Under One Person: One Person Goes

Chapter 143 Look, the corpse is talking

Chapter 143 Look, the corpse is talking

"Sa, now let's count your sins."

Wang Yi spoke this sentence in a low voice, but it was loud enough for every so-called horse bandit present to hear clearly, and he said it in Japanese, which was a Japanese line he would have said even if he had not come to this era and studied Japanese courses in the Dongshan Academy system.

This is a memory engraved in our DNA. There are also similar things like "Ma'am, the money of the rich will be returned in full, and the money of the people will be divided 70% to 30%.

So when Wang Yi said this Japanese line and used it on these invaders disguised as horse bandits, for Wang Yi, it was indeed a kind of black humor that transcended the times.

However, Wang Yi's fluent Japanese lines had another meaning to the invaders, because it meant that the other party knew their identities and might even know some of them.

This was not allowed because there had been no ambush, only a premeditated explosion.

But when the news and Wang Yi's portrait came from the capital, this ambush took place, because they could not guarantee that such an explosion could kill the target.

This was proved to be true. The target was sent off the train safely. Although some sharp-eyed people saw that the target seemed to be seriously injured, as long as the target was not seen to have completely died, with the means of these extraordinary people, it was hard to say whether the target would die or not.

To take a step back, even if the target is not dead, as long as he has not caught anyone, even if the target is alive and wants to make trouble, he will not find a reason or excuse, and even if he is being unreasonable, the other party will not dare to make a big fuss.

But Wang Yi said this line in Japanese and stayed here alone, which sent a signal to these invaders who were disguised as bandits: I know who you are and what you want to do, don't think that this matter can be let go.

You could say that this was the other party's ideological corruption, but as an alien, you could clearly protect the target and return to your own base in Fengtian City, but instead you stayed and fought head-on with these troops disguised as horse bandits?
They also have intelligence about the other party. He is a very powerful young man, whose specific strength and methods are at least unknown to the people in the capital. He is obviously not a fool to be able to cultivate to this level at this age. In their opinion, there is only this one reason.

In this long-planned ambush and counterattack, only one of them and Wang Yi can escape alive.

The dozen or so headless bodies lying on the ground were further proof of this.


They were still giving orders in broken Chinese, and these invaders who were intimidated by Wang Yixian's methods were also well-trained.

After seeing his companion being killed by Wang Yi with a piece of iron, he immediately realized that he could not engage in close combat with a powerful alien like Wang Yi. He looked for cover on the spot, kept a distance from Wang Yi, and loaded the bullets in his gun. Under the fire of the explosion, Wang Yi, the target, just stood there, waiting for them to shoot.

The sound of gunfire rang out in an orderly manner, and yellow bullets shot towards the invisible force field opened by Wang Zhang.

With their well-trained coordinated shooting, the sound of gunfire never stopped. The moment the bullets hit the invisible force field deployed by Wang Yi, they began to be captured and transferred by the force field, and began to move along Wang Yi's force field with a unique trajectory.

This was the second time that Wang Yi faced a large-scale army equipped with hot weapons alone.

The last time was in the 14th year of the Republic of China, when a small town in southern Fujian faced a small warlord force affiliated with the Beiyang faction.

Compared with the last time, Wang Yi felt different this time.

Because the soldiers they faced last time were more like thugs than soldiers. They just relied on the guns in their hands to show off and had no tactical coordination at all.

But this group of troops composed of invaders disguised as bandits were different. They understood at the first moment that Wang Yi definitely had the means to resist bullets, but they also knew that this means of resisting bullets had a limit, so they only needed to ensure that there was no break in the crossfire they formed, so that they could pin Wang Yi firmly in place.

At this point, Wang Yi really had to face up to these invaders. Just from the fact that he did not panic when facing a powerful alien and organized an effective counterattack on the spot, many armies here could not do it.

Either they don't have the courage, or they don't have the conditions.

The pressure this kind of cooperation brought to Wang Yi was indeed different from the last time.

The cross-fire suppression without any interruption in between forced Wang Yi to passively stand there and take the beating.

It’s not that Wang Yi can’t use the force field to advance under the firepower, but there is no need to. He must truly feel where his limits are when facing such a well-trained elite force.

The warheads rotating along their own force field began to break away from the force field under the opponent's continuous firepower, turning into stray bullets and ricocheting to the carriages on both sides. The addition of new warheads to this force field also brought new pressure to Wang Yi, the force field supporter.

'Sure enough, standing still and getting beaten is the most unwise thing for an extraordinary person to do. Even if this is the real human magnetic field, not the reversal of the eight directions in a different soup but the same medicine, it is still the same. After all, as a human, there is a limit. The Qi of heaven and earth can only be used as a temporary supplement, and cannot be used as a backup Qi supplement all the time, unless I can really reach the point of resonance with the magnetic field of heaven and earth, and thus be endless. But in that case, either I will achieve the third level of reverse life, or my human magnetic field will be further improved.'

As Wang Yi felt the fire suppression from this well-trained invader force, a bullet grazed his left shoulder, tearing a hole in his sleeve and leaving a trace of blood, but it was repaired in an instant by Wang Yi's second level of reverse life.

Some sharp-eyed people saw Wang Yi bleeding and shouted in Japanese, so the frequency of shooting increased.

Because in their view, as long as your invincible force field can be broken, you, the alien, will bleed, and the only thing left is to see who has more true energy and more bullets.

Wang Yi didn't understand why they were so excited. My buddy's true energy has only been consumed by 10%, and it is recovering rapidly. Is it useful for you to be so excited?
But soon Wang Yi knew why, because they brought out their signature Taisho Type 11 light machine guns, six of them. With the addition of six light machine guns, coupled with their uninterrupted firepower output, and Wang Yi consciously standing there to let them fire, and he himself was a well-trained elite, needless to say his accuracy was outstanding.

Almost no bullets missed, all of them hit Wang Yi's force field, so dense that the bullets suspended in front of Wang Yi almost covered him, and he could not be seen. Only then could Wang Yi still look at them with a smile, as if he was looking at a corpse, because of the gaps opened by the collision of new and old bullets. 'Well, in terms of sustained combat, my human magnetic field is a little better than Zhang Zhiwei's Golden Light Curse. In addition to my human magnetic field, Wudang's Tai Chi power should also be able to do it, but it can't be sent and received by the heart like me. As for Old Wang's reversal of eight directions, well, if you can learn to dissipate force or use force to fight force like Tai Chi, it should be okay, as long as you don't rely on your own true energy to open the force field like Li Muxuan of Nathan Island in the original timeline.

If Zhang Zhiwei faced such firepower, he would choose mobile warfare immediately after activating the Golden Light Curse to protect his body. He didn't need to be faster than the bullets, but just faster than their eyes. When facing such firepower suppression, ordinary aliens would be restricted in speed by the force of the bullets once they were hit, and finally be restricted in place by the rain of bullets, unable to distract themselves from counterattacks, and would only be exhausted of their internal energy and then killed. I am better, I can still distract myself~'

Wang Yi evaluated the role of ordinary aliens in the face of such firepower, or in such a battlefield and in such a firepower confrontation based on his own standards. He also compared them with Zhang Zhiwei, with whom he had fought before, and Li Muxuan in his later years on the original timeline in his memory. Only then did he understand why the aliens came to an end so quickly with the development of hot weapons.

The small base number is one thing, but more importantly, not every alien is Zhang Zhiwei, nor is he like Wang Yi, who carries a default talent buff as a time traveler.

Even Li Muxuan was over a hundred years old when he used his own true Qi to create a force field to withstand modern firepower and rocket launchers.

His cultivation level is there. If it were the young Li Muxuan, the bullet holes on his body would be more numerous than his age.

But it is not enough for him to understand it himself, he also needs to find an opportunity to let more aliens know this truth, because too many aliens have never really come into contact with such firepower, nor have they experienced such small-scale battles. This lack of experience and vision is a fatal injury, and if not handled properly it may lead to the extinction of their own sect.

Wang Yi thought it was about time, so he started to concentrate and prepare to call out the names of the invaders one by one.

"One, two, three... Two hundred and seventy-two people, almost one and a half squadrons. No wonder you have mortars and light machine guns. This is exactly what you should have for a team of your size. What a pity! I still want to feel the power of the heavy machine guns."

Amid the dense gunfire, Wang Yi's words seemed to have magic in the ears of these invaders, and Wang Yi spoke in Japanese.

Before they could figure out why Wang Yi's words rang in their ears like devilish sounds, they saw that the densely packed bullets covering Wang Yi's force field suddenly lost a large piece, and the air was filled with sparks of bullets colliding and screams of madness collapse.

Because at the moment when Wang Yi used the method of secret sound transmission to distract their attention, he waved his hand, wrapped some of the captured warheads with magnetic field true qi, and waved them towards some of the invaders he named.

With the blessing of Wang Yi's true Qi, the initial velocity of these bullets was no slower than that of the bullets fired from the guns in their hands, and their penetrating power was even greater.

Hundreds of bullets were fired at the same time, but only ten targets needed to be killed.

After deducting those that hit stray bullets and bunkers, there were still dozens of bullets per person on these ten targets. Being hit by dozens of bullets, even the most common brass bullets, would not be a good sight, because at the moment of being hit, their bodies were not riddled with holes, but were stained with patches here and there.

The scene of their companions being beaten into pieces with just a wave of their hands is not something that these invaders can always see. Especially the scene of seeing with their own eyes that the person who was shooting at the enemy beside them just a moment ago inexplicably turned into a pile of limbs and fragments on the ground in the next second, with some flesh and organs still hanging on their bodies, and directly feeling the temperature and bloody smell of the flesh and blood, is enough to give an ordinary person nightmares for a lifetime.

Especially when the visual impact and intuitive feeling brought by this moment is just the beginning.

Wang Yi waved his hands continuously, and each time he waved, his true Qi was wrapped in hundreds of warheads, hitting either ten or five targets. In a short while, the thousands of warheads that were originally densely packed and covering Wang Yi's defensive force field were all used up by Wang Yi.

In return, in this fire circle of nearly one and a half, which was formed by nearly two squadrons, seventy-two people were wiped out by Wang Yi, and turned into pieces of limbs on the ground, without even a complete body.

The fear that their comrades would be beaten to pieces in the blink of an eye began to spread, frightening the invaders. Because they began to realize that the enemy's resistance might have an upper limit, but this upper limit was definitely not something that could be broken by the firepower of a squadron of their size.

They began to think about retreating. Now they still had two hundred people. As long as they ran faster than their teammates, they might still survive!

“Baga! Are you still soldiers of the Empire? He is alone. Even if he is a powerful alien, I don’t believe he can kill all of us before his true energy is exhausted. Mortar soldiers! Fill up the fire…”

The squadron leader who commanded this ambush was called Ichiro Kuroda, who was considered a nobleman with a family crest, and he also had relatives of the aliens in his family.

He also had some knowledge about the aliens, and understood that no matter how powerful an alien was, he would only end up in defeat when faced with today's hot weapons.

In his opinion, this ambush was to earn him military merit. No matter how powerful you are, I have a firepower of one and a half squadrons. No matter how powerful you are, you will die facing a squadron of nearly three hundred people with sufficient firepower and good training. Machine guns, mortars, and dense firepower will all serve you. Your death is not unfair.

As for the fact that people will die in this process, that's nonsense, isn't it normal for you commoners to die for us nobles!
So when he, as the squadron leader, drew his command knife, ready to stabilize the morale of the troops and let the mortar soldiers join the fire coverage sequence, he felt a hand pressing on his forehead. At the same time, he saw from the corner of his eye that Wang Yi, who was supposed to be unable to move under the fire suppression, had disappeared from his original position and appeared behind him, facing sideways at him, with a hand on his head.

"Look, the corpse is talking."

Before the squadron captain could say anything, Wang Yi disappeared from behind him again, along with the squadron captain's head.

The triple protection technique of reverse life, the magical power of shrinking the ground into an inch!
Wang Yi returned to the position where he had just stood, along with the head in his hand, but this head could not move short distances like Wang Yi could with the help of the triple repair of reverse life.

In just a straight-line distance of more than ten meters, the skin of the head had disappeared, leaving only flesh, exposed gums, and blood on the neck.

A pair of eyes with peeled eyelids stared at the invaders. Wang Yi, with his five fingers digging into the flesh, held the severed head and still looked at them with a smile.

"I can't wipe away the hero's tears, I can't forget the hatred for my country, I can't finish the wine in the cup, and I can't kill all the enemies. Senior Wang Wu, your spirit in heaven is watching. There will be a time when all the enemies will be killed."

 I have put my profound skills into practice, and now it is your turn, my fellow book lovers.

(End of this chapter)

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