Chapter 117 Plague Bringer

Jandice had just walked out of the house when she was attacked.

This is where inexperience comes in. If Jaina heard such a sound, she would never come out from the front door.

Born into a military family and married into a military family, she has developed a habit. When faced with an emergency, she would stop and think first, and immediately cast protective spells such as ice armor and mana shield on herself. If she wants to leave the house, she must first consider using spells to scout.

When people are in danger, her first reaction must be what she is best at!
The shadow slashed with a sword, and saw a group of women with the same appearance appear in front of it, each of them holding a special staff. Then it was hit by arcane missiles from several of them.

After a few minor explosions, the surroundings became quiet. The shadow turned out to be a skeleton in a black robe. Its spine was broken by the arcane missile and it could no longer move, but its empty eye sockets were still burning with icy blue flames. It stared at Jandice Barov with hatred.

Jandice's heart began to beat rapidly. She felt a chill rising from her tailbone, causing her to shiver.

At this time, the whole camp was in chaos, and soon there was a violent vibration from the ground. This was the sound of the warriors' thundering strike.

That must be Falric! He and Marwyn are high-level warriors. He must have such a powerful supernatural ability!
She had seen the power of a real warrior! The shockwave sent by the great knight could easily cause serious damage to all targets within a 20-yard cone range and stun them. And the more targets hit, the faster the spell cools down.

At this time, a tall figure wearing heavy armor but without a cloak ran into the yard. Marwyn held a long sword in one hand and a huge shield in the other.

As soon as he saw Jandice, he immediately said, "Miss Jandice, I'm so glad you're okay. We are surrounded. Come with me!"

The two of them didn't have time to talk. Jandice had already canceled the illusion and followed Marvian out.

Thanks to the fact that Farric and Arthas had experienced a lot of battles recently, they carefully chose a house with its back to a tall sentry post. This gave them a road in front for easy retreat. And they had something to rely on behind them for easy defense. There was also a well here.

At this time, Prince Arthas was confronting a man in black robe, and behind him were the Royal Guards of Lordaeron who were already lined up.

Fortunately, they were all elite troops, and except for a few individuals who were slightly injured due to the sudden attack, there was no loss of manpower.

Moreover, they had been investigating along the way and had already made some psychological preparations and plans for the appearance of the undead. The injured drank the holy water and were healed by the holy light.

Prince Arthas had been very anxious all along the way, and now his anger was slowly being ignited.

In the prince's hands was a massive warhammer: Light's Vengeance.

He shouted, "Who are you? What have you done to my people?"

The hooded man said sinisterly, "Young prince, the end is coming soon. Join the Curse Cult! That will be your only destination!
My great master will grant you great power and immortality!"

"I heard your voice!"

Jandice strode over to the prince. "I heard your voice in Dalaran!"

Prince Arthas asked: "A great mage of Dalaran? What has brought you to such a state?"

The man suddenly laughed loudly and said, "What do you mean by depravity? I have only been liberated. I no longer want to listen to those stupid souls chattering there, and I no longer have to abide by those boring rules and regulations."

“You have no idea how happy I am now!”

"The great master has granted me endless power and knowledge, which I never dared to imagine before."

"Even the great lord who is more powerful than a demigod is not as happy as I am now." In Jandis's memory, there were two people whose magic power fluctuations were not much different from the man in front of him.

One is Kel'Thuzad, the former archmage of Dalaran. She had sensed the fluctuation of mana at home some time ago.

How did he get here? Did they have a portal? Jandice didn't think they could teleport at will like Jaina and Archmage Angela Dusatus could.

The other person was the one she thought was the most unlikely! That was the psychic master North Abraham.

The only master in her mind with whom she could safely use psychic arts.

She asked tentatively with a trembling voice: "Is it mentor North?"

The voice in the black robe seemed to be pricked by something.

He took off the black robe on his head, and the handsome young man was gone; the elegant, easy-going and knowledgeable mentor was gone. He turned into a pale and twisted monster. He was wearing a strange robe, and his hands were shaking slightly.

Arthas said: "Noth? The evil nemesis of Lordaeron, with the kindest and purest soul! What on earth have you encountered? Who turned you into this?"

Jandis suddenly thought of Jaina's evaluation of Farina. She was not simple. She was an extraordinary person. She was simply a black widow!

"The seventh? Really? You married Farina?"

North Abraham suddenly became excited: "Shut up! You are not worthy to say her name! She is my wife! No one is worthy of her except me!"

Arthas felt his soul was ignited by anger! That bitch, Holy Light, please forgive me!
She is everywhere. Wherever she appears, disaster follows!

Her chaotic private life seemed to have dragged the entire Lordaeron into the quagmire!
Tyran Fordring met her and was abused by Jaina. There were six other big enemies in front of him who lost their lives not long after they got married! Alexandros' son Renor attended elegant banquets and was decadent all day long. Rivendell was desperately trying to make money, so that the civilians who couldn't afford to eat joined the Curse Cult!
Now the seventh one has come! Noth is a famous necromancer in Lordaeron, and there are no more than 100 necromancers in the whole of Lordaeron. He is the kindest one, and he has repeatedly helped the Privy Council solve cases, and is known as the Sin Killer.

He became the seventh one, and then he became what he is now!
Arthas said: "Noth! Did you do all this?"

"Yes! They are all freed! We all belong to the great master!"

Arthas asked, "Who is your so-called great master? Who else is involved in this matter? How do you know about Taelan Fordring?"

North suddenly laughed again: "What about the demigod? Wasn't he killed by a more powerful force? The great master had foreseen this and it was he who sent out..."

"Ah..." North suddenly screamed in pain, and big beads of sweat flowed down his forehead.

He seemed to be tortured. Then he stopped talking. The ground suddenly shook, and corpses emerged from the ground!
So all the missing people are here?

Some of the corpses actually exploded, and skeletons walked out from them.

Both Jandice and Arthas felt their bodies beginning to weaken at the same time!
Jandice immediately said: "This is a magical curse!"

 Regarding the black witch, it is not entirely my setting to blacken her. She must be a supporter of Kel'Thuzad's activities in Lordaeron.

(End of this chapter)

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