Chapter 14 Son of Light

Chapter 14 Son of Light

"Mage is a respectable profession. Most importantly, mages are powerful professionals who can protect themselves!

Jaina, my daughter, I hope you can live well! "

It seems that Drake's death not only made Daelin lose an excellent heir, but also changed his mind and made him hate the orcs to the core.

Jaina suddenly said, "Taylan can protect me! He is a paladin. Didn't Dad say that paladins are the most powerful warriors who can protect their loved ones and their people?"

Taelan Fording: "..."

I tried it yesterday and almost met the angel lady! I actually faced a dragon general alone at the age of eight. If it weren't for that bottle of awful Dalaran potion, I would have been finished! I should stay away from her at ordinary times.

Daelin suddenly laughed out loud, "Yes, Paladins are powerful warriors. They are proficient in combat skills and have the power of Holy Light. They can protect their families and their people! Taelan, Tirion and I will recommend you to go to Dalaran for further studies to learn mysticism and magic."

Tyran Fording quickly said, "Thank you, uncle!"

The masters of the Kirin Tor Council are all good choices for mentors! Except for Kel'Thuzad, it's not that he is not knowledgeable enough, but he simply has no time to pay attention to you!

At this time, Tirion Fording came out of the house and said to Daelin: "You got up so early! Jaina, good morning! You are dressed so beautifully today!"

Tirion looked at the rising sun, then at the chubby hand that was holding onto his son's clothes, and suddenly said, "Taelan, I remember you said you had a small gift for Jaina, didn't you?"

When Jaina heard that Tyran had a gift for her, her eyes turned into crescents: "What is it? Show it to me!"

Taelan Fording felt tired. Father, how afraid are you that your son will become a bachelor? Of course he knew what the gift his father was talking about was.

He had no choice but to take out the "gentleman's dress" and gave it to Jaina. Jaina happily took the hat and looked at it carefully. It was a witch's hat, but the tip was not that high. There was a beautiful bow on it. The hat was made of good material and inlaid with several malachite stones. Jaina raised it above her head, measured it a few times, and then put it on her head. She raised her little face and said playfully: "Thank you! This hat is so beautiful. Taran! I will always wear it!"

This scene made Taelan Fording feel a bit like the scene of Lin Daiyu trying on a bamboo hat. Well, Lin Daiyu is really able to uproot a weeping willow tree!
Daelin took a look at the hat and immediately knew that it was a magical item, and it should have special magical effects. He did not refuse, but said: "It is not just beautiful, it is a precious magical item, Jaina, when you become a professional, you will activate its magical power."

As an admiral of a country, Daelin would certainly have political considerations for his daughter's choice of friends. Tirion is a representative of the Knights of the Silver Hand, with great strength. He is also upright and open-minded. The most important thing is that his son Taelan not only has a good character and is responsible, but also has extraordinary talent, and he likes him very much.

In his eyes, if this child is well-educated, he will definitely become the next Lightbringer. His daughter becoming friends with him will be of great help to her life. Even without mentioning Tirion's factor, in this world of swords and magic where great power belongs to oneself, strong power itself represents status and power!
Jaina was very satisfied with the hat. She thanked Taelan first, and then began to ask about the origin of the hat. Taelan had to tell her that he had a big fight with the gentleman, and the gentleman lost in the end. He won the hat.

After breakfast, Tirion Fordring took his son to visit the Archmage Antonidas of Dalaran, while Tyran Fordring and Jaina agreed to catch the dwarf who turned Tyran into a cat in the afternoon! Jaina blushed when she mentioned cats. After saying goodbye, Tirion Fordring took Tyran to the Violet Castle. This time, Antonidas quickly let the father and son into the reception room.

Antonidas's reception room was not as luxurious as those of other wizards. There were not many gold, silver and jewelry, only some oil paintings and some magic gems, and the largest number of items were books.

Tirion Fordring quickly explained the situation. Antonidas asked the father and son to sit down in his study. In addition to a desk, the rest of the room was filled with tall bookshelves filled with all kinds of books! The things on the table were neatly arranged, and there was an unfinished letter that was also placed aside in a proper manner. Judging from these furnishings and the old wizard's neat clothes, he is a self-disciplined person! And he must be a learned man, but he even speaks and acts in a rigid manner, and seems a little too old-fashioned. Well, like a wizard version of Uther!

The old wizard took Tailan's hand, then he closed his eyes, and when he opened them, a violet light appeared in his eyes. Tailan immediately felt as if he had been seen through.

After a while, Antonidas withdrew his hand. His eyes returned to their normal color. He said, "I saw a mountain made of crystal, with holy light emitting from it. Tirion, there is nothing wrong with your son."

Tirion Fording said: "But he often has headaches and forgets a lot of things. He even forgets his childhood playmates."

Antonidas said, "I have sensed his soul. There is nothing wrong with it. If there is a problem, it is that he is different! You and your son are both paladins, but he is completely different from you!
Paladins gain the recognition of Holy Light through faith. Through training, they master Holy Light. Every time you fight, you call upon Holy Light. But your son's body absorbs the energy scattered in the air and continuously generates Holy Light in his body. His Holy Light belongs entirely to him. I think he should be called the Son of Light!"

"He lost his memory because of a severe blow to his head. He often has headaches because his body is not strong enough to fully bear his overly powerful soul! It is precisely because his holy light belongs entirely to him that he can instantly cast the spells you need to chant. I think when he grows up, he can manipulate the holy light as he pleases like a wizard."

Tirion Fordring and Taelan had to admire this wise wizard! Although he was old-fashioned, he was indeed very knowledgeable, and his research on the Holy Light was not much worse than his research on magic!
Seeing the two people in a daze, Antonidas asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Taelan Fording said: "Respected Speaker! You are absolutely right. I have mastered the skill of using holy light like arcane energy. I call it holy light bullet!"

Hearing about the new Holy Light spell, Antonidas immediately became interested. He teleported the father and son to the magic laboratory in the Violet Castle and asked Taelan Fordring to demonstrate the new magic. When he saw the light bullet formed by the Holy Light, which shot at the target at a high speed and produced a slight explosion, he immediately made a judgment.

"This is a brand new Holy Light spell that can only be used by those who fully control the Holy Light. Not only can it be cast instantly without the aid of casting materials, but it also has high damage. This holy energy can cause magical damage and also produce healing effects. And it is very gentle. Although it cannot lock onto the enemy, it flies very fast. It is more comprehensive than Arcane Missiles. Little Taelan, when you grow up, you should come to Dalaran to study abroad for a while. It will be very good for you to master more mysticism! If I hadn't promised Daelin to take Jaina as my apprentice, I would definitely let you be my apprentice."

"But don't worry, I will recommend you to the Archmage Krasus. He is knowledgeable and more importantly, he has mastered powerful fighting skills!"

Tyran Fording was delighted! This way he could legitimately contact the dragon race and get to know the red dragon queen Alexstrasza!
When playing Hearthstone, his favorite neutral card is Alexstrasza, the Red Dragon Queen!

"I bring life and hope!"

And if you come into contact with Krasus, you will have the opportunity to participate in the Battle of Grim Batol!

 Post first and revise later! Please give us your suggestions! Thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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