Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 118 Falling into darkness

Chapter 118 Falling into darkness
Jandice said: "This is a group curse!"

North watched his former apprentice removing the curse. He couldn't help but say again: "It's useless! My curse is everywhere!"

Jandis had removed the curse for several paladins. They each activated their own aura, but their aura was far inferior to that of the great lord.

The Overlord is simply the father of the Affliction Warlock, and his Purification Aura can simultaneously end all the persistent negative effects within two kilometers. And the auras of these Paladins are nothing more than regular Piety Aura and Punishment Aura, which only increase the defense ability.

The Lordaeron Royal Guards were all veterans who had experienced hundreds of battles. Although these undead creatures were unprecedented and terrifying, they were not scared. This team had a clear division of labor and a full range of talents.

The careful and serious Falric is the prince's adjutant, responsible for the prince's foreign affairs. The loyal and steady Marwyn is a defensive warrior who has always been at the forefront.

Paladin Roland is a rare commander, and when the prince leads the troops in the front line, he will be in charge of commanding the troops. He has a very special aura: the command aura, which can improve the combat effectiveness of friendly forces.

He is a serious man, but he would pay attention to a holy priest in a white robe from time to time. It seems that he also has a little happiness.

Under Roland's command, they worked in teams of two, helping each other to cut down the hordes of zombies. These zombies lacked coordination and were relatively fragile. They killed quite a few of them quickly.

But when a zombie falls, a skeleton may stand up from its body. The most important thing is that they cannot be bitten, which gradually restricts their actions.

This won't work, North must be defeated. Others may not understand, but Jandice has received a complete occult education after all, and she is about to become a great wizard.

She was furious. She had to remove this troublesome curse and kill North. Otherwise, everyone would be dragged to death by the tireless undead sooner or later.

In an instant, more than a dozen phantoms appeared on the battlefield, and they used Remove Curse at the same time. In times of crisis, mana is life for mages, but now they must help the prince survive this crisis.

A cold wind blew, covering the white lady's face, and the surroundings began to darken. The cold wind seemed to blow into the bones.

In an instant, Jandice removed the curse from everyone, her talent, magic dispelling helped her. Prince Arthas was also very talented in command, and he had seen that these undead were impossible to kill.

Only by defeating North could this disaster be stopped. He raised the vengeance of Holy Light and issued an order. Falric immediately led two teams of warriors to stop the skeletons and zombies that appeared around. Marwyn, Paladin Carl and George immediately followed the prince and rushed towards North.

Roland was in charge of the command. He ordered all the infantry to raise their shields to strengthen their defense, and the scouts to focus on attacking the enemy's long-range troops.

Marwyn seemed to be a little taller, and he thrust the big sword into the ground. A shock wave rushed directly towards North, which not only made North's body tilted, but also broke apart the skeletons in front of him.

Arthas shouted, "Well done!"

Jandice thought to himself, "This is far worse than that guy!"

This is only about 15 yards, half the range of the big knight, but it's good enough in this situation. Maybe I can try to mimic this effect with arcane spells, calling it Arcane Swiftstrike.

The magic hasn't been created yet, but the name sounds pretty nice.

After all, they were all heroic units, not ordinary soldiers, and they quickly cleared out the undead in front of North. Arthas took the lead, and he saw that North was reciting a long string of spells, which must be a powerful spell.

He rushed directly in front of North and punched him in the face.

The prince knew that magic control skills had little effect on hero units, while rage skills would cause powerful damage to the body.

Some powerful skills often require lengthy spells. Once a powerful melee professional gets close to you, you will be forced to stop casting spells.

At this time, four tall skeletons appeared around North, wielding giant axes to block several people. Carl asked George to protect Jandice closely, while he and Marwyn held the four skeletons two against four. Jandice once again removed the curse on everyone. Arthas finally approached North, and he swung the Revenge of the Holy Light and hammered at North!
North weighed the power and chose - Flash! This prince was no pushover either. With this blow, he would be back in his master's arms. He couldn't die yet!

Arthas is also an extremely powerful Paladin. As a mage, it is not a good idea to engage in close combat with a Paladin who is close to legendary level.

As Norse was in a panic, the undead lost their command and became chaotic. As expected, without actual combat training, the undead under Norse's command were far inferior to the undead army under Anub'arak's command.

Then the two sides started a fierce battle. Noth was even forced to flash to the roof! Unfortunately, this is not Naxxramas. Flashing to the roof will not save him from being hit.

Because the Grand Lord had reformed the configuration of the Silver Hand, the Lordaeron army was now generally equipped with scouts composed of hunters. Those hunters concentrated their firepower and began to use viper stings to attack Noth.

This strange spell can absorb the mana of extraordinary beings.

Because North was being suppressed, the undead creatures were gradually cleared out, and he had no time to use summoning to replenish the number.

Finally, North's magic shield was removed by Jandice, and her figure blurred for a while and turned into several people again. North thought that someone must be reading an enhanced malicious transformation.

He was not yet an undead and was not immune to spells like fear and mind control. Lacking practical experience, he had no choice but to use a counterspell against Jandis, whose hands were glowing with white arcane light. This was something he learned in Dalaran.

He guessed it must be a malicious Transfiguration.

Prince Arthas seized the opportunity, and the powerful Revenge of Holy Light struck North's left shoulder!
He let out a scream. There were no constructs or abominations yet. He knew that his small body could not withstand the attacks of these paladins. And his former apprentice gradually adapted to the battle and was no longer afraid.

She learned to choose magic in battle and cooperate with her teammates. Her illusions are very deceptive, and her specialty is removing magic and weakness curses.

Once the protection of the spell is stripped away, he will be hit hard by the revenge of the Holy Light! The prince's attack power is very high.

Now he was a little glad that he was not an undead creature, otherwise he would be hit by the Holy Light. There were several paladins in Arthas's team.

Arthas, with the help of Righteous Pursuit, chased after him. Noth finally got through the spell buffer and flashed over the wall.

The prince ignored the obstruction of the earth wall and thrust his right shoulder forward. With a bang, he broke through the wall. Then he jumped high, and the Revenge of the Holy Light was ignited by the Holy Light, like a small sun!

North had just recovered from the disorder in his magic circuits when he saw the prince holding a huge hammer and smashing it at him.

In a trance, he seemed to see himself standing in the court, using spiritualism to help a poor man clear his name, and his daughter knelt down devoutly to pay tribute to him!
What have I done? I have committed a grave sin! Why not let the prince kill me? This way, justice can be done to the dead!
"Your soul belongs to the master, you have no right to die!"

A voice suddenly came from the depths of his soul, and North's consciousness became blurred, and the images in his memory began to shake. The face of an old and ugly woman began to rapidly become younger. A beautiful body appeared in front of him, and he couldn't take his eyes away.

"Take them all! It doesn't matter what, as long as she stays by my side!"

"I am not him, a man with a noble soul. Even he cannot resist the power of the master. Give up!"

Facing Prince Arthas's giant hammer, the light in North's eyes turned from blue to red. While trying his best to dodge, he stretched out his hand and summoned a large group of zombies.

These were all fresh corpses, they were all civilians of Lordaeron. They were all twisted by the power squeezed out of Norse, and they stretched out their hands that had not yet rotted, grabbing the prince!

(End of this chapter)

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