normal circumstances, two people would not be able to do these things, but Wang Yi cheated. He played the role of two people by himself, using the human body's magnetic field to control the heaven and earth's qi to create a similar existence of a clone. With his powerful cultivation, he was able to fly bricks. In addition, his own fate was special, so he had the inner scene just now.

Otherwise, You Baiyun would not be so surprised. Wang Yi did not show any sorcerer skills, but he was so familiar with this operation.

On the one hand it was cheating, on the other hand I think it was a combination of my great strength and a bit of luck that led to my success.

In the end, he paid such a huge price and it turned out that the traitor Liu the Noodle Man was the one who caused the trouble. How could he not be angry?

Seeing Wang Yi's slightly pale face, the waiter Liu was startled at first, then he sighed and asked back.

"Since you know that I am Quan Xing, do you know what the principles of our Quan Xing sect are?"

"You Quan Xing still have principles?" You Baiyun was shocked, and Wang Yi also roughly understood what the face man Liu wanted to say.

"Yes, some of us are evil and have no scruples about hurting others, but we all adhere to one principle: we have to take responsibility for our own debts and clean up our own messes. If we fail to clean up our messes, and are killed by others or fellow disciples one day, we will accept it. We can die, but we are unwilling to let our tricks end just like that."

As he spoke, the waiter Liu looked at Wang Yi.

"Why do I do this? It's very simple. Although you are a disciple of the Ghost Hand King, you are not Quan Xing. You are not pure in body and mind. You are not blindly killing Quan Xing. Otherwise, I would not be here. The methods of us may not be passed on to others. Even if there are disciples of famous and upright sects who meet our expectations, they will disdain us.

In this situation, it's rare to have a talent who can help us carry on our legacy. Do you think you would turn a blind eye if it were you?"

This kind of obsession that the inheritance cannot be cut off in one's hands is a common problem among practitioners. Wang Yi could understand it, but he couldn't accept it. He drummed his fingers on the table for a long time before he spoke.

"Master Liu, can I understand that as long as you pass on these unwilling methods to me, you can bear the karma of your past, and those who deserve to die will die, and those who deserve to atone will atone for their sins?"

"I don't know about the others, but the ones I contacted are just like your master, the Ghost Hand King. They are not evil people, but they are old and unwilling to let their skills be lost. If their skills can continue in your hands, maybe they can fulfill their own way, and those who should pay their debts will pay their debts."

Wang nodded, "I believe you on this point. You have an evil nature, but you are not a lawless person. My master, Ghost Hand King, was the same. After knowing that my skills were better than his, he suddenly realized his mistake and traveled outside for three years just to atone for his past sins. Until he died, he asked me not to say that I was his disciple when I was traveling outside, but I still said it. Do you know why?"

The dough man Liu was stunned, not knowing how to answer for a moment, while Wang Yi continued.

"Because there are some sins that, once you commit them, there is no way back to atone for them. If you find a successor to pass on your skills to, you can atone for your sins with peace of mind? Even if you can't atone for them completely, your debts will be forgiven when you die? There is no such good thing in the world! He knows this himself, so he asked me not to say that I am his disciple.

He can think like this, but I can't, because I am not him, nor you. I don't hide the fact that I am the disciple of the Ghost Hand King, I just want to tell those who owe karma to the Ghost Hand King that the Ghost Hand King is dead, but he still has a successor. If you have karma with the Ghost Hand King that cannot be settled, you can come to me. It's like a corrupt official who was killed for corruption and abuse of power, but his family members who benefited from his corruption and abuse of power were held high and let go lightly? It's called "the disaster will not affect the family members", but those who have lost their families and wives and children because of this corrupt official, what did they do wrong to have their families affected by the disaster?"

Every word Wang Yi said hit the dough man Liu's heart, making this nearly fifty-year-old guy stunned on the spot. He didn't know how to answer Wang Yi's questions for a moment.

"I came to you in the first place because I used your method in the Quan Xing siege, and secondly, I was attracted by your method and wanted to learn it and use it for my own benefit. So I protected you and let you show your face in the capital. It was nothing more than that I was ready to bear your share of karma for you.

But I am not familiar with the Quanxing disciples you contacted. Whether it is the Golden Light of the Earth or the Golden Light of the Flowing Light, these methods are high, but whether I really want to learn them is another matter. If I want to learn, I will naturally come to them, pay homage to them, and bear the consequences for them.

But if you do it this way, just like my master Ghost Hand King wanted Li Muxuan to become his disciple, even if you put that method in front of me, I won't watch it! Master Liu, please tell those seniors in Quanxing that if they hold the same idea as you, even if they really find a successor in the future, this method will not be passed on.

That being said, you can take matters into your own hands. "

After saying that, Wang Yi stood up and left, leaving the dough maker Liu alone in the room, thinking about what Wang Yi had said.

Walking out of the room, feeling the scorching heat of June, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of Wang Yi's mouth. The price of entering a warlock's inner vision and divination results in such a brutal and almost cheating way was not a pleasant one.

This was the first time that he had sustained serious internal injuries in a non-combat situation, and he had not expected it to happen in this way.

Rubbing his brows, Wang Yi also sighed, "What kind of thing is this, Zhang Zhiwei, you are lucky. Longhu Mountain has been passed down for thousands of years. I think you have all these methods in Longhu Mountain. It just depends on whether you want to use them or not."

In the following days, the Jin Guang Master of Quan Xing did not appear again, and Wang Yi did not suffer any similar harassment. This also allowed him to calm down and continue to study his human magnetic field that resonated with the magnetic field of heaven and earth. At the same time, he also paid attention to the Northern Expedition like all the sects in the circle of extraordinary people.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to intervene, but that he can’t. Only when you are in this era can you understand how concise and to the point the phrase “the situation is changing rapidly” is.

The Northern Expedition kicked off in June, swore an oath in July, and defeated the main force of Sun Dashuai, a warlord of the Beiyang faction, in August. Its speed of progress and successive victories surprised even Sun, a future man who already knew the outcome, not to mention the various factions who were watching from the sidelines, and Marshal Zhang who was in charge of the capital.

There is an obvious gap between the two sides in terms of military strength and equipment, but they still insisted on being chased and beaten. Who can they complain to?

However, the Northern Expedition Army in the South has been victorious one battle after another, which is not a good thing for the powerful people in the capital. The group in the middle is okay, because the emperor has his own ministers, and no matter who is in charge, they cannot do without them.

But for some of the great powers who placed their bets on Marshal Zhang and for Marshal Zhang who was determined to unify the country, it was a headache.

As the top expert in the capital, Wang Yi was inevitably invited by Marshal Zhang to discuss matters. His words revealed that he wanted Wang Yi to leave the capital and go deep into the heart of the Northern Expedition Army to assassinate Wang.

Wang Yi was amused. If you really want to assassinate the king, I will kill you first. Why am I still holding a meeting with you? But he couldn't say what was in his heart. He could only imply that if you let me do this, the south might do the same. There are capable people in the south, and he, Wang Yi, is not a god who can suppress the world alone.

This made Marshal Zhang give up the idea.

Later, in the second half of the 15th year of the Republic of China, Wang Yi dealt with these unavoidable meetings while keeping an eye on the intelligence of Zhang Yi and Ma Feng, two brothers with whom he had a friendship, through the information sent from Jianghu Inn, to see if they had protected the safety of the master as he had instructed before.

If so, he must find an opportunity to meet with this pair of brothers and convey a message to the master through them to see if the losses can be minimized in April of the 17th year of the Republic of China.

As time passed, Mendel, the poultry expert who had always been asked by Wang Yi to raise chickens to see if he could breed a batch of new chicks, also brought Wang Yi good news.

It seems that he has managed to get the breeding chickens that Wang Yi required, with a meat-to-feed ratio that is very close to 1:2!

(End of this chapter)

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