Chapter 100 Hesitation
The common language of Lordaeron is called Lordaeron, which is composed of three words: Lorn, Daer, and Ronae, which respectively represent land, people, and peace.

It is the summer of Dark Portal 15.

It was also the day when Arthas Menethil, the prince of Lordaeron, became a paladin and joined the Silver Hand.

For this day, Lordaeron King Terenas Menethil invited all the allies in the Alliance to gather at the Cathedral of Light in Stormwind City, and asked his old friend Archbishop Alonsus Faol to preside over the ceremony in person.

As the youngest Grand Knight of the Order, Taelan Fordring was invited to participate in this event.

Archbishop Alonsus Faol had already arranged the entire process. Today's protagonist, Prince Arthas, had already greeted the girls and staff who served him under the introduction of his teacher Uther.

The young prince had been waiting for this day for a long time. When he was young, his father had allowed him to receive Paladin training very late in order to protect him.

He always believed that if his father had not stopped him, he would have become an outstanding knight of the Knights Templar like the Grand Knight Taelan Fordring.

I can't mess this up.

He was confident at first, but when the time came, he was excited and a little worried. He was worried about disappointing his father.

He kept wondering, would the Holy Light accept him?

He always wanted to do his best, especially when Taelan Fordring led an army of dwarves to defeat the Dragonmaw orcs.

It's impossible to say that he wasn't jealous. But as the news of Tyran Fordring killing Vik'goth spread to Lordaeron, his mood became much calmer.

But Uther said: "Don't make him your goal, you will become a king in the future!
Your father couldn't even defeat a single guard, but that didn't stop him from being a respected king.

Remember, a nation is ruled more by wisdom and character than by force.

Praying and meditating every day will help you understand the true nature of the Light.

You have great talent, I believe you will become an excellent paladin."

I hate meditation! But I can't mess this up.

Arthas secretly warned himself in his heart that whenever he thought of that terrible situation, he would remember the scene when he and his father summoned Blackmoore before the Feast of Winter Veil.

Blackmore's ugly behavior at that time was still fresh in his memory. What led to all this was his failed management and abuse of power for personal gain. He let the cost of the orc internment camp drag down the entire country.

Sometimes, he would imagine what Taelan Fordring looked like when he faced Vik'gos.

Maybe it was a leisurely stroll in the garden, a frozen sea. Then the beast was killed by the sword, the knight returned with honor, and then there was the gentle beauty, the peak of life.

Maybe he was afraid, but he had to face it. If he failed, he would lose my love forever, but he still had to face it.

No, Jaina!
He hadn't thought about her for a long time. The future daughter-in-law of the Fording family was already engaged.

She often went to Hearthglen to live, where she hunted, vacationed, even checked accounts, participated in various festivals, and lit the scarecrow for Midsummer.

Arthas shook his head, driving this ridiculous idea out of his mind.

When her sister was betrothed to Prestor, she once said to her: "You marry for the country, and I marry for the country!"

Perhaps I should accept my father's arrangement and marry a noblewoman, perhaps Agamand, or Barov, or Greymane, or someone else.

In fact, Jaina was not the kind of beauty that would catch people's eyes. He had seen many beauties who were more beautiful than her.

For example, Sylvanas Windrunner was a real eye-opener. He saw her during a troll-clearing mission, and he swore that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. It was a special kind of beauty, a wild beauty, and Theresa.

Ah, he had seen Therese, she looked so much like Jaina, I was so stupid that day!

Uther was very dissatisfied with the prince's absent-mindedness. But after thinking about it, he was relieved. Young people are about to face major events in their lives, and it is inevitable that they will be confused. As long as they suffer a few setbacks, they will accept the experience and lessons. The prince is still young, and he has plenty of time to correct his mistakes.

He patted Arthas on the shoulder and said, "Relax, Arthas, let's have a sparring match! Let me see if you have mastered those techniques."

Uther knew that Arthas liked to release his suppressed emotions through a hearty battle or a gallop.

The ceremony went smoothly, except for the momentary hesitation when the holy light descended. Taelan Fording knew that it was because Arthas still had a knot in his heart, perhaps because of his invincibility, pressure, or something else.

Because of their engagement, he and Jaina went to meet Archbishop Alonsus Faol, whom he had not seen for a long time.

The Archbishop waited for his students in the prayer room.

Taelan Fording walked in first and saluted the archbishop.

"Good afternoon, teacher. I am so happy to see you recover!"

Faol looked at his powerful student with satisfaction. Even Turalyon in those days did not achieve what he has today, and he was the second most legendary person in human history.

The other man, his name was Thoradin Trollbane, but even he, at such a young age, was not so powerful.

He did not live up to the opportunity he had been given in the Light's Hope Chapel. He had perfect control over the power of the Holy Light!

"I am old, and the Holy Light is calling me back to it."

“I haven’t fulfilled my long-cherished wish yet.”

In fact, Taelan Fording knew the Archbishop's long-cherished wish. It was Jaina who was sitting next to him who threw the coin into the wishing well. The coin foreshadowed his life.

Because Jaina is already by his side, the one left behind is his partner, and he doesn't know what kind of interaction he will have with the other one.

He and Prince Kael'thas became very close friends. They studied magic together, discussed politics, and sometimes even had a legendary contest.

"Teacher, I will continue your long-cherished wish and protect this world."

Taelan Fordring knew that Faol's friend was Magni Bronzebeard, and through him, he became friends with Brann Bronzebeard, the King of Monsters.

Maybe he got some bad news again.

At this time, Jaina, who was sitting next to him, suddenly said: "A big thing happened in Dalaran some time ago.

Kel'Thuzad, the mentor of the little goblin, the magic stick, and my teacher had a fierce quarrel. Later, the master resigned from the position of Kirin Tor and left Dalaran to travel. "

Archbishop Fao said: "Maybe it's a coincidence, maybe it's something else. My friend Merry Winterwind told me that he heard a mysterious voice calling him."

"Merry Winterwind?"

Fao said, "A friend of mine from the past! His identity is a bit special, and few people know him now."

Taelan Fordring thought silently in his mind that the owner of that voice could be N'Zoth or it could be Ner'zhul.

Since N'Zoth has sent Vik'Gorth, it proves that it has awakened, and it must be looking for someone to help it escape from the cage. But Deathwing cannot recover in a few years, and he is afraid of the Dragon Soul. Even if he wants to start a catastrophe, it is not now.

So the only one to worry about now is the Lich King. These whispers are him summoning the strong people in this world to help him complete his mission.

 Since this is the first time the author has published a book, he didn't know that a new volume would appear after entering the V system, and he didn't control the word count well, which made this volume particularly short. But the plot has reached a new section. So he had to start a new volume as planned.

(End of this chapter)

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