Chapter 111 Meeting
Yesterday, Ava secretly told Jandice that his father, the Dalaran mage, and a student named Gadin ran to the basement late at night.

Ava cleaned up the mess late last night and returned to her room. Before she left, she saw Master Alex with the two men. When she woke up from her sleep, she saw the men sneaking out of the basement again.

To Eva, the three men looked so excited that they seemed to be having the shakes.

But Jandice lit a stick of incense for Ava in her heart and told her to stay away from those outsiders.

Fortunately, the Dalaran mage was always thinking about getting promoted overnight and had not mastered his skills well; Gadin was still an apprentice of magic; and his father was an illiterate person in the field of mysticism who was addicted to alcohol for many years.

If discovered, Ava would most likely disappear.

She learned the word "burning incense" from her best friend Gianna.

No, I have to get out of here!
I don't want to join the Cult of the Damned. Ten Kel'Thuzads can't defeat the High Lord alone. Why should I learn those cruel and useless necromancy?
Is the invincibility of Holy Light no longer strong, or is the Heaven's Fist no longer painful? I am only one step away from becoming a great wizard, and I will be a guest of honor wherever I go.

Why would you learn dangerous necromancy? If all else fails, you can go to your best friend Jaina and then go to Kul Tiras to be a spell consultant.

I am not a person of pure soul like Master North who can resist the temptation of depravity.

Having made up her mind, Jandice prepared to make up an excuse to go to Jaina's appointment.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Jarndyce was startled! Would her father know her dark thoughts? If only she could take her mother with her, she had quarreled with her father several times.

In fact, her mother was not trying to fight against her father's authority, but was motivated by her sense of responsibility as a mother. She wanted to give the Barov family's title and land to her son and leave the gold coins to her daughter as a dowry.

She had originally thought of introducing Jandice to Taelan Fording. This kind of marriage was most suitable for a girl from a noble family like Jandice, a perfect combination of power and wealth.

Now her husband is even thinking of donating the ancestral home. The reason why she did not agree to join the curse sect as in the original book is because of her daughter's changes and the difference in her daughter's social circle.

Everything affects each other. On the one hand, my daughter has the opportunity to become a great mage, which is the hope of the family. Through this path, she can get the support of Dalaran.

My daughter made a lot of friends, some of them were high-ranking military officials, some were paladins, so she could see what the real Holy Light was like. Even Kel'Thuzad, who had returned from his studies, did not have the strength to challenge the great lord.

Who wants to die when they can live? So she firmly opposed her husband's decision.

Jandice opened the door and saw his mother and the head maid Ava standing in front of the door. His mother had a strange look on her face, and it was obvious that something had happened.

"Jandyce, your teacher Antonidas has issued a call for you. You are asked to leave immediately. The Council has an important task for you to do."

The secret is above! It really makes your wish come true!
"Mother, please come with me, after all, you were also a mage in Dalaran.

What's the point of staying at home and arguing with my dad all day? Why don't we just leave here and give up everything! If it doesn't work out, we can move to Dalaran or Hearthglen."

Ilusia shook her head. She had two sons and she had to look after her mad husband. She walked over to Jandice and hugged her.

Then he whispered: "Don't come back if you leave. They are all crazy. My child, go and find your own happiness."

Then she handed Jandice a magic backpack and a letter from Dalaran.

Although her husband was thinking those crazy things, he didn't dare to openly confront the alliance.

If you offend Kel'Thuzad, you will die in the future, and if you offend Dalaran, you will die immediately. Jandice hung the magic bag on her waist and took the document. She suddenly raised her head and saw her father, Alex Barov.

He stood in the shadows, his face indifferent: "You know what to say and what not to say!"

Jandice's nose was sore and she almost cried. Although according to her magical ability, her father and mother were no match for her.

But she still felt as if she had fallen into an icy cave, and she had lost all her strength. She nodded, and walked out of the room under her father's gloomy eyes, without even packing her luggage.

She just took the snow lotus that she borrowed from Jaina. The value of this thing was much greater than she thought. The dewdrops it dropped could heal external injuries, and the icy breath it emitted could also enhance the effect of meditation.

The white snow lotus is a rare and top-grade product. It provided a lot of help for Jaina to be promoted to archmage so quickly, and she has to give it back!
As her father looked reluctantly at the precious snow lotus, she left Caer Dalon with the messenger from Dalaran!
When she came out, she realized, why did they take the boat? Isn't there a bridge to walk on? And it's been almost a month, why haven't they seen Mayor Marduk patrolling once?

What was even more surprising was yet to come! When they were far away from Caer Darrow and walked into the forest, the messenger took off his hood.

"Archmage Angela Dusatus?"

"It's me! The old woman Modla is right. Although the High Lord has some opinions about her, it does not prevent him from admiring her. She is indeed good at it!"

"Master Modra?"

"Yes, she has arrived in Hearthglen. Let me pick you up with a letter from your teacher and check on Caer Darrow's situation!"

"You are so lucky! If I hadn't come, you wouldn't be able to get out. I sensed the fluctuation of the magic power of an old guy."

"I have some bad news to tell you. The great lord is in great danger in order to save your friend."

Jandice immediately retorted, "That's impossible! No one can kill the High Lord!"

"What if it's a demigod?"

"An orc army, an unknown demon army, and three demigods besieged the Great Lord. The Great Lord has already killed a demigod-level Abyss Lord.

In order to protect Jaina, he used divine intervention and faced the explosion himself."

"No one went to the Burning Plains to confirm the situation?"

"Although King Varian is unable to spare the time, he has asked SI:7 to send a powerful agent. Codename: Knife Oil!"

"Knife oil? Why does it sound like a chef's name?"

"A little bit! I heard he was from Ironforge, and he's a powerful guy. I can only hope the High Lord is still alive!"

"Okay, get ready, the transmission is about to begin! It's not going to be pleasant!"

Jadis nodded, saying nothing. "We'll talk about it when we meet Jaina."

What you cherish will hurt you the most!
 I started late today, so I'll post it first and revise it later! Thank you all for your subscriptions, monthly tickets, and recommendation tickets.

  I wish you a nice weekend!
(End of this chapter)

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