Chapter 148 The Chosen Son

The water drops hit a lovely Tanaris goblin gold coin.

A giant yellow dragon lying in a pile of gold coins woke up from its sleep, raised its head, and stared at a pile of messy scrolls on the desk for a while.

This yellow dragon is Chromie, the Bronze Dragon Legion's ambassador in charge of foreign affairs.

The light and shadow changed, and soon it turned into a cute little dwarf.

Why did Daelin, who was chasing the orcs, return to Kul Tiras? It's not like Jaina would go directly to Kalimdor.

The recent timeline has completely collapsed, and now it's...

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared. A little cutie was brought out from the pile of gold coins. It spun in the air, fell down with a snap, and stood right in the crack of the stone.

Since Thrall defeated Blackmoore in Durnholde, put on the legendary plate armor of the former chieftain Orgrim, picked up the Doomhammer, and rescued his compatriots, he led the Frostwolves and the Warsong Clan to repel the human army led by Uther and marched south to the Alterac Mountains.

On the march, it met the prophet Medivh.

Due to the rise of Tyran Fordring, the orcs and trolls in the East Continent are having a hard time. Now the prophet predicts that a disaster is about to happen in the East Continent. Thrall decides to take the orcs to Kalimdor to find the oracle and a new home.

Blackmoore taught Thrall for ten years, not only teaching him human language and knowledge, but also teaching him how to lead an army.

Blackmoore is not a fool. He taught Thrall not to help him become a talent, but for his own ambition. This kind of person has high aspirations but a fragile life. His lifelong efforts seem to be just to prepare wedding clothes for the child of destiny.

Thrall personally cut off the fool's head. Then he sent the leader of the Warsong Clan, Grommash Hellscream, to raid the Kul Tiras fleet in Southshore. They captured some ships and soon set out to sea.

During this raid, many Kul Tiras sailors were killed by the brutal Grommash, which angered Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, who led his main fleet of the Kul Tiras Navy to hunt down these damn orcs.

If it weren't for the inexplicable fire in Kul Tiras' backyard, Thrall and his orc tribe would have found it difficult to survive the admiral's pursuit.

Now Thrall is in danger again, and when his fleet sailed around the Maelstrom, it encountered a storm and was separated from Grommash.

They came to a place called the Darkspear Islands, where they encountered a group of trolls who called themselves the Darkspear Clan.

The leader of this troll tribe is called Sen'jin.

The Darkspear clan was originally a member of the Gurubashi Troll Empire. The Gurubashi Empire had a tribe of trolls called the Hakkari, who worshipped an evil god called Hakkar. They were extremely fanatical compared to other clans, and soon, an endless civil war broke out.

The Darkspear clan, which is small and weak, is not so fanatical in its beliefs. Their leader, Sen'jin, is a witch doctor. He is a rare wise elder. He foresaw the future of the Hakkari trolls.

So he took his people and left the Gurubashi Empire, and came to this archipelago by ship. They named this place Darkspear Islands.

They rely on fishing and hunting for a living here. But the good days didn't last long. They were first disturbed by the murlocs. Later, some Kul Tirans also came here. The relationship between trolls and humans was originally very bad, so conflicts often occurred between them.

However, this is nothing, the real disaster is coming soon. The master of these fishmen is called the Naga sea witch Zarjila.

In order to summon her master, an unknown great being, she sent the fishmen to capture people from the earth race as sacrifices and sacrifice them to her master.

The Darkspear tribe is troubled by this, and their leader Sen'jin has been trying to find a way to free his people from this miserable life.

That night, Sen'jin felt a strange fluctuation of magic power, and he made a divination. The prophecy told him that there was a cave on the northern island, where he could find the answer he wanted.

The next day, it brought its people and came to the island in a small boat. In a cave, it found a yellow gem.

Senjin took the gem back. That night, he had a nightmare. He dreamed that the land sank into the sea and his people fled in all directions. Finally, a green-skinned orc wearing plate armor and holding a giant hammer saved him and his people.

It believed that this was a revelation from all spirits and that only this person could save its people.

Soon, Sen'jin rescued some orc sacrifices from the Naga sea witch. From these captives, Sen'jin learned about Thrall's existence, and the prophecy came true. So Sen'jin took his son Vol'jin and found Thrall trapped on a small island.

Sen'jin recognized Thrall from his appearance and his weapon. Through the conversation, Sen'jin knew that Thrall came to find the oracle, and he was more certain that Thrall was the one who could save them.

Only it can bring a safe home to its people and end their current miserable life.

So they decided to follow Thrall to Kalimdor, where they would look for the oracle and build a new home. Now they had to summon all the Darkspear tribe members and help the orcs search for the tribe members who were missing in the shipwreck.

The young Vol'jin stepped forward to complete the task on behalf of his elderly father. On a small island, Vol'jin found several orcs in distress, and from them, Vol'jin learned that the Naga Sea Witch had a place to hold prisoners.

It was an altar. The evil naga had captured enough people. A sacrifice would be held soon. Once the sacrifice was completed, its master would come. Young Vol'jin believed the rumor. It brought all its tribesmen and the rescued orc soldiers to attack the volcanic island. They easily entered there. When they saw that there were only a few humans imprisoned inside.

Woking knew he had been fooled!
It became the best sacrifice for the sea witch.

Soon the next day, Vol'jin had not returned, and Sen'jin knew that something had happened to his son. He came to Thrall's camp and asked for help.

At this time, Thrall was learning shamanism from a blindfolded orc, and a beautiful white wolf was lying quietly beside him.

This old orc is Drek'Thar. He is the elder shaman of the Frostwolf clan. He was born blind. He is the apprentice of the old shaman of the Frostwolf clan, Mother Kashur. After the respectable old shaman died, he took over the master's duties.

Now, it is responsible for teaching their chief and passing on the orcs' traditions and glory.

Sen'jin told Thrall the news of Vol'jin's disappearance, and Thrall sought help from Drek'Thar.

Drek'Thar said: "The world soul of this world has awakened. From that day on, it refused to communicate with me. After all, we are outsiders and have committed unforgivable crimes in this world. Now I can no longer foresee the future."

"Fortunately, we can still communicate with each other's souls."

Drek'Thar used the spell of vision to expand the old shaman's vision.

It quickly found the place where Vol'jin was imprisoned. Those evil naga had already begun to drive the murlocs to tie up the captured prisoners and send them one by one to the carved magic circle.

Thrall immediately summoned all his troops and rushed to the altar.

At this time, the Naga sea witch Zarjila had arrived and she wanted to watch the sacrifice personally.

So a great battle broke out between the two sides. The orcs were very powerful and they killed a large number of murlocs as easily as cutting melons and vegetables.

But Naga is not easy to mess with. Zarjila's upper body is a beautiful woman, and the lower body is like a snake. It has six arms. Two of its hands use bows and arrows, and two of its hands hold short swords. The remaining two hands can use magic power. After a short spell, it emitted a large amount of lightning.

Forked lightning!

Several strong orc warriors were knocked to the ground, and several troll headhunters were electrocuted on the spot.

The witch then called in more murlocs, who surrounded Thrall and Sen'jin.

Drek'Thar knew the crisis had arrived and could not wait any longer. He launched an earthquake spell. Although he had lost contact with the world soul, his years of hard training still allowed him to enslave some fire elements.

The volcano on this island erupted! A large number of murlocs were burned to death by the lava. But this spell has serious consequences. They will also be burned to death by the lava here.

At this critical moment, Sen'jin grabbed his son Vol'jin's hand:
"My child, our fate ends here. I may have been deceived by divination, but the matter has come to this point. You must take on the responsibility of the Darkspear leader and follow Thrall out of here."

Sen'jin entrusted Vol'jin to Thrall, who put his own sacrificial robes on his son. He knelt on the ground, then took off his own ornaments one by one and put them on Vol'jin.

It pushed its son hard.

Then it did a strange dance:

"Do not look back, child of the Darkspear,"

"Distant expectations are waiting for you."

"Everything in this world must come to an end,"

"All spirits in heaven are watching over you!"

It uses Voodoo Dance. All friendly units will be immune to all damage, except itself.

Thrall took the crying Vol'jin away.

It watched its father being burned by lava and attacked by fishmen.

Farewell, my father. I will lead the Darkspear clan to live well. I will come back for revenge in the future!

(End of this chapter)

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