Under One Person: One Person Goes

Chapter 107 The Seeds Have Been Planted

Chapter 107 The Seeds Have Been Planted
In Beijing, there are chicken farms on the outskirts of the city.

For the guys from the Sichengjiao Shop who were arranged to work here, they only felt that their young master Wang Yi had a very unique way of thinking. It was a bit extravagant to use a piece of land to set up a chicken farm to raise chickens, but as long as the chickens were raised well, it would be a good source of income whether it was sold to the people or supplied to hotels.

Nowadays, a three-pound live chicken sells for between 50 and 70 cents. If it is made into a dish, it is not an exaggeration for a high-end restaurant to charge you a dollar.

Ordinary people buy chickens because they can lay eggs, while rich people eat chickens because they taste like chicken.

But after they got a batch of chicks, they asked a bespectacled scholar to manage them. No, a scholar, do you know how to raise chickens? You can just entrust the chickens to the nearby villagers, don't they know more than this scholar?
The fact is just as these guys saw. The first batch of chicks was destroyed by the scholar surnamed Meng. Only ten of the two hundred yellow-feathered chickens were left. Their manager reported the situation to Mr. Qin Erye, but Mr. Qin Erye asked the manager to report to Wang Yi. Wang Yi's answer made the manager crazy.

There are still ten left? Brother Meng is quite capable. Go back and ask Brother Meng when the second batch of chicks will be delivered and how much it will cost. Write me a note and then go to get the money yourself. Follow this process in the future to save you the trouble of running back and forth.

These words that the manager could not understand came out of Wang Yi's mouth. The manager wanted to cry but had no tears. He tried to persuade Wang Yi earnestly and almost knelt down to Wang Yi.

Nowadays, it is not easy to find a boss who is a decent person, who does not deduct money, who provides food and shelter to support the family, who also teaches you culture, and who is strong in his fists, so you don't have to worry about being bullied. This kind of boss should be placed in the house to worship the longevity tablet, hoping that this boss will live longer, so that your life can be better.

Wang Yizheng was actually in a state of panic. He was not good at dealing with this kind of situation. He also didn't understand how outrageous what he had done was in this cannibalistic era.

In the end, it was his elder, Master Qin, who helped him to settle the matter, allowing him to get back to work with peace of mind.

The guys at the chicken farm will not have any resentment towards Wang Yi. They can only vent their resentment on Mendel, the animal master who took on Wang Yi's commission to raise chickens. What they mean is that you must raise the chickens well. If you mess up again, the boss can ignore it, but we are not as kind as him!

This made Mendel, the beast master, feel a bit awkward, but he was a cultivator after all. He was not good at fighting and was comparable to the extraordinary people of other schools, but with the little boxing skills in his hands combined with the methods of the friends of animals, he had no problem subduing some ordinary people.

After half a year, with the help of animal master Mendel's continuous breeding methods and Wang Yi's continuous exploitation of Marshal Zhang to subsidize the chicken farm, the latest batch of yellow-feathered chickens were born.

After hearing the news, Wang Yi immediately brought people to check the situation to see if the yellow-feathered chickens bred by animal experts could catch up with the white-feathered chickens that K-10 spent more than ten years to develop. Even if the production capacity was half, Wang Yi felt that his face would be so happy that it would break.

"Brother Meng, is this the new breed of chicken you bred?"

Wang Yi squatted outside the chicken pen, looking at the yellow-feathered chickens inside, which weighed about two kilograms. They were brightly colored, but did not have the pectoral muscles he had imagined. Overall, they looked like just that, nothing special.

"Well, this is the limit of what I can do. The growth cycle is one and a half months, and the corn feed is about five to six kilograms, and the heaviest does not exceed two and a half kilograms."

"Ah? It can't grow any longer?"

"Listen to what you say, are you talking like a human? I'm a beast master! My grandfather named me Mendel, not Darwin! I can't play evolution!"


After Mendel's explanation, Wang Yi finally understood what Mendel's batch of chicks were. Simply put, Mendel cut the upper limit and raised the lower limit.

This batch of newly bred breeding chickens can only grow to this size. Two and a half kilograms is the maximum, and three to three and a half kilograms can be called the king of chickens.

But as compensation, the ability to absorb nutrients is improved, the growth cycle is shortened, and five or six kilograms of feed can be used to raise it to this stage. Other functions are all normal, and with the help of the animal master, this chicken is healthy and pollution-free! No antibiotics are needed!
In other words, the cost of raising a chicken to between 2kg and 2.5kg is between 20 cents and 30 cents. With scale, this cost can be further reduced to maintain in the 20 cents range.

Individually, a chicken with a fixed size and weight cannot be compared with a chicken that can continue to grow and sell for more than three kilograms. But the calculation is not that way. A chicken weighing more than three kilograms has a growth cycle of at least five months and needs more than ten kilograms of feed before it can be sold at a good price.

But now there is a batch of live chickens on the market. Although they only weigh two to two and a half kilograms, you can buy two two-kilogram live chickens with the price of a three-kilogram live chicken, and buy some leftovers for side dishes. The weight of a single chicken may be a little less, but it is large in quantity and full of chicken flavor!
"Wow, you really figured it out!" After a quick calculation in his mind, Wang Yi knew how great the potential of these chicks bred by Mendel was.

Nowadays, although there is pork to eat, can ordinary people afford it? The poor can only eat meat once or twice a year, and the better-off families can only eat meat once every ten days or half a month.

If you have a batch of chicken seedlings to ensure a minimum, you can buy three of them. Eat one as a starter, keep two as feed, and feed them a little more from your mouth on a daily basis. After a month and a half, you can slaughter another one and put it in the pot. It's not as delicious as pork, but chicken is still meat!

"Hearing what you said, you didn't think I could succeed, did you?" Meng Deer said sinisterly, and a stream of white Qi emanated from him, infiltrating towards Wang Yi without anyone noticing. "How could that be possible? I just didn't expect to be able to produce such a good batch so quickly. I originally thought it would take at least a year or two... Hmm? Brother Meng, your methods are starting to change."

While chatting and laughing, Wang Yi also noticed that there was something wrong with the air around him. He immediately held his mouth and nose, and his human body's magnetic field started to operate, isolating and evaporating all foreign objects attached to his body surface.

"TOF, during the past six months of raising chickens, with these guys watching over them, I had to keep one eye on the chicks even when I went to bed at night. I kept using my family's inherited methods to monitor the chickens' conditions, which taught me a lesson. If a beastmaster always limited his horizons to birds, beasts, insects, and fish, then he would indeed be an unremarkable beastmaster. But what about the lives below mosquitoes?
Does this animal master only deal with birds, beasts, insects and fish? No one would say that, right? Aren’t the microorganisms on humans and animals part of the living creatures of heaven and earth? To put it bluntly, are humans not living creatures? "

After hearing Mendel's last words, Wang Yi took back the congratulations that were on the tip of his tongue, and looked at Mendel with a strange look in his eyes.

No, buddy, you are being a bit anti-human!

"Just kidding. Humans are the most powerful of all spirits. If animal masters really had that ability, they wouldn't have fallen to such a state. But microorganisms are indeed a field worth exploring. Brother Wang, this may be the reason why you want to recruit animal masters."

Mendel was also a smart man. When he was continuously using the beast master's Qi to connect these chicks and cultivate them, he also noticed that under his method, these chicks were healthier and more resistant to diseases than those in the same control group. He had to find a reason. This search allowed him to find the key point, and then he guessed the second intention of Wang Yizhao, the beast master.

"Brother Meng, it's good that you and I know each other well. You are now standing at the intersection of bacteriologist and biologist. If possible, I really don't want you to become a biologist."

"I can understand bacteriologist, but what does this mean for biologist?"

"If there is a chance, I will take you to see him. I hope you can hold on by then."

"A lot of people will die?"

"Yes, it's not just humans who died, but also animals!"

Mendel could hear the endless murderous intent in Wang Yi's words, so he stopped talking and just waited for Wang Yi to show him everything.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet, but Mendel soon changed the topic and pointed at the free-range chickens that were jumping around in the chicken farm.

"Now I have fulfilled your request. What are you going to do with these next?"

“When will the second batch be ready for sale?”


"Well, after taking advantage of Marshal Zhang for so long, we should return the favor. Half of this will be given to Marshal Zhang, and the rest will be divided. We will keep one portion for ourselves, sell one portion in the market, and send one portion to Yinghelou in Jianghu Inn. The year is almost over, so we should give everyone a good meal."


"Brother Meng, you take care of the second batch of chicks. You can invest some in the market from time to time to maintain this chicken farm. Don't let people think that we have such a batch of cheap, durable, and low-eating chicks. If you don't know how to handle it, I'll let Brother Liang come to help you."

“I don’t understand you again.”

"Because this is not prepared for now, it is seeds left for future generations. Our mission is to protect these seeds."

"I'm confused. You're not a sorcerer, so why are you talking so confusingly?"

Mendel walked away cursing, leaving Wang Yi standing alone outside the chicken pen, looking at these breeding chickens that could only grow to this weight, with a smile on his face that no one could understand.

In the last month of the 15th year of the Republic of China, a batch of local chickens of similar size and weight but cheaper price quietly appeared in the markets and restaurants in the capital, as well as in the barracks where Marshal Zhang used them to reward his soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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