Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 113 I Will Never Reject Him

Chapter 113 I Will Never Reject Him
The misalignment of fate led the two people to different paths. Jaina asked Jandice to choose a room to stay in, and she walked into Taelan Fording's study. There were traces of him everywhere, which made Jaina feel a lot more comfortable.

Jandice looked at the strangely decorated house with curiosity. It was completely out of touch with the style of this era.

There were no windows in the spacious living room. Instead, there was a whole glass wall that connected the living room to the garden. The garden was filled with exotic flowers that Jandice had never seen before, most of which were precious herbs.

This home is neatly arranged and clean, giving people a warm feeling. From those exquisite small ornaments, you can see that its hostess has carefully arranged it.

Jaina was carefully educated by her mother Catherine according to the standards of a noble lady, so she learned various life skills such as etiquette, financial management, and tailoring when she was young. Unfortunately, she later met Taelan Fordring.

She found that those cumbersome aristocratic etiquettes were completely useless in this family. As long as she was polite to others, it would be fine. Her future home must be warm and casual.

Taelan Fording learned to collect herbs and mine. She gave up her promising sideline as a tailor and learned alchemy and cooking instead.

It turns out that there is indeed a mysterious relationship between these two life skills. Jaina has an extremely high talent for alchemy, but the taste of alchemical products is positively correlated with cooking skills.

Every time Taelan Fording brought a potion with a strange smell, he would be stabbed in the back by the sharp-tongued Demetria.

She turned to alchemy because her family had a magical garden with many rare herbs. Jandice returned the snow lotus he had borrowed to Jaina.

Jaina put it in her herb bag. This flower is also a treasure in this rich garden, and it is of great benefit to the study of frost magic.

Jandis said: "Janna...

"Jaina, what are your plans next?"

"You know it all?"

Jandice said, "Archmage Angela told me that the Grand Knight is most likely gone."

"What are your plans for the future?"

Jaina shook her head: "Taelan had a dream. That is to be a pioneer knight, and I might leave here.

Things in East Wilder are not simple, you'd better be careful."

"I will," said Jandice.

Could my home be in danger over there?
"I mean yourself. What are your plans? The great knight is gone, and you are still so young."

Jaina raised her head, looked at Jandice and said, "I saw him use divine intervention with my own eyes. He exchanged his life for mine. I will not think about anything else."

"From the time I held that kitten 10 years ago to today, I have gained a lot of things that others cannot even dream of.

I was born into a military aristocratic family. What others could never get in their lifetime was easily available to me. And what they had, I never had.

Since my brother left, my father has changed. I kept running away, and finally came to Dalaran and met the destined person. "

"Do you know how dangerous it was? We were still children, but we had to face a dragon general. He saved me.

At that time, the guards of the Prince of Lordaeron were just across the street. I chose to pick up the cat, and now I still remember that the blue child was very big and very beautiful.

It's not fate that chose me, it's me who chose fate!
This is the second time he saved me.

You know what? I think he'll come back to me. I won't lose him. I'll take Mother Calandra away from here." "Does the Admiral know?"

"You should know."

"He won't agree. He definitely hopes you can find a new home. In fact, Prince Arthas is a good choice. Everyone can see that he likes you."

Jaina’s expression suddenly turned ugly: “I don’t want to hear such words.

He will come back, I said I would never turn him down! He will never turn me down! He promised me!"

Looking at the excited Jaina, the old Jadis would definitely sneer at her. You can't fight your father, this is the fate of all noble women.

But now she doesn't think that way, people are different. Some people are stubborn in their bones, and she won't give in.

That man is her life, from gratitude to love, from friend to family. She has engraved him in her life!
The world is always so cruel, it always wants to take away the last vine leaf left in our hands, just like those masters want to take away the last copper coin in the tenant's basket.

We always insist on our own way and build a reasonable world centered on ourselves, but never consider the feelings of others. However, retribution will come eventually, but it always comes in a different form.

How you treat others is how others treat you. When they take away our last penny, when it comes back, they will pay with their dog life. This is a cycle!
So some people have a lot of wealth, but they are worthless. Some people can only fill their stomachs, but they live a life of dignity!

Jaina saw Jandice staring at her staff in a daze. She touched the shining shaft of the staff with her hand, and the powerful magical power attached to it immediately filled her body.

She seemed to have figured out a problem. Maybe "Morning Light" could really be used like that! If only I could master that transformation at that time, maybe he wouldn't have left.

She poured her power into the staff, and the huge purple gem on the top of the staff emitted a fascinating halo!

"At that time, I told him that I could have a deep communication with the elemental world. This would be of great benefit to future development."

“But it might summon an elemental lord, and that would bring disaster!
He told me, "Dear, start! I will protect you. No one can break through my protection and hurt you!"

"We went to the Arathi Wilds. We performed a summoning there!"

"The whole space began to vibrate, and then a huge water elemental came in response! Duke Hydraxis! A powerful Grand Duke of water elementals. He was the right-hand man of Neptulon, the king of water elementals. I thought there would be a fierce battle!
But no, Grand Duke Hydraxis is one of the rare elemental creatures that can control his emotions. He had a friendly conversation with us, which involved the secrets of the elemental world.

Then we got an item and used it to summon a giant fire elemental called Golemagg the Incinerator!
After a great battle, we killed it. I got this Arcanist Robe and this Staff of Domination. At that time, Taelan said that I was unlucky because I didn't get the Azure Skysong and the Amulet of Ephemeral Power. "

Jandis looked carefully at Jaina's robes. There were indeed powerful magical fluctuations on them. It turned out that they were the robes of the arcanist.

Very good! You are one era ahead of me again.

Jadis looked at the tired Jaina and was a little worried: "Jaina, go to bed early! We still have to travel tomorrow."

However, this night was not peaceful. Jandice tossed and turned, her mind telling her that she should tell Jaina about what happened at home.

She knew more than he did, but he was his father after all. Once the king knew about this, old Barov would probably not even have the chance to go to the Kolin intersection to dig potatoes.

The Curse Cult had been doing food business in Stratholme a few years ago. If it weren't for my father's help, it would have been difficult for them to get the qualification. They must have been greedy for money at that time, and now they are probably in deep trouble.

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(End of this chapter)

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