Chapter 13 Three Years
On New Year's Eve of the tenth year of the Republic of China, the courtyard where Wang Yi and Ghost Hand King Wang Yaozu were having their New Year's Eve dinner welcomed an unexpected guest, Zuo Rutong, the head of the Sanyi Sect.

Zuo Ruotong and his disciples who brought gifts were welcomed in, and the senior was asked to sit in the guest seat. Wang Yi and the disciple named Shuiyun beside Zuo Ruotong waited on the side, listening to the conversation between the two elders.

"Brother Shuiyun, what does Sect Leader Zuo want to do? It's New Year's Day, you can't come to settle accounts with my master now, right? He hasn't done anything bad recently." Because Wang Yi passed on skills on behalf of his master and taught Lu Jin and Li Muxuan, two top disciples of the Sanyi Sect, he can be said to have a certain fate with the Sanyi Sect. Although he has never been to the Sanyi Sect, he is familiar with the Sanyi Sect disciples who often go down the mountain to buy things for the disciples on the mountain.

This person named Shuiyun, who is a member of the Trinity Sect and often follows Zuo Rutong, is one of them. Within the Trinity Sect, the alien Wang Yi who settled in the small town at the foot of the mountain is considered to be half a member of the Trinity Sect, and this is an unspoken secret among all the members of the Trinity Sect.

"How would I know? Master just told me to prepare my things and follow him down the mountain to find you. I guess he didn't expect the Ghost Hand King to come back for the New Year, so we just happened to run into each other. On the other hand, if the Ghost Hand King really did something stupid outside in the past six months, do you think Master wouldn't send someone to tell you?"

Shuiyun's tone was a little sour. He had been a disciple for so many years and had served his master Zuo Ruotong for so long, but he had never seen his master care so much about someone. Every time Lu Jin and Li Muxuan came back from the mountain, Zuo Ruotong would let the two boys practice the exercises and then practice Wang Yi's Eight Directions Reversal. Then he would give them some pointers and give them some special lessons. He also told the two boys to tell Wang Yi about these things the next time they went to take a class.

Although most of the disciples of Sanyi Sect knew that Wang Yi's cultivation talent was top-notch in the world, even better than their own master, but this is not the first time he has passed the gate! Master, how can you be so ungrateful!
But this was just a small thought that came up among the disciples of the Sanyi Sect. Thanks to the teachings of Zuo Rutong as a master, they could only complain about Zuo Rutong's different treatment of Wang Yi, a half-disciple of the Sanyi Sect. But they would not really make a big deal out of it, not to mention that Wang Yi did not take the initiative to provoke them, the disciples of the Sanyi Sect, so there was no need to create conflicts.

"Haha, that's true, so this is considered catching up with the times, catching up?"


The whispers between the two did not escape Ghost Hand King and Zuo Rutong who were sitting in the host and guest seats. In other words, with their level of cultivation and at such a close distance, the so-called whispers were nothing more than loud communication in their ears.

Zuo Ruotong also understood the secret thoughts of Wang Yi and his disciple Shuiyun who were plotting loudly. They just wanted to say that it was New Year's Day and there was no need to make the atmosphere so awkward. He just looked at the Ghost Hand King sitting on the main seat. Since the last time when Li Muxuan wanted to become Ghost Hand King's apprentice, there was a conflict and Wang Yi was involved. Zuo Ruotong had not seen Ghost Hand King for half a year. When they met again, Zuo Ruotong could see that Ghost Hand King was different now.

He was less aggressive and more tired. If the Ghost Hand King, as a disciple of Quan Xing Sect, was an old bastard who had lived for most of his life, then the Ghost Hand King now was a kind old man. Such a change was indeed something Zuo Rutong had not expected.

Could a favorite successor really make him change so much? Zuo Ruotong thought so in his heart, but he still spoke.

"Wang Yaozu, no matter what, you have to give me a glass of water, right?"

"Oh, look at my brain, Chief Zuo, please."

When Wang Yaozu heard that Zuo Rutong no longer called him by his nickname but by his name, he was also surprised, but he quickly reacted and poured Zuo Rutong a glass of wine.

Although Wang Yaozu is nearly 70 years old, a few years older than Zuo Ruotong, the head of the family who looks young but is in his 60s. However, the difference in status and cultivation between the two made Wang Yaozu dare not get angry in front of Zuo Ruotong. Otherwise, when he had a conflict with Zuo Ruotong over the matter of accepting Li Muxuan as his disciple, Wang Yaozu would not have said, "Unless you kill me here today, I will definitely accept Li Muxuan as my disciple."

Because Wang Yaozu knew very well that Zuo Ruotong had the strength to beat him to death on the spot, but after the incident with Wang Yi, Wang Yaozu suddenly realized the truth and re-examined himself. But Wang Yaozu still seemed very weak in front of Zuo Ruotong, and he was obviously the master, but he was very hesitant in front of Zuo Ruotong.

After drinking a glass of Wang Yaozu's wine, Zuo Rutong sighed helplessly at the sight of Wang Yaozu fidgeting at his old age.

"The kid is right. Although he is teaching on behalf of his master, the root of the reversal of the eight directions is ultimately in you. Some of the principles should not be delegated to others, not to mention that I made a deal with the kid with the help of Jin'er and Mu Xuan. I came down the mountain this time because I thought that Wang Yi would be alone at the foot of the mountain for the New Year and would be somewhat lonely, so I rashly came to your house, but I didn't expect to run into you when you came back. Since we ran into each other, let's make it clear. I have no objection to Jin'er and Mu Xuan's many tricks, but this trick should not be taught by me. You have to teach it. For three months, I personally allow you to stay near the Sanyi Gate for three months. After that, it depends on your performance. I am sorry for disturbing your gathering. Goodbye."

Zuo Rutong came and left in a hurry. After all, there was a large family of disciples waiting for him to return on the mountain.

After asking his disciple Shuiyun to put down the gift, Zuo Rutong took his disciples away, leaving behind only Wang Yaozu, who had not yet recovered from the news Zuo Rutong had told him.

Wang Yaozu stood up, and with a slightly hunched body, he just looked at the back of Zuo Ruotong and his disciples leaving, stunned and speechless. It was the first time that he felt respected from Zuo Ruotong's words. It was also the first time that he, as a Quanxing disciple, had been respected by Zuo Ruotong, a master of Xuanmen. In the past, when he saw Zuo Ruotong, he would choose to retreat, but this time was different. All of this came from Wang Yi, whom he picked up in the first year of the Republic of China, and from his enlightenment in the past six months, which redeemed his past sins.

"Kid, did I hear you right? The left lord asked me to stay in the territory of the Trinity Gate for three months?"

"Yes, you heard me right. I've already said that passing on skills on behalf of a master is one thing, but how to teach this method to an apprentice is something you have to do yourself. If you ask someone else to do it, it will be embarrassing to tell others about it. Well, today is New Year's Eve, I will have a drink with you."

"Good! Good!" Seeing Wang Yaozu's happy expression at this moment, Wang Yi also smiled.

The father and son spent the New Year's Eve of the tenth year of the Republic of China amid the scattered sounds of firecrackers in the small town.

In the days that followed, Wang Yi and Wang Yaozu, the father and son, lived their own lives there like a pair of grandfather and grandson who had settled in this small town for many years.

Facing Wang Yi, the successor who surpassed his master in the Eight Directions Reversal, Wang Yaozu did not hold back at all and shared all his understanding of the Eight Directions Reversal with him. This also made Wang Yi, who had always relied on his talent to make a living and stood at the bottom of the times and practiced the Eight Directions Reversal on his own, re-examine his understanding of the Eight Directions Reversal over the years.

Deepened the understanding of the law of force.

The reason why reversing the eight directions in the worldview of "Under One Person" was called the human body's magnetic field in later generations is, after all, because with the development of productivity and the advancement of scientific theory, there is a new understanding of the concept of mobilizing the power of the eight directions of heaven and earth by reversing the eight directions.

Just like the example of the animal master in the alien school mentioned above, before the theory of microscopic organisms was proposed, the alien schools related to animal masters all over the world had innate and acquired knowledge of biology that was basically limited to birds, beasts, insects and fish. This cognitive bias made the animal master school the bottom of the contempt chain in the alien circle. Over time, there were only a few big cats and small cats left in the animal master school, until the later introduction of microscopic organisms, which made this school shine again.

The same is true for the inverted eight directions. Before the four fundamental forces of the universe - strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, electromagnetic force and gravity - were proposed, the inverted eight directions had a very vague concept of force, and at most they could only reach the threshold of gravity, but could never get in.

Until Wang Yi was picked up by Wang Yaozu in the first year of the Republic of China, he had the world's top talent and the vision of the lower reaches of the times. So when Wang Yi started to learn the inverted eight directions, he focused the concept of the inverted eight directions on electromagnetic force and gravity.

Electromagnetic force is everywhere. The universe and the earth are a huge magnetic field, and the human body is also a small magnetic field. Gravity is the basic element that constitutes a celestial body.

With this basic understanding in all these aspects, when Wang Yi started to learn how to reverse the eight directions, he only thought about one thing: how to mobilize the small magnetic field of his body and how to connect his small magnetic field with the large magnetic field of heaven and earth.

With a talent that might be only slightly inferior to Zhang Zhiwei, the number one Taoist practitioner designated by the world view as "Under One Person", and with the support of insights from later generations, Wang Yi, without any basic theories about Taoist practice, relied on his talent and scientific vision to roughly figure out a way to reverse the eight directions and turn them into the human body's magnetic field.

With the support of such a routine, Wang Yicai was able to reach the outskirts of Jiaxing County and set up a Feng Shui-like Qi Bureau for those soldiers.

There was nothing special about it. He just used his own Qi to disrupt the magnetic field of that necessary path, thereby affecting the magnetic field in the body of every person who stepped into this magnetic field, causing their emotions and cognition to become disordered, resulting in such bizarre means comparable to those of a sorcerer.

After all, the so-called Feng Shui, described in scientific terms, is a magnetic field. If the magnetic field of a piece of land is disrupted, the magnetic fields of the people in this area will also be affected.

In the modern and later chapters of Under One Person, apart from Wang Yaozu, the predecessor who turned things around and blazed a new trail, there were only two people whose mastery of the human magnetic field left an impression on Wang Yi. One was Li Muxuan, and the other was Xu Xiang, one of the founders of the Nadutong Company, which was related to Feng Baobao.

Let's not talk about Li Muxuan for now. If Wang Yi hadn't interfered, he would have made mistakes according to the historical trajectory of becoming Wang Yaozu's apprentice. He would have made mistakes that led to the death of Zuo Ruotong, the head of the Sanyi Sect, and the disbandment of the Sanyi Sect. He would have fled abroad in disgrace and ended his life on an isolated island, Nasen Island, wasting his talent for turning the world upside down. It was Xu Xiang, this unfortunate man, who was a pity.

Because he met Feng Baobao, a woman with an ageless face, when he was a child in the year Jiashen, under Feng Baobao's guidance, he accidentally embarked on the path of extraordinary cultivation. Because he participated in national construction early and received guidance, although his talent was mediocre, but thanks to the guidance of scientific theory, he cultivated the human body's magnetic field from the very beginning. With the support of the country and countless resources, he should have been a big boss in charge of a large region, but he died early at the age of eighty in order to protect Feng Baobao. It was all due to exhaustion.

Wang Yi naturally would not explain these modern stories to Wang Yaozu. After all, even he himself did not know how the story would unfold in the future.

He just told Wang Yaozu about his new understanding of reversing the eight directions under the guidance of scientific theory in recent years, to see if he could extend the old man's life for a few more years.

Unfortunately, Wang Yaozu's worldview had already been fixed. Apart from being surprised, he could not express any other opinions or suggestions about Wang Yi's new methods and new views that were completely different from his own Reversing the Eight Directions. He could only guide Wang Yi's practice on the basis of Reversing the Eight Directions.

Just like that, after the Lantern Festival, Lu Jin and Li Muxuan, who had returned from visiting their relatives, also, at Zuo Rutong's suggestion, paid homage to Wang Yaozu as disciples and asked him and Wang Yi to guide their practice.

And in such a rare period of peace and tranquility, three years have passed by unknowingly.

(End of this chapter)

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