Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 99: The Head of Vikgos

Chapter 99: The Head of Vikgos

Ashvane's face turned pale, looking lifeless!

Is this still a human? It turns out there is such a thing as being above the legend! I can't let that stinky girl marry such a person. How can a little girl from the Proudmoore family find such a suitor?
Now the reputation of the Proudmoore family is even higher. The Lord of the Silver Hand is simply a human-shaped sea monster.

Even against a fleet of ships, there is no way to resist this magic. Fist of Heaven! Who came up with this name? It's damned appropriate.

Humans do not share the same joys and sorrows, and the crowd fell into revelry again. And it was a revelry without any scruples, which could be regarded as revenge for the fear just now!
Soon Vikgos's head was brought to Ms. Catherine!
Just looking at this head is already very shocking! In fact, this head is much smaller than the one shown in the game, and its body appears much larger. It's a pity that its body can't be fished out. This thing is a good research material for mages, and its body is also a material for making weapons and equipment.

Catherine ordered the guards to put the monster's head at the city gate for public display!
Now her mood suddenly improved! After regaining her ability to think, she immediately ordered the Kul Tiras Navy to clean up the mess, treat the wounded, salvage the bodies, and calculate the losses.

Then she announced that the celebration would continue! She would make good use of this matter. Make her daughter's matter real. Use the powerful strength of this prospective son-in-law to enhance the prestige of the Proudmoore family and unite the four major families. Tell them not to have wild thoughts. My daughter is the lucky messenger of Kul Tiras! As long as this prospective son-in-law is here, you have to obey her orders honestly!
A powerful monster like Vik'gos is nothing but a dead soul under the sword of the great lord! The rumors about Grim Batol are true, there are indeed legends in the world! At the mysterious level above the legend, no matter how big the body is, it cannot resist. The legendary ancient guard that can't be killed was frozen on the spot by the Holy.

Thinking about it now, this incident was too coincidental! It didn't happen earlier or later, but happened when I was holding a grand ceremony to welcome my daughter back! Fortunately, the ending was good and my family was fine. Vik'goss sent a head thousands of miles away, but it made Tyran Fording famous again.

In the evening, the Proudmoore family sat around the dining table and enjoyed a warm dinner. Lady Catherine's usual seriousness disappeared. The arrival of her family relieved her anxiety. The only thing that made her dissatisfied was that her husband was nowhere to be found to eliminate pirates!
Catherine knew that Daelin had never gotten over his eldest son's death. He was still searching for orcs, and he didn't like dragons! His stubborn character had already affected his youngest daughter.

Fortunately, her Tandre is a carefree person. His talent is far inferior to that of the eldest son, let alone the prospective son-in-law. But he has a very good character, many friends, and no desire for power. He goes to sea because he loves sailing and adventure.

His little daughter is indeed the best choice for Kul Tiras, but she may not be interested in this position. She is obviously more eager for magic and a happy family. It is true that she doesn't care about what she can get, but thinks about what she can't get day and night!
Katherine smiled and said, "Jaina, you can let go of Taelan's arm! It's dinner time!"

This sentence made everyone laugh! Looking at Jaina who was hugging his arm, Tyran Fording said: "My little princess! I scared you today, how about I tell you a joke to calm you down?"

Jaina said, "Okay! If it's not funny, you'll be in trouble!"

Taelan Fording said: "Then listen carefully."

"A little girl was standing next to a blacksmith's shop, watching the blacksmith forging iron. The blacksmith hated her very much, so he took out a red-hot iron and put it in front of the little girl to scare her!
The child blinked and said, "Give me a dollar and I will lick it!" After hearing this, the blacksmith immediately took out a dollar and gave it to the little girl, thinking that if you dare to lick it, you will suffer, and if you don’t dare to lick it, leave quickly!

The little girl licked the coin, put it in her pocket and walked away! "Hahaha! Everyone burst into laughter! Taelan Fording felt that the Kul Tirans' sense of humor was indeed a bit low.

Jaina found it interesting and pestered Taelan Fordring to tell her another one!
Tyran Fording had no choice but to say, "The last one, there really is no more!"

"A daughter-in-law was sick and needed to take medicine, but she thought it was too bitter. Her husband bought a piece of cake, put the medicine in the cake and asked his wife to swallow it. Sure enough, it was not bitter at all. The daughter-in-law praised her husband and said, "How are you so smart to come up with such a good idea?" The man was silent for a moment and said, "This is how we used to put rat poison in my hometown!"

Jaina covered her mouth and laughed! Lady Catherine looked at her daughter with a smile on her face and couldn't help but feel a little envious. It's good to be young! You can enjoy your life wantonly. I hope my daughter won't be like me and grasp her own happiness!
Tandre was very slow, and he thought for a long time before he laughed. Catherine asked, "What's so funny?"

Tandre said, "That blacksmith is a bit stupid! He lost a dollar for nothing. Isn't that funny? I'll ask Old John to try tomorrow!"

At this moment, Talan Fording suddenly thought of another joke. He would tell it to Janna later!
Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, a month has passed. Tyran Fordring and Jaina boarded Tandre Proudmoore's flagship, the "Song of the Sea", which was indeed a bad name given by Jaina!
Tandre, you better be careful! Your brother's first ship was named after her.

Before returning, Ms. Catherine held her daughter's hand and whispered a lot to her. Finally, she watched her three children set off for Dalaran!

Only when the young eagle leaves the safe nest of its parents can it develop the ability to fight the wind and waves; only when children leave the protection of their parents can they grow up! They have to walk their own way after all. All we can do is to bless them silently from behind and provide them with a home when they are hurt!

Only when the ship was out of sight did Catherine and the people who came to see the knight off spontaneously leave the dock!

It was a week later when Taelan Fordring took Jaina to see the tower of Dalaran again.

They landed in Nanhai Town, and Tandre, on the advice of Tyran Fording, sailed north. He planned to use Tyran Fording's relationship with Quel'Thalas to open up a new route. Reselling magic items from the elven kingdom has always been a profitable business, and Tyran Fording suggested that he stockpile more elven goods. These magical creations will be of great use in the future.

In Dalaran, several months later, Taelan Fordring met his magic mentor Krasus again.

A new journey is waiting for him!
He will calm down and quietly study magic, learn military command courses, and learn the history of Azeroth!
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(End of this chapter)

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