Chapter 250 Death

Song Ren finally moved his shoulders and neck, and his cold eyes fell on the player captain.

In the adult world, there is no such thing as right or wrong.

Once you provoke a conflict, you must be brave enough to take responsibility for the consequences.

Either you die or I die!
Song Ren's murderous aura was like boiling water, overflowing with murderous intent!
The player captain's face became increasingly grim.

Even when facing those mad dogs in the circus, he was not as flustered as he is now.

The murderous intent of the person in front of him was so strong that he would not stop until he died.

In the state of the little golden man, he noticed that Song Ren had begun to crouch, his steps were staggered forward and backward, and his feet were tiptoed deeply!

The moment Song Ren was about to take action, he was like a beast about to be released from a cage!

The player captain was so violently stimulated that violent emotions were constantly rolling in his eyes.

After all, he is the leader of a group, and he is also very fierce.

Damn it, you really think I’m a soft persimmon!
Go to Nima!

The player captain could no longer bear the oppressive aura and raised his head and let out a long howl.

The powerful internal energy in the body flows through every part of the body and activates the internal energy techniques.

The next moment, he brazenly chose to take the initiative to attack!
His movements were extremely fast, and he rushed out like a dragon!

Song Ren was not afraid at all, instead there was a hint of excitement in his eyes!

He likes this kind of reckless opponent who likes close combat.


In the narrow train aisle, two figures collided violently!
Bajiquan, top elbow!
Song Ren stood firmly with his waist as solid as a rock, and raised his elbow to strike at a very close distance, avoiding the opponent's golden palm and counter-elbowed him into the chest!
With a sound like a huge bell!
The lightning arc jumping between the elbows also spread all over the player captain's body.

The tingling pain erodes the nerves!

The body fell into a brief state of stiffness!

Song Ren's fingertips were like iron hooks, digging into the player captain's clavicle.

Use both hands to carry it!
Bending his knees and moving upwards, he was already hitting his chest!

There was another sound like a huge bell.

The lightning arc still irritates the player captain's nerves.

However, this time, the player captain had already anticipated this. With a stable mentality, his indestructible body would not be broken so easily.

But even so, the exploding lightning arc still made his whole body numb.

Especially after Song Ren gained the upper hand with one move, the overall suppression was extremely exaggerated!
After the knee strike, Song Ren used his extremely agile backhand to follow up with three consecutive hits!
Then, when he was about to seize the opportunity to lock his throat, the player captain's head, which had been lowered due to the beating, suddenly raised up!

His eyes bulged out, his face turned red, and a black date pit suddenly popped out from his bulging cheeks, like a shooting steel nail!

At such a close distance, Song Ren's reaction was a beat slow, and the date pit cut a deep bloody mark on his cheek as he turned sideways.

As blood flowed down his cheeks and into the corners of his mouth, the player captain took advantage of this attack to catch his breath. He suddenly raised his hand and poked a finger at Song Ren's heart!
Powerful Vajra Finger!
The powerful finger force is enough to cut metal and break stone, it is unstoppable!

But no matter how sharp the spear is, it is useless if it cannot hit the person.

He used two fingers together to poke out the powerful Vajra Finger, but at the last moment, Song Ren blocked it with one hand!

After all, no matter how high the martial arts skills are or how deep the internal strength is, it is ultimately wielded by humans.

The player captain and Song Ren are more than one level apart in close combat skills.

As a result, the player captain's skills were obviously very strong but he still couldn't get the point, and every move was controlled by Song Ren.

At the moment of intercepting the Vajra Finger, Song Ren also took a step back, and the cold light in his eyes flashed again!
He twisted the two fingers and broke them back violently!
The player captain's face changed drastically, and his body involuntarily knelt down!

But Song Ren's methods were extremely ruthless. While bending it downwards, he continued to retreat.

As a result, the player captain could only half-kneel on the ground, staggering and crawling on his knees, looking really embarrassed.

Click! ! !

Finally, the sound of the bone breaking was crisp and pleasant.

The player captain's face suddenly turned pale, and his indestructible body was broken again!
Song Ren almost bent the two fingers together onto the back of his hand, and the joints of the fingers were completely broken.

The player captain's face was almost distorted, and he puffed up his cheeks again, wanting to try again.

But before he could spit out the date pit that was rushing into his throat, Song Ren suddenly lifted his jaw with his palm.

He hooked his fingertips and dug them into the bone gap between the jaws.

A twist!

The lower jaw was removed by Song Ren on the spot!

The pain in the player captain's eyes became more and more obvious.

He raised his left hand and slapped it down with his strong internal force, and the rest would be saved if he attacked!

But Song Ren's eyes were vicious. He turned away in advance and covered his hand to wipe along his arm, finally stopping on his left wrist.

He pulled it forward with force, causing the player captain to stagger.

Song Ren's left fist, like a heavy artillery, hit the player captain's left elbow joint violently.


The sound of bones breaking is still so crisp.

The left elbow joint was bent inwards to a high degree, and a large area of ​​skin and flesh was bruised and swollen!
The severe pain from broken bones and tendons was simply unbearable for him.

But after his lower jaw was removed, the player captain had difficulty speaking normally and could only make hoarse whimpers.

The pain made his eyes turn red!
However, Song Ren was still merciless. He turned around and kicked him in the side of the face, sending him flying towards the window of the train.

Before the player captain's body fell, Song Ren's pursuit had already caught up!

The five straight and close-fitting fingers pierced deeply into the player captain's ribs, with most of the knuckles sinking into the intercostal membrane.

The player captain vomited a large mouthful of blood, and mottled blood spots splattered half of Song Ren's cheek.

But his eyes were still filled with a cold light.

After the poke, Song Ren fully displayed his martial arts skills on the player captain!

The attack was as fast as a rainstorm.

Tiger and crane double form, meridian nail, crane kiss, hook hand, eagle claw, small opening stele, finger mace, three flowers...

Mainly using palm, claw and finger techniques, aiming to completely tear apart the player captain's indestructible body as quickly as possible!

In between his vicious moves, Song Ren would often create arcs of lightning, completely sealing the player captain's last breath within his body.

The vigorous attack lasted for almost a minute!

By the time Song Ren stopped, the player captain's entire chest was already a bloody mess, and sticky blood flowed down his broken body onto the train.

Mottled blood spots were all over the car windows and nearby seats.

The player captain's broken body slid down in a daze, his head drooping silently, his pupils having lost focus, his jaw resting on the flesh on his chest.

The left arm was fractured and two fingers on the right hand were broken.

The most horrifying part was the chest, where large pieces of flesh and bones had been completely shattered.

The whole person died on the spot without a sound!


The entire carriage was covered with blurred spots of blood.

Especially Song Ren's whole body, which seemed to be stained with thick blood. Although most of the blood was from others, Song Ren's cheeks were also broken.

The three cuts were of varying depths.

Although it was not a big problem overall, he was so busy attacking that the wound on his face had seeped a lot of blood, most of which flowed down his cheek to his collarbone.

Song Ren raised his hand to wipe the blood off his face, then took out a few large-sized band-aids and put them on the wounds.

Then he followed the slight movement from behind and turned to look at the Black Sword player who was struggling to get up.

Before this, this man was hit by Song Ren's roar at a close distance, and was directly hit hard and seriously injured and fell into a coma.

It was not until now that the Black Sword player came to his senses a little.

Right now, he is the only one left in the seven-member player group belonging to the protagonist camp.

He covered his dizzy head and stood up shakily.

As he scanned the area, the first thing that caught his eye was the bodies of the various members of the group lying down in all directions.

They lay miserably in every corner of the carriage.

The causes of death are varied and different.

The Black Sword player's gaze finally fell on the captain under the train window.

The scene there made him stunned.

The miserable state of the captain that came into his sight made him feel as if his heart had jumped into his throat for a moment.

The captain is dead...

And his death was so miserable!

The completely smashed chest, the broken bones, the horrific death, every condition showed the terrifying degree of the opponent this time.

The Black Sword player was holding onto the chair next to him, struggling to stand still.

Until now, his tinnitus is still very severe, and the urge to retch is very strong, but he suppressed it.

At this moment, his eyes inevitably fell on Song Ren.

All their teammates, even the captain, were dead, so the worst that could happen to their opponents was...

This thought just came up and died down in an instant.

Because the Black Sword player didn't find any obvious wounds on Song Ren's body, only a few band-aids on his face?
This discovery made him feel a little desperate.

The entire team almost died, but in the end only two band-aids were left on the opponent's face. How can this be accepted?

Although the Black Sword player was terrified, he did not back down.

He knew very well that it was too late to run away in this situation.

Gripping the sharp blade in his hand, he gritted his teeth and said, "What the hell are you, you monster!"

Song Ren was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and just walked towards him calmly.

The evil spirit all over his body brought the pressure to its maximum.

The Black Sword player's teeth were almost broken, and deep fear appeared in his eyes.

He bit the tip of his tongue, swallowed the fishy sweetness, and then forced himself to regain his sanity.

He took out a red pill from his pocket and threw it directly into his mouth. While chewing, he said with a grim face: "You forced me to do this. Damn it, at worst, we can all die together!"

He took a banned drug that would kill him.

After taking the medicine, the body returns to its peak in a short time.

Even full of energy and clear-headedness.

A sense of clarity arose in the body, and the illusion of being as light as a swallow also came to my mind.

At a certain moment, a special thought came to my mind.

I seem to be... invincible!

Although he knew that this was just a huge illusion, the Black Sword player was still in high spirits.

He flicked off the few drops of blood that had splattered on the blade with his fingers, took a deep breath, raised his eyes and said: "Next, the outcome will be decided by one sword, I will definitely kill--"

After a gunshot.

A bloody bullet hole appeared between the eyebrows of the Black Sword player.

"Idiot." Song Ren calmly retracted the pistol.

The Black Sword player's stunned expression froze completely, and finally he fell straight down, dying with his eyes open.

Song Ren didn't care much.

The level of this Black Sword player is limited. Even after taking drugs in front of Song Ren, his threat level is only slightly higher, not as good as the previous player captain.

After enjoying the level of player captain, Song Ren no longer has much desire to fight with the Black Sword player.

He was shot dead, and the entire camp of players including the protagonists was completely wiped out.


In the other carriages on both sides, the passengers gathered in front of the glass door with their eyes wide open in astonishment.

In full view of everyone, Song Ren killed seven players in succession.

The method was full of brutality.

Especially the player captain was pushed against the car window, and the violent attack lasted for nearly a minute, which completely smashed the player captain's body.

That picture is still hard to get over.

In addition to being shocked, it is still shocking!
Especially Min Rongguo and other guys from the baseball club, they were completely stunned at this moment.

As people who often come into contact with the coach, Song Ren's performance this time was as if he was possessed by gods and Buddhas, so fierce!

at the same time
In a corner somewhere in Daejeon Station, a beam of light shone down.

Five players with strange costumes and weird looks came here one after another.

The circus is coming!
The clown was the head of the circus. He had thick black and white makeup on his face and wore a special clown costume. He was playing with a blood-red game ball in his hand and said in a calm voice, "Reporting the status."

"Normal." ×4
Joker: "This is another team battle mission. Our camp is... zombies?"

"Hey, is the Lord God kidding? With this distribution method, how can the other small team fight?"

“I feel sorry for them.”

One of the team members smiled and said, "Captain, why not make them even more miserable?"

The Joker: "You are so bad. I really like you the most."

The man said, "Captain, I'm not gay, you should find another target."

Then, another person interrupted coldly, "Now that we've had enough of the commotion, it's time to look at the mission target. Where is the other team now?"

The clown pinched his chin: "Well, let me see...Huh? Where are the people?"

The other players all looked over at once.

The Joker put away the information on the panel and scratched his head, saying, "Well, how should I put it? It seems that the team over there has been wiped out by the first wave of zombies on the train."

"…Are you kidding? No matter what, there wouldn't be such a stupid team!"

Joker: "But in the mission display, the life lights of the enemy team members are indeed all off. Although I don't know the reason, the team is wiped out, and there is no one left."

(End of this chapter)

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