Under One Person: One Person Goes

Chapter 38: The Past of the Alien People's Republic, Planning for the Future

Chapter 38: The Past of the Alien People's Republic, Planning for the Future (Part )

"I had just been picked up by the Ghost Hand King, and was following him around the world when I heard a class in a foreign school in the south. The teacher of that class was talking about Newton's universal gravitation. At that time, I had just started to learn about the Eight Directions Reversal, and happened to hear that teacher talking about this. At that time, I was wondering if this universal gravitation was one of the forces of the eight directions of heaven and earth referred to in the Eight Directions Reversal. In order to confirm my idea, I spent a dollar to hand-copy books on forces from this foreign devil. I hand-copied books on the four fundamental forces of the universe, brought them with me, and studied them from time to time."

In the private room on the second floor of Lu's Restaurant, Wang Yijiu explained to Lu Guangda, both truly and falsely, how he transformed the eight directions into the human body's magnetic field.

Without this explanation, Lu Guangda would not be able to believe that he had been reversing the eight directions towards the direction of the human body's magnetic field from the very beginning. If he was born with such amazing wisdom, he would scare the future father of "Miss Qiu".

As he spoke, Wang Yi began to demonstrate the invisible Qi in his hand, covering himself, Lu Guangda, and Liang Ting, allowing them to feel the various benefits brought by the gravity and electromagnetic force in the human body's magnetic field in this box.

As Wang Yi performed, Lu Guangda and Liang Ting sometimes felt like they were being pressed down by a heavy burden, and sometimes felt as light as a swallow, and even the tables and chairs in front of them began to float. When everything returned to normal, they felt their internal organs churning, dizziness, nausea, and extreme anxiety.

These kinds of magical performances cannot be summarized by simply saying "turning all directions upside down."

Liang Ting still had only a vague idea at this time and did not understand why Wang Yi made such a display. But for Lu Guangda, who was a student of the Department of Physics at Yenching University, majoring in nuclear physics and was one of only 13 students in the country who were admitted, he knew very well which of the four fundamental forces these performances corresponded to.

"Of the four fundamental forces in the universe, gravity is invisible and intangible, but its existence can be clearly felt. Although I don't know the key to electromagnetic force, I can still use some of the knowledge from other places to improve my skills. I have a rough idea of ​​the direction through reading some books on magic and feng shui. But the strong and weak nuclear forces are not something that a top student like you can understand. They know me, but I don't know them."

After retracting the skill, Wang Yi sighed and looked at Lu Guangda, who was completely shocked by Wang Yi's understanding of the human body's magnetic field principle.

"Brother Lu, do you still think that I should go to study abroad or not?"

After all, he was born into a famous family. After being shocked by Wang Yi's scientific interpretation of the reversal of the eight directions, Lu Guangda slowly regained his composure, took a few deep breaths, and calmed himself down.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"I want to say that you should go to study abroad, Brother Lu, and you should go there with the mission of learning and mastering the most advanced scientific theories overseas. I know that in the past, there were countless patriots who failed in their quest to strengthen the country and enrich the people, but the problem was never with them, but here." Wang Yi was also full of pride at this time, pointing to his head, "If not, why is the new culture prevalent now, advocating the overthrow of the Confucius Temple? It's nothing more than that this set of things can't keep up with the times. It should be thrown away, and don't hold on to it as a treasure, just like what Brother Liang said in the book in his hand: It has always been like this, right?"

Pointing to the "Diary of a Madman" which Liang Ting had been reading enthusiastically recently, Wang Yinian recited Mr. Lu Xun's famous quote.

Lu Guangda looked at Wang Yi, who seemed like a completely different person, and his burning eyes, and he felt a resonance with him.

The reason why he was confused was that he couldn't understand why China, with a long history, had become a prey to the great powers! The depression and anger in his heart were just like Wang Yi at this moment.

So, he nodded in approval and commented on this sentence.

"Indeed, Uncle Zhou gave up medicine and turned to literature because he realized this problem. If we don't cure the disease in the Chinese people's brains, no matter how much reform and Westernization we carry out, it will be in vain. I just didn't expect that such words would be said by you, Brother Wang, and you would enlighten me. I really read this book in vain."

"Uncle Zhou? Brother Lu, do you know this guy?" Wang Yi caught the key point in Lu Guangda's words and his expression froze for a moment.

"My Lu family has been rooted in Jiangnan for thousands of years. There is really no famous person in Jiangnan that my Lu family doesn't know."

"Then he is just like us..."

"Yes, he is also an extraordinary person. He is from the same school as me, but I am Baji and he is Xingyi. Since you know that he gave up medicine to pursue literature, you don't think about it. Who among those who practice martial arts doesn't study pharmacology?"

"What you said makes sense. I've heard that Mr. Lu Xun fought with a wild boar?"

"Yes, that's true. It ate too many dead bodies and became powerful. Uncle Zhou was almost eaten by it. Later, he called the elders of the sect to kill the beast."

Damn it! Wang Yi just wanted to swear at this moment. According to Lu Guangda's statement, that killing punch was not just for show. It could be that he was also a master of external martial arts.

Wang Yi, who felt like he had taken a bite of a huge melon about the past of an alien people's country, felt his heart beating wildly, but when he thought of Mr. Lu Xun's early death at the age of knowing the destiny, he felt even more sad.

There are only two reasons why a person who started out as a martial artist, and even learned external martial arts, died at the age of knowing his destiny. Something went wrong in his practice, damaging his foundation, or he had a heart disease that was difficult to cure. Wang Yigeng believed it was the latter. In the final analysis, he watched the country suffer, wrote articles for half his life, but in the end he did not see the awakening of the Chinese people in his lifetime, and died of sorrow.

As for the other one, it is probably the same as in the official history, he died of exhaustion.

You have to know that, from being penniless to holding their heads high in the world, that generation really suffered the hardships of three generations. This kind of suffering cannot be endured by just having true Qi.

"Brother Wang, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing. I just thought of something and got distracted. Where were we just now?"

Wang Yi did not dwell on this question too much, as that was a matter for the future. What he had to do now was to plant a seed in the heart of Lu Guangda, the future master who would build the country's most important weapon, so that it could take root and sprout in the future and grow into a towering tree that would protect the country. "Speaking of whether I should go abroad to study, I need your help, Brother Wang. I am no longer confused, but only worried. Brother Wang, even if I learn and understand the most advanced scientific theories, and return home after completing my studies, the world will be settled and the government will be clean. Can what we overseas students bring back after completing our studies help the country catch up with these powers?"

Lu Guangda didn't know why he asked Wang Yi this question, but his intuition as a martial artist made him feel that he could get the answer from Wang Yi's answer.



"Brother Lu, we are practitioners, so let's use what practitioners say as an example. In the path of practice, if you are slow in one step, all the steps will be slow, unless you are a genius. But practice can be like this, because this is a comparison between people, but countries are different. Population, economy, and military are linked together. This is not something that can be achieved overnight. Our country has been poor and weak for a long time. The maritime ban that began in the Ming and Qing dynasties isolated us from the world. It was not until the war with the British during the Daoguang period of the Qing Dynasty that we woke up from the illusion of the Celestial Empire. At this time, we realized the gap and thought about catching up.

But since the reign of Emperor Daoguang, we have been chasing and losing all the way. We have lost our national prestige, our economy, our people's hearts, and even our national backbone has been broken! How much gold, silver, and jewelry have the great powers plundered from us? How can we learn from the foreigners and defeat them?"

This is an indisputable fact. As a person from later generations, Wang Yi, who has witnessed the country's economic take-off, knows this very well.

Even if the country's power soared in the future, and it took only 70 years to complete the journey that others took 200 years to complete, Wang Yi could not and did not dare to think about the price he paid in the process. But even so, in many core technologies, weren't they still strangled by the Americans and their minions?

Otherwise, when Wang Yi returned to this era, he would not have lamented that his natural talent for cultivation as a time traveler was not as useful as a computer that could connect to the Internet.

Because a computer that can connect to the Internet, if given to the right person at the right time, can bring much greater help to the country than achieving enlightenment yourself.

After all, Wang Yi had no interest in ascending to heaven, but the reality was that Wang Yi did not have a computer that could connect to the Internet. He only had a talent for cultivation and a vision from later generations.

These are the cards he has in his hand, so naturally he has to play them differently!
Lu Guangda in front of him was the first chip he had to win! As for Zhang Zhiwei... Eh? Who was Zhang Zhiwei?
"Let's take what we practitioners said just now as an example. If you want to surpass a genius who started earlier than you, there are only a few ways. You can either get the power transmission and initiation from the senior masters to close the gap between you and the genius, or you have to find a new way to overtake and save the country in a roundabout way!"

"Brother Wang, your statement is interesting. How do we apply this to a country?" Lu Guangda was also intrigued by Wang Yi's analogy, so he took over the conversation and asked Wang Yi to continue explaining it to him.

"In a country, it's very simple. The senior masters pass on their skills and empower each other, which is nothing more than letting a strong country help a weak country. But this doesn't apply to us."


"How can I allow others to sleep beside my bed? If we want to make our country strong, how much aid will we need? Besides, will they be so kind to help us? The Boxer Indemnity is not far away from us."

"What do you mean by overtaking on a curve, opening up a new path, or saving the country by taking a detour?"

Lu Guangda nodded in agreement. This was how it was with some things. Those involved were often confused while those who were watching could see things more clearly. Even if there were bloody lessons ahead, sometimes there was no choice.

Don't the later generations know that the kind father gave them all sugar-coated bullets? But they are playing an open conspiracy. An open conspiracy is something that you know is a trap, but you still have to jump into it because you have no choice. This country needs this layer of sugar coating.

On this point, even if Wang Yi went to confront the gentleman now and explained the pros and cons, it would be useless because the country's strength is like this and there is no choice.

What Wang Yi can do is to start planning from now on. In this way, even if the sugar-coated bullets appear according to the historical trajectory, he will have to eat them, but the autonomy of how much to eat may be in his hands. Who knows, he can even ask others to eat his sugar-coated bullets. Of course, whether it will succeed is still unknown. Focusing on the present is the key.

"These three statements are actually a method, which is to discover what we have that others don't have, and use this to break the deadlock!"

"What do we have?" Lu Guangda frowned. Even with his amazing wisdom, he still couldn't think of what this impoverished and weak country had that the great powers didn't have. "Brother Wang, you're not talking about population and land, are you? Isn't that the same as the Qing Dynasty, where we ceded land and paid compensation to get by?"

"Brother Lu, your acting skills as an intellectual are really not that good, not even as good as those of a street performer, stop making me laugh."

Wang Yi was amused by Lu Guangda's poor acting. He was so heroic before, and he must have lost his mind to teach Lu Guangda these things. Wang Yi pointed at himself, Lu Guangda, Liang Ting who was already confused, and the disciples of the Yiren Sect who were greeting each other downstairs, and said something shocking.

"Brother Lu, we have inherited extraordinary skills that have been passed down for thousands of years in this land. Even the foreign powers do not have them. We have unique advantages. Do you remember what I called my skills just now?"

At this time, Lu Guangda finally came to his senses. Looking at Wang Yi, who had a calm and smiling face in front of him, he was once again shocked by Wang Yi's amazing wisdom.

"Wang Yi, you are going crazy!"

This was the first time that Lu Guangda called Wang Yi's name seriously. With his way of thinking, how could he not understand what Wang Yi was talking about?
But as a science student, Lu Guangda had to admit that, taking Wang Yi's human body magnetic field as an example, combining the extraordinary methods of various schools with modern science might produce an effect of 1+1 greater than 2, thus achieving overtaking on the curve.

However, this idea was so bold and crazy that Lu Guangda found it hard to accept.

(End of this chapter)

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