Under One Person: One Person Goes

Chapter 191: What era is it now? Are we still drinking traditional cocktails?

Chapter 191: What era is it now? Are we still drinking traditional cocktails?

In New York, in the sewer area of ​​the territory managed by the former Irish gang, now the Continental Hotel, the brewers are nodding and bowing to the new boss who comes to inspect their work.

As they themselves make a living in the underground world, they know very well that the most basic rule of the underground world is that whoever has the bigger fist has the final say.

The new boss had a big and powerful fist. It only took him one night to complete the power transfer with the former boss and his followers. Moreover, his salary did not decrease after he took office, but even increased slightly.

The only price they paid was that they would focus on selling illegal liquor and related businesses, while the drug and human trafficking businesses that had previously been their main business would have to stop.

This approach naturally caused dissatisfaction among many people, even though they knew that their new boss was very powerful.

The new boss was also very straightforward when dealing with those who expressed their dissatisfaction.

Either accept his arrangement or go to another place and start over, and he will pay you your salary.

But if someone doesn't want to accept this arrangement but wants to pay back the money right away, many people seem to have never been seen again and no one knows where they went.

With this combination of a big stick and a sweet treat, those who stayed behind obeyed the orders of the new boss named John Wick, and their loyalty even increased.

After all, compared to businesses like drug and human trafficking, mainland hotels that only brew and sell alcohol or even provide services seem to be more respectable to talk about, and their families don't have to worry too much about their lives.

Wang Yi and Winston took three large glasses of wine from a barrel of brewed wine, put in ice cubes, and handed them to Gatsby, Gatsby's father and his good friend Nick Carraway who were following behind them and watching the underground industry of the Continental Hotel.

"Well, Mr. Gatsby, is the stage I have prepared for you big enough?"

Gatsby took the corn craft beer handed over by Wang Yi and, still wearing the pink suit he wore during his lifetime, took a sip to calm himself down. Then he looked at the underground brewery of the Continental Hotel, which was controlled by Wang Yi under the pseudonym John Wick, and was still sorting out the messy thoughts in his mind.

This was true for him, and for Nick Carraway and Gatsby's father, who had been busy with Gatsby's affairs during this period, because what had just happened before their eyes was beyond their cognition, and they needed some time to digest it.

In fact, all of this is very simple. It is nothing more than Jay Gatsby, a pure love warrior who worked hard for his dream and for the white moonlight goddess he met when he was young. When he became a new rich in New York and wanted to renew his old relationship, he was played around by the white moonlight goddess who had already married into a wealthy family and her husband because of his inner inferiority. He even took the blame for the goddess' murder and became a scapegoat, allowing all kinds of tabloids to throw dirty water on him. This is a tragic story.

This tragic story should have ended with Gatsby's burial, but at this moment, Wang Yi suddenly arrived with his men in the guise of John Wick, first opened the coffin for an autopsy, then, in front of Gatsby's best friends and father, fed this tragic god of pure love a potion, and then chanted a spell they couldn't understand, which made Gatsby, who should have been dead for many days, jump up from the coffin, looking full of life, not at all like a corpse shot to death.

As close friends and father who witnessed Gatsby's resurrection, the two naturally regarded it as a miracle, but for Gatsby, who made his fortune by selling bootleg liquor and speculating in stocks on Wall Street, he knew very well that this was not just a miracle. He had heard of stories about extraordinary people and had seen some of them, but Gatsby had never seen an extraordinary person who could bring people back to life. This was the first time.

"I thought people like you existed only as an urban legend."

"There has never been such a thing as an urban legend. It's just that most of the time we each have our own lives and no one can interfere with anyone else unless we have common interests."

Hearing this, Gatsby was also stunned, but he suddenly understood and couldn't control his emotions. He threw away the beer in his hand and stepped forward to grab Wang Yi's collar.

"You know what's going to happen! You could have stopped it! You just stood there and watched it happen! Those are two innocent lives!"

Gatsby couldn't help but get excited, because he already knew that the source of all the tragedies was the car accident that happened when he was returning to Long Island from New York, and Wang Yi was at the scene at the time. It would have been easy for him to prevent the tragedy of the car accident, as a strange man who could bring himself back to life. But the other party would rather sit back and watch the car accident happen in order to completely ruin his reputation, so that he lost everything he had fought for, his reputation, status, wealth, and even couldn't use the identity of Jay Gatsby. How could he not be angry?

In Gatsby's view, what Wang Yi did was no different from what James Buchanan, the heir of the Buchanan family who framed him.

Gatsby's sudden attack on Wang Yi also surprised the workers in the winery. Several people in charge of guarding the scene, who were originally from the Irish gang and now worked for Wang Yi, subconsciously drew their guns and pointed them at Gatsby, but the next moment, they also realized something was wrong.

Because it wasn't just the guns in their hands. When Gatsby grabbed Wang Yi's collar and got emotional, all the metal products within a ten-meter radius centered on Wang Yi and Gatsby were shaking violently, as if there was a force controlling them.

Wang raised his hand to stop others' actions, and looked at Gatsby who was angry with him with interest.

The invisible magnetic field of true Qi emanated from Wang Yi, easily suppressing the true Qi emanating from Gatsby. He looked at Gatsby who was angry with him with great interest.

I didn't expect that Gatsby was so lucky. According to the instructions for the alien transformation drug of the alien organization Ant Nest, even if an ordinary person could be exempted from the fatality rate and the side effects of short life and successfully transformed into an alien, as an artificial innate alien, most of them tend to strengthen their lives, which is the most common alien in the alien circle. The most difference is the way of strengthening, and only a very few can obtain abilities beyond strengthening the body.

This can be seen in the Inhumans team of the Behemoth Consortium and the Inhumans in New York. According to the Behemoth Consortium, the Inhumans currently in New York who either serve a gang leader or work on their own are basically the products of the Inhumans organization Ant Nest with the help of socialized drug delivery by the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer.

Excluding those who did not survive, among the hundreds of artificial innate mutants transformed with the help of drugs, only two of the seven-member team of the Behemoth Foundation mastered abilities other than physical enhancement. One was telekinesis, and the other was control of airflow, which allowed them to glide for a long time.

This shows how low the success rate of this drug that can transform ordinary people into extraordinary people is.

Even with such a low success rate, he only opened up Gatsby's Ren and Du meridians, but he was able to master the ability to control metal products when he was successfully transformed into an Inhuman. This is indeed rare. This also made Wang Yi more interested in the Inhuman transformation drug of the Ant Nest, an Inhuman organization. It seems that it is not without merit, but it requires a master like himself to watch over it. However, due to its lack of foundation, the United States lacks masters like himself.

But now, he had to put this aside and deal with the emotional Gatsby in front of him.

With his hands clasped on Gatsby's hands that were grabbing his collar, Wang Yi responded to Gatsby's questions calmly.

"Yes, I know what will happen, but you know it as well as I do. Don't make yourself sound so innocent. You know better than anyone that your Daisy may have loved you at first, but she doesn't love you anymore. She has never loved you since James Buchanan revealed your identity as a bootlegger.

Because you know very well that what you can give, that Buchanan can also give, and what you cannot give, that Buchanan can also give. You are just deceiving yourself, thinking that you have taken the blame for Daisy's car accident and killed someone, and she should change her mind, fall in love with you, and leave New York with you.

But you are wrong, she never loved you, she just thought you could give her the luxury and money she wanted, you were just a victim of hers, if you had recognized this earlier, then there wouldn't be two innocent lives paying for your confusion, so to be precise, it was you and I who caused the death of two innocent lives, don't make yourself sound innocent like a victim, you should have figured it out during the week you died, don't tell me you didn't hear the phone call between your good friend Nick and his good cousin Daisy. "

Every word Wang Yi said hit Gatsby's heart and pulled him down from his moral high ground. This is because Wang Yi knows Gatsby and knows that he is a pure love warrior whose moral bottom line has not been lowered by the decade of decadent debauchery in New York. Such words that would not hurt those capitalists whose consciences have been eaten by dogs are a critical blow to this pure love warrior.

It made him feel guilty, and Wang Yi was not wrong.

He made Gatsby fake his death, but did not seal his five senses. While he was lying in the coffin as a vegetable, he could still hear what was being said and done outside, but he could not move or speak.

And on the second day after his death, he heard with his own ears the conversation between his good friend Nick Carraway and his cousin Daisy while lying in his coffin. He even took the charge of murder for her, but no matter how much his friend begged, the other party did not even think of coming to pay tribute to him or mourn him. She packed her luggage, took her daughter and husband and left New York without looking back.

Just as Wang Yi said, Gatsby has always known that all this is just his wishful thinking, but he just doesn't want to face it.

If Wang Yi had not arranged this fake death, his ending would have been used as a story blueprint for a book written by his good friend to warn future generations not to follow his example and become a pure love god of war.

There is a saying that there is no greater sorrow than a dead heart, and there is also a saying that lies do not hurt people, but the truth is the sharpest knife.

Every word Wang Yi said was not a lie, nor was he trying to PUA Gatsby. Gatsby, who had seen the fickleness of human nature and had fully understood the reality, just stared at Wang Yi and asked the last question.

"Why not save the man who killed me."

"And then tell him that his wife's real cheating partner is the heir of the Buchanan family, and that he was the one who caused his wife's death, and then let him shoot himself in the pain of being unable to take revenge for the rest of his life? I'm sorry, I'm not a good person. I saved you because you are useful to me. I need someone like you to work for me. Do you understand, Mr. James Gates?"

Listening to Wang Yi calling out his real name which he had long given up, he also understood that there was no need for Wang Yi to lie to him about this matter.

Gatsby, who recognized the reality, quickly chose to accept it and looked at Wang Yi.

"What do you want me to do for you?"

"Do what you are best at, business. What do you think of the setup of my Continental Hotel?" Seeing that Gatsby quickly accepted the reality, Wang Yi was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with him and asked this professional about the layout of his Continental Hotel headquarters.

The upper floor is a hotel, which provides accommodation, catering, hairdressing and other services. The lower floor is a basement, where a bar is set up. Those who want to drink can go through the secret door to the underground bar and drink to their heart's content.

"Integrated design, no cutting corners on drinks, and this, are you planning to build a brand?"

Gatsby followed Wang Yi all the way, so he naturally understood the significance of what Wang Yi did.

With food and lodging integrated into one, and Wang Yi's skills, as long as money is not a problem, a fixed place for drinking is much more comfortable than going to the pharmacy to buy ingredients and mix cocktails at home. Sometimes, drinking is all about the atmosphere.

Such a place, which does not cut corners, has sufficient drinks and is highly concealed, is definitely not short of business.

Moreover, once this brand named "Everywhere" by Wang Yi is really established, it will be a long-term business chain. However, Gatsby, like everyone else, suffered from the lack of a prophet and believed that the law of Prohibition would continue forever.

"Yes, alcohol is an industry with very high brand recognition. I think everyone in New York will dislike a brand of alcohol that doesn't cut corners and is reasonably priced. Once a person gets used to drinking a certain type of alcohol, it is very likely that he will continue to buy it for the rest of his life."

"As a businessman, your idea is good, but you overlooked one point. You entered the market too late. You are not the only smart person. Even if you don't cut corners, if you want to stand out from so many competitors, you need to have your own signature wine. Do you have one?"

Since he has been reborn because of Wang Yi, Gatsby naturally does not want to leave New York in disgrace. This is not the life he wants.

He immediately started to point out the problems with the mainland hotel to Wang Yi. Although this problem might be a problem for other people, it was not a problem for Wang Yi, a guy with the prophecy cheat.

Especially with the improvement of his cultivation and the increase of his means, Wang Yi remembered many things from his previous life more clearly.

It’s just that many things in it could not be laid out in the Republic of China. The general environment and basic conditions did not allow Wang Yi to use the things he had in his previous life to make a fortune. But in the United States, an industrial powerhouse, this was not a problem.

Walk to the bar that has been decorated, take the shaker from the bartender, pour the four base liquors of vodka, gin, rum and tequila in proportion, add ice cubes, shake well, then pour in cola, and finally put a piece of cut lemon slice as decoration, and a prepared cocktail is ready.

It was poured into four cups and handed to Winston, Gatsby, Gatsby's good friend and his father in turn.

As wine lovers, the four of them immediately tasted that the cocktail specially prepared by Wang Yi was quite delicious and could be a signature drink even in the current saturated bootleg liquor market.

Of course it was not bad, because at that time, cocktails in the United States were all classic cocktails based on whiskey. Although the taste and mouthfeel were not bad, the strength was relatively low. However, this cocktail came from the United States decades later, and it was a dimensionality reduction attack. If he did not have these cards in his hand, he would not dare to open this mainland hotel to enter the bootleg liquor market.

"Since you have everything ready, why do you still need me?"

"If I, the boss, have to do everything, then what are you guys for?"

“Does this wine have a name?”

"Of course, it's called Long Island Iced Tea."

"Long Island Iced Tea? That's a nice name. Well, Mr. Wick, I'm yours now."

"Don't push yourself, Mr. Gates."

"I didn't force myself. You gave me a new life, and I also need a new job to get back everything I lost."

"Great look, Mr. Gates. From now on, you are James Gates, the professional manager of the Continental Hotel. As for Jay Gatsby, let him be buried in that sad place in West Egg. Besides, you are not without a chance for revenge."

"What did you say?"

"Relax, my friend. A wise man once told me that a person's success depends not only on personal efforts, but also on the changes of the times. We all see your efforts and talents. As for the times, they will come soon. As long as you can earn back your previous wealth, or even more, before this day next year, I can assure you that by that time, Daisy Buchanan, who once abandoned you and treated you as a sacrifice, will come back to you.

And you no longer need to look up at her. When you look down at her, you will find that she is no different from the girls who come to your party, just as ordinary. What you have to do is..."

The tissue on the table fell to the ground without wind, and Wang Yi slowly bent down, picked up the tissue and handed it to Gatsby.

"Pick her up and think about whether you should forgive her for what she did to you. It's that simple."

Gatsby's eyes fell on the tissue Wang Yi handed him. Wang Yi's words rang in his ears. Looking at the man in front of him, Gatsby felt like he was doing business with a devil.

Obviously, what the other party said had no evidence and was irrelevant, but it made people feel that it would come true. All he had to do was sell his soul to the devil in front of him.

"Who are you?"

Gatsby reached out and took the tissue handed over by Wang Yi, which was also a disguised way of telling Wang Yi that he chose to believe what Wang Yi said.

"As you can see, my name is John Wick, a businessman."

"It's a pleasure to work with you, Mr. Wick, and please call me by my real name, James Gates."

"No problem, need a new twist, James?"

Wang Yi made a cameo appearance as a bartender and mixed a cocktail, Margarita, which was created in 1949 and won the National Cocktail Competition, for Winston and Gatsby, who used his real name James Gates.

Once these two cocktails came out, James Gates' confidence increased a lot.

As long as you have a signature wine, he will find a way to expand the Continental Hotel's business. Now that he is in the right state, he has turned his attention to his only close friend, his former cousin and goddess, Nick Carraway.

"Nick, we need to talk."

Nick Carraway, who was helping his friend to regain his life and later wrote the famous work "The Great Gatsby", was also stunned. Am I involved in this?

On the other hand, Wang Yi was leaning on his chair at the bar, drinking, watching the rivalry between Leo and the bully Maguire, and clinking glasses with Winston beside him.

"Congratulations, Mr. Wick."

"You should also congratulate yourself, Winston. Our business has just officially started. Celebrate in advance, the future king of New York."

"It's my pleasure, Mr. Wick."

The words of the future king of New York also made Winston understand his position in the Continental Hotel established by Wang Yi.

This sentence was enough for the manager to express his loyalty to Wang Yi.

At this point, his identity as John Wick and the Continental Hotel have completely established a foothold in New York. The next step is to wait for the Great Depression to come next year and make a fortune in the United States.

(End of this chapter)

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