Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 146: The Triumph of Arthas Menethil

Chapter 146: The Triumph of Arthas Menethil

Archimonde kicked Bruttalus away who was blocking the way.

At this time, Tichondrius came over and said, "Great Polluter, we should revise our plan. We cannot let that tiny human become more powerful. We must find a way to eliminate him once and for all."

"Compared to the first time we fought, it is much stronger! In order to fight it, the Nathrezim lost Anetheron forever, and Jinteisa was also seriously injured."

Manaros said in a voice like the friction of steel: "My lord, you are frightened by that little bug. It is not that strong! If I were to encounter it, I would definitely crush it to death!"

"Azgallo's death must not be in vain. Blue..."

"Shut up! Since you are so confident, I will send you as the vanguard to deal with it!"

Archimonde said: "I sense a powerful energy source on this planet. As long as I devour it, I can destroy this world once and for all!"

It pointed to the west with confidence and said, "That's the World Tree!"

“But we can’t waste time. It would be dangerous if it seizes the power of the World Tree before me.

Cancel the plan to occupy this continent first. Summon reinforcements and revive those bugs. Tichondrius, you will be in charge of them. "

The prince stood in the distance and watched silently as the demons of the Burning Legion formulated a new plan.

It turned and stared at Kel'Thuzad with eyes alight with magical aura.

Kel'Thuzad said: "My king, the Lich King predicted everything. Those demons who are constantly influenced by the force have no foresight.

Let them go. Follow me! We have a mission to accomplish."

The prince looked out for the last time, watching Tyran Fording leading a huge fleet away. He knew that when he returned, there would be a brutal battle.

All it saw in Taelan Fordring's eyes was a firm and unshakable will. He must have made up his mind. Anyone who stood in his way would be burned to ashes by his holy light.

I have to take action myself. I hope I can stand opposite him and fight him in the future!
The prince ignored Kel'Thuzad's urging, and his thoughts gradually drifted away.

A Lordaeron knight was riding a snow-white warhorse on a gravel road, and the trees and villages on both sides were rapidly receding.


The tall and majestic walls of Lordaeron's capital stand on the fertile land of Tirisfal. As soon as the sun rises, the city comes alive.

Several farmers from Brill were transporting carts of grain and fodder into the city. The hawking of vendors could be heard from the roadside stalls, where ragged poor people were working hard for a few copper coins.

A richly dressed nobleman dodged a group of Lordaeron recruits with disdain.

The knight held up a letter box covered with red ink.

Shouting loudly: "Triumph!"


Everyone around stopped walking. "Triumph? Has the great lord already pacified the dragon people in Blackrock Mountain?"

"Or has the Overlord captured the orc chieftain?"

The nobleman who held his head high curled his lips in disdain and said, "Perhaps the prince defeated the army of the undead and returned triumphantly from Northrend."

"Now all our troubles are gone. Those orcs are too incompetent. Can't they solve two problems at once?"

Two hours later, the entire city of Lordaeron was in a carnival, and everyone was smiling.

Kodiker Agamand curled his lips: I was right, these lowly people are just ignorant. It turns out that the prince has returned in triumph.

Teams of Lordaeron guards took to the streets, clearing away the vendors on both sides of the road. Dozens of girls came over with baskets full of beautiful flower petals.

King Terenas will hold a formal triumphal ceremony for everyone to celebrate and boost Lordaeron's morale.

At the same time, it also dilutes the news that is about to break out: the protector of the kingdom, the legendary paladin Taelan Fordring died for his country!
The Kingdom of Lordaeron now threatens all the countries in the Alliance, and all the enemy's weapons are gone. Fortunately, my son fought a good battle. I shouldn't have listened to Uther in the first place.

Compared to Tyran Fording, Uther's military command ability was too low. Even without mentioning his extraordinary strength, the old king was sure that Uther would never be Tyran Fording's opponent. He could lead others, but he didn't want others to lead him. He also couldn't create the kind of imaginative cavalry attack tactics.

If he had to choose a Grand Marshal, he would choose Taelan Fordring, just like Anduin Lothar chose Turalyon.

But Uther has one advantage over others, and that is his loyalty to the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

Terenas wanted to use a great victory to build momentum for the prince and then take over his position. His health was getting worse day by day.

Dealing with the mess left by the kingdom these days has exhausted him. None of those nobles are worry-free. Now he has given up the idea of ​​restoring the great cause of Emperor Thoradin. Let's leave it to his son!

Now that High Lord Tyran Fording is gone, he can let his son take over the vacancy he left. However, he cannot agree to Arthas' order to disband the Silver Hand, but he cannot refute it in person.

It seems that there will be more twists and turns. I hope Arthas can grow up quickly.

If it weren't for the invasion of powerful demons, Tyran Fordring's martyrdom would have been beneficial to the inheritance of power in the kingdom. This would have reduced the infighting among the nobles, and there would have been no need to worry about the tail being too big to be removed.

There is also the need to adjust the relationship with the Proudmoore family, whose influence is bound to decline. Perhaps we can extend our influence into Kul Tiras.

However, Terenas felt a headache. Forget it, let the next generation solve it.

I should step down quickly and let the young people take on the responsibilities they should bear!

I hope Arthas can quickly correct his stubborn nature. Maybe I put too much pressure on him, or maybe he just wants to do his best.

Dang Dang Dang!
The bells of Lordaeron rang, and the drawbridge of the royal city slowly lowered. The bells rang, just like 1600 years ago. General Lordaan rode his tall warhorse into the city of Lordaeron.

The wide and neat road was filled with people welcoming the prince on both sides. A tall warhorse came running in. He quickly jumped off the horse and stood at the city gate to welcome his prince.


The prince's chief guard walked in first. Then two teams of elite soldiers from the expeditionary army rushed in. They spread out along both sides of the road. They all held new weapons in their hands. The sharp weapons flashed coldly in the sun.

Next a tall man in a heavy cloak walked in.

His armor was engraved with the emblem of House Menethil.

The guards on both sides knelt on one knee to greet their master.

Flower petals began to fall like rain on the city walls on both sides of the road, and cheers rang out among the crowd, just like when Taelan Fordring returned from conquering Grim Batol.

The prince enjoyed the belated cheer.

Outside the throne room, the prince paused.

A beautiful rose petal fell on the prince's gauntlet, and it quickly withered and lost its color. The prince's fingers gently stroked it, and then threw it aside.

It seemed to have lost its weight, and fell at the foot of a statue with the breeze of Tirisfal, and then turned into powder.

Prince Arthas raised his head and glanced at the tall and majestic dome building of the Lordaeron Palace.

This was his former home. He was born here, grew up here, went to school here, and met Jaina for the first time here.

Today, things are different and people are different. Today's sunshine is not warm, as if it has lost its former warmth. Everything around me is so familiar and yet so strange.

The whispers in his ears never stopped, and the ghost of the old man kept haunting him. The prince did not stay.

Falric and Marwyn pushed open the heavy doors of the throne room, one on each side. The doors creaked. Everything decays, even dead things.

Sitting on the throne in the middle of the hall was an old man. Ever since his mother, Lianne, passed away, he had grown older and his health was declining day by day.

Arthas gently placed the huge sword on the ground with both hands, then knelt on one knee.

Father, this is the last time.

The old man had never taken his eyes off the boy who was related to him by blood since he walked in.

"Ah! My son!"

"You no longer have to worry about your people, or the weight of your crown!"

"What are you talking about? My son."

The prince stood up and pulled the hood off his head.

Terenas was surprised to see his son's blond hair turned white. His face was pale and bloodless.

"Are you ill? My child!"

"No, father, I have gained immortality."

The prince approached his father with sword in hand and lifted up the aged man with his strong hands.

"What are you going to do, my son?"

Terenas looked at Arthas in disbelief.

The beast's mumbling rang in Arthas' ears, constantly urging it on, and another ghost was also staring at him.

Frostmourne longed for that soul, and with each light of the ruling rune on it, Arthas's struggle in his heart was reduced. The runes on the entire sword lit up, and the prince no longer hesitated.

The sharp sword of sorrow easily pierced Terenas' body. Frostmourne hummed with pleasure. The prince gained great benefits. The chattering ghost wisely shut his mouth.

Snap! Gulu! The crown fell to the ground and broke into two pieces. One half was rotten, and the other half was still shining.

"Inherit you! My father!"

"This country is about to perish, and a new order is about to be established! The foundation of this world is about to be overturned!"

Panicked screams, raging fires, man-eating monsters, fleeing nobles, scapegoats, ruthless betrayal, and all kinds of ugliness.

Kodiq Agamand dons the robes of an acolyte, and a great fortune awaits him!
This city has experienced thousands of years of wind and rain. The powerful trolls failed to break through it, and the orc army failed to break through it. Today, it was hollowed out by its nobles and broken by its prince!

Every time this scene appeared, Prince Arthas felt a piercing pain.

It was clearly dead! But it could still hear its beating, and every beat was a torture.

I should really throw it away! Anything extra is unnecessary.

It glanced at the floating Kel'Thuzad.

Everyone is a slave to desire, and you are no exception. Desire drives you to make progress, but desire also drives you to destruction!
 This chapter should have been at the beginning, but it is more appropriate to put it here now.

  NetEase and Blizzard made the official announcement today. I was happy for the whole afternoon, but then I thought about it and realized that I am old now and can no longer use Bloodroar or run in Mythic+ dungeons. I can only play chess in the future.

  I will play chess well!
(End of this chapter)

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