I killed the film and television world

Chapter 249 Explosive Killing

Chapter 249 Explosive Killing (Combined)

On the glass door of carriage No. 4

The alchemist player hung limply on it, with the spear piercing his eye socket and nailing him to the laminated glass.

The blood-stained head was drooping slightly, and the body was also hanging there by the spear.

In full view of everyone, Song Ren walked to the door, raised his hand and pulled out the spear, with broken human tissue still on the tip.

The alchemist player's body completely collapsed.

On the laminated glass at the back, there were now irregular and dense cracks like a spider web.

In the middle was a bloody hole.

At this moment, a dark eye was staring straight at Song Ren across from him through the hole, and his cold voice was free of any extra emotion: "Oh, it's you."

The glass door of carriage number four was opened from the inside.

Led by a tall and mighty player captain, a group of six players, some squatting and some standing, guarded behind the door.

Although the group was silent, they each had their own aura.

Three men and three women——

Song Ren's eyes swept over them one by one.

Except for the bastard in the lead who had a darker red color on his body, the others were mostly light red.

There are several people whose appearance is not even as good as that of alchemy players.

This group of people was weaker than he expected.

The player captain glanced at his teammate who was lying on the ground, kicked his completely dead body, and said softly, "How tragic! You were killed by a native. You really bring shame to us."

He turned around and looked Song Ren up and down, and finally raised his eyebrows frivolously: "Hey, who the hell are you?"

It is impossible for ordinary humans to kill an alchemy player so easily without taking any damage.

Could it be that the Lord God adjusted the difficulty of the task?

Something strange happened among the zombies?

But I didn’t receive any prompt!
The player captain wanted to get closer, but a female player behind him grabbed his arm:

"Wait, Captain, there's something wrong with this guy's combat value."

The female player had a long pigtail, a few freckles on her face, and a pair of translucent plain glasses on her nose.

This flat mirror is a special item she bought from the Lord God, which has the function of analyzing the opponent's combat value.

However, this plain mirror can only be regarded as a low-end version of the combat power detector.

It can only detect opponents who are lower than itself or almost as good as itself.

Only with the bonus of her high luck value can she occasionally measure some combat values ​​that are stronger than her opponents, but such results are very unstable.

For example, now, the data recorded on the flat mirror makes her a little unsure.

[Threat level: black and red]

[Combat Value: 800, 900, 1000...]

The combat value can be said to be very volatile. When it is high, it can easily exceed 1,000, and when it is low, it can drop to around 800.

The female player compared her own combat value of over 700 with the captain's of over 1,000. Logically speaking, this level of combat value would not make her feel panic.

But the threat level of that red-to-black color was too outrageous.

Even the captain of the thousand-strong team was only dark red.

But the supporting role in the movie in front of him was shown in black and red.

This is simply unreasonable!

After hearing her concerns, the captain's face suddenly darkened: "Rainbow, please test our group's current fortune."


Song Ren calmly watched the team's playful behavior, and did not rush to take action. Instead, he waved to the passengers around him and said, "This is none of your business, go away."

The passengers in carriage number five immediately felt as if they had been granted amnesty and hurriedly retreated to carriage number six.

The people in carriage No. 4 retreated to carriage No. 3, and even crowded together in carriage No. 2.

Moreover, all the passengers closed the glass doors of their respective carriages tightly.

The players were not in a hurry to take action. Rainbow, the girl with glasses, took out a bamboo stick tube, closed her eyes and shook it sincerely, and a black bamboo stick immediately jumped out of the empty tube.

One of the players asked, "How is it?"

Caihong held the bamboo stick with a bad look on her face: "A bad fortune..."

The player captain also looked embarrassed.

In the team, a female player with long wavy blond hair asked hurriedly: "Rainbow, can you please pray for everyone's good or bad luck again..."

Not far away, Song Ren saw that all the passengers had left, but these players were still praying to the gods endlessly.

He took out a bone-cutting knife and interrupted directly: "Don't beg, there is no need."

As he spoke, his gaze became increasingly sharp.

His calm eyes gazed upon the players of the infinite world.

Now that the time has come, there's no point in begging for this or that.

Deep down, Song Ren was somewhat disdainful of the behavior of these players.

Holding the knife in one hand, the fierce look in his eyes became more and more intense.

What’s the use of praying to gods and Buddhas?

Life, death, happiness and honor are all in the hands of God!
Song Ren's feet rubbed violently against the floor of the train, making a hot friction sound, and his figure rushed out in an instant!
The captain of the player team was shocked. He was standing at the front and was naturally the first to be hit. He shouted loudly on the spot: "Vajra is indestructible!!!"

His entire body turned into a glittering golden color in just a moment.

Song Ren's figure approached, the fierceness in his eyes deepened, and he twisted his waist and slashed with a knife with full explosive power.

The sharp blade chopped the opponent's neck, splashing some mottled sparks, but the blade did not penetrate the flesh at all.

Instead, the player captain delivered a powerful punch, the wind from the punch was whistling, extremely fierce!
But when it reached Song Ren's waist, his left hand stretched out in advance and blocked his fist.

Song Ren moved forward, bent his knee and thrust his knee upward, like a heavy artillery, hitting the player captain's chest!

Dang! ! !
With a heavy metallic collision sound, the player captain was knocked up by a knee.

He tried to hold the back of Song Ren's head with his hands, but Song Ren turned his palm and hit him hard on the bridge of his nose with the handle of the bone-cutting knife.

He fell back into the crowd of players with his head tilted back, and was supported by other teammates.

The other players all looked unhappy.

Among all the players, the captain is the strongest.

He not only possesses decades of profound internal strength, but also has advanced martial arts that are known as the Vajra Indestructible Body.

Even in the world of martial arts, he is a big shot.

But in the brief fight just now, not only did he not gain any advantage, but he was easily suppressed by his opponent and was beaten back in just a few moves.

Although he was not injured thanks to his indestructible body, his opponent's close combat power was indeed a bit exaggerated this time.

The gloom in the eyes of the player captain became more and more obvious, and he said hatefully: "Damn, this thing is not right, let's attack together."

The other players looked at each other and finally nodded in unison.

The player captain still took the lead and attacked proactively like a beef cattle.

His whole body is shining with golden light, but he walks very fast!

Bang bang!

Two gunshots from behind!
Two metal bullets flew past the player captain's ears, creating slow ripples of sound in the air.

It came into Song Ren's sight at an extremely fast speed. Song Ren had already leaned down in advance, but the two bullets turned a corner out of thin air!

This scene also made Song Ren's eyes flash with surprise, and he turned his face to the side quickly.

The two metal bullets grazed his cheeks, the hot bullets cut two burning bloody marks on his face, and finally shot into the seat next to him.

At the same time, the player captain was approaching.

Malice was evident in his eyes, and his golden fists were as big as sandbags!

The rich inner strength gathered in his arms, and his fists were like the roar of a tiger. He attacked with all his might, and shouted, "Demon Subduing Fist!"

Dark blood beads splashed on Song Ren's cheeks because of the blood grooves, and the fierce look in his eyes became more intense.

He faced the powerful fists of the player captain, raised his head suddenly, and laughed grimly: "Fuck you!"

Want to fight me in close combat?

You are such a retard!

When he leaned over, his left foot arched forward, suddenly pushing open the player captain's lower body.

Forcing his fists to deflect a little, Song Ren approached him closely and pressed his palm between his ribs!

The waist is like a dragon, and the shoulders and elbows exert force!
With the dull sound of metallic collision, the player captain staggered backwards!

Song Ren changed his palm into a fist and threw a punch at a very close distance!
The player captain retreats again!

Song Ren took a step forward to catch up almost at the same time, and finally, like drawing a bow, he punched the player captain in the ribs for the third time.

A blue arc of electricity flashed on the fist bone!

The punch was extra powerful!

The player captain's expression changed drastically in an instant.

This punch was fierce in itself, and it was three consecutive hits at the same place.

Coupled with the flashing arc of lightning, it directly broke his indestructible body!
The player captain raised his head in pain, and even though he clenched his teeth and held on, a large mouthful of fishy and sweet taste still surged in his throat!
Blood spurted out and the whole person was knocked flying!
However, at the moment when the player captain was beaten back.

Rainbow in the distance clasped her hands in front of her, made a special gesture, and aimed at Song Ren from a distance!
Secret technique: the art of turning the mind!
An invisible ripple seemed to appear in the air!

Song Ren sensed a hint of danger and suddenly bent down, while at the same time he exerted all his strength and swung his arm suddenly!
The bone-cutting knife flew out of his hand!

The blade flashing with cold light came in an instant and cut Rainbow's two closed fingers into two pieces. The bloody severed fingers fell off, but the blade pierced through her chest!
The handle of the knife was stuck deep in the ribs in front of him.

Rainbow's face was filled with shock, and then she quickly collapsed and fell to the ground with a thud.

At the same time, another male player suddenly shouted in surprise: "My baby caught him!"

Song Ren also noticed that around him, a huge python was emerging from the transparency and had now tightly wrapped around his entire body.

The giant python as thick as a bucket was creepy. It spit out a scarlet tongue and its cold snake eyes were looking down at Song Ren condescendingly.

The other players were overjoyed when they saw this scene!
One of them drew out a pitch-black sword, leaped over and stabbed Song Ren in the middle of his eyebrows with the sword.

The player captain wiped the blood from his mouth and rushed back with a grim smile: "You bastard, you're fucking dead!!!"

There was another person, the female player who first shot the curved bullet.

At this moment, she had re-stuffed the special bullet covered with runes and pointed the gun at Song Ren!

The last player waved a black and white soul-calling banner, directly summoning five evil spirits, which were wrapped in a strong murderous aura and rushed towards Song Renfei!

In just a moment, the players all used their killing moves!

Song Ren turned his head away expressionlessly, took a deep breath and suddenly looked back.

The inheritance emblem with the word "roar" on the chest has become extremely hot at this moment!
Roar! ! !
A fierce sound like a sharp knife suddenly came!
The first to be hit was the player with the sword. He was still in the air, and his whole face seemed to have hit an invisible wall!

The whole person fell down instantly, and as his body leaned backward, blood spurted out from all his seven orifices!

The black sword fell weakly to the ground, and the player holding the sword fell down like a ball of mud.

The player captain who followed closely behind was more observant. He quickly covered his ears almost the moment Song Ren shouted.

But even so, the terrifying sound that seemed to pierce through his skin and bones still made him lose his balance and fall to one knee.

Afterwards, five evil spirits swooped over. Although they were invisible and colorless and only vague traces could be seen, they were also directly dispersed by the terrifying sound waves in an instant!
Before the female player with the gun could even pull the trigger, blood oozed from all her orifices and she was staggering and unable to stand steadily.

The same goes for the player holding the banner.

Even the passengers hiding in other carriages, despite the multiple layers of barrier of laminated glass doors, squatted down, covering their ears in pain!

The only thing that stood firm was the huge evil python that was wrapped around Song Ren. No one knew what it was.

At the closest distance, the impact is minimal.

It just shook its huge python head and then stared at Song Ren again.


The scarlet snake tongue was sticking out, and the sharp fangs were already showing their edge.

The sturdy body began to tighten continuously!
However, in the next moment, a blue arc of lightning bloomed!
The lightning that was surging all over Song Ren's body suddenly appeared again!
Stimulated by this, the python's body suddenly relaxed.

Song Ren took advantage of this opportunity to grab the giant python's head and took out a grenade in the blink of an eye!

Throw it directly into the python's mouth and close its upper and lower jaws tightly.

Boom! ! !
A dull explosion sounded in the python's mouth!

The huge snake's head and body broke apart on the spot, and flesh and blood powder splattered everywhere!
The corresponding player was already staggering from the impact of the sound waves. He now fell to his knees, supporting himself with his hands, and coughed up mouthfuls of blood from his throat.

As if it was free, he kept coughing up blood foam mixed with fragments of internal organs onto the train.

His entire face was pale, and while covering the bleeding corner of his mouth, he looked up at Song Ren with great effort, and said very weakly: "Give it back to me..."

Song Ren threw away the only remaining huge snake head.

Almost at the same time as the snake's head rolled to the ground, the man died on the spot.

In the carriage, among the four players who were still lucky enough to survive, the player holding the black sword was seriously injured and unconscious.

The player captain's face also turned pale. The two female players holding the banner and the gun barely stood up with the help of others, and their eyes were full of fear when they looked at Song Ren.


This is an absolute monster!!!

The two women no longer had the courage to face Song Ren and turned around to flee.

Song Ren took out the compound bow and calmly drew the bow and put the arrow on it despite the player captain's unpleasant look on his face.

The bowstring is full!

Two triangular arrows flew into the air one after another!

Arrows flew past!

Two frightened female players were shot through the back of the head by arrows one after another, and fell to the ground halfway through their escape.

Song Renze retracted the compound bow and finally looked at the only remaining player captain.

His whole body was still shining with golden light, but there was a little blood at the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, he had already gritted his teeth, and while he hated Song Ren immensely, he also felt a little bit of fear, and gnashed his teeth and said, "What kind of monster are you? Why are you attacking us!"

He could see that the other party was targeting him and others the whole time.

If they were the opponents of this team battle, the mad dogs in the circus, he could barely believe it, but those mad dogs hadn't arrived yet.

This doesn't make sense at all!

Song Ren walked over and sneered, "Why are there so many whys? If you really want to say something, just think that I don't like you."

When the player captain heard these familiar words, his back teeth creaked.

Grass mud horse!
Just because of that random kick he gave earlier, this bastard actually wanted to kill our entire team!
Damn it! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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