Under One Person: One Person Goes

Chapter 190 The Great Gatsby

Chapter 190 The Great Gatsby

West Egg, Long Island, New York.

Wang Yi went out at night and walked along the Valley of Ashes, the only way from New York to West Egg in Long Island. The name came from the fact that it was a coal mine with a group of workers who were always covered in dust and dirt shoveling coal and slag to supply a steady supply of energy to the golden city of New York.

Wearing an Italian suit and with his long hair cut, Wang Yi, who looks like Keanu Reeves, looks out of place in this area.

Wang Yi was dressed like a city dweller, but had no means of transportation. He let his expensive leather shoes step on the unpaved road. He ignored the strange looks from people around him, crossed the tram tracks, and stood outside a restaurant that was specially designed for coal miners to rest and eat. Not far from this restaurant was an old auto repair shop called Wilson's Auto Repair Shop.

Wang Yi walked forward a few steps and stood between the restaurant and the repair shop. He listened to the men's scolding, the women's pleading, and the sounds of smashing and smashing coming from the second floor of the repair shop. He looked down at the watch on his wrist, as if he was waiting for something.

Using all five senses to the maximum, Wang Yi soon caught the roar of a car engine coming from a distance. He turned his head and looked to the second floor of the repair shop on the right. A man pressed his wife against the window and asked her to look at the vehicles on the road to identify who her lover was.

Wang Yi knew that it was time to play some tricks.

The human body's magnetic field was operating, accurately capturing the electromagnetic waves of the man sitting in the passenger seat of the customized yellow Duesenberg car speeding from a distance. The magical power, magnetic field link, was activated!

As Wang Yi activated his new magnetic field martial arts method discovered by the great scientist Tesla, Gatsby, the bootlegger sitting in the passenger seat, suddenly felt a shock in his head, because he saw a man in black appear in front of the car. Before he could grab the steering wheel from his white moonlight goddess Daisy Buchanan, the car had already passed through the man's body and drove away.

Gatsby turned around and found that the figure was still standing in the middle of the road, looking at him calmly.

Before Gatsby could think that it was a false alarm and just an illusion caused by his recent emotional problems, the goddess Daisy beside him also screamed.

This time, in front of them, a beautiful woman in silk pajamas, barefoot, with a gorgeous face and some bruises on her face rushed out, shouting and waving loudly towards the dazzling high beams of the car.

But under the high beam, it was not until they got closer that Gatsby's white moonlight goddess Daisy realized it, but it was too late to save her.

The yellow Duesenberg car customized by our Mr. Gatsby has an 8-cylinder engine, a twin-plate clutch, and a top speed of 190 km/h.

When a custom car like this hits a woman standing in the middle of the road without any deceleration, the consequences can be imagined.

Gatsby had just put his hands on the steering wheel, trying to take control of the steering wheel from his goddess and avoid the car, but his car had already crashed head-on.

The woman was hit and flew into the air. Her body was ripped open by the sharp objects in the car while in the air. At this moment, Gatsby saw it again.

He saw the man in front of him again. In this lightning-fast moment, Gatsby felt that time was stretched. He saw the man in black just standing on the side of the road, watching him doing meaningless actions and letting the goddess beside him drive the car and hit the woman in front of him to death.

Amid the screams of the goddess beside him and the panic of the crowd who were witnessing the tragedy, the car started its engine and drove away.

The woman who was hit to death on the spot also fell from mid-air, and the pearl necklace given to her by her lover around her neck broke in the air and scattered all over the ground.

Wang Yi stood there, watching the accident happen. More and more people gathered around him. Then he looked at the taillights of the car driving away and nodded.

"Very good. I only need to show my divine power in public once to make this person mine."

As he spoke, Wang Yi's figure disappeared in the crowd. When he appeared again, it was already late at night in the West Egg district of Long Island, in the mansion belonging to the young rich man Gatsby.

At this time, Gatsby still held on to his last hope. He naively believed that after this accident, his dream goddess, who had already married into a wealthy family, would call him tomorrow morning, and then abandon everything and run away with him, leaving New York.

So he just needs to wait patiently and wait for the goddess to call him tomorrow morning.

In the mansion after dismissing the servants, he prepared to clean the blood on the car by himself. At this time, Wang Yi once again forcibly linked Gatsby's brain waves through the magnetic field link, and a voice sounded in his mind, saying Gatsby's real name.

"James Gates, the time has come."

The sound of "James Gates" brought Gatsby, who was still holding on to his last hope, back to reality. He turned around suddenly and saw Wang Yi standing there. However, Gatsby could not tell whether it was real or imaginary.

"Who are you!"

"I am your death angel. In 12 hours, you will die in your manor. You won't be able to wait for that phone call because the Daisy you love has never loved you. She only loves money, fame and status, which you can't give. Only her husband can give them."

Wang Yi plays the role of the charlatan very well, sentencing Gatsby to death and puncturing his fantasies.

Gatsby also played the role of Feiyangyang very well. He clearly knew the result in his heart, but he became angry and embarrassed after hearing Wang Yi's words that sounded like the revelation of a charlatan.

"Liar! You're lying! You're lying!"

Gatsby, who couldn't accept the truth, took out a gun from the car. As the manager of the largest bootlegger in New York, he had to deal with both the black and white worlds and had participated in World War I. He always carried a gun with him. He could not use it, but he could not do without it.

The Colt revolver in Gatsby's hand fired, and six bullets hit Wang Yi without any deviation, but the Wang Yi who appeared in front of him at this time was just an illusion projected into Gatsby's mind by Wang Yi through the magnetic field radio. From the beginning, Wang Yi did not exist in front of him.

All his shots missed, and after six shots, there was only the sound of bullets being emptied.

Fortunately, the servants in Gatsby's mansion had already been dismissed at this time, and his six empty bullets did not hurt anyone at all. It was not until the voice of his good friend Nick Carraway rang out that Gatsby was awakened.

"Jay! What the hell are you doing!"

"Nick? Man, I just, I just..."

Gatsby looked in the direction where he had just fired the gun. There was no angel of death there, only a garden illuminated by lights. The smoke from the gun barrel in his hand reminded Gatsby that he was not crazy.

In Gatsby's mansion, Wang Yi looked through the window at Gatsby who was being comforted by his friends, then disappeared and sat on the sofa waiting for the moment of Gatsby's death.

If this guy doesn't die in the true sense and face the reality, such an excellent manager will not work honestly for you.

As for why he went to so much trouble, there was nothing he could do about it. He couldn't stay in the United States forever, and he couldn't just leave the Continental Hotel he built under the alias of John Wick in New York.

Through Tesla, a great scientist, Wang Yi mastered the method of connecting other people's brains with radio. After this method was pointed out, even if he had to return to China later, he could use this method to monitor Winston, the hotel manager from the mainland, in real time, so that he would not have second thoughts. And since Gatsby, this excellent manager, existed in this era, he would naturally not let him go.

With this outstanding manager managing the Continental Hotel's business, and coupled with his own prophetic knowledge, the Continental Hotel he founded could truly become the overlord of the New York underworld, and could provide a steady stream of blood transfusions and money to his family.

Winston, the manager, can win him over through his own means, but Gatsby wants to win his heart more.

It takes time to calm down. As someone who knows Gatsby's life, Wang Yi knows very well what kind of person Gatsby is. For the dream in his heart, he was able to transform himself from a poor boy with nothing into an upstart in Long Island, New York. However, because of his background, he has an inferiority complex that others cannot see.

He looked down on his nouveau riche status from the bottom of his heart and tried his best to gain the recognition of the old American aristocrats.

But he forgot one thing, that is, the ancestors of these so-called old American aristocrats were also nouveau riche like Gatsby who made his fortune by selling bootleg liquor, or even worse. It was just that they had been running the business for more than a hundred years and gradually became whitewashed, and then they became the so-called old aristocrats. Gatsby was just following the path of the ancestors of these old American aristocrats.

It's just that his vision made him ignore this truth, and in the end he became a victim of the white moonlight goddess in his heart and her husband.

Such a person, once he experiences life and death and truly faces reality, and someone gives him a chance to start over, he will be more grateful than anyone else.

Wang Yi is now going to play such a person. He first creates a mysterious image for Gatsby, so that he can conquer Gatsby in the following time.

Wang Yi just sat on the sofa, listening to Gatsby, who was only separated by a wall, talking all night with his only friend. Gatsby talked about his past, his real background, his real name, his efforts to pursue his dreams when he grew up, how he changed himself, and how he became a new rich in New York. Listening to Gatsby talking about his past, even though Wang Yi knew something about this character, he had to admit that this guy was really amazing and a well-deserved god of pure love.

Compared to him, I am no match for him in many ways except for the prophet's gift and the talent for practicing Qi given to me by God.

It would be a pity if such a person died here just because of a gold digger, but fortunately I am here.

Wang Yi waited with Gatsby all night, until the sun rose on the beach, and until Gatsby sent his only best friend away. On this day, Wall Street was still thriving, but in Gatsby's mansion, he was the only one waiting for a call by the swimming pool, accompanied only by the fallen leaves in the house and Wang Yi, who witnessed the end of the great Gatsby.

The sound of falling water in the swimming pool woke Wang Yi from his trance. He hid his body and came to the edge of the swimming pool, watching the poor man swimming in the pool. When Wang Yi turned around, the husband of the woman who was hit and killed by Gatsby's goddess last night had quietly sneaked into Gatsby's mansion with a gun, stood on the second floor, and pointed the gun at Gatsby's back as he climbed up the swimming pool stairs.

The phone placed next to the swimming pool rang at the right time, diverting the attention of the butler and Gatsby.

A gunshot rang out, and the bullet hit Gatsby's back accurately. Until this moment, Gatsby still believed that this private call was from the white moonlight goddess in his heart, who wanted to elope with him.

He looked across the bay, where his goddess lived. With his last fantasy, before he completely lost consciousness, the last scene Gatsby saw was the green light that lit up every night on the coast of his goddess's mansion, and the figure of the dying angel created by Wang Yi.

Another gunshot rang out, and the man, thinking that he had achieved his revenge, pointed the gun at himself and shot himself.

In the quiet and deserted mansion under the fallen leaves, only two corpses and a bewildered housekeeper were left.

The old butler left in a hurry. He had to tell Gatsby and his boss what had happened. Only then did Wang Yi appear out of thin air.

He raised his hand and Gatsby, who had been shot and fell into the water, floated up and floated in front of Wang Yi.

He leaned down and put his hand on Gatsby's neck. The magnetic field energy flowed through Gatsby's body along Wang Yi's hand.

"It's okay, you're not dead yet. Get some good sleep, Gatsby. It's time to prepare for your new life."

The bullet that should have penetrated Gatsby's heart, under Wang Yi's control, was only firmly stuck in his flesh, without damaging his blood vessels and other internal organs. Falling into suspended animation was just Wang Yi's method. The magnetic field linked to other people's brain waves might only be used for mental harassment and real-time communication against extraordinary people, but for ordinary people, it was easy to put them into a short period of suspended animation and crash.

After making sure that the other party was not completely dead, but just in a state of suspended animation, Wang Yi left Gatsby's house.

In the next few days, Wang Yi returned to his residence and waited for the news of Gatsby's death to ferment. There was no movement from the Behemoth Foundation. Even Qian Bo, the person in charge who usually took Wang Yi to experience industrial civilization, disappeared, as if he was busy with something with the great scientist Tesla.

In order to show that he still had something to ask for, Wang Yi went to the Behemoth Group in person, and only then did he know what these two were busy with recently.

Tesla was busy rebuilding his suspended major project, the Wardenclyffe Tower, with funding from the Behemoth Foundation, and the reconstruction site was chosen as the mansion bought by Gatsby.

This mansion was originally bought by the boss behind Gatsby in order to reward Gatsby and sell bootleg liquor. Now that Gatsby is dead, the mansion is useless. At this time, the Behemoth Consortium will get a very cheap price if it invests in it.

This was beyond Wang Yi's expectations, but it didn't have much impact, because no matter what, the New York upstart Jay Gatsby was dead, and the one who was reborn was James Gates, a child from a poor farmer's family in North Dakota in the western United States.

Seeing that there was nothing for Wang Yi to do for the time being, Wang Yi once again put on the alias of John Wick and appeared at the Continental Hotel in front of his manager Winston Wilson.

The manager was also saddened by Gatsby's death at this time. For Winston, a young man who was involved in the underworld but dreamed of becoming the king of the New York underground one day, Gatsby was his role model. However, such a man died in a conspiracy and at the hands of a gold digger.

Yes, although Wang Yi did not reveal the truth to the manager, Winston, who had witnessed the dark side beneath the prosperity of New York, was very sure that even the slander against Gatsby in the newspapers was groundless. When it came to taking advantage of others' misfortunes, these New York entertainment tabloids were the best.

"Go ahead and drive, Winston."

"Where are we going, Mr. Wick."

"Attend Gatsby's funeral, and then welcome his new life."

Winston listened to Wang Yi's mysterious words with a puzzled expression. Even though he had seen Wang Yi's magical skills, he didn't really believe that Wang Yi could resurrect a dead person. It was just out of respect for Wang Yi that Winston changed into a funeral suit and drove Wang Yi to the cemetery.

The funeral of this New York upstart was very dull. It was held at night. No one came to attend, not even the priest to preside over the funeral. Only a close friend named Nick Carraway and the old father who had long lost contact with him but who took a train from the West to New York as soon as he heard the news of his son's death came.

Nick Carraway and Gatsby's father stand at Gatsby's gravestone, remembering their friend/son.

The sound of a car stalling woke the two men from their mourning. They looked in the direction of the sound and saw Wang Yi and Winston getting out of the car and walking straight towards them.

"Relax, you two. I'm just here to wake up this poor man whose dream has been shattered."

Wang raised his hand and lightly pressed the acupoints on the two men's bodies, making them stand still and unable to move.

Winston, who was accompanying them, was also very tactful and moved the old and the young aside to watch Wang Yi's performance.

With a palm strike, the dirt covering the coffin was shoveled aside, revealing the coffin that had just been buried.

Another palm strike was made, the coffin was opened, and Gatsby's lifelike face appeared in front of everyone. To ordinary people, Gatsby, who had been dead for many days, was just a fake death by Wang Yi in order to make this ambitious guy face the reality.

Wang Yi also took out two tubes of reagents, one blue and one yellow, from his pocket. They were the drugs he had obtained from another alien organization, Ant Nest, in cooperation with the Behemoth Consortium. They were drugs that could transform ordinary people into aliens.

Although there are side effects such as high cost, high mortality rate, and shortened lifespan after transformation into an alien, in Wang Yi's opinion, this is just a manifestation of the immaturity of the technology.

In Wang Yi's opinion, these side effects can be eliminated, but they require the assistance of a master like him. In other words, Wang Yi will open up Gatsby's Ren and Du meridians and help him become an extraordinary person.

According to the instructions obtained from the Ant Nest, an alien organization, Wang Yi first poured the yellow reagent into Gatsby's mouth, and then infiltrated the magnetic field into his body, feeling the various changes that this tube of reagent caused in the body of Gatsby, an ordinary person.

According to the cultivation world, everyone can actually become an extraordinary person, but for most people, due to their roots and talents, even if they have a way to obtain Qi, the time required to become an extraordinary person is measured in years, such as Mr. Zhao, the boss of the Nadutong Company in the modern chapter.

People who have practiced Qi for nearly half their lives only know one move, the Air-Splitting Palm, and its power is only enough to make a few drops of water in a cup splash out.

But although he has poor talent, he has high awareness. Whether it's the Air-Splitting Palm or the identity of an alien, it's just a sign used to appease the alien circle and tell those alien sects and families that he can understand the situation of you aliens.

The drugs from the alien organization Ant Nest only stimulate the acquired Qi that is prevalent in the human body to the greatest extent, allowing it to run spontaneously and continuously circulate in the limbs and bones of the human body in an overloaded manner until the tendons and veins of the limbs and bones form memories and force the body to remember the route of the Qi.

This is why the side effects are so severe and the mortality rate is so high.

Without any foundation building and polishing, the tendons and veins of the human body are already weak. If they are suddenly overloaded, how can they not break their tendons and veins and explode to death?

Only after getting through this round and allowing the weak human tendons and veins to remember the route of the true Qi's circulation, can another tube of reagent be used to repair these overloaded tendons and veins, limbs and bones. Then an artificially created innate human being with a lifespan of no more than fifty years is born.

Wang Yi carefully felt the runaway true Qi in Gatsby's body under this tube of reagent. The magnetic field true Qi throughout his body also started to work at this time, and began to forcibly control the runaway true Qi in Gatsby's body under Wang Yi's control, allowing them to pass through the tendons in batches and in multiple times without causing any load on the tendons, instead of squeezing the tendons all at once, thus reducing the load to a minimum.

'It seems that this thing is not without merit. It is most effective when used on those who have successfully built their foundation but have been unable to obtain Qi. In this way, the mortality rate will be reduced and the side effect of shortening life will be minimized. Well, they still suffered from insufficient foundation. There is no systematic method for building the foundation and obtaining Qi. They can only mass-produce extraordinary people by piling up human lives...'

Through the feedback of the true energy from Gatsby, Wang Yi also understood which people were most suitable for taking the drugs from the alien organization Ant Nest. What he had to do next was to snatch these drugs from the hands of the alien organization Ant Nest as much as possible, or to see if the Behemoth Foundation could reversely deduce them.

But now, it's time for Gatsby to wake up.

The remaining tube of blue reagent in his hand was poured into Gatsby's mouth ten minutes after Gatsby took the yellow reagent. As the blue reagent entered his mouth and flowed into his body, incredible changes also occurred in Gatsby's body.

The circulating true Qi began to form a unique route, concentrating on the heart, lungs and spleen. The bullet embedded in his back began to be squeezed out of his body under the circulation of the true Qi. Gatsby, who had been in a state of suspended animation, also had his eyelids trembling rapidly.

At this time, Wang Yi also exhaled and spoke, his voice was like thunder, like a wake-up call.

"Foolish boy! If you don't wake up now, when will you wake up?"

This wake-up call also woke Gatsby, who had been pretending to be dead for a week, from his nightmare. He opened his eyes and once again saw the man who told him the cause of death in the form of an angel of death.

(End of this chapter)

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