Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 139: Tears of Arthas

Chapter 139: Tears of Arthas
Arthas' lost strength was restored in an instant.

I resurrected you with my own hands, and the ruling power of Frostmourne still binds you!
He turned his horse around and galloped south, followed closely by four death knights. The undead army split into two groups and surrounded Dalaran in a pincer.

Antonidas knew it wouldn't go that smoothly. Aren't the undead's goal the Book of Medivh? Why would they go after Jaina who was about to evacuate?
But this risk cannot be taken! The Archmage expanded the entire magic barrier to the south, which weakened the magic barrier in some areas.

Little did he know that this was exactly what the Archlich wanted. Killing Jaina or not was not his goal. The task assigned by the Lich King was just to open the portal. He had a deeper intention.

Archmage Antonidas' attention was diverted to the south. Kel'Thuzad was once the Archmage of the Kirin Tor, and he knew Dalaran very well.

Kel'Thuzad felt sorry for his talented apprentice, the little goblin Magic Wand. He refused to go with him. He actually got involved with the powerful lord, which saved him from disaster.

When he came back and was ready to attack his apprentice, he had already joined Kul Tiras as Tandre's magic advisor to sail. What's even more hateful is that this beast took away his beloved cat, Mr. Bigworth!

Fortunately, he still had a few mages in his hands, and they would soon be able to help him disrupt the barrier. He activated the magic communication. He was not contacting those poor guys, but a powerful Nathrezim. He was the contact of his real master.

Soon, a corner of Dalaran became chaotic, but Antonidas had no time to care about it. The undead army's siege weapon, the meat grinder, appeared, and the corpses they threw were carrying plague.

With the help of four death knights and the frost dragon, Arthas ignored the damage of the magic barrier. He quickly broke through the two outer defense lines and came to the south gate of Dalaran. As a commander, he knew that cutting off the traffic was more important than destroying those troops.

The frost dragon ignored the ground attack. It rushed directly to the southern road. It breathed a terrifying breath at the advancing convoy, killing all those hit. The four death knights led the army to encircle Jaina's troops from both sides.

Jaina and her rearguard were surrounded in the south of Dalaran. The only way out now was to teleport. But with the interference of the Undead Sky, Jaina couldn't teleport all these people away. And the rearguard was actually more important than those who had already arrived in Southshore Town. Almost all the leaders were in this team.

This fine tradition has enabled Taelan Fordring's team to always maintain its combat effectiveness, but now it has become a weakness.

The only high-ranking generals in the troops that had already set out were Maerlan and Maxwell Dawnbringer, among others. All members of the Fording family, except for Calandra, a non-combat member, were in the rearguard, including his two squire knights.

Jaina knew that this was the last moment, and it would be better to kill her if she abandoned her family and ran away alone again!

She immediately calmed down, and the "Morning Light" floated out of the void and began to spin around her at high speed. Then the terrifying elemental power was mobilized, and a huge portal opened behind her. A terrifying water element floated out of the portal engraved with gorgeous symbols.

Grand Duke of Water Element Hydraxis!
"Respected Lady Jaina Proudmoore! What caused you to summon my projection?"

Jaina panted as she leaned on the Staff of Domination, "Respected Grand Duke Hydraxis, we are about to face the enemy of all living beings, so I can only summon your projection! Please help my men evacuate!"

Hydraxis looked at the army of undead. No one could tell the expression of the Elemental Lord!
But the nearby elemental forces all boiled up, and thirty portals were opened. A tall sea elemental walked out of each portal. As soon as they appeared, the entire battlefield began to fall into a large snowstorm. Countless ice cones fell from the sky, crushing all the elite ghouls in the front to death! The wailing banshees behind also stopped in their tracks.

The powerful force of the Elemental Lords caused the army of undead to stagnate. Taking this opportunity, Grand Duke Hydraxis cast a spell with all his strength and opened a strange and gorgeous portal.

A blue fat man who looked like a djinn walked out of the portal. It was floating in the air, with muscular upper body. It looked a bit like the orc warlock's pet Voidwalker, but it was more ferocious.

It was very small, wearing a strange elemental wristband. After it came out, it did not pounce on the enemy or cast spells like other elements, but quietly floated behind Jaina.

At this time, several neighings of undead horses were heard. The quadruple evil aura brought the entire undead army to life. The owner of the aura swung the rune sword, and in an instant the entire battlefield was covered by a green shield. All blizzards and firestorms were no longer effective against the undead army.

Jandice Barov looked at the green rune shields and said, "Anti-magic shield."

Under the urging of Frostmourne, Arthas no longer waited, eager to devour more souls and master more powerful power. Ding. Frostmourne was blocked by a warhammer filled with holy light.

"Arthas, you can't continue to degenerate like this! These are your people! What you should do is protect them, not kill them!"

Tirion Fording's temples have completely turned white. He has been hit hard recently. First, he heard the bad news that his son used the high-level Holy Light spell Divine Intervention to protect his lover. He also heard the news that many of his former comrades had died. Now his tone is low and his lips are trembling.

Thinking of Taelan Fording's previous advice and support to him, and his promise to Timmy, a line of tears flowed down Prince Arthas's cheeks, and a white flower on the ground was wet by the prince's tears, and it turned red in an instant.

From today on, it's called the Tears of Arthas.

The prince swung the rune sword and slashed at Tirion Fordring fiercely. The Lich King took over his will and he could not control his body.

The warriors of both sides engaged in a fierce fight, those former compatriots drew their swords against each other, and soon the land was dyed red with blood.

Tirion Fordring struggled to resist the prince's attack. At this moment, he suddenly felt that he was locked by something. He knew that it was not good. These death knights all knew a spell that was very similar to his son's Divine Grip. They called it Death Grip.

But Tirion Fordring didn't dare ignore the prince in front of him. He must be controlled by something, and every time he moved, it was not smooth. But his attacks and tricks were very powerful.

At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed over. Blocking the blow. Tirion Fordring's guard captain, Alton, called on the Holy Light and smashed a shield on the ground. The Holy Light blocked the Death Grip. But under the illumination of the five evil auras, the movements of the Death Knights were like lightning.

Prince Arthas' aura is also an evil aura, and his aura is more powerful.

Tirion Fordring watched as his chief guard was pierced through the heart by a sword. Roland calmly drew out his rune sword, and a wisp of white soul was drawn out of the wound by the rune sword. Ardon fell to the ground, but he did not become an undead, but died peacefully.

Not all evil will succeed. Human virtue can often create miracles.

With the help of Invincibility (skill) and Grand Duke Hydraxis, Tirion Fordring struggled to resist the abnormal prince.

But Tirion Fordring knew that this was the last resistance of Arthas's humanity. He would not be able to control his own body.

As time passed, Tirion Fordring used invincibility for the second time.

The prince's attacks became more and more fierce. He was also adapting to his body and strength. The magical aura in his eyes became stronger as the number of souls bound by the Sword of Sorrow in his hand increased.

Finally, he no longer hesitated in his attack, and without stopping, he slashed at Tirion Fordring, who was struggling to hold on.

At this time, a sinister voice said: "My little prince, we succeeded!"

The Archlich Kel'Thuzad is here!

 Tears of Arthas are indeed a herb.

  Can anyone guess what the elemental creatures summoned by Hydraxis are?

(End of this chapter)

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