Under One Person: One Person Goes

Chapter 39: The Past of the Alien People's Republic, Planning for the Future

Chapter 39: The Past of the Alien People's Republic, Planning for the Future (Part )

"Wang Yi, you are going crazy!"

In the private room on the second floor of Lu's Restaurant, Lu Guangda listened to Wang Yi's shocking words and could not help but stand up. His voice became louder and louder, and he called Wang Yi's name directly.

But fortunately, they were talking in a private room, and no matter how loud Lu Guangda spoke, he knew the impact.

But Lu Guangda's low roar made Liang Ting, who was listening to Wang Yi and Lu Guangda's conversation, confused. No, why did he start roaring when they were chatting so happily?

Wang Yi smiled as he looked at this future big name in nuclear physics. He could understand him. After all, his idea was quite unorthodox for the strange sects in the current world.

"Brother Lu, if you want to change this world, how can you not be a little crazy? If I don't become a lunatic in the eyes of ordinary people, then I will become an ordinary person. Ordinary people will not think of interpreting the Reversal of the Eight Directions from the perspective of the four fundamental forces of the universe. Ordinary people can only go with the flow in this distorted world and passively wait for the arrival of peaceful times. If I am not crazy? Then why were there so many practitioners of the Reversal of the Eight Directions before me, including my master, Ghost Hand King, why didn't anyone truly turn the Reversal of the Eight Directions into the human body's magnetic field, but after me, in the world of strange people, the Reversal of the Eight Directions can be renamed the human body's magnetic field!"


Lu Guangda was left speechless by Wang Yi's rebuttal. Looking at his peer in front of him who was smiling with bright eyes, he could only sit back in his chair and said "crazy guy" in dissatisfaction.

Wang Yi was very pleased with this.

He already understood what Wang Yi meant by "saving the country in a roundabout way". That was to combine the various sects in the current world of strange people, their methods that had been passed down for at least a thousand years, with modern science, in order to help improve the country's national strength in the current world and when peace comes in the future.

It sounds like a fantasy, but after Lu Guangda carefully thought about it in his mind, he realized that this might be the only way to overtake others and catch up with the progress of the great powers.

Because Wang Yi was right, some technologies cannot be directly applied to reality after learning them. Every scientific theory needs countless calculations and experiments from academic discussion to reality. Lu Guangda is very clear that the current national strength does not support them to do so. But if there are aliens joining, perhaps this process can be shortened several times!
For example, the Mojin Rougu Sect is famous in the world of strange people for its mechanical arts. However, if the mechanical arts inherited from the period of the Hundred Schools of Thought are combined with modern science, would the so-called mechanical prostheses appear earlier?

Someone needs to take the first step, and someone needs to accept the interpretation from modern science.

Thinking of this, Lu Guangda turned his gaze to Liang Ting, who had been listening to the conversation between him and Wang Yi.

"Brother Liang, I haven't asked you before, which sect are you from?"

"The Ink-Tendon Soft Bone Sect."

"If one day, Brother Wang Yi asks you to reveal all the inheritance of your sect, will you agree?"

Liang Ting looked at Wang Yi, then at Lu Guangda, and replied, "Although I was born in the Mojin Rougu Sect, all my inheritance was learned in the Qianji Cave of the sect. If he wants it, I will give it to him. If he needs anything, I will agree to it or not."

Hearing this answer, Lu Guangda felt a headache. Another lunatic!
How could someone just give the roots of his own sect to someone else like this!
He didn't understand why Liang Ting could be so straightforward, but Lu Guangda's reason told him that only in this way could the country move towards a path of prosperity and strength faster in the future! As for which sects' inheritances could be combined with modern science, Wang Yi did not give an answer. It seemed that there would be no specific answer, and it would all depend on the situation at that time.

"Brother Lu, I have read a book. It tells about a conversation between King Huiwen of Qin and the old Qin nobles during the Warring States Period about restoring the Qin law before Shang Yang's reform. King Huiwen of Qin said that in times of great contention, the nations frequently fight each other. The strong will become stronger, and the weak will perish! Today's world is no longer the world of one family or one surname, but a world of disputes among the great powers. The words of King Huiwen of Qin during the Warring States Period are not outdated for today. China has been poor and weak for so long that it is difficult to reverse the situation! You think I am talking nonsense, but have you ever thought that I may be the first person to come up with this idea, but I will definitely not be the last!
I am afraid that the second person who proposed this idea and realized it is not one of us, but an overseas person. You don't think that those overseas people with heritage will not change, right? This is the way of the world today. If you are slow, you will be slow at every step! The things in your hands must change! The things in your mind must change even more! If you don't change, then we will really be destroyed, and the great powers will never give up their intention to destroy China! I don't want to come to Jiangnan again one day, and Jiangnan has become an overseas territory of some great power. That's not called traveling around the world, that's called going abroad!"

"How dare they! If that day ever comes, my Lu family will never become slaves of a conquered nation! We will only shed our last drop of blood in this Jiangnan land!"

Wang Yi's serious words and sincere tone seemed to tell Lu Guangda that this was not alarmist, but a future that might really happen! In an instant, even Liang Ting was stimulated. His chest rose and fell, and he looked at Wang Yi, as if asking whether these words were true or false.

"Why wouldn't they dare? Brother Lu, you are studying at Yanjing University. There are many books in the school. Aren't there many similar things in the books? Since the end of the Tang Dynasty, the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms have been in chaos. The Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun in the north have been disconnected from the south for more than 400 years from the Song Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty. If it weren't for Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty who rebuilt China! Emperor Taizong of the Ming Dynasty moved the capital to Shuntian and bridged the north and the south! The Han people in the north and the south have long been alienated and regarded each other as enemies! Today's China is in a worse situation than during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, not better!"

"Then Brother Wang, do you want to be the Ming Taizu or Ming Taizong? And am I your Li Shanchang? And this Brother Liang Ting is your Chang Yuchun?"

"Oh! The emperor is gone, and I know my own worth. This world needs more than just a Ming Taizu or Ming Taizong. I am more like a martyr, a martyr who will give everything for this country and for the prosperity of this nation! I have been preparing myself mentally since I became successful in my practice."

Wang Yi smiled freely, drank the tea in the cup and looked at the scenery outside the window.

It is difficult for anyone to understand why Wang Yi has such extreme and paranoid mood and thoughts.

But Wang Yi knew in his heart that he was a vulgar man, a mediocre man. He relied on nothing more than his talent for cultivation. Apart from that, he had no other strengths. He could suppress Lu Guangda verbally because of the perspective of later generations and his ability to talk on paper. Sometimes, talking on paper can often have an inspiring effect, but how to sustain this effect and turn it into a victory is what others should do.

Lu Guangda had a complicated look in his eyes. He looked at Wang Yi, who said calmly in front of him that if he was asked to die one day, he would be happy to die. He was completely unable to understand.

"Brother Wang Yi, the conversation we had today is not something that a person who has been accepted as a disciple by the Ghost Hand King of Quan Xing Sect can say. Wang Yi, you have a secret in your heart, a big secret!"

"Yes, I have a secret in my heart. If Brother Lu wants to hear it, I will tell you everything I know."

"I don't want to listen. Just listening to what you're saying now is enough to make me lose my mind. If I keep listening, I'm afraid I won't be able to concentrate on my book. This is not what you, Wang Yi, want to see. I guess it's just my bad luck that I ran into this. You, Wang Yi, are really a born lunatic!"

Lu Guangda rarely cursed, but a smile appeared on his face. He was a passionate patriotic young man, and the reason he was confused was that he was worried about the future of the country.

But now after talking with Wang Yi, the confusion disappeared, and there was only a sense of urgency in his heart. One step slow, every step slow. This is true for cultivation and for a strong country. They have slowed down too much. Even if they start running now, it will take a long time to catch up. From Wang Yi's words, Lu Guangda understood that they did not have much time!
Thinking of this, Lu Guangda could no longer sit still. He needed to go back and re-plan his future study abroad trip. It would be best if he could bring along a few like-minded classmates with talents comparable to his own. As for the high tuition fees for studying abroad, his Lu family didn't have much else, and having settled in Jiangnan for so long, they were not short of money!
"What you said today is like thunder in my ears. I will immediately return to the capital after the birthday banquet for my grandfather to go through the formalities of going abroad. I don't know when I will see you again. These days, I will pay for all the expenses of Brother Wang Yi and Brother Liang at Lu's Restaurant. I can only thank Brother Wang Yi for his enlightenment with this small token of my gratitude."

After understanding what he wanted to do in the future, Lu Guangda couldn't sit still for a moment. There were too many things he needed to plan when he returned. He knew that Wang Yi couldn't help him much in this regard, and he didn't need Wang Yi's help. He also had his own pride.

"It's just my opinion. In the end, it's up to you to make the decision, Brother Lu. As for the day we meet again, there will be a day. I hope that when we meet again, it will be the day when China takes off."

"The day when China takes off? Great! Just based on this sentence, I will return to my country even if I die!"

"Brother Lu, you can't die. To be disrespectful, even if everyone here dies, you can't die. We still have to rely on you to forge swords for the country! Your physics major will be of great use!"

At this point, Wang Yi didn't care anymore and hurried to plant the seeds in Lu Guangda's mind. After all, nuclear physics is mostly theoretical now, and it will take another 20 years to turn it into a weapon or electricity. Wang Yi naturally couldn't postpone or advance the realization of this technology, but if he could, he wanted Lu Guangda to be the first person to eat this cake, only in this way can he avoid many detours.

"Forge swords for the country? Physics? You're not saying that this major will have great development in the future? Even applied to weapons?"

"Why not? I use the four fundamental forces of the universe to interpret the human body's magnetic field. The electromagnetic force and gravity alone have benefited me a lot. Although I am gifted, without these, even if I am strong, how can I be strong enough to knock Lu Jin unconscious with just the Eight Directions Reversal? Again, this is true for cultivation, and even more so for a strong country. There are some things that must be guarded against. I don't want to see such a future, because it means we have lost."

At this point, Wang Yi can be said to have leaked the secret. In the world under One Person, you can know the future, but there will be a price to pay for leaking this future.

But Wang Yi took a trick. He spoke these things in a tone of speculation, and the person who listened was Lu Guangda, a top student in nuclear physics. For ordinary people, these things need to be explained in detail and with evidence, but for Lu Guangda, it only takes a brief mention. He will plant an idea in his mind and infer it from the most rigorous academic perspective until he is sure that this speculative thing is a very likely fact. By then, Lu Guangda has already boarded the pirate ship and went to the United States. He will only work harder to learn and master those theories.

As he spoke, Wang Yi also threw to Lu Guangda the experience he had summarized during this period on how to reverse the eight directions and transform into the human body's magnetic field. Although even he himself did not quite understand this experience, for Lu Guangda, he was the one who could understand the truth the fastest.

No reason, because he is a science student!

"To learn the human body's magnetic field, talent is one aspect, but the most important thing is cognition. Brother Lu, although you are a disciple of Li Shuwen, the master of Baji, you have to be on guard everywhere when you travel across the ocean. It is easy to dodge an open attack but difficult to guard against an arrow from the dark. Having more methods may give you more ways to survive. This method may have different effects in my hands and in your hands."

Lu Guangda looked at the notebook of only a dozen pages in his hand and could feel Wang Yi's sincerity towards him. He glanced through it and accepted it.

"Although I don't know if your nonsense will come true, I will pay attention to it. In addition, I don't recommend you to continue studying the four fundamental forces of the universe, the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force. Just focus on the electromagnetic force and gravity. The theory of the first two is too immature, and there is still a long way to go before you can apply them in practice. After I go back, I will have someone sort out my notes on electromagnetic force and gravity in the past few years, and you can study them carefully."

"Look, isn't this another example of the combination of modern science and traditional metaphysics, Brother Lu?"

"Damn it! You talk like a Quan Xing, whatever you say is reasonable! Let's go!"

Lu Guangda ran out of the box as if he was escaping for his life, leaving only Wang Yi and Liang Ting. However, Wang Yi looked at Lu Guangda's embarrassed escape through the window and just smiled.

Because he knew that the seeds of the future had been planted in Lu Guangda's heart. He only hoped that in the future, it would grow into a towering tree that would protect the country. Then his coming to this era would be meaningful.

"Yi Wang."

"Huh?" Wang turned around and saw Liang Ting looking at him.

“What will the future of world peace look like?”

"Will the world be peaceful in the future?" Wang Yi thought about the future scene that only existed in his mind, and slowly said: "The country is peaceful and the people are safe, the mountains and rivers are unified, no one will starve to death, parents can afford to raise their children, children can go to school, and people will greet each other without calling each other "little man" or "master"..."

“Will there be such peace?”

Liang Ting was puzzled. After two months of traveling around the world, his mental illness was slowly fading away. However, looking at the half-naked refugees during his travels, Liang Ting felt the evil of the world and was doubtful.

"Yes, and it's not far from us."

"how do you know?"

Wang Yi didn't answer. He just looked at the town outside the window and answered Liang Ting's question in his heart.

'Because I have seen it.'

 Some book friends said that there are bugs in the timeline. There is nothing we can do about it. According to the outline here, many timelines of the original works need to be modified.

  As for why the Ghost Hand King died before the birthday banquet of the old man of the Lu family, I have already laid the groundwork, which is explained in the previous chapters thirteen to fifteen.
(End of this chapter)

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