Under One Person: One Person Goes

Chapter 144: Killing Intent

Chapter 144: Killing Intent

At Huanggutun Station as dawn is about to break.

The fire after the violent explosion was still burning around, and in the fire, Wang Yi stood alone in front of this small group of invaders disguised as horse bandits, holding the squadron leader's head with the skin worn off and only flesh and blood tissue exposed, still looking at them with a smile.

This small invader force, nearly the size of two squadrons, collapsed.

The price of collapse was that they lost the offensive rhythm that they could barely maintain, and with the madness of a trapped beast, they either rushed out of the bunker, raised their guns and bayonets and rushed towards Wang Yi, or held grenades in their hands and launched the so-called desperate charge against Wang Yi.

However, this kind of disorganized and self-destructive attack after a mental breakdown is even less likely to be effective.

It’s not that they didn’t choose to escape. Their morale was broken, but their rationality was still there. After seeing the squadron leader who was commanding in the crowd being beheaded so easily by Wang Yi, they realized that even if they ran away, others would be able to catch up with them and call them out one by one.

That was why they chose to launch a desperate charge against Wang Yi, hoping to injure and repel Wang Yi in this way and gain a chance of survival.

However, they had lost the command of their squadron leader, and their mentality had been shattered by Wang Yi's method of leaving no body intact. Although they could launch a so-called charge to die in glory, it was disorganized and naturally posed no threat to Wang Yi.

Wang Yi expanded the force field to three meters away to resist the so-called human bombs. He controlled the flying warheads and suspended iron pieces to kill these almost crazy and collapsed invaders.

After a while, there were no more gunshots or explosions in the station. There was only a blazing fire, derailed carriages, and a bloody scene distributed in a fan shape with Wang Yi as the center.

None of the two hundred and seventy-two invaders disguised as horse bandits had an intact body. All of them were mutilated. Even if someone came to collect the bodies, they had to use a shovel to shovel them up. You were in me and I was in you. The remains of more than two hundred, almost three hundred people, could not even make up a complete body.

Wang Yi strolled through the bloody slaughterhouse he had created, with no discomfort on his face, nor physically.
This surprised Wang Yiting. Although it was not the first time for him to kill someone, the people living in this era, from high-ranking officials to peddlers, beggars, and soldiers, had a much better acceptance of life and death than modern people in peaceful times.

He was the same. Wang Yi just felt that it was quite impressive that he did not feel uncomfortable at all for the first time to make the killing into a restricted scene. He was a little impressed by himself. But after the admiration, Wang Yi also summarized the battle against the invaders.

'They are well-trained and well-equipped. Even though I killed their captain, their morale did not collapse completely. They were able to launch a desperate charge against me. But this should not be their most elite unit. It is considered the second line. If it is their Type A division, veterans who have experienced the Russo-Japanese War and World War I, even if I killed their captain, I guess they will still have someone to take over the command and continue to suppress me at the same pace until the last person is killed.

With the amount of true Qi in my body now, without using the Qi of Heaven and Earth to replenish it, facing this kind of small-scale squadron that has seen blood but not many big scenes, and is even in a situation where the old and the new are leading each other, consuming 10% of the true Qi in my body is barely enough to kill the commander. This time they are not equipped with heavy machine guns. If they are equipped with heavy machine guns, I will add half a percent. If this is a squadron of a Type A division, I estimate that I will have to add another half a percent, which means that 20% of my own true Qi can exchange for two squadrons of a Type A division. '

Wang Yi analyzed the situation by analyzing the consumption of the true Qi in his body at this moment, in order to determine the extent of his current combat power.

Facing a squadron of around two to four hundred people, he could easily defeat them by standing still and dealing damage, but if it became a large team, he would have to consider whether he wanted to fight them.


When the team reaches a scale of thousands of people, the weapons configuration is more diverse, and once the enemy opens up its line and gets ready, Wang Yi will not be able to handle it as easily as before. He will have to adopt mobile operations and try to reach the enemy's position before the enemy's firepower breaks through his defense field, making them afraid to act rashly.

Your own energy consumption will also increase exponentially, after all, the diversity of firepower and tactics means that the opponent has more ways to fight you. It is possible that in one round of volleys from the opponent, you will have to consume half of your own energy. If you don't have a way to quickly replenish your energy, it will take you half a day to replenish your energy after consuming half of it, but it only takes two or three minutes for the opponent to refill his ammunition and fire another round.

Just these two or three minutes were enough for Wang Yi to use the remaining half of his true energy to open a bloody path and kill his way into the enemy camp.

As for the size of a regiment, don't think too much when you see it, just enjoy it first.

Otherwise, when the enemy reacts, they will use light and heavy machine guns to form a firepower network, and then mountain artillery and anti-tank guns will launch a round of covering fire. As long as he does not escape the bombing range, whether he can have a relatively complete piece of Wang Yi depends on whether God gives him face.

The fact that he could face an entire Japanese regiment alone and still consider whether to surrender or not and whether to fight or not was because he had a cheat. He and Zhang Zhiwei could think this way, but for most extraordinary people, it was estimated that one squadron could handle it.

'Tsk, no wonder the war lasted fourteen years. No wonder many sects of aliens in this era were cut off or even lost because of the war. A dozen disciples who were trained for ten or twenty years could not defeat one or two squadrons of the enemy. As long as they know where your sect is, they will squat at the gate and fire a few infantry cannons. You can escape, but you can't...'

Wang Yi lamented the reasons why so many Yiren schools came to an end or even disappeared during the War of Resistance, but he did not leave. Instead, he chose to sit cross-legged on the ground, closing his eyes, regulating his breathing, and recovering his true energy.

Yes, he is fishing.

Because lying in ambush here are not only the invading troops, but also those aliens.

He single-handedly killed off the invading troops that were used to pursue him, and the old general who had left earlier still had enough guards to protect him. In addition, Gao Jin, a member of the Gao family, invited out the immortal he worshipped. In their own territory outside the Shanhai Pass, the strength of the people who had gone out to fight back was at a completely different level from that after entering the Shanhai Pass. Even if they wanted to make a finishing move, they had to consider whether they could succeed.

Since the possibility of finishing off the first target was slim, and now there was a second target like me, would they let it go? Let go of the opportunity to surround and kill a young and powerful alien like Wang Yi?

The answer is of course, no!
"Eh~ I'm sweating profusely."

Wang Yi pretended to have finished his work and sat cross-legged on the ground with his eyes closed to regulate his breathing. Suddenly, he seemed to sense something and spoke.

The next second, the ground behind Wang Yi suddenly surged, and between the ups and downs, it condensed into a snake head and bit towards Wang Yi. In front of Wang Yi, a blade suddenly appeared from the air, with true Qi attached to the blade, making it powerful enough to cut steel and iron, and pierce Wang Yi's heart.

The blade with added true Qi collided with Wang Yi's open defensive force field at the first moment. The true Qi in the magnetic field immediately stuck to the blade like a thorn in the flesh. In a split second, the true Qi on the blade was dispersed, and the blade that turned back into ordinary iron broke the next moment it collided with Wang Yi's defensive force field.

Although the assassination by Blade was not successful, the purpose had been achieved. The goal was not to kill with one blow, but to prevent Wang Yi from realizing the danger behind him in the first place and being able to dodge.

The snake head made of mud and stones opened its mouth wide and swallowed Wang Yi in one gulp. After swallowing him, the surrounding soil and rocks continued to condense towards the snake head under the guidance of the true Qi. After a short while, a small mound nearly three meters high appeared in the area where the snake head swallowed Wang Yi. It was thick and solid, and looked like a grave.

Half of the owner of the broken knife appeared in the air. He looked at the broken knife in his hand and the grave where Wang Yi was buried, with a thoughtful expression.

But his companions did not give him a chance to think. Several figures rushed out from the darkness, looked at his accomplice who was holding the broken knife thoughtfully, and cursed in Japanese.

But even though he was cursing, he didn't stop what he was doing.

For a moment, it seemed that he felt that he had successfully ambushed this group of Japanese aliens and used all his means.

Several talismans were stuck on the mound, and then balls of fire transformed from the true Qi flew towards the talismans stuck on the mound, and then sank into them. The next moment, bursts of muffled sounds came from the mound, and the ground also shook slightly, and the ground cracked.

Obviously, they also knew that rashly attacking the mound that trapped Wang Yi would only allow him to escape by using their means. The talismans attached to the mound had a diversion effect, allowing the means they used to explode the attack inside without destroying the surface of the mound that trapped Wang Yi, leaving Wang Yi with no way to escape or avoid it!

"My talisman can only last for 30 seconds. Use whatever means you have! The Earth Dragon Prison can't hold him!"

In the darkness, a Japanese man in a white kimono and a tall hat was shouting loudly. Through the talisman paper in his hand, the gestures he made, and the attack similar to the Kun character and the earth wheel, he was able to trap the enemy. Obviously, this man should be an Onmyoji from Japan. Some of their methods are similar to those of the sorcerer school, but they also practiced the art of talismans.

"Well done, Abe!"

Some companions praised this Yin-Yang master named Abe, and at the same time they used various methods. Those who practiced external skills directly released their strength, which was enough to penetrate stone walls and bend copper walls and iron walls. Under the talisman of this Yin-Yang master named Abe, they sent it into the mound and exploded inside it.

Some of them breathed fire from their mouths, burning the mound from the outside, trying to turn Wang Yi, who was trapped in the mound, into a chicken in a kiln.

Some also threw out the poisonous Qi transformed from their true Qi and sank into it.

The sequence of the combo was clear. Before the effect of the Onmyoji Abe's talisman disappeared, they used the talisman to move into the mound, allowing Wang Yi to experience the methods of these Japanese aliens at close range.

Thirty seconds passed in a flash. Under the attack of these five Japanese aliens, the ground within ten meters around the mound that trapped Wang Yi was cracked and covered with gullies.

But these Japanese strangers were also staring at the motionless mound, listening to the footsteps and car sounds coming from far away, and then they spoke.

"The garrison here is coming soon. Our people can't hold them back for long. No matter how powerful they are, they will be crippled if they are hit by our combo at such a close distance. We have achieved our goal, so let's retreat."

The other party also acted decisively. Seeing that there was no movement coming from the mound, they did not think about going up to perform an autopsy or anything, and prepared to retreat.

As he said this, the Japanese stranger also looked at his companion who had forced Wang Yi into the trap of Abe, the Onmyoji, through a sneak attack just now. Seeing that he was still looking at his broken sword with a thoughtful look, he felt very confused.

"Hey, Kondo, why are you standing there watching this from the beginning? The sword is just broken, you don't have a new sword!"

"Honda, I'm not wondering if my sword is broken, I'm wondering how he broke my sword just now."

"Can't you go back and think about this kind of boring question slowly? Hurry up, the Fengtian Army garrison here is about to arrive!"

After being scolded by his companions, the swordsman named Kondo didn't think much about it. He jumped up and followed the other accomplices to leave under the cover of night.

Several figures leaped out with the momentum of pulling onions out of dry land, but the next moment, they all crashed into the air with a dull sound, and some of them even hit their heads and bled, and their front teeth fell out.

Some Japanese aliens in better physical condition quickly stood up and reached forward, only to find that there was an invisible wall in front of them blocking their way. Soon, they also found that this invisible wall was circular, and as they groped along the circular wall, their sight returned to the mound where they trapped Wang Yi.

At this moment, the three-meter-high earth mound that trapped Wang Yi also began to crack layer by layer in front of their eyes. The earth peeled off, revealing Wang Yi who was unharmed inside.

He still had that smiling expression as he looked at these Japanese aliens who had suddenly appeared, just as he had looked at those invaders he had killed before.

(End of this chapter)

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