Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 147 Target: The Barren Land

Chapter 147 Target: The Barren Land

Everyone has his or her own life, and everyone will run towards his or her own end. Every end is his or her own choice.

There is nothing to whitewash, and nothing to slander. What you did is done. As long as you can bear the consequences.

Sylvanas Windrunner kept her eyes on Kel'Thuzad and Arthas until they disappeared from her sight.

Then she turned her gaze to the godlike figure. He looked so much like her brother, especially his handsome face and blond hair, and they both had a strong sense of justice.

The only difference between them was a pair of pointed ears and strength. When she wore his cloak, it was like being embraced by his holy light. You would never have a spell addiction around him, even if you were a mage.

The only bad thing about him is that there is a woman who is always by his side.

Women should be independent and have their own persistence!
But she will only watch from afar, her purpose of living is revenge, and to fight for the alliance, just like her sister!
In this dangerous world, only those with reliable allies can survive. The next generation of high elves will inevitably be completely integrated into the alliance and become a member of this organization.

The battle she had just experienced made her realize that the world had changed. The supernatural had become the mainstream of the world, and there would no longer be scenes of groups of soldiers dominating wars.

A race without a demigod as a fulcrum has no right to speak, and even no right to live. They should either die or be expelled.

At this time, Halduron Brightwing came over and said, "General, the High Lord has summoned all the Alliance generals."

"Prince Kael'thas asked me to inform you to come over for a meeting."

Sylvanas Windrunner shook her head: "I am no longer a general. I am just an ordinary Alliance warrior. Let's go!"

"The Farstriders will become the main scout force of the Alliance in the future. The High Lord has suggested that you and the dwarf leader, Has Stonewine, serve as generals of the scout force."

Sylvanas Windrunner never refuses a responsibility. She never shirks.

"I understand! I will take on this responsibility until I die in battle."

Kul Tiras has a long history of shipbuilding that is the best in the Alliance. This flagship is of staggering size, and its hull is built of steel forged by dwarven blacksmiths.

Its power was jointly developed by Gnomeregan master craftsman Gelbin Mekkatorque and Fording's shipbuilding company boss Rhonin. It not only has amazing speed and defense, but also fierce firepower.

Sylvanas Windrunner pushed open the door of the conference room and walked in.

Tyran Fordring sat in the main seat, Jaina sat on his left, and Prince Kael'thas sat on his right. As the representative of the dwarves and Tyran Fordring's teacher, Has Stonewine sat next to Jaina.

To Sylvanas Windrunner's surprise, Archmage Rommath attended the meeting as an advisor to the Alliance.

He is a man of rude temper, and can be blunt even to the prince. Taelan Fordring chooses him and Demetria as his advisors.

After everyone was seated, Taelan Fording spoke first: "First, I have a few things to announce."

At this time, the door was opened, and Carlin Redpath led a tall, fair-skinned lady in.

Taelan Fordring allowed the lady and Prince Kael'thas to sit in extra seats.

"This is the last legitimate heir of the Menethil family in Lordaeron, Calia Menethil!"

"Today I declare Calia Menethil to be the Queen of Lordaeron. She shall inherit all of Lordaeron's lands and heritage. She shall represent Lordaeron in our new alliance."

"And Kael'thas Sunstrider will be crowned the king of Quel'Thalas. He will join us on behalf of the high elves." "We are about to face a doomsday battle. Archimonde, the leader of the Burning Legion, is a demigod more powerful than me. According to the prophecy of the prophet, we must seek a way to defeat it in Kalimdor."

"Now we must decide where we will land on Kalimdor."

"Janna, tell me about the plan you have made first! After all, Kul Tiras is the only human kingdom that has been to Kalimdor."

Jaina stood up and pulled back the curtain behind her. Behind her was a world map.

It was poorly drawn, but there was a lot of information on it. In the lower left corner was a line of words: Brian Bronzebeard, Materials Manager of Jenna Pharmacy Co., Ltd.

Jaina pointed at the map and said, "Our original plan was to start from Southshore Town, then resupply in Berrix City in Kul Tiras. Then we would pass by the Broken Isles, bypass the Maelstrom, and finally land in Dustwallow Marsh."

"There is a deep-water port there, which is not only convenient for us to land, but also allows us to trade with Kul Tiras in the future. It is also a good place for shipbuilding. Uncle said there is a lot of high-quality wood and metal deposits."

Taelan Fording said: "My suggestion is different from Janna's. Because our number is completely different from what Janna originally expected."

"You only had a few thousand men then. And except for a few after the Silver Hand was disbanded, you were all old and weak."

"We now have tens of thousands of people. We not only have the Paladins of the Silver Hand, but also the support of the High Elves' mages and rangers. The Dwarven Griffin Knights can provide us with air support."

There are enough of us, and there is no room for development in Dustwallow Marsh. So I choose the Barrens!"

"This is the core area of ​​eastern Kalimdor. The local mineral resources are rich, and there are many plains and lakes. As long as we defeat the local centaurs and boars, we can gain a foothold there."

Tyran Fording pointed to two nodes on the map and said, "More importantly, as long as we control the Barrens, we can control this place."

Taelan Fordring pointed his finger at a territory marked in green, which was surrounded by mountains, with plains in the middle and a large lake.

"I call this place Mulgore! It's green and lush, with abundant resources. And as long as we control Camp Taurajo, we can live here safely.

I suggest that the capital of the alliance be built here and called New Alonsos!"

Then we will build two permanent military fortresses at Crossroads and Taurajo, and control Ratchet. We will be able to recover our strength soon."

Archmage Rommath nodded in agreement. "I agree with the High Lord's suggestion. According to the ancient records of the high elves, this land is the transportation hub of eastern Kalimdor. If we control this land, we can not only control the Dustwallow Marsh to the south, but also develop to the north."

"And as long as we hold the Crossroads and Taurajo, we can control all of Mulgore and the Barrens."

No one else had ever been to Kalimdor, so the decision was unanimous.

After the destination was determined, everyone quickly reached a consensus and finalized the details.

The Alliance's fleet, under the command of Tandre, will soon arrive at the first supply point: Kul Tiras!

At the same time, the orcs who had set out to sea earlier than Taelan Fordring and Jaina were facing a big trouble.

 Thanks to Yun and Feiyu for the reward! Thanks to everyone for subscribing!

  I wish everyone wins every game of chess!
  Post first and revise later!
(End of this chapter)

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