Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 110: Rice Frost Language

Chapter 110: Les Frostwhisper
The appearance of a mysterious hooded man brought the quarrel between several leaders and representatives in the throne room to a halt!

They looked at him quietly!
"I bring you news of the end! Your people are imprisoned, and the tide of darkness will strike again!
The ancient enemy has come to this world, and this place is doomed to destruction!"

"Only head west and find the place where the stars are lost."

Only there is a glimmer of hope!"

King Terenas stood up and said angrily: "I don't know who you are, but how to protect our people should be decided by us! Not you!"

"I won't allow you to spread alarmist predictions here.

Guards! Get him out! "

Two armed guards came over, picked up the mysterious visitor, and drove him out.

The mysterious man whispered, "I made a mistake once before, and I won't make it again! Now that I've delivered the message, let's do it!"

"Although I have lost my power, I will not give up. I will go to Northrend and ask them to help me rescue the child!"

The mysterious man transformed into a crow again and flew to the north!

Two days later, an urgent letter was delivered to the king of Lordaeron.

"Marwyn, take someone to notify Arthas immediately. Tell my son to be careful and increase his defense level."

Then he said to a young court mage: "Use magic communication immediately to contact Archmage Antonidas and Modra in Dalaran! Ask them to come to Lordaeron!"

"Also summon Uther of the Knights of the Silver Hand, Grand Lord Alexandros Mograine, Young Garithos, and Grand General Abidis.

When the Archmage of Dalaran arrives, we will hold a meeting to discuss how to deal with those demons."

The Sky Chamber in the Violet Citadel of Dalaran.

Here, the Kirin Tor is holding an important gathering. Unlike the free dinner party, everyone should attend in secret.

But ever since someone was impersonated and Dalaran was attacked by orcs, no one cares about secrets anymore.

"Send a messenger to Kul Tiras and tell Daelin the news!"

As soon as Chief Antonidas finished speaking, Modra spoke first: "Although I don't like that young boy very much, I have to admire his great strength and noble character."

"But I have to say, young people always do things without thinking!"

“If he had considered the bigger picture, he would be the one alive now.

Our situation would not have become so bad, and this has caused us to lose our top combat power. Once this news spreads, the entire alliance may disintegrate!"

Three magic spheres rotated orderly above Prince Kael'thas's head. He said with sadness: "If it weren't like this, it wouldn't be him.

He is the noblest of all my friends, just like his father! They are all worthy of respect!
I hope that little girl can get over this as soon as possible! She is also an excellent magician!"

Antonidas said: "I have to say, this is impossible.

You lost a high-level fighter, and she lost her entire life."

"But I think the alliance will be more united! Because no one can resist those two demons and their army alone."

Another voice said, "I heard that Lady Jaina believed the words of the prophet and has organized a pioneering group in the name of the widow of Tyran Fordring. A large number of Hearthglen people, and even some Quel'dorei and dwarves, are ready to follow the prophecy and search for the lost continent. Is that right?"

Another gloomy voice said, "This disaster has changed her personality drastically. She has excluded many nobles from her team."

Antonidas said, "That's nonsense. But she did integrate some of the people left by Taelan Fordring. She has only blocked Hearthglen for now." Another voice said, "She is the only one who knows what happened in Storm Altar. We need accurate information. We have to find a way to deal with those demons."

"So the demons are our number one enemy. Let's send a representative to investigate the plague with Prince Arthas."

Antonidas said: "Originally, Jaina was the best choice. But considering the identity issue, I decided to recruit Jandice Barov again. She can coordinate the relationship between the two sides very well."

Modra said: "Then send out the conscription order immediately. She has no future in the family anyway.

I'll find a way. "

Then five rays of light flashed, and the magic lamps went out one by one.

Caer Darrow.

In a warmly decorated room, sat a beautiful girl wearing a purple robe and looking distressed. It was Jandice Barov.

Environment and experience can really change a person. She lived with Jaina for several years. From a well-behaved noble lady, she became a powerful spellcaster. The weakness in her bones was burned away by the desire to live a free life.

She no longer obeyed her parents' words, she joined the Mages Guild in Dalaran, and the people she came into contact with were either Paladins or Priests.

She was greatly influenced by Jaina, and she even imitated Jaina in many cases. In addition to early love, because she knew that her father would never allow her to decide her own marriage privately.

Yesterday, her father asked her to join the Curse God Cult. Of course, everyone outside called it the Death God Cult. It claimed that believing in their god could cure all diseases, give everyone an equal and happy life, and make people immortal.

His father was deeply involved in it, so he contacted a big figure of the Cult of the Damned, his former friend, Kel'Thuzad. It was he who introduced Jandis to become a mage apprentice in Dalaran.

Now he has given up his status as a great wizard and sold his property to serve a great being wholeheartedly.

This gifted archmage is obsessed with necromancy. It is said that since his return from Northrend, his necromancy has become unfathomable.

Although Jandis had not yet formally met him, she knew through her perception of the fluctuations in mana that this Master Kel'Thuzad was no worse than her own teacher.

Necromancer fascinated her father, and his hatred for the royal family of Lordaeron turned to a quest for immortality and great power.

Especially when he saw that Ms. Farina, who was originally weak and powerless, gained powerful strength shortly after joining the Curse Cult, he believed it even more.

He has accepted Kel'Thuzad's suggestion and is ready to donate the ancestral home of Caer Darrow to build a spiritual school.

He will study necromancy and necromancy here and conduct cruel experiments.Yesterday she saw an acquaintance, Foster Vespahl.

This is an unfamiliar name, but if you mention his name after his promotion, everyone will definitely know him: Les Frostwhisper.

A man in a skirt! He'll drop a very nice robe: Oranna's Embrace.

Orlana also appears in Hearthstone, and Les Frostwhisper is also involved in a series of quests.

Foster Vespar was originally from Stromgarde. He was a mage apprentice in Dalaran. He was good at communicating with people, but he was just a non-staff member.

He has a talent for magic, but he dreams of taking shortcuts and achieving success overnight, but he is unwilling to work hard to study magic.

There is no such thing as an overnight success. Even Jaina, who had the support of a country and a legendary fiancé, had to take one step at a time to achieve her success.

So he had never been favored by the great wizards! But when he appeared in Caer Darrow this time, he was already a guest of honor of a great noble.

The claim that the Curse God Cult grants power to its followers does not seem to be groundless, but what is the price?

 Thanks to 20180513204926583 for the reward!
  Thank you all for your subscriptions, monthly tickets, and recommendation tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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