Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 116: Nathanos Marius

Chapter 116 Nathanos Maris

Arthas pushed this strange thought out of his mind.

At this time, Marwyn suddenly said, "Your Highness! I remember there is a ranger living here. Should we recruit him?"

Jandice said, "High elf? Is there still a high elf living here?"

Falric said: "The owner of this place is Nathanos Maris, and he is the only human ranger."

"Nathanos Maris: The son of a farmer, he was very talented since childhood. At that time, the trolls were still very powerful. Under the leadership of Zul'jin, they had always threatened the safety of Lordaeron.

When Nathanos was young, he was sent to Quel'Thalas to monitor the trolls and studied under Sylvanas Windrunner.

He made great contributions in the war against the trolls, and his strength was recognized by the high elves. With the recommendation of his teacher, he was awarded the title of Ranger Lord, which was the first time a human was awarded this title.

"Later, he participated in the Second War and was stationed in Nanhai Town!"

"He retired a few years ago. He returned to live on the Maris Farm."

"We should not disturb this old soldier's life. When the great lord went on an expedition to Blackrock Mountain some time ago, he refused the king's call."

The prince said, "Well, let's hurry. We need to pass Crown Watch and then get to Corin's Crossing, where the rumors about zombies are the most."

They sped up! In fact, riding a horse is a very tiring thing. A noble lady like Jandice has never been so tired.

But she didn't say a word extra. This was how Jaina and Tyran Fordring rode to Blackrock Mountain, and they didn't bring any followers with them.

The group rushed to the Crown Watchtower, but when they got there, they didn't see any soldiers on duty.

The angry Arthas shouted a few times, but no one answered. Have these guys begun to blatantly abandon their posts?

"Farric, Marwyn, search this place and see where everyone has gone?"

"Isn't this Selyek's defense zone? He has always been loyal to his duties. Where is he now?"

The sky was getting dark. This area was much larger than the area under Andorhal's jurisdiction, and it would take several weeks to complete the inspection, not to mention the time lost in the middle of the trouble.

Trouble is everywhere, there are jackals, bandits, beasts, and even supernatural creatures in the wild. Since the great lord was transferred away, there are not many areas that are completely controlled by humans.

Fortunately, the people led by the prince were all elite. In fact, this was entirely the fault of King Terenas, he should have recruited more paladins and border guards.

After all, since Tyran Fordring conquered Zul'Matha, the army here has been reduced. In addition to the standing army in Stratholme and the garrison between Blackwood Lake and Corrin Crossing, only the garrison of Tyr's Hand remains. The rest of the troops have been transferred to the south to guard against the remnants of Alterac.

The prince had little support along the way. Jaina did not travel with Arthas because of her status. If they were in danger, Jandis would not be able to teleport back to the city to ask Uther to send troops for support.

Some small changes will cause a chain reaction, which is why the Time Dragon dare not make any changes to the timeline.

The prince didn't know what he was about to face. He was now filled with anger towards those nobles and doubts about Uther's teachings! Were all the nobles he wanted to protect such people?
It was already dark. The paladins and some of the warriors in the team were fine, as they all possessed powerful supernatural powers and could still hold on. But the attendants and ordinary soldiers could no longer travel in the dark.

The prince ordered them to stay where they were. However, there was no one there, not even a grain of food.

Living conditions in the Middle Ages were very hard. At night, without expensive magic crystal lamps, the only evening activity was to make little people!

They hastily cleaned up a few rooms and ate some dry food. The prince considerately gave the garrison officer's house to Jandice. Even so, the smell of sweat mixed with some unknown odor and the smell of tobacco made the young lady toss and turn.

The next morning, she walked out of the room with dark circles under her eyes. Outside, the soldiers were busy making breakfast and fetching water for washing. The careful Falak checked the surroundings again, and there was nothing unusual here, except for the missing soldiers.

Finally they decided to speed up their journey to the Corin Crossing. The prince wanted to see what the mayor had done for his people besides collecting taxes for ten years.

When they arrived at the Kolin intersection, it was already evening. They found that there was no one here either. The whole town was empty, not even a living thing!

The prince's emotions began to get out of control. The Crown Watchtower had no more than 100 or 200 people, while Corin Crossing was a town with a population of several thousand.

Not only citizens, but also sheriffs and even nobles who were exiled here to dig potatoes, all disappeared. Alsace began to realize the seriousness of the problem.

Jandice walked into the room and laid his body on the bed. He wished he had a fiancé like Taelan Fordring.

That way, I wouldn't have to work so hard running around in the wild, nor would I have to look for potato diggers at the deserted Colin intersection.

Now I must be living in a warm room in Hearthglen, eating delicious food, reading books, and maybe there will be a romantic night waiting for me.

Alas! The great knight is gone too. My best friend and I are not lucky people.

Now she and she were both facing loneliness alone. Just one person in Hearthglen, one person in Corin Crossing, one guarding an empty room, one next to a lot of potatoes.

By the way, the Corrin Crossing is a food transfer base. All of Lordaeron's food is centered in Andorhal. It is sent to Stratholme and Tyr's Hand through the Corrin Crossing.

This is the key point! It's just that because the High Lord conquered Zul'Matha, Stratholme has become a grain export point.

They would buy the grain from farmers at low prices, and sell it at high prices to Kul Tiras merchants or dwarf caravans who came here through the Corrin Crossing, and then send it to Alterac in the south, or even Stromgarde, Khaz Modan and other places.

Andorhal lost its status as a food sales center. In addition to supplying the capital, most of the food it produced was sold to Quel'Thalas or Kul Tiras.

There had always been plenty of food and goods at Corrin Crossing. That was all money, so why were all these people gone? Where had the food gone? Jandice knew merchants all too well. They would sacrifice their lives for money, and they would do anything.

Agamand even sold food to the trolls when Taelan Fordring failed to clear them out.

Her father and brother had also been involved in the business in recent years, and she still remembered how proud her brother was some time ago. It was said that he had made a big deal and sold a large amount of grain in Stratholme.

No, we have to find the food. If there is anything that spreads the plague the most, it must be water and food!

The water source is difficult to control and too easy to be seized, so food becomes the most stable channel of transmission. As for air...if it is air, don't even think that your mana shield will work! Those ordinary soldiers have long become undead.

Jandice could no longer sit still. He grabbed Barov's heirloom and walked out.

Now she couldn't care less, those were the lives of hundreds of thousands of people! If it was really related to that business, and she remained indifferent, the torment of her conscience would be enough to turn her into a madman.

Just as she was about to open the door, she heard a low roar like that of a wild beast coming from outside.

She immediately opened the door and walked out, facing a huge sword coming towards her.

(End of this chapter)

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