Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 112: Domination Staff

Chapter 112: Domination Staff
When Jandice Barov saw her roommate again, she didn't dare to recognize her.

She knocked on the teacher's door, and an old voice came from inside: "Come in!"

The door was pushed open and Jandice walked in. It was still the same as before, with books, manuscripts and documents.

The teacher sat in the main seat, and in front of him sat a slender girl. The girl had her hair tied up, and was wearing a purple and blue robe. Next to her stood a special staff, with purple light flowing on the gorgeous staff. A huge purple gem was inlaid on the top.

This is the Staff of Domination!

(In the vanilla era, if you carry it with you and walk around the Scarlet Monastery, you will definitely get a bunch of people asking for help.)
It is said that it exists in the mysterious elemental world. When a wizard who is proficient in evocation spells is promoted to a great wizard, he will have a chance to communicate deeply with the elemental world.

At this time, as long as you use elemental summoning, there is a chance that an elemental lord will descend. Elemental lords are extremely powerful, and this kind of summoning often brings a disaster, so almost no archmage dares to summon them to descend.

It seems that Jaina summoned the Elemental Lord. With the help of the Great Knight, she defeated the Elemental Lord. This staff is the trophy. But she is an ice mage, shouldn't she summon a water elemental duke like Hydraxis? How did she get the Staff of Domination in Molten Core? But it's not a good question to ask now.

The girl turned and nodded to Jandice.

Jandice took two quick steps and hugged Jaina. Only then did she realize that her roommate, who was in her twenties, was thinner than before, and had a strand of white hair on her forehead. She looked very tired and had a different kind of vicissitudes. Even her reaction seemed a little slow.

Jandice didn't know what to say.

Antonidas promptly stated the reason for the conscription, breaking the depressing atmosphere.

Jandice then realized that her teacher hoped that she could cooperate with Prince Arthas to investigate the plague in the north. King Terenas stubbornly believed that the demon siege of the great lord and the plague in the north were isolated incidents.

If all plague-infected areas were closed, it would inevitably deal a heavy blow to Lordaeron's already stretched finances.

Moreover, the reputation of the Kingdom of Lordaeron suffered a severe blow after the failure of the orc asylum policy. He did not share the information provided by Jaina with the Alliance. He only informed his staunch ally Master Modra. He hoped that the powerful intelligence agency in Stormwind would send someone to confirm the news.

The time left in between would be very precious. At the same time, he hoped that his son and the mages of Dalaran could solve the problem of the plague as soon as possible, and Uther was asked to continue fighting the orcs.

Of course, he didn't know that after reminding them, the Astro Mage met the new leader of the orcs, Thrall. With the hope of uniting all forces, he also notified the orcs. After all, he was the one who brought the orcs into Azeroth. He always had a special feeling for the orcs.

Jandice had no choice, she never wanted to go back to that home again. She was completely disappointed with her biased and crazy father.

The only thing she misses now is her mother Ilucia. She has been thinking about whether to tell her about the family affairs.

This question has been tormenting her these past few days. Although everyone seems to think that the siege of the High Lord and the plague in Lordaeron are independent events.

But no one has ever thought about this: Are the demons so bored that they have to gather three demigod-level forces to surround and kill a paladin? Paladins are famous for being sticky. They have a variety of protection methods and a so-called invincible ability. Tyran Fordring is even proficient in the warrior's defensive ability. He can also use powerful long-range spells to attack. With the support of justice pursuit, he is all-round hard to kill.

Just like in the original novel, King Terenas refused to listen to the advice of the Dalaran messenger and insisted on letting his son investigate the matter instead of directly mobilizing the army to block the plague areas.

Some people here may ask, how can they resist the powerful dreadlords and pit lords of the Burning Legion?

If you think about it carefully, you will know that if the Burning Legion really has the power to destroy the world in the world of Azeroth, then why would they lure Prince Arthas to fall into the state of death knight and then counterattack Lordaeron? Wouldn't it be better to destroy the world directly?

Don't say that was the Lich King's plan. Everyone knows that the Nathrezim are here to monitor the Lich King. It is difficult for the Burning Legion to enter Azeroth. The Lich King was sent to Northrend by the Burning Legion to weaken the power of the world of Azeroth.

Because every powerful demon has to pay a huge price to enter Azeroth, so they need a guide.

The Burning Legion had the power to destroy the world after Archimonde was summoned to Azeroth. In other words, only this Eredar warlock had that kind of power. Only he could summon the endless army of the Burning Legion.

That's why these Nathrezim carefully plotted intrigues in human society to make humans kill each other. And humans have the strongest talent for killing each other in the entire world of Azeroth. This characteristic is written directly on their faces. The racial talent of humans is called "selfishness".

As for why Tyran Fording didn't tell it in advance? Because that's how Bruenor was burned to death! All the prophets had a bad ending! Those who take the first step are geniuses, and those who take the third step are fools. Someone has to believe it.

In medieval countries, the plague could not stir up the emotions of the nobles. In their eyes, the death of a few peasants was not as serious as the death of a cow.

Jaina has integrated the personnel left by Tyran Fording according to the plan he left behind. For example, she transferred the sage Demetria of the Hand of Tyr to Hearthglen to exchange positions with the archmage Angela Dusatus. At the same time, she prepared supplies to strengthen the defense of Hearthglen.

And she had obtained the documents that Taelan Fordring left in the mage tower of his teacher Krasus.

Jandice Barov only had one day to rest, and tomorrow Jaina would teleport her to Andorhal. It was a relatively safe place at the moment. Because of the strict defense of Hearthglen, there were few rumors about zombies in the nearby villages. Their investigation would start from there.

The two left the teacher's study. Jadis followed behind Jaina. They came to a brand new house. Jaina put her hand on the door and it opened silently.

This is a well-located residence. It is said that its former owner was a great wizard from the time of Thoradin.

Taelan Fordring bought this place as a love nest for him and Jaina. He planned to build the best wizard tower in Dalaran here in the future. But not now.

This is also the reason why Jaina did not build a magic tower immediately after becoming the archmage.

There are traces of him everywhere here, and seeing them now reminds me of him, which makes me sad.

 It's a new week!
(End of this chapter)

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