Under One Person: One Person Goes

Chapter 257: Close Outsiders

Chapter 257: Close Outsiders
Shanghai, located in the Du Mansion in the French Concession.

Boss Du, who is considered to be well-connected in this small piece of land in Shanghai, also pointed out a clear way for the wealthy Boss Zhao after listening to his request.

The other party's request was very simple. It was nothing more than spontaneously transporting a batch of supplies to the Fengtian Army that was fighting the Kwantung Army outside the Great Wall, just like other patriotic businessmen and citizens. However, Boss Zhao was wealthy and this batch of support materials was also large in amount.

But big money often means big temptation. Mr. Du may be able to resist this temptation because he knows that it is not something he can afford at his level.

But the same cannot be said for those who have support behind you.

As birds of a feather, he knew too well how good those people in the government were at making money.

What Boss Du didn't understand was that for the other party to be able to do such a prosperous business, he must have a backer behind him. In other words, in today's world, any businessman who can do a prosperous business must have a backer behind him.

Why doesn't he use his backer instead of looking for me?

"To be honest with you, Boss Du, the guy behind me got into trouble recently. Although he has soldiers, they are only useful in his own small territory. No one else will recognize him outside his territory. As for the young master of the Four Cities Freight Company in Beijing, I have also heard of him, but at his age, twenty-seven, can he have a say?"

Boss Zhao is a very smart person who has been able to run such a big business. Before Boss Du could speak, he explained it clearly.
"Boss Zhao is worrying too much. In today's world, if you want to live a comfortable life, you either have to have a strong fist or a fat wallet. This young master named Wang Yi has a fist so strong that even the barrel of a gun is weak in front of him. Even if he is penniless, there will be many people rushing to give him money. Moreover, he has a backer behind him. Don't look at the fact that the Fengtian Army is now suffering a series of defeats outside the Great Wall and losing land and people.

This lean camel is bigger than a horse. If you really want to do a favor, Boss Zhao, you might as well go to the capital and talk to this Young Master Wang. It might work wonders. As for whether this Young Master Wang can fulfill your wish, you can ask the one next to me. He is a disciple of the Tang Sect in Shu. Boss Zhao has been doing business for many years, so he should know the Tang Sect, right? "

Seeing Boss Zhao's skeptical expression, Boss Du also invited Yang Lie, who was acting as his bodyguard, to come out.

Sure enough, when Boss Zhao heard the name Tang Sect, his eyes lit up.

For those who do business, the Tang Sect, a sect that accepts orders to kill people, is much more intimidating than Shaolin, Wudang and Longhushan in some aspects.

"Master Yang Lie, please excuse me. I will send a telegram to the Sicheng Company in the capital."

"Thank you."

Yang Lie had no objection to Boss Du's behavior. Boss Du had originally signed a long-term security contract with their Tang Sect. During this process, as long as it did not violate the requirements of the Tang Sect's rules, they, as guards around Boss Du, had to do as they were told.

What the other party is doing is introducing potential customers to them, the Tang Sect. How can they not accept such good intentions?

Boss Zhao would never have thought that he and the Tang Clan would have known each other so early.

On the other hand, after Wang Yi said goodbye to Zhang Zhiwei, who was now the bodyguard of his master, he also took this opportunity to visit the Liu family in western Hunan.

Wang Yi turned into a floating cloud and hovered over the Liu family mansion, looking down at the mansion shrouded in a gloomy atmosphere. He also roughly understood that the situation of the Liu family, which was a corpse-driving family that had met its end in the encirclement and suppression, was not much better now.

Obviously, when chatting with Zhang Zhiwei before, Zhang Zhiwei mentioned that destroying the corpse that had been nourished by the Liu family's dragon energy for hundreds of years was a big loss for the Liu family, a big family.

He had some impression of the corpse-driving Liu family, because this family had been passed down to the modern era without being extinct, but had fallen into decline.

The reason for their decline is very simple. This family's methods require a large number of corpses, and they use the evil energy after death to practice. Therefore, in this area, many charity cemeteries and village burial lands are basically controlled by the corpse-driving Liu family.

Later, the land was nationalized and redistributed, and with the promotion of cremation, burial gradually became a thing of the past.

Without a fixed channel for cultivation, he could only rely on the skills left by his ancestors. A corpse that had been nourished by the dragon energy of the earth for hundreds of years was destroyed just like that by Zhang Zhiwei.

A few hundred years ago, even if Zhang Zhiwei now holds the title of Longhu Mountain's first disciple, the Liu family would still have to fight a fight to the death with Longhu Mountain.

As it is now, we can only say that they made their own choice.

As for why they ended up like this, Wang Yi could understand it. Just as Liu Wei said, the foundation of the corpse-driving Liu family was inherently incompatible with the ideological principles represented by the master and others.

In addition, modern technology is changing with each passing day, and the colorful world is dazzling. Who the hell wants to be born in a cemetery with a bunch of dead people just to cultivate with the Yin Sha Qi? Isn't this pure stupidity?

The older generation is stubborn and unwilling to change, and they insist that the younger generation inherit these methods. The younger generation does not want to live in a world where they have to deal with the dead all day long, and they think of ways to confront the older generation.

All this back and forth has left his own lineage half dead.

Looking back from the downstream of history, Wang Yi can only say that this lineage has indeed suffered the retribution of its current fate.

Just thinking about it, Wang Yi's desire to cause trouble for them faded a lot.

"It is said that when you are poor, you must change. Change will lead to success. So what if cremation is done? So what if the land is nationalized? With your means, if you become a forensic investigator, you will be supported by any criminal investigation department. If you don't want to take off your long gown, then just accept the half-dead ending. Forget it. I don't want to bother with you anymore."

After giving up the idea of ​​causing trouble for the Liu family, Wang Yi turned into a wandering cloud and left, hovering over the Soviet area. During the hovering, he used the radio dream-entering technique to conduct a rough carpet search.

For ordinary practitioners and ordinary people, this kind of search is just a trance and harmless.

Only Zhang Zhiwei, who had separated from Wang Yi before, knew what Wang Yi was doing when he caught Wang Yi's action.

However, after this search, Wang Yi did not find any information about Ma Feng and the people he rescued. He gathered his body and floated between heaven and earth, and could only sigh helplessly.

"It's like looking for a needle in a haystack. Old Zhang, old Zhang, I'll leave my husband's side in your care. I think the letter from home should be able to give him some comfort..."

He knew what he had asked Zhang Zhiwei to deliver to Mr. Lu. It was a family letter that should have been delivered to Mr. Lu fifty years later, but was never delivered to Mr. Lu until he passed away.

This family letter has no effect on the history that is happening now and will happen in the future. If there is any effect, it is that it has strengthened the gentleman's heart, made him not forget his original intention, and know what path he is taking.

After a quick meeting with Zhang Zhiwei, he did not find the person he was looking for here, so he had no choice but to leave. After dealing with the matters outside the Great Wall, he also had to start preparing for the failed anti-encirclement and suppression campaign two years later.

Wang Yi came quickly and left quickly.

Taking advantage of the convenience of the Golden Escape Flowing Light, he returned to the capital quietly to take charge.

And as if it was agreed, when Wang Yi returned to the capital, which had now been renamed Beijing, the patriotic businessman Boss Zhao, who had learned about Wang Yi's methods as the young master of the Four Cities Freight Company from Boss Du and Yang Lie, a disciple of the Tang Sect, and the assistant marshal and his wife, who had already withdrawn to Tianjin with the young marshal's family and part of the Fengtian Army, all arrived at Wang Yi's house at the same time.
That night, in Wang Yi's study, the assistant commander, who was in disguise and dared not attract attention, was talking about the current situation outside the Great Wall and the backup plans in case of defeat and retreat inside the Great Wall.

Because of the backup plan he left for the old marshal outside the Great Wall, and the teachings given by the old marshal to the young marshal who had inherited the throne before his death, the Fengtian Army has maintained a base of around 300,000 over the past few years.

Although they had been losing ground under the attack of the Kwantung Army, which had been increasing its troops this year, thanks to the backup plan left by the old marshal, about 100,000 Fengtian troops outside the Great Wall have been broken up on the spot and retreated to the long-prepared areas between the white mountains and black waters of the three provinces in the form of volunteer armies.

With the munitions already prepared in the stronghold, they occupied the mountain and united the people's guerrillas spontaneously organized in the three provinces, ready to harass the Japanese rule over the three provinces outside the Great Wall by guerrilla warfare after the Fengtian Army was defeated and fled to the interior. But now there is a problem in front of them. Although the old marshal left a backup plan, so that this group of volunteers hastily organized in the original timeline has enough munitions, they are not well prepared after all. In addition, the Japanese are coming aggressively, and there is a problem that has not been solved until now, that is, enough food.

Although we can take food from the enemy, the Japanese are not fools.

He also noticed the backup plan of the volunteers left behind by the old and young marshals after they fled to the interior. Now, they just needed to completely occupy the three provinces outside the Great Wall and adopt the strategy of clearing the countryside.

Even if this group of volunteers had weapons, they would be slowly wiped out due to the severe cold and lack of food in the three provinces outside the Great Wall.

Throughout history, many volunteer army generals did not fall under the blades of the invaders, but succumbed to the severe cold and hunger and chose to surrender.

"So what the young marshal meant is that before the Fengtian Army is completely defeated and flees to the interior of the country, I should think of a way to send some food to the Volunteer Army? Can't the young marshal do this himself?"

"Liu Zi wants to do it now but can't. The Japanese have blocked all the ways to break out. The only way left is to flee to the interior. The purpose is very clear. Liu Zi's idea is that he will make a big move before fleeing to the interior to attract the attention of the Japanese and make it easier for you, Mr. Wang, to operate. But it has to be done as soon as possible. If it's too late, Liu Zi won't be able to hold on."

Wang tapped his fingers on the table. Delivering food was not a problem. The railway from the interior to the outside of the Great Wall had not yet been controlled by the Japanese, so the food could be delivered. The problem was what kind of food to send so that it could provide the greatest support to the group of volunteers who remained outside the Great Wall and prevent them from being affected by food shortages for a long time.

The most important thing these grains must meet is that they must be easy to store, have a long shelf life, and be convenient to eat...

Soon, Wang Yi had an idea and looked at the young marshal's wife who was listening on the other side.

"Madam, I would like to ask, how much can the young marshal pay for this batch of grain?"

"That depends on how clever Mr. Wang is."

"In that case, Assistant Commander, is this enough time before New Year's Day?"

"Enough, Liuzi's idea is to withdraw to the interior before New Year's Day. It's not a good idea to continue fighting like this. The government obviously wants to see us die outside the Great Wall so that they can take over the Fengtian Army, which has no leader. That bastard!"

"Okay, before New Year's Day, I will prepare a batch of supplies according to the young marshal's request. Besides that, does the young marshal have any other instructions?"

Hearing this, the assistant commander took out a piece of letter paper from his pocket and handed it to Wang Yi. The letter paper was also filled with names, and at the beginning of the letter paper was the name of the pseudo-emperor of the "Puppet Manchukuo" supported by the Japanese outside the Great Wall.

"Mr. Wang, during the battle of Fengtian, although I was stationed outside the city, I also witnessed the style of Mr. Wang and the little Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain working together. You are a very capable immortal. If possible, the young marshal and I hope that you will not only deliver food this time, but also eliminate traitors. These are all beasts who have been dogs for the Japanese since the establishment of the puppet Manchukuo over the past year or so. I don't ask Mr. Wang to wipe them all out, but you have to let them know that if they want to be traitors, they must be prepared to lose their lives!"

Hearing the request made by the assistant coach, Wang Yi's face was full of smiles, this was the highlight.

"Assistant Commander, I like this request very much, but I also want to make a request to you."

"Please tell me, Mr. Wang. Not just one, but even ten or a hundred, as long as I can do it, I will give you my life."

"That's not necessary. I just want the assistant commander to send a telegram to the young commander, asking him to help me find out about a person in the Kwantung Army, or the unit to which this person belongs."




"Shiro Ishii."

Outside the Sichengjiaoxing house, Wang Yi stood at the door, watching the assistant marshal and the young marshal's wife hurriedly leave in the cover of night, and then he looked at the few people who came out with him to see them off.

"Brother Shuiyun, Brother Changqing, and Brother Zhuge, I would like to ask the two of you to go back to the Sanyi Sect and explain my request to Sect Master Zuo to see how many disciples are willing to go with me."

The three of them were all stunned, and then asked, "Is this the first order issued by you, the one who walks the world of Trinity?"

"Of course, you all know how to achieve the third level. You can either practice in the mountains or fight to survive. You can break through between life and death. Nothing can better experience the horror of life and death than the battlefield. Of course, whether you come or not, and how many people come, is entirely voluntary. I won't force you."

"Brother Wang Yi, besides the disciples in the sect, can I allow other people to join in?"

Wang Yi looked at Junior Brother Zhuge, who was the youngest of the three and the same age as Lu Jin.

"Zhuge Wuhou is not willing to lag behind?"

"I am the descendant of Prime Minister Zhuge. Now the Japanese pirates have invaded our borders and occupied our land. As a descendant of Zhuge Wuhou, how can I just sit there and watch?"

"As I said before, whether or not to come, and how many people come, is entirely voluntary."


"Then in order to avoid any more trouble, please go back and pack up and leave immediately. I still have a lot of things to prepare tomorrow morning."

"Receive the decree!"

After getting Wang Yi's approval, the three people who had been guarding the capital also began to go back to the house to pack up and prepare to leave.

Wang Yi was enjoying the night breeze, looking at Mendel and You Baiyun standing beside him, and then he spoke
"Baiyun, you and your two family members will be in charge of this trip outside the Great Wall. Brother Meng, how about you come with me?"

"Is it related to the Japanese man named Shiro Ishii that you just mentioned to the assistant commander?"

"Yes, Brother Meng, I need you to promise me something."

"Please say."

"During this trip outside the Great Wall, no matter what you see, don't reject it, and you must learn everything you see and get. This is not only related to whether your beast master can be carried forward, but also to the life and death of tens of thousands of people."

This was the first time that the beastly teacher Mendel saw an expression of hatred on Wang Yi's face. He didn't know why Wang Yi specifically asked the assistant commander to find out what deep hatred there was between Wang Yi and this Japanese named Ishii Shiro. He just looked at Wang Yi and nodded cautiously.

"In that case, it's late, let's all go back and rest. Before New Year's Day, I should also make our 'company' famous in the alien world."

(End of this chapter)

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