Under One Person: One Person Goes

Chapter 14 Traveling Far Away

Chapter 14 Traveling Far Away
Time flies. After Wang Yi and Wang Yaozu celebrated the New Year's Eve of the tenth year of the Republic of China, with the tacit approval of Zuo Rutong, a Taoist master, they spent three rare years of peace and tranquility in the small town in the south of the Yangtze River protected by the Sanyi Sect.

But the peaceful days in this small town did not mean that the world was at peace. From the 10th year of the Republic of China to the end of the 13th year of the Republic of China, the Beiyang warlord government, which was nominally the decision-maker of this land, fought two civil wars with the support of their own forces behind them, which are known in history as the Zhi-Feng War.

The war spread from outside the Great Wall to inside the Great Wall. The Chinese people, who had finally caught their breath, were once again forced to survive in the flames of the war between warlords, living like the walking dead.

In the two wars, the Fengtian clique lost one and won the other. With the second victory of the Fengtian clique, the Beiyang warlord government, which was nominally the central government, changed its master.

This caused the Chinese land, which had finally caught its breath, to suffer severe damage once again. A new domestic pattern was formed, but it was only temporary.

Even Wang Yi, who lived in the Republic of China and was living in the present, was not aware of all the dirty things that happened between the two wars. This information came from Wang Yi's prophetic vision at the downstream of the times, and was also told to him by Wang Yaozu, who had been away from home and back in the past three years.

During the three years, Wang Yaozu did not stay in this small town in the south of the Yangtze River under the protection of the Sanyi Sect. Even though he knew that Zuo Rutong had acquiesced to letting him live out the rest of his life in this small town, he still refused.

During this period, Wang Yi had advised Wang Yaozu that some debts could be repaid by him as a disciple, and there was no need to work so hard. He should just stay here and teach Lu Jin and Li Muxuan well, and pass on the skill of reversing the eight directions.

"These debts are owed by me, the Ghost Hand King, a disciple of Quanxing Sect. Naturally, I, a disciple of Quanxing Sect, should pay them back. You, Lu Jin, and Li Muxuan should live cleanly and pass on my skills to future generations." This was Wang Yaozu's answer to Wang Yi. Listening to Wang Yaozu's answer and looking at the look in Wang Yaozu's eyes when he answered him, Wang Yi knew that he could not persuade him and had no reason to stop him.

On this journey of constantly going out and returning to atone for the sins he had committed in the past, Wang Yaozu, a disciple of Quanxing who only wanted to pass on his method of turning the world upside down, also came to the end of his life.
At the beginning of the 14th year of the Republic of China.

In a courtyard in a small town in the south of the Yangtze River protected by the Sanyi Sect, the dying Ghost Hand King Wang Yaozu was lying on the bed, covered with a quilt, and Wang Yi was holding a medicine bowl next to him. He looked at Wang Yaozu, who was almost skin and bones on the bed, sighed, and put the medicine bowl aside. With his current cultivation, he could naturally see that Wang Yaozu was in a very bad state at this time, and he would die in a breath.

According to the original historical trajectory, Wang Yaozu should not have passed away so early. At least he could have survived until the eve of the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War.

However, as he continued to atone for his past sins over the past three years, Wang Yaozu could no longer suppress the tuberculosis in his body with his cultivation, and he entered the end of his life ahead of time. Wang Yi put down the medicine bowl and glanced outside the door. Lu Jin, Li Muxuan and Zuo Rutong were waiting outside the yard. He turned around and leaned over the side of Wang Yaozu, who was barely breathing.

"Master, do you have any unfulfilled wishes?"

Wang Yaozu, who was already a dying candle in the wind, looked at Wang Yi in front of him. In three years, this beggar whom he had picked up in the first year of the Republic of China had grown into a big man. The gleam in his eyes also told Wang Yaozu that the cultivation level of this disciple in front of him was already beyond his ability to see clearly. This made Wang Yaozu very pleased and he smiled.

"I don't have any unfulfilled wishes. I, Wang Yaozu, have done many evil things in my life, and I deserve to have tuberculosis. But God has been kind to me, letting me find a disciple like you from the pile of dead bodies when I was old. Because of you, I have two more disciples in my Reverse Eight Directions. Haha, what else can I, Wang Yaozu, not be satisfied with?
It's not that you didn't advise me at the beginning, but I, Wang Yaozu, have committed so many sins, and I have to pay for them. I just don't know if the sins I have redeemed in the past three years can protect you and the two guys outside the door in the future. If there is any unfulfilled wish, it is that I can't see the day when my method of reversing the eight directions is carried forward. "

Listening to Wang Yaozu's words, Wang Yi also sighed silently.

He knew that Wang Yaozu had done too many things without telling him in the past three years, whether it was to atone for past sins or for the relationship with Quanxing, he had blocked too much for him. In the circle of aliens, no one knew until now that Quanxing's Ghost Hand King - Wang Yaozu had accepted a disciple named Wang Yi, not to mention that he had passed on the method of reversing the eight directions to Lu Jin and Li Muxuan of the Sanyi Sect. There was no other reason, he just wanted Wang Yi, Lu Jin and Li Muxuan, the three disciples who had learned his true methods, to be able to live with a clean identity.

He knew everything, but could do nothing. Living in this chaotic world, many things were beyond his control. He understood this truth, but he really didn't want to understand it.

"Don't worry, Master. When the world is at peace, the skill of Reversing the Eight Directions may become a mysterious sect. By then, all who join the Reversing the Eight Directions sect will have to worship you, the ancestor."

Hearing Wang Yi's comforting words, Wang Yaozu smiled with relief.

"Haha, don't worship me as your ancestor anymore. Disciple, after I leave, no one can stop you from doing things. I only ask one thing of you. When you travel around in the martial arts world, don't say that you are Wang Yaozu's disciple. This title is meaningless to you."

Just as history has unfolded, Wang Yaozu's final request before his death was still this.

Facing Wang Yaozu's gaze, Wang nodded.

And as Wang Yi responded, Wang Yaozu passed away with a smile on his face.

Wang Yi knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times to the old man who had pulled him out of the dead in the first year of the Republic of China. Hearing the noise coming from the yard, Lu Jin and Li Muxuan, who were waiting outside the yard, did the same, kneeling down and kowtowed in the direction of Wang Yaozu in the yard. From beginning to end, Zuo Rutong, as a spectator, just watched Lu Jin and Li Muxuan do this, sighed to the sky, and said that fate was playing tricks on people.

Seven days later, a new grave appeared on the hilltop of Trinity Gate.

The tombstone is engraved with the words "Tomb of my mentor Wang Yaozu". His birth year is unknown. He died on the 23rd day of the first lunar month in the 14th year of the Republic of China. His disciple is Wang Yili.

This is the life of Wang Yaozu, a disciple of Quanxing. He relied on his cultivation and talent to create a reversal of the eight directions. He did not do any big evil, but he did small evils constantly, which earned him a bad reputation. He wandered around the world, lonely and helpless. After his death, no friends came to pay tribute to him. Only his disciple Wang Yi and the head of the Sanyi Sect, Zuo Ruotong, who had always looked down on him, took care of his affairs after his death. Perhaps even Wang Yaozu himself did not expect that his life would end in this way. Wang Yi stood in front of Wang Yaozu's grave with a bag next to him. He kowtowed three times in front of Wang Yaozu's grave silently, stood up, carried his bag and was about to leave.

He's leaving.

Since Wang Yaozu has passed away, there is no need for him to stay in this small town in the south of the Yangtze River that is protected by the Trinity Sect.

As the saying goes, when parents are alive, life has a destination, but after they are gone, life only has a destination.

Wang Yaozu could not be considered as his own parents, but if Wang Yaozu had not pulled him out of the dead, provided him with food and clothing, and taught him his craft, he would have long since become someone else's meal. No matter how evil Wang Yaozu was outside, at least he did not owe Wang Yi anything in this matter, so even if he had a lot of things he wanted to do, he had to restrain himself when Wang Yaozu was still alive. Now that Wang Yaozu was gone, he should do some of the things that he, as a later generation, should and could do in this era, although he himself did not know to what extent he could do it.

However, just as Wang Yi reached the foot of the mountain, he saw Zuo Rutong, who had been waiting for him in the dense forest where Wang Yaozu, Zuo Rutong, himself and Li Muxuan had met. Beside Zuo Rutong were two other young men, Lu Jin and Li Muxuan.

Three years have allowed the two young boys, Lu Jin and Li Muxuan, to grow into adults, especially Li Muxuan.

This guy, who should have become a completely evil child in the course of history because he was not properly disciplined and was indulged by his father, the incompetent teacher Wang Yaozu, now has a more extraordinary temperament and is moving towards the direction of Zuo Rutong, the Daying immortal.

"Left Gate Chief."

Wang Yi was not surprised by Zuo Ruotong, Lu Jin and Li Muxuan who appeared here waiting for him, because they all knew that they would have to leave one day, but they didn't expect that it would be opened by Wang Yaozu's death.

"Leaving in such a hurry?"

"It's not that I'm in a hurry. Thanks to Master Zuo's care, I've lived very well here in the past three years. My master's wish has been fulfilled, and your two disciples have also made rapid progress in the past three years. My mission is completed, and there's no point in staying here any longer. I have to do what I should do and what I want to do."

Wang Yi and Zuo Ruotong were talking in a riddle, and only the two of them knew what was going on. Lu Jin and Li Muxuan, who were not very experienced, naturally did not understand, and could only watch Wang Yi calmly communicate with Zuo Ruotong.

"Will you come back?"

"I don't know, but I have been practicing the method you passed on to me, Chief Zuo. I cannot give you the answer that has been bothering you for so many years, but as soon as I find the answer, no matter where I am, I will tell you the answer as soon as possible. This is my promise to you."

The so-called answer is nothing more than the Trinity Magic Method - the Three Levels of Reverse Rebirth - that I learned during these three years of learning from my master, with the help of Lu Jin, Li Muxuan, and the guidance of Mr. Dongshan.

With Wang Yi's natural talent as a time traveler, three years was enough for Wang Yi to perfect the first level of the mysterious Xuanmen technique, the Three Stages of Reverse Life, and enter the second level. Such progress was fast, and even Zuo Ruotong had to admire Wang Yi's talent in practicing Qi. But Wang Yi seemed to be the same as himself. After entering the second level of the Three Stages of Reverse Life, he was reluctant to move forward.

Although there is a gap between the second level, as long as you have not set foot in the third level, it is only a matter of sooner or later.

If Wang Yi could not comprehend how to enter the third realm, the final result would be the same as Zuo Ruotong now, always trapped in the second realm, unable to make any progress. The only thing that Wang Yi is better than Zuo Ruotong is that Wang Yi has a method of reversing the eight directions to support him, unlike Zuo Ruotong, who had a problem with his training in middle age. If he did not comprehend the third realm, what awaited Zuo Ruotong would be a fate of ruin and death.

"I'm glad you have this intention. Since you insist on leaving, I won't force you to stay. But before you leave, can you do me a small favor?"

"Master Zuo, please feel free to speak."

After getting Wang Yi's response, Zuo Rutong also looked at Lu Jin and Li Muxuan who were called by him and followed him.

"Jin'er, Mu Xuan, come up."


Lu Jin and Li Muxuan were also stunned when they were suddenly stopped by Zuo Rutong, but they still walked up to Zuo Rutong and looked at Wang Yi.

Wang Yi was also startled when he saw Zuo Rutong standing behind Lu Jin and Li Muxuan. Wang Yi understood what Zuo Rutong wanted to do and couldn't help but think of the story of the Republic of China timeline in Under One Person. He looked at Lu Jin on his left and laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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