Chapter 258 Planning
New York, Continental Hotel.

Ever since Wang Yi had a fierce battle with his divine avatar John Wick on top of the Statue of Liberty, the dreamlike scene that took place that night has been like a dream that could not be true, and has been imprinted in the minds of New Yorkers who witnessed the battle at that time.

Subconsciously, I believe that Mr. John Wick, who started from scratch, is the patron saint of New York, a true shadow emperor of New York.

This subconscious influence, transformed into the Qi of faith of all living beings, continuously deepened the power of the god John Wick, allowing him to turn against the Tiangang and begin to use the hearts of the citizens of New York as tentacles to erode the national destiny Qi of the land beneath his feet, which was composed of the people's hearts.

On this day, as one of the two official agents of the god John Wick, James Gates knocked on the door of his boss' office and walked in after getting permission.

"Mr. Wick, you want to see me? Winston?"

"Good morning, James. This is a telegram from the Republic of China sent by the young men I led."

Noticing the presence of another agent, James turned his gaze towards his old friend as he looked at the god John Wick, shrouded in light and shadow.

After taking the telegram and reading its contents, James understood why his boss wanted to see him.

"This is a big business. With our current production capacity, if we start to build a separate production line from today, we should be able to raise the number of orders they want within a month. With the transportation, we can definitely deliver it to them before 'New Year's Day'. But Mr. Wick, I personally suggest that we can't just do business with them."


"Mr. Wick, do you have a map of the Republic of China? Preferably the one outside the Great Wall."

The god John Wick pondered for a moment, then picked up the ink bottle on the table and splashed it into the air.

The ink was mixed with the Qi of faith, and through the connection with Wang Yi's real body which was thousands of miles away, a picture of autumn leaf begonia appeared in front of the three people.

James also walked forward and pointed to the port outside the pass, which was known as the first fortress in the Far East.

"Winston and I have been there before the Republic of China. It's a big country with a huge market, but they are not united. If we dock at Shanghai, load it onto trucks, and then take the railway from the capital to the border, we can say hello through the embassy along the way, but if we don't feed the warlords and high-ranking officials of the Republic of China government along the way, we can't deliver it to the young marshal. After all these two trips, we don't make much money."

"You want to sell the goods to both parties."

"Yes, Mr. Wick, just like the United States did during the world war, not participating in the war but doing business. Japan is indeed quite good in Asia. After the Meiji Restoration, they did become an industrial country, but they have a fatal weakness."

“They’re a small country.”

"Sure enough, Mr. Wick, I knew you must understand. This is what I heard from one of my superiors on the European battlefield, and the current war in the Republic of China has also proved this. As an industrial country in Asia, Japan is indeed very strong. They can win against any warlord in the Republic of China, including the government. However, their resources and their military strength allow them to achieve temporary victory but not permanent victory.

The problem can already be seen in this war outside the Great Wall. With the industrial power of a country, it was fighting against a warlord entrenched in three provinces. When it had an overall advantage, it did not immediately drive him out of the Great Wall. It even had to support the puppet regime of the "Manchukuo" to divide people's hearts and reduce losses. To put it bluntly, if the government of the Republic of China had chosen to support this young marshal immediately, who knows who would be the winner in this war. "

James had a sly smile on his face, a smile that only businessmen can have.

"So your judgement and advice."

"We should negotiate the Spam can business with the Japanese directly. Instead of going through so many layers of hands by sea or land, it's better to just order it directly and put it there. Mark the location. We can provide some cover and let the young marshal go and grab it."

"The Kwantung Army is not stupid."

"Mr. Wick, I only said that I was negotiating with the Japanese about the canned Spam business, but I didn't say that I was negotiating with the Kwantung Army. Since we are transporting it by sea to the first fortress port in the Far East, it would be better to have the Japanese Navy escort us. I think they would be happy to give the Kwantung Army, which is the army, a small obstacle at this time. Besides, our military should also make some extra money."

Looking at James' typical mercenary face, Wang Yi, who was thousands of miles away and could only convey his demands to the god John Wick and could not influence his will too much, and could only be an auditor, opened his mouth wide and even stopped drinking tea.

Damn it, it’s still you bunch of isolated Americans overseas who are in charge.

Thinking of ways to snatch meat from the Japanese, it is easy to understand that they have spent a lot of manpower and material resources to occupy a large tract of land in the Republic of China. However, as an agricultural country, even if they have obtained resources here, it is not easy to convert them into military supplies as soon as possible.

Especially things like oil, they still have to be bought from outside, and only Americans will do their business.

In this way, the guy who started the war of aggression became an employee of the Americans? And as time went on, the money he got from Southeast Asia was no longer enough to pay for the supplies purchased from the United States, which led to the subsequent attack on Pearl Harbor.

It turns out that the source of the Pearl Harbor incident is still here with me, and it has become a historical closed loop. Damn it!
Just when Wang Yi was surprised by the idea of ​​James who was thousands of miles away, Boss Zhao who was sitting opposite Wang Yi also noticed Wang Yi's abnormality.

"Mr. Wang? But what's the problem?"

Wang Yi put down the teacup in his hand, closed the daytime perspective in New York, and returned to the night here. He looked at Mr. Zhao, a patriotic businessman in front of him who was about a generation older than him and claimed to be a business colleague in northwestern Shanxi.

Boss Zhao, whose full name is Zhao Fangzheng, has his base in northwestern Shanxi. His backer is suspected to be the commander of the Third Army of the National Revolutionary Army that occupies northwestern Shanxi.

With such origin and background, Wang Yi had every reason to suspect that the patriotic businessman in front of him, Boss Zhao, was the Boss Zhao who used himself as bait in 1940 and asked the Tang Clan in Shu to openly kill the Japanese alien organization Higashiyama Ninja.

Because Wang Yi remembered that there was a large-scale offensive and counter-mopping-up campaign in the enemy-occupied battlefield in North China that year - the Hundred Regiments Campaign.

Combining the year and background, as well as the reason for asking the Tang Clan for help in the 29th year of the Republic of China and the Hundred Regiments Campaign, Wang Yi was 90% sure of the other party's identity, but he had some doubts that he still needed Boss Zhao to answer for him.

"Boss Zhao, you are a generation older than me, can I call you Uncle Zhao?"

"Boss Wang, you are too polite. I wonder if you have any questions about my business?"

"I don't have any doubts, but I'm curious, Boss Zhao, aren't you afraid that your backer will be unhappy if you do this?"

"Haha, Mr. Wang, you're worrying too much. The man behind me has responded to the government's call for unity to resist aggression. Although everyone with a discerning eye knows that this is just a slogan, if I really want to do things based on this slogan, he can only turn a blind eye. Besides, I'm helping him do business and extorting money from the young marshal for him." "Boss Zhao is quite good at using tiger skins as a banner. Excuse me, do you have any offspring?"

"There is an only son in the family, born in the first year of the Republic of China. He will be ready to start a family in a few years. What's going on?"

"Nothing, I just think Boss Zhao is very courageous to do the business of the young marshal."

After laughing it off, Wang Yi was roughly sure that Boss Zhao would have to go through a long mental journey between now and eight years before he dared to use himself as bait to ask the Tang Sect to kill the Biheshan ninjas.

It was not until the fall of North China and the destruction of the country that Boss Zhao realized that neither his backer nor the current Nationalist government could save China. Only the Eighth Route Army, which dared to organize and launch a counter-mopping-up and large-scale offensive campaign, the Hundred Regiments Campaign, during the stalemate phase of the War of Resistance Against Japan despite the disparity in power, could save New China.

This led to the heroic feat of the Tang Clan killing the ninja leader, with ten men going out and three returning.

As for Zhao Fangxu, the chairman of Modern Nadutong Company, he is probably the grandson of Boss Zhao. This is indeed consistent with the life experience of Zhao Fangxu, the chairman of Modern Nadutong, who was born in troubled times and grew up in peaceful times.

"That also requires your approval, Boss Wang. Can these things be delivered outside the Great Wall? Without your escort, Boss Wang, the Japanese will only benefit from it. I don't want to do this unprofitable business."

"No problem, Boss Zhao. I can promise you on behalf of the young marshal that no matter whether your batch of supplies can be delivered to the young marshal in the end, you will definitely not be treated unfairly in terms of price. You can rest assured about this."

"Then I will be waiting for good news from Mr. Wang. In addition, I would like to add that I can meet you this time thanks to Boss Du's matchmaking."

"Boss Du, I will thank him well. Boss Zhao, I also hope that this is not the last time we do business, but the beginning of cooperation. I don't want my company to be limited to Beijing and Tianjin. I also have ideas for the northwest. Boss Zhao, you can talk to the backer behind you. Let's go out more often."

"Easy to say, easy to say."

After the deal was done, Boss Zhao did not stay any longer. After exchanging pleasantries for a while, he was sent out by Wang Yili.

As plans were agreed upon both domestically and overseas, the four-city freight company represented by Wang Yi also began to operate, preparing for the transportation of supplies before New Year's Day.

Wang Yi also informed the young marshal who was struggling in Fengtian of his ideas through the assistant marshal.

Using Boss Zhao's material support as bait, cooperate with the young marshal to attract the attention of the Japanese.

The real main course is delivered directly to the Continental Group cargo ship at Port Arthur by ocean-going freighter.

To put it bluntly, it is a plan to build a plank road in the open while secretly marching through Chencang, taking advantage of the sea and land conflicts that Japan has had since the Meiji Restoration to transport supplies to the volunteers. Compared with directly transporting supplies from the interior to the outside of the Great Wall by rail and then distributing them to the 100,000 volunteers who are already hidden among the white mountains and black waters, this plan is more feasible.

After all, the army idiots would never have thought that they would be stabbed in the back by the navy idiots.

More importantly, Wang Yi and his men will also serve as obvious bait to attract as much Japanese attention as possible.

But when Wang Yi told the young marshal about the plan, he was also cautious. He just asked the young marshal to tell him that the 100,000 volunteers had already been divided into small strongholds between the Baishan and Heishui outside the Great Wall, and the rest would be left to him.

Faced with Wang Yi's plan that could not be fully disclosed, although the young marshal was confused, he did not have many better choices at the moment and could only choose to fully cooperate with Wang Yi's actions.

Time passed quietly with the operations both at home and abroad, and Wang Yi also got information about Ishii Shiro from the assistant commander.

Only when Wang Yi got this information did he realize that the unit controlled by Shiro Ishii at this time was not called 731, but Kamo.

It is the predecessor of this notorious devil army, and is currently stationed in Harbin. It is not an easy task for me to pass through the Japanese blockade from Fengtian to settle accounts with Shiro Ishii.

"Oh, you're really good at hiding. Do you think I can't find you if you hide so far away?"

Sitting on the roof, Wang Yi held the information given by the assistant marshal, as well as the list of traitors given to him by him and the young marshal. Wang Yi also had an idea in his mind.

He put the two pieces of information in his arms and looked at You Baiyun and Mendel who were preparing for the New Year's Day trip outside the Great Wall.

Wang Yi also jumped down from the roof, looked at the two people and said, "You guys stay at home, I'm going out to do some business."

He then transformed himself into a stream of golden light and ran out of the capital.
That night, in Shanghai, at the Grand Shanghai Nightclub owned by tycoon Boss Du, Tang Sect disciple Yang Lie was standing guard beside Boss Du, responsible for the safety of this client.

Just when Yang Lie thought that tonight was just another ordinary night, Wang Yi's figure suddenly appeared in front of Boss Du and Yang Lie again.

Looking at Wang Yi who appeared like a ghost, the expressions on the faces of the old and the young froze.

"Don't worry, Boss Du. I'm not here to collect a debt from you this time. Master Yang, would you like to have a chat?"

When Boss Du heard that he was not here to cause trouble, he was relieved. He was really afraid of this living god who appeared and disappeared mysteriously.

While feeling relieved, he also tactfully retreated, leaving space for Wang Yi and Yang Lie, and told his men not to get close.

Yang Lie, the future head of the Tang Sect, was also puzzled by Wang Yi's return visit. But when Wang Yi sat down and told him the purpose of his visit, the once talkative but now cold-faced young master also showed a rare smile on his face.

"Master Yang, how long has it been since your Tang Sect did anything that involved killing people?"

"Boss Wang, do you have a private job for me to do?"

"It's a private job, but the order is quite large. You can't do it alone. I just don't know if I will be lucky enough to go to the Tang Sect in Shuzhong and meet the head of the Tang Sect. I haven't seen the head of the Tang Sect for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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